解密Flask app.secret_key

问题:解密Flask app.secret_key

如果 app.secret_key未设置,则Flask将不允许您设置或访问会话字典。



  • 为什么Flask强迫我们设置此secret_key属性?
  • Flask如何使用该secret_key物业?

If app.secret_key isn’t set, Flask will not allow you to set or access the session dictionary.

This is all that the flask user guide has to say on the subject.

I am very new to web development and I have no idea how/why any security stuff works. I would like to understand what Flask is doing under the hood.

  • Why does Flask force us to set this secret_key property?
  • How does Flask use the secret_key property?

回答 0






Anything that requires encryption (for safe-keeping against tampering by attackers) requires the secret key to be set. For just Flask itself, that ‘anything’ is the Session object, but other extensions can make use of the same secret.

secret_key is merely the value set for the SECRET_KEY configuration key, or you can set it directly.

The Sessions section in the Quickstart has good, sane advice on what kind of server-side secret you should set.

Encryption relies on secrets; if you didn’t set a server-side secret for the encryption to use, everyone would be able to break your encryption; it’s like the password to your computer. The secret plus the data-to-sign are used to create a signature string, a hard-to-recreate value using a cryptographic hashing algorithm; only if you have the exact same secret and the original data can you recreate this value, letting Flask detect if anything has been altered without permission. Since the secret is never included with data Flask sends to the client, a client cannot tamper with session data and hope to produce a new, valid signature.

Flask uses the itsdangerous library to do all the hard work; sessions use the itsdangerous.URLSafeTimedSerializer class with a customized JSON serializer.

回答 1

以下答案主要与Signed Cookies有关,后者会话概念的实现(在Web应用程序中使用)。Flask同时提供普通(未签名)Cookie(通过request.cookiesresponse.set_cookie())和签名Cookie(via flask.session)。答案有两个部分,第一部分描述了如何生成签名Cookie,第二部分以解决方案不同方面的QA形式呈现。这些示例使用的语法是Python3,但是这些概念也适用于以前的版本。






# choose a salt, a secret string of bytes
>>> SECRET_KEY = 'my super secret key'.encode('utf8')


>>> cookie = make_cookie(
...     name='_profile', 
...     content='uid=382|membership=regular',
...     ...
...     expires='July 1 2030...'
... )

>>> print(cookie)
name: _profile
content: uid=382|membership=regular...
expires: July 1 2030, 1:20:40 AM UTC


# encode and salt the cookie, then hash the result
>>> cookie_bytes = str(cookie).encode('utf8')
>>> signature = sha1(cookie_bytes+SECRET_KEY).hexdigest()
>>> print(signature)


# include signature as part of the cookie
>>> cookie.content = cookie.content + '|' + signature
>>> print(cookie)
name: _profile
content: uid=382|membership=regular|7ae0e9...  <--- signature
domain: .example.com
path: /
send for: Encrypted connections only
expires: July 1 2030, 1:20:40 AM UTC


# add cookie to response
>>> response.set_cookie(cookie)
# send to browser --> 



# Upon receiving the cookie from browser
>>> cookie = request.get_cookie()
# pop the signature out of the cookie
>>> (cookie.content, popped_signature) = cookie.content.rsplit('|', 1)


# recalculate signature using SECRET_KEY and original cookie
>>> cookie_bytes = str(cookie).encode('utf8')
>>> calculated_signature = sha1(cookie_bytes+SECRET_KEY).hexdigest()


# if both signatures match, your cookie has not been modified
>>> good_cookie = popped_signature==calculated_signature


>>> if not good_cookie:
...     security_log(cookie)




import hmac
import hashlib

def create_signature(secret_key, msg, digestmod=None):
    if digestmod is None:
        digestmod = hashlib.sha1
    mac = hmac.new(secret_key, msg=msg, digestmod=digestmod)
    return mac.digest()


SECRET_KEY:) 的“神秘化”



签名的最简单形式之一是“ 校验和 ”,它简单地验证两个数据是否相同。例如,从源代码安装软件时,重要的是首先确认您的源代码副本与作者的副本相同。一种常用的方法是通过加密哈希函数运行源,并将输出与项目主页上发布的校验和进行比较。

举例来说,假设您要从网络镜像以压缩文件的形式下载项目的源代码。在该项目的网页上发布的SHA1校验和为“ eb84e8da7ca23e9f83 …”。

# so you get the code from the mirror
download https://mirror.example-codedump.com/source_code.tar.gz
# you calculate the hash as instructed
> eb84e8da7c....



