







With python properties, I can make it such that


calls a function rather than just returning a value.

Is there a way to do this with modules? I have a case where I want


to call a function, rather than just returning the value stored there.

回答 0

只有新式类的实例才能具有属性。通过将其存储在中,可以使Python相信这样的实例是模块sys.modules[thename] = theinstance。因此,例如,您的m.py模块文件可能是:

import sys

class _M(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.c = 0
    def afunction(self):
        self.c += 1
        return self.c
    y = property(afunction)

sys.modules[__name__] = _M()

Only instances of new-style classes can have properties. You can make Python believe such an instance is a module by stashing it in sys.modules[thename] = theinstance. So, for example, your m.py module file could be:

import sys

class _M(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.c = 0
    def afunction(self):
        self.c += 1
        return self.c
    y = property(afunction)

sys.modules[__name__] = _M()

回答 1


import types

class MyModule(types.ModuleType):
    def y(self):
        return 5

>>> a=MyModule("test")
>>> a
<module 'test' (built-in)>
>>> a.y


sys.modules[__name__] = MyModule(__name__)  # remember to instantiate the class

I would do this in order to properly inherit all the attributes of a module, and be correctly identified by isinstance()

import types

class MyModule(types.ModuleType):
    def y(self):
        return 5

>>> a=MyModule("test")
>>> a
<module 'test' (built-in)>
>>> a.y

And then you can insert this into sys.modules:

sys.modules[__name__] = MyModule(__name__)  # remember to instantiate the class

回答 2

由于PEP 562已在Python> = 3.7中实现,现在我们可以执行此操作


def __getattr__(name):
    if name == 'y':
        return 3
    raise AttributeError(f"module '{__name__}' has no attribute '{name}'")

other = 4


>>> import module
>>> module.y
>>> module.other
>>> module.nosuch
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "module.py", line 4, in __getattr__
    raise AttributeError(f"module '{__name__}' has no attribute '{name}'")
AttributeError: module 'module' has no attribute 'nosuch'

请注意,如果您raise AttributeError__getattr__函数中省略,则表示函数以结束return None,则的module.nosuch值将为None

As PEP 562 has been implemented in Python >= 3.7, now we can do this

file: module.py

def __getattr__(name):
    if name == 'y':
        return 3
    raise AttributeError(f"module '{__name__}' has no attribute '{name}'")

other = 4


>>> import module
>>> module.y
>>> module.other
>>> module.nosuch
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "module.py", line 4, in __getattr__
    raise AttributeError(f"module '{__name__}' has no attribute '{name}'")
AttributeError: module 'module' has no attribute 'nosuch'

Note that if you omit the raise AttributeError in the __getattr__ function, it means the function ends with return None, then the module.nosuch will get a value of None.

回答 3


def module_property(func):
    """Decorator to turn module functions into properties.
    Function names must be prefixed with an underscore."""
    module = sys.modules[func.__module__]

    def base_getattr(name):
        raise AttributeError(
            f"module '{module.__name__}' has no attribute '{name}'")

    old_getattr = getattr(module, '__getattr__', base_getattr)

    def new_getattr(name):
        if f'_{name}' == func.__name__:
            return func()
            return old_getattr(name)

    module.__getattr__ = new_getattr
    return func


def _thing():
    return 'hello'


import the_module

print(the_module.thing)  # prints 'hello'



Based on John Lin’s answer:

def module_property(func):
    """Decorator to turn module functions into properties.
    Function names must be prefixed with an underscore."""
    module = sys.modules[func.__module__]

    def base_getattr(name):
        raise AttributeError(
            f"module '{module.__name__}' has no attribute '{name}'")

    old_getattr = getattr(module, '__getattr__', base_getattr)

    def new_getattr(name):
        if f'_{name}' == func.__name__:
            return func()
            return old_getattr(name)

    module.__getattr__ = new_getattr
    return func

Usage (note the leading underscore), in the_module.py:

def _thing():
    return 'hello'


import the_module

print(the_module.thing)  # prints 'hello'

The leading underscore is necessary to differentiate the property-ized function from the original function. I couldn’t think of a way to reassign the identifier, since during the time of the decorator execution, it has not been assigned yet.

Note that IDEs won’t know that the property exists and will show red wavies.

回答 4

一个典型的用例是:使用一些动态属性来丰富(庞大的)现有模块-而无需将所有模块内容转换为类布局。不幸的是,最简单的模块类补丁如sys.modules[__name__].__class__ = MyPropertyModule失败了TypeError: __class__ assignment: only for heap types。因此,需要重新创建模块。


# propertymodule.py
""" Module property example """

if '__orgmod__' not in globals():

    # constant prolog for having module properties / supports reload()

    print "PropertyModule stub execution", __name__
    import sys, types
    class PropertyModule(types.ModuleType):
        def __str__(self):
            return "<PropertyModule %r from %r>" % (self.__name__, self.__file__)
    modnew = PropertyModule(__name__, __doc__)
    modnew.__modclass__ = PropertyModule        
    modnew.__file__ = __file__
    modnew.__orgmod__ = sys.modules[__name__]
    sys.modules[__name__] = modnew
    exec sys._getframe().f_code in modnew.__dict__


