



I’ve been using the request/application context for some time without fully understanding how it works or why it was designed the way it was. What is the purpose of the “stack” when it comes to the request or application context? Are these two separate stacks, or are they both part of one stack? Is the request context pushed onto a stack, or is it a stack itself? Am I able to push/pop multiple contexts on top of eachother? If so, why would I want to do that?

Sorry for all the questions, but I’m still confused after reading the documentation for Request Context and Application Context.

回答 0


在您意识到Flask可以拥有多个应用程序之前,应用程序上下文(及其用途)确实令人困惑。想象一下您想让一个WSGI Python解释器运行多个Flask应用程序的情况。我们不是在这里谈论蓝图,而是在谈论完全不同的Flask应用程序。


from werkzeug.wsgi import DispatcherMiddleware
from frontend_app import application as frontend
from backend_app import application as backend

application = DispatcherMiddleware(frontend, {
    '/backend':     backend




from flask import request




因此,我们已经看到Flask可以在同一个解释器中处理多个应用程序,并且由于Flask允许您使用“上下文本地”全局变量的方式,因此必须有某种机制来确定“当前” 请求是什么(为了做)之类的事情request.path



from flask import url_for

像我们的request示例一样,该url_for函数的逻辑依赖于当前环境。但是,在这种情况下,可以清楚地看到逻辑在很大程度上取决于哪个应用程序被视为“当前”应用程序。在上面显示的前端/后端示例中,“前端”和“后端”应用程序都可能具有“ /登录”路由,因此url_for('/login')应返回不同的内容,具体取决于视图是否正在处理针对前端或后端应用程序的请求。
















app = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLAlchemy() # Initialize the Flask-SQLAlchemy extension object

然后,他们在应从外壳程序运行的脚本中使用appdb值。例如,“ setup_tables.py”脚本…

from myapp import app, db

# Set up models


您可能想知道为什么with app.app_context()在视图中运行类似的函数时最终不需要此调用。原因是Flask在处理实际的Web请求时已经为您处理了应用程序上下文的管理。该问题实际上仅出现在这些视图函数(或其他此类回调)之外,例如在一次性脚本中使用模型时。


from myapp import app, db

# Set up models
with app.app_context():




import unittest
from flask import request

class MyTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_thing(self):
        with app.test_request_context('/?next=http://example.com/') as ctx:
            # You can now view attributes on request context stack by using `request`.

        # Now the request context stack is empty

Multiple Apps

The application context (and its purpose) is indeed confusing until you realize that Flask can have multiple apps. Imagine the situation where you want to have a single WSGI Python interpreter run multiple Flask application. We’re not talking Blueprints here, we’re talking entirely different Flask applications.

You might set this up similar to the Flask documentation section on “Application Dispatching” example:

from werkzeug.wsgi import DispatcherMiddleware
from frontend_app import application as frontend
from backend_app import application as backend

application = DispatcherMiddleware(frontend, {
    '/backend':     backend

Notice that there are two completely different Flask applications being created “frontend” and “backend”. In other words, the Flask(...) application constructor has been called twice, creating two instances of a Flask application.


When you are working with Flask, you often end up using global variables to access various functionality. For example, you probably have code that reads…

from flask import request

Then, during a view, you might use request to access the information of the current request. Obviously, request is not a normal global variable; in actuality, it is a context local value. In other words, there is some magic behind the scenes that says “when I call request.path, get the path attribute from the request object of the CURRENT request.” Two different requests will have a different results for request.path.

In fact, even if you run Flask with multiple threads, Flask is smart enough to keep the request objects isolated. In doing so, it becomes possible for two threads, each handling a different request, to simultaneously call request.path and get the correct information for their respective requests.

Putting it Together

So we’ve already seen that Flask can handle multiple applications in the same interpreter, and also that because of the way that Flask allows you to use “context local” globals there must be some mechanism to determine what the “current” request is (in order to do things such as request.path).

Putting these ideas together, it should also make sense that Flask must have some way to determine what the “current” application is!

You probably also have code similar to the following:

from flask import url_for

Like our request example, the url_for function has logic that is dependent on the current environment. In this case, however, it is clear to see that the logic is heavily dependent on which app is considered the “current” app. In the frontend/backend example shown above, both the “frontend” and “backend” apps could have a “/login” route, and so url_for('/login') should return something different depending on if the view is handling the request for the frontend or backend app.

To answer your questions…

What is the purpose of the “stack” when it comes to the request or application context?

From the Request Context docs:

Because the request context is internally maintained as a stack you can push and pop multiple times. This is very handy to implement things like internal redirects.

In other words, even though you typically will have 0 or 1 items on these stack of “current” requests or “current” applications, it is possible that you could have more.

The example given is where you would have your request return the results of an “internal redirect”. Let’s say a user requests A, but you want to return to the user B. In most cases, you issue a redirect to the user, and point the user to resource B, meaning the user will run a second request to fetch B. A slightly different way of handling this would be to do an internal redirect, which means that while processing A, Flask will make a new request to itself for resource B, and use the results of this second request as the results of the user’s original request.