关于cookie的广泛讨论将超出此问题的范围。我在这里提供了一个概述,因为对基础知识的最低了解对于更好地了解如何以及为什么SECRET_KEY有用很有用。我强烈建议您跟进一些有关HTTP Cookie的个人阅读。




name: _profile
content: uid=382|status=genie
domain: .example.com
path: /
send for: Encrypted connections only
expires: July 1 2030, 1:20:40 AM UTC








Cookies以文本形式驻留在客户端上,可以轻松进行编辑。您的服务器应用程序收到的Cookie可能由于多种原因而被修改,其中某些原因可能并非无辜。想象一个Web应用程序在cookie上保留有关其用户的许可信息,并根据该信息授予特权。如果该cookie不可靠,则任何人都可以修改其cookie,以将其状态从“ role = visitor”提升到“ role = admin”,并且该应用程序再合适不过了。





传统实现中的会话是cookie,该cookie在content字段中仅携带一个ID session_id。会话的目的与签名的cookie完全相同,即防止cookie篡改。古典会议有不同的方法。收到会话cookie后,服务器将使用ID在其自己的本地存储中查找会话数据,该本地存储可以是数据库,文件,有时还可以是内存中的缓存。会话cookie通常设置为在关闭浏览器时过期。由于存在本地存储查找步骤,因此会话的这种实现通常会导致性能下降。签名cookie正在成为首选,这就是Flask会话的实现方式。换句话说,Flask会话对Cookie 进行了签名,要在Flask中使用签名的Cookie,只需使用其Session API。




通过更改,SECRET_KEY您将使所有使用前一个密钥签名的cookie 失效。当应用程序接收到一个请求,该请求包含一个使用前一个签名的cookie时,SECRET_KEY它将尝试使用新的签名计算签名SECRET_KEY,并且两个签名都不匹配,该cookie及其所有数据将被拒绝,就像浏览器是第一次连接到服务器。用户将被注销,他们的旧Cookie和内部存储的所有内容都将被遗忘。请注意,这与处理过期Cookie的方式不同。如果过期的cookie的签名签出,则可以延长其租约。无效的签名仅表示一个普通的无效cookie。




>>> import os
>>> os.urandom(24)




# this is not good
SECRET_KEY = random_key_generator()


而是打开一个交互式python shell并调用该函数以生成密钥,然后将其复制并粘贴到配置中。

The answer below pertains primarily to Signed Cookies, an implementation of the concept of sessions (as used in web applications). Flask offers both, normal (unsigned) cookies (via request.cookies and response.set_cookie()) and signed cookies (via flask.session). The answer has two parts, the first describes how a Signed Cookie is generated, and the second is presented in the form of a QA that addresses different aspects of the scheme. The syntax used for the examples is Python3, but the concepts apply also to previous versions.

What is SECRET_KEY (or how to create a Signed Cookie)?

Signing cookies is a preventive measure against cookie tampering. During the process of signing a cookie, the SECRET_KEY is used in a way similar to how a “salt” would be used to muddle a password before hashing it. Here’s a (wildly) simplified description of the concept. The code in the examples is meant to be illustrative. Many of the steps have been omitted and not all of the functions actually exist. The goal here is to provide an understanding of the general idea, actual implementations will be a bit more involved. Also, keep in mind that Flask does most of this for you in the background. So, besides setting values to your cookie (via the session API) and providing a SECRET_KEY, it’s not only ill-advised to reimplement this yourself, but there’s no need to do so:

A poor man’s cookie signature

Before sending a Response to the browser:

( 1 ) First a SECRET_KEY is established. It should only be known to the application and should be kept relatively constant during the application’s life cycle, including through application restarts.

# choose a salt, a secret string of bytes
>>> SECRET_KEY = 'my super secret key'.encode('utf8')

( 2 ) create a cookie

>>> cookie = make_cookie(
...     name='_profile', 
...     content='uid=382|membership=regular',
...     ...
...     expires='July 1 2030...'
... )

>>> print(cookie)
name: _profile
content: uid=382|membership=regular...
expires: July 1 2030, 1:20:40 AM UTC

( 3 ) to create a signature, append (or prepend) the SECRET_KEY to the cookie byte string, then generate a hash from that combination.

# encode and salt the cookie, then hash the result
>>> cookie_bytes = str(cookie).encode('utf8')
>>> signature = sha1(cookie_bytes+SECRET_KEY).hexdigest()
>>> print(signature)

( 4 ) Now affix the signature at one end of the content field of the original cookie.