    # normal module code (usually vast) ..

    print "regular module execution"
    a = 7

    def get_dynval(module):
        return "property function returns %s in module %r" % (a * 4, module.__name__)    
    __modclass__.dynval = property(get_dynval)


>>> import propertymodule
PropertyModule stub execution propertymodule
regular module execution
>>> propertymodule.dynval
"property function returns 28 in module 'propertymodule'"
>>> reload(propertymodule)   # AFTER EDITS
regular module execution
<module 'propertymodule' from 'propertymodule.pyc'>
>>> propertymodule.dynval
"property function returns 36 in module 'propertymodule'"

注意:类似的东西from propertymodule import dynval会产生一个冻结的过程,当然-与dynval = someobject.dynval

A typical use case is: enriching a (huge) existing module with some (few) dynamic attributes – without turning all module stuff into a class layout. Unfortunately a most simple module class patch like sys.modules[__name__].__class__ = MyPropertyModule fails with TypeError: __class__ assignment: only for heap types. So module creation needs to be rewired.

This approach does it without Python import hooks, just by having some prolog on top of the module code:

# propertymodule.py
""" Module property example """

if '__orgmod__' not in globals():

    # constant prolog for having module properties / supports reload()

    print "PropertyModule stub execution", __name__
    import sys, types
    class PropertyModule(types.ModuleType):
        def __str__(self):
            return "<PropertyModule %r from %r>" % (self.__name__, self.__file__)
    modnew = PropertyModule(__name__, __doc__)
    modnew.__modclass__ = PropertyModule        
    modnew.__file__ = __file__
    modnew.__orgmod__ = sys.modules[__name__]
    sys.modules[__name__] = modnew
    exec sys._getframe().f_code in modnew.__dict__


    # normal module code (usually vast) ..

    print "regular module execution"
    a = 7

    def get_dynval(module):
        return "property function returns %s in module %r" % (a * 4, module.__name__)    
    __modclass__.dynval = property(get_dynval)


>>> import propertymodule
PropertyModule stub execution propertymodule
regular module execution
>>> propertymodule.dynval
"property function returns 28 in module 'propertymodule'"
>>> reload(propertymodule)   # AFTER EDITS
regular module execution
<module 'propertymodule' from 'propertymodule.pyc'>
>>> propertymodule.dynval
"property function returns 36 in module 'propertymodule'"

Note: Something like from propertymodule import dynval will produce a frozen copy of course – corresponding to dynval = someobject.dynval

回答 5

一个简单的答案:使用 proxy_tools



pip install proxy_tools

在@Marein的示例中,the_module.py我们 稍作修改

from proxy_tools import module_property

def thing():
    print(". ", end='')  # Prints ". " on each invocation
    return 'hello'


import the_module

# . hello



res = the_module.thing
# [No output!!! Evaluation doesn't occur yet.]

# <class 'proxy_tools.Proxy'>

print(isinstance(res, str))
# False

# . hello

print(res + " there")
# . hello there

print(isinstance(res + "", str))
# . True

# . ['h', 'llo']

在内部,原始函数存储在 the_module.thing._Proxy__local

# <function thing at 0x7f729c3bf680>




# python -m pip install forbiddenfruit
from forbiddenfruit import curse
from types import ModuleType
# curse has the same signature as setattr.
curse(ModuleType, "thing2", property(lambda module: f'hi from {module.__name__}'))


import sys

# hi from sys

sys.thing2 = 5
# AttributeError: can't set attribute

A short answer: use proxy_tools

The proxy_tools package attempts to provide @module_property functionality.

It installs with

pip install proxy_tools

Using a slight modification of @Marein’s example, in the_module.py we put

from proxy_tools import module_property

def thing():
    print(". ", end='')  # Prints ". " on each invocation
    return 'hello'

Now from another script, I can do

import the_module

# . hello

Unexpected behavior

This solution is not without caveats. Namely, the_module.thing is not a string! It is a proxy_tools.Proxy object whose special methods have been overridden so that it mimicks a string. Here are some basic tests which illustrate the point:

res = the_module.thing
# [No output!!! Evaluation doesn't occur yet.]

# <class 'proxy_tools.Proxy'>

print(isinstance(res, str))
# False

# . hello

print(res + " there")
# . hello there

print(isinstance(res + "", str))
# . True

# . ['h', 'llo']

Internally, the original function is stored to the_module.thing._Proxy__local:

# <function thing at 0x7f729c3bf680>

Further thoughts

Honestly, I’m baffled about why modules don’t have this functionality built in. I think the crux of the matter is that the_module is an instance of the types.ModuleType class. Setting a “module property” amounts to setting a property on an instance of this class, rather than on the types.ModuleType class itself. For more details, see this answer.

We can actually implement properties on types.ModuleType as follows, although the results are not great. We can’t directly modify built-in types, but we can curse them:

# python -m pip install forbiddenfruit
from forbiddenfruit import curse
from types import ModuleType
# curse has the same signature as setattr.
curse(ModuleType, "thing2", property(lambda module: f'hi from {module.__name__}'))

This gives us a property which exists over all modules. It’s a bit unwieldly, since we break the setting behavior across all modules:

import sys

# hi from sys

sys.thing2 = 5
# AttributeError: can't set attribute