Are these two separate stacks, or are they both part of one stack?

They are two separate stacks. However, this is an implementation detail. What’s more important is not so much that there is a stack, but the fact that at any time you can get the “current” app or request (top of the stack).

Is the request context pushed onto a stack, or is it a stack itself?

A “request context” is one item of the “request context stack”. Similarly with the “app context” and “app context stack”.

Am I able to push/pop multiple contexts on top of eachother? If so, why would I want to do that?

In a Flask application, you typically would not do this. One example of where you might want to is for an internal redirect (described above). Even in that case, however, you would probably end up having Flask handle a new request, and so Flask would do all of the pushing/popping for you.

However, there are some cases where you’d want to manipulate the stack yourself.

Running code outside of a request

One typical problem people have is that they use the Flask-SQLAlchemy extension to set up a SQL database and model definition using code something like what is shown below…

app = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLAlchemy() # Initialize the Flask-SQLAlchemy extension object

Then they use the app and db values in a script that should be run from the shell. For example, a “setup_tables.py” script…

from myapp import app, db

# Set up models

In this case, the Flask-SQLAlchemy extension knows about the app application, but during create_all() it will throw an error complaining about there not being an application context. This error is justified; you never told Flask what application it should be dealing with when running the create_all method.

You might be wondering why you don’t end up needing this with app.app_context() call when you run similar functions in your views. The reason is that Flask already handles the management of the application context for you when it is handling actual web requests. The problem really only comes up outside of these view functions (or other such callbacks), such as when using your models in a one-off script.

The resolution is to push the application context yourself, which can be done by doing…

from myapp import app, db

# Set up models
with app.app_context():

This will push a new application context (using the application of app, remember there could be more than one application).


Another case where you would want to manipulate the stack is for testing. You could create a unit test that handles a request and you check the results:

import unittest
from flask import request

class MyTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_thing(self):
        with app.test_request_context('/?next=http://example.com/') as ctx:
            # You can now view attributes on request context stack by using `request`.

        # Now the request context stack is empty

回答 1


我现在的目标是通过解释Flask和Werkzeug 如何处理这些上下文本地人来补充我们目前的理解。我简化了代码以增强对其逻辑的理解,但是,如果理解了这一点,则应该能够轻松掌握实际源代码(werkzeug.localflask.globals)中的大部分内容。




    from greenlet import get_ident
except ImportError:
    from thread import get_ident

现在我们有了身份函数,我们可以随时知道我们在哪个线程上,并且可以创建所谓的线程 Local的上下文对象,该对象可以全局访问,但是当您访问其属性时,它们将解析为它们的值该特定线程。例如

# globally
local = Local()

# ...

# on thread 1
local.first_name = 'John'

# ...

# on thread 2
local.first_name = 'Debbie'

这两个值同时存在于全局可访问Local对象上,但访问local.first_name在线程1的上下文中进行将为您提供'John',而'Debbie'在线程2 上将返回。


class Local(object)
    def __init__(self):
        self.storage = {}

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        context_id = get_ident() # we get the current thread's or greenlet's id
        contextual_storage = self.storage.setdefault(context_id, {})
            return contextual_storage[name]
        except KeyError:
            raise AttributeError(name)

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        context_id = get_ident()
        contextual_storage = self.storage.setdefault(context_id, {})
        contextual_storage[name] = value

    def __release_local__(self):
        context_id = get_ident()
        self.storage.pop(context_id, None)

local = Local()

从上面的代码中,我们可以看到魔术归结为 get_ident()为当前的greenlet或线程。然后,Local存储仅将其用作密钥来存储与当前线程相关的任何数据。

Local每个流程和request,可以有多个对象gcurrent_app而其他对象就可以像这样简单地创建。但这不是Flask的工作方式,在技术上这些都不是 Local对象对象,而是更准确的LocalProxy对象。什么LocalProxy



class LocalProxy(object):
    def __init__(self, local, name):
        # `local` here is either an actual `Local` object, that can be used
        # to find the object of interest, here identified by `name`, or it's
        # a callable that can resolve to that proxied object
        self.local = local
        # `name` is an identifier that will be passed to the local to find the
        # object of interest.
        self.name = name

    def _get_current_object(self):
        # if `self.local` is truly a `Local` it means that it implements
        # the `__release_local__()` method which, as its name implies, is
        # normally used to release the local. We simply look for it here
        # to identify which is actually a Local and which is rather just
        # a callable:
        if hasattr(self.local, '__release_local__'):
                return getattr(self.local, self.name)
            except AttributeError:
                raise RuntimeError('no object bound to %s' % self.name)

        # if self.local is not actually a Local it must be a callable that 
        # would resolve to the object of interest.
        return self.local(self.name)

