


* Detected change in '/home/xion/hello-world/app.py', reloading
* Restarting with reloader

不幸的是,这似乎仅适用于* .py文件,而且我似乎没有找到任何将此功能扩展到其他文件的方法。最值得注意的是,当模板更改时,让Flask重新启动应用程序将非常有用。我已经迷失了多少次我不喜欢模板中的标记,却因为看不到任何更改而感到困惑,只是发现该应用程序仍在使用旧版本的Jinja模板。


编辑:我正在使用Ubuntu 10.10。尚未在任何其他平台上尝试过。


但是碰巧的是,在我的应用程序中,我有很多在Jinja模板中使用的可重用的,参数化的组件。它们实现为{% macro %}s,驻留在专用的“模块”中,并{% import %}编入实际页面。很好,很干…除了那些导入的模板显然从未检查过是否修改,因为它们根本没有通过render_template

(奇怪的是,对于通过调用的模板,这种情况不会发生{% extends %}。至于{% include %},由于不真正使用它们,我不知道。)


By default, when running Flask application using the built-in server (Flask.run), it monitors its Python files and automatically reloads the app if its code changes:

* Detected change in '/home/xion/hello-world/app.py', reloading
* Restarting with reloader

Unfortunately, this seems to work for *.py files only, and I don’t seem to find any way to extend this functionality to other files. Most notably, it would be extremely useful to have Flask restart the app when a template changes. I’ve lost count on how many times I was fiddling with markup in templates and getting confused by not seeing any changes, only to find out that the app was still using the old version of Jinja template.

So, is there a way to have Flask monitor files in templates directory, or does it require diving into the framework’s source?

Edit: I’m using Ubuntu 10.10. Haven’t tried that on any other platforms really.

After further inquiry, I have discovered that changes in templates indeed are updated in real time, without reloading the app itself. However, this seems to apply only to those templates that are passed to flask.render_template.

But it so happens that in my app, I have quite a lot of reusable, parametrized components which I use in Jinja templates. They are implemented as {% macro %}s, reside in dedicated “modules” and are {% import %}ed into actual pages. All nice and DRY… except that those imported templates are apparently never checked for modifications, as they don’t pass through render_template at all.

(Curiously, this doesn’t happen for templates invoked through {% extends %}. As for {% include %}, I have no idea as I don’t really use them.)

So to wrap up, the roots of this phenomenon seems to lie somewhere between Jinja and Flask or Werkzeug. I guess it may warrant a trip to bug tracker for either of those projects :) Meanwhile, I’ve accepted the jd.‘s answer because that’s the solution I actually used – and it works like a charm.

回答 0




from os import path, walk

extra_dirs = ['directory/to/watch',]
extra_files = extra_dirs[:]
for extra_dir in extra_dirs:
    for dirname, dirs, files in walk(extra_dir):
        for filename in files:
            filename = path.join(dirname, filename)
            if path.isfile(filename):

参见此处:http : //werkzeug.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/serving/?highlight=run_simple#werkzeug.serving.run_simple

In my experience, templates don’t even need the application to restart to be refreshed, as they should be loaded from disk everytime render_template() is called. Maybe your templates are used differently though.

To reload your application when the templates change (or any other file), you can pass the extra_files argument to Flask().run(), a collection of filenames to watch: any change on those files will trigger the reloader.


from os import path, walk

extra_dirs = ['directory/to/watch',]
extra_files = extra_dirs[:]
for extra_dir in extra_dirs:
    for dirname, dirs, files in walk(extra_dir):
        for filename in files:
            filename = path.join(dirname, filename)
            if path.isfile(filename):

See here: http://werkzeug.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/serving/?highlight=run_simple#werkzeug.serving.run_simple

回答 1





you can use


From http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/1.0/config/

Whether to check for modifications of the template source and reload it automatically. By default the value is None which means that Flask checks original file only in debug mode.

回答 2


if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.jinja_env.auto_reload = True
    app.config['TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD'] = True
    app.run(debug=True, host='')

When you are working with jinja templates, you need to set some parameters. In my case with python3, I solved it with the following code:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.jinja_env.auto_reload = True
    app.config['TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD'] = True
    app.run(debug=True, host='')

回答 3


 from flask import Flask, render_template, request, url_for, redirect
 app = Flask(__name__)
 app.config["TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD"] = True


For me works just fine:

 from flask import Flask, render_template, request, url_for, redirect
 app = Flask(__name__)
 app.config["TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD"] = True

See more on http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/1.0/config/

回答 4

实际上对我来说TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD = True不起作用(0.12版本)。我使用jinja2和我所做的事情:

  1. 创建功能 before_request

    def before_request():
        app.jinja_env.cache = {}
  2. 在应用程序中注册

  3. 而已。

Actually for me TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD = True does not work (0.12 version). I use jinja2 and what i have done:

  1. Create function before_request

    def before_request():
        app.jinja_env.cache = {}
  2. Register it in application

  3. That’s it.

回答 5


def before_request():
    # When you import jinja2 macros, they get cached which is annoying for local
    # development, so wipe the cache every request.
    if 'localhost' in request.host_url or '' in request.host_url:
        app.jinja_env.cache = {}


What worked for me is just adding this:

def before_request():
    # When you import jinja2 macros, they get cached which is annoying for local
    # development, so wipe the cache every request.
    if 'localhost' in request.host_url or '' in request.host_url:
        app.jinja_env.cache = {}

(taken from @dikkini’s answer)

回答 6

在Windows上使用最新版本的Flask,并将run命令和debug设置为true;无需重置Flask即可生效对模板的更改。尝试按Shift + F5(或Shift加重新加载按钮)以确保没有任何内容被缓存。

Using the latest version of Flask on Windows, using the run command and debug set to true; Flask doesn’t need to be reset for changes to templates to be brought in to effect. Try Shift+F5 (or Shift plus the reload button) to make sure nothing it being cached.

回答 7

参见http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/1.0/quickstart/ 并使用FLASK_ENV=development

回答 8






export FLASK_RUN_EXTRA_FILES="app/templates/index.html"
flask run


export FLASK_RUN_EXTRA_FILES="app/templates/index.html:app/templates/other.html"

CLI还支持--extra-filesFlask 1.1以后的参数。

Updated as of June 2019:

The flask CLI is recommended over app.run() for running a dev server, so if we want to use the CLI then the accepted solution can’t be used.

Using the development version of Flask (1.1) as of this writing allows us to set an environment variable FLASK_RUN_EXTRA_FILES which effectively does the same thing as the accepted answer.

See this github issue.

Example usage:

export FLASK_RUN_EXTRA_FILES="app/templates/index.html"
flask run

in Linux. To specify multiple extra files, separate file paths with colons., e.g.

export FLASK_RUN_EXTRA_FILES="app/templates/index.html:app/templates/other.html"

The CLI also supports an --extra-files argument as of Flask 1.1.

回答 9


Templates are reloaded automatically, why not doing ctrl+f5 to refresh the webpage, cause web-browsers usually save cache.