# include signature as part of the cookie
>>> cookie.content = cookie.content + '|' + signature
>>> print(cookie)
name: _profile
content: uid=382|membership=regular|7ae0e9...  <--- signature
domain: .example.com
path: /
send for: Encrypted connections only
expires: July 1 2030, 1:20:40 AM UTC

and that’s what’s sent to the client.

# add cookie to response
>>> response.set_cookie(cookie)
# send to browser --> 

Upon receiving the cookie from the browser:

( 5 ) When the browser returns this cookie back to the server, strip the signature from the cookie’s content field to get back the original cookie.

# Upon receiving the cookie from browser
>>> cookie = request.get_cookie()
# pop the signature out of the cookie
>>> (cookie.content, popped_signature) = cookie.content.rsplit('|', 1)

( 6 ) Use the original cookie with the application’s SECRET_KEY to recalculate the signature using the same method as in step 3.

# recalculate signature using SECRET_KEY and original cookie
>>> cookie_bytes = str(cookie).encode('utf8')
>>> calculated_signature = sha1(cookie_bytes+SECRET_KEY).hexdigest()

( 7 ) Compare the calculated result with the signature previously popped out of the just received cookie. If they match, we know that the cookie has not been messed with. But if even just a space has been added to the cookie, the signatures won’t match.

# if both signatures match, your cookie has not been modified
>>> good_cookie = popped_signature==calculated_signature

( 8 ) If they don’t match then you may respond with any number of actions, log the event, discard the cookie, issue a fresh one, redirect to a login page, etc.

>>> if not good_cookie:
...     security_log(cookie)

Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC)

The type of signature generated above that requires a secret key to ensure the integrity of some contents is called in cryptography a Message Authentication Code or MAC.

I specified earlier that the example above is an oversimplification of that concept and that it wasn’t a good idea to implement your own signing. That’s because the algorithm used to sign cookies in Flask is called HMAC and is a bit more involved than the above simple step-by-step. The general idea is the same, but due to reasons beyond the scope of this discussion, the series of computations are a tad bit more complex. If you’re still interested in crafting a DIY, as it’s usually the case, Python has some modules to help you get started :) here’s a starting block:

import hmac
import hashlib

def create_signature(secret_key, msg, digestmod=None):
    if digestmod is None:
        digestmod = hashlib.sha1
    mac = hmac.new(secret_key, msg=msg, digestmod=digestmod)
    return mac.digest()

The documentaton for hmac and hashlib.

The “Demystification” of SECRET_KEY :)

What’s a “signature” in this context?

It’s a method to ensure that some content has not been modified by anyone other than a person or an entity authorized to do so.

One of the simplest forms of signature is the “checksum“, which simply verifies that two pieces of data are the same. For example, when installing software from source it’s important to first confirm that your copy of the source code is identical to the author’s. A common approach to do this is to run the source through a cryptographic hash function and compare the output with the checksum published on the project’s home page.

Let’s say for instance that you’re about to download a project’s source in a gzipped file from a web mirror. The SHA1 checksum published on the project’s web page is ‘eb84e8da7ca23e9f83….’

# so you get the code from the mirror
download https://mirror.example-codedump.com/source_code.tar.gz
# you calculate the hash as instructed
> eb84e8da7c....

Both hashes are the same, you know that you have an identical copy.

What’s a cookie?

An extensive discussion on cookies would go beyond the scope of this question. I provide an overview here since a minimal understanding can be useful to have a better understanding of how and why SECRET_KEY is useful. I highly encourage you to follow up with some personal readings on HTTP Cookies.

A common practice in web applications is to use the client (web browser) as a lightweight cache. Cookies are one implementation of this practice. A cookie is typically some data added by the server to an HTTP response by way of its headers. It’s kept by the browser which subsequently sends it back to the server when issuing requests, also by way of HTTP headers. The data contained in a cookie can be used to emulate what’s called statefulness, the illusion that the server is maintaining an ongoing connection with the client. Only, in this case, instead of a wire to keep the connection “alive”, you simply have snapshots of the state of the application after it has handled a client’s request. These snapshots are carried back and forth between client and server. Upon receiving a request, the server first reads the content of the cookie to reestablish the context of its conversation with the client. It then handles the request within that context and before returning the response to the client, updates the cookie. The illusion of an ongoing session is thus maintained.

What does a cookie look like?

A typical cookie would look like this:

name: _profile
content: uid=382|status=genie
domain: .example.com
path: /
send for: Encrypted connections only
expires: July 1 2030, 1:20:40 AM UTC

Cookies are trivial to peruse from any modern browser. On Firefox for example go to Preferences > Privacy > History > remove individual cookies.

The content field is the most relevant to the application. Other fields carry mostly meta instructions to specify various scopes of influence.

Why use cookies at all?

The short answer is performance. Using cookies, minimizes the need to look things up in various data stores (memory caches, files, databases, etc), thus speeding things up on the server application’s side. Keep in mind that the bigger the cookie the heavier the payload over the network, so what you save in database lookup on the server you might lose over the network. Consider carefully what to include in your cookies.

Why would cookies need to be signed?

Cookies are used to keep all sorts of information, some of which can be very sensitive. They’re also by nature not safe and require that a number of auxiliary precautions be taken to be considered secure in any way for both parties, client and server. Signing cookies specifically addresses the problem that they can be tinkered with in attempts to fool server applications. There are other measures to mitigate other types of vulnerabilities, I encourage you to read up more on cookies.

How can a cookie be tampered with?

Cookies reside on the client in text form and can be edited with no effort. A cookie received by your server application could have been modified for a number of reasons, some of which may not be innocent. Imagine a web application that keeps permission information about its users on cookies and grants privileges based on that information. If the cookie is not tinker-proof, anyone could modify theirs to elevate their status from “role=visitor” to “role=admin” and the application would be none the wiser.

Why is a SECRET_KEY necessary to sign cookies?

Verifying cookies is a tad bit different than verifying source code the way it’s described earlier. In the case of the source code, the original author is the trustee and owner of the reference fingerprint (the checksum), which will be kept public. What you don’t trust is the source code, but you trust the public signature. So to verify your copy of the source you simply want your calculated hash to match the public hash.

In the case of a cookie however the application doesn’t keep track of the signature, it keeps track of its SECRET_KEY. The SECRET_KEY is the reference fingerprint. Cookies travel with a signature that they claim to be legit. Legitimacy here means that the signature was issued by the owner of the cookie, that is the application, and in this case, it’s that claim that you don’t trust and you need to check the signature for validity. To do that you need to include an element in the signature that is only known to you, that’s the SECRET_KEY. Someone may change a cookie, but since they don’t have the secret ingredient to properly calculate a valid signature they cannot spoof it. As stated a bit earlier this type of fingerprinting, where on top of the checksum one also provides a secret key, is called a Message Authentication Code.

What about Sessions?

Sessions in their classical implementation are cookies that carry only an ID in the content field, the session_id. The purpose of sessions is exactly the same as signed cookies, i.e. to prevent cookie tampering. Classical sessions have a different approach though. Upon receiving a session cookie the server uses the ID to look up the session data in its own local storage, which could be a database, a file, or sometimes a cache in memory. The session cookie is typically set to expire when the browser is closed. Because of the local storage lookup step, this implementation of sessions typically incurs a performance hit. Signed cookies are becoming a preferred alternative and that’s how Flask’s sessions are implemented. In other words, Flask sessions are signed cookies, and to use signed cookies in Flask just use its Session API.

Why not also encrypt the cookies?

Sometimes the contents of cookies can be encrypted before also being signed. This is done if they’re deemed too sensitive to be visible from the browser (encryption hides the contents). Simply signing cookies however, addresses a different need, one where there’s a desire to maintain a degree of visibility and usability to cookies on the browser, while preventing that they’d be meddled with.

What happens if I change the SECRET_KEY?

By changing the SECRET_KEY you’re invalidating all cookies signed with the previous key. When the application receives a request with a cookie that was signed with a previous SECRET_KEY, it will try to calculate the signature with the new SECRET_KEY, and both signatures won’t match, this cookie and all its data will be rejected, it will be as if the browser is connecting to the server for the first time. Users will be logged out and their old cookie will be forgotten, along with anything stored inside. Note that this is different from the way an expired cookie is handled. An expired cookie may have its lease extended if its signature checks out. An invalid signature just implies a plain invalid cookie.

So unless you want to invalidate all signed cookies, try to keep the SECRET_KEY the same for extended periods.

What’s a good SECRET_KEY?

A secret key should be hard to guess. The documentation on Sessions has a good recipe for random key generation:

>>> import os
>>> os.urandom(24)

You copy the key and paste it in your configuration file as the value of SECRET_KEY.

Short of using a key that was randomly generated, you could use a complex assortment of words, numbers, and symbols, perhaps arranged in a sentence known only to you, encoded in byte form.

Do not set the SECRET_KEY directly with a function that generates a different key each time it’s called. For example, don’t do this:

# this is not good
SECRET_KEY = random_key_generator()

Each time your application is restarted it will be given a new key, thus invalidating the previous.

Instead, open an interactive python shell and call the function to generate the key, then copy and paste it to the config.