    # Now for the LocalProxy to perform its intended duties i.e. proxying 
    # to an underlying object located somewhere in a Local, we turn all magic
    # methods into proxies for the same methods in the object of interest.
    def __dict__(self):
            return self._get_current_object().__dict__
        except RuntimeError:
            raise AttributeError('__dict__')

    def __repr__(self):
            return repr(self._get_current_object())
        except RuntimeError:
            return '<%s unbound>' % self.__class__.__name__

    def __bool__(self):
            return bool(self._get_current_object())
        except RuntimeError:
            return False

    # ... etc etc ... 

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if name == '__members__':
            return dir(self._get_current_object())
        return getattr(self._get_current_object(), name)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self._get_current_object()[key] = value

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        del self._get_current_object()[key]

    # ... and so on ...

    __setattr__ = lambda x, n, v: setattr(x._get_current_object(), n, v)
    __delattr__ = lambda x, n: delattr(x._get_current_object(), n)
    __str__ = lambda x: str(x._get_current_object())
    __lt__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() < o
    __le__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() <= o
    __eq__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() == o

    # ... and so forth ...


# this would happen some time near application start-up
local = Local()
request = LocalProxy(local, 'request')
g = LocalProxy(local, 'g')


# this would happen early during processing of an http request
local.request = RequestContext(http_environment)
local.g = SomeGeneralPurposeContainer()


# this would happen some time near the end of request processing
release(local) # aka local.__release_local__()


class Local(object):
    # ... 
    # ... all same stuff as before go here ...
    # ... 

    def __call__(self, name):
        return LocalProxy(self, name)

# now you can do
local = Local()
request = local('request')
g = local('g')

但是,如果你在烧瓶来源看(flask.globals)这仍然不是如何requestgcurrent_appsession创建。正如我们已经建立的那样,Flask可以产生多个“假”请求(来自单个真实的http请求),并且在此过程中还可以推送多个应用程序上下文。这不是常见的用例,但是是框架的功能。由于这些“并发”请求和应用仍被限制为仅在任何时候都只有一个具有“焦点”的情况下运行,因此将堆栈用于其各自的上下文是有意义的。每当产生新请求或调用一个应用程序时,它们就会将上下文推入各自堆栈的顶部。Flask LocalStack为此目的使用对象。当他们结束业务时,他们将上下文弹出堆栈。



class LocalStack(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.local = Local()

    def push(self, obj):
        """Pushes a new item to the stack"""
        rv = getattr(self.local, 'stack', None)
        if rv is None:
            self.local.stack = rv = []
        return rv

    def pop(self):
        """Removes the topmost item from the stack, will return the
        old value or `None` if the stack was already empty.
        stack = getattr(self.local, 'stack', None)
        if stack is None:
            return None
        elif len(stack) == 1:
            release_local(self.local) # this simply releases the local
            return stack[-1]
            return stack.pop()

    def top(self):
        """The topmost item on the stack.  If the stack is empty,
        `None` is returned.
            return self.local.stack[-1]
        except (AttributeError, IndexError):
            return None

请注意,从上面看,a LocalStack是存储在本地中的堆栈,而不是存储在堆栈中的一堆本地。这意味着尽管堆栈可以全局访问,但每个线程中的堆栈都是不同的。


_request_ctx_stack = LocalStack()
def _find_request():
    top = _request_ctx_stack.top
    if top is None:
        raise RuntimeError('working outside of request context')
    return top.request
request = LocalProxy(_find_request)

def _find_session():
    top = _request_ctx_stack.top
    if top is None:
        raise RuntimeError('working outside of request context')
    return top.session
session = LocalProxy(_find_session)

_app_ctx_stack = LocalStack()
def _find_g():
    top = _app_ctx_stack.top
    if top is None:
        raise RuntimeError('working outside of application context')
    return top.g
g = LocalProxy(_find_g)

def _find_app():
    top = _app_ctx_stack.top
    if top is None:
        raise RuntimeError('working outside of application context')
    return top.app
current_app = LocalProxy(_find_app)




app = Flask(*config, **kwconfig)

# ...


app(environ, start_response) # aka app.__call__(environ, start_response)


def Flask(object):

    # ...

    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        return self.wsgi_app(environ, start_response)

    def wsgi_app(self, environ, start_response):
        ctx = RequestContext(self, environ)
            # process the request here
            # raise error if any
            # return Response

    # ...


class RequestContext(object):

    def __init__(self, app, environ, request=None):
        self.app = app
        if request is None:
            request = app.request_class(environ)
        self.request = request
        self.url_adapter = app.create_url_adapter(self.request)
        self.session = self.app.open_session(self.request)
        if self.session is None:
            self.session = self.app.make_null_session()
        self.flashes = None

    def push(self):

    def pop(self):


  • 从全局可访问LocalProxy对象开始request
  • 要找到其感兴趣的基础对象(代理的对象),它将调用其查找功能_find_request()(注册为该功能的功能)self.local)。
  • 该函数查询LocalStack对象_request_ctx_stack的堆栈顶部上下文。
  • 为了找到顶部上下文,LocalStack对象首先在其内部Local属性(self.local)中查询stack先前存储在此处属性。
  • 来自 stack获得顶级上下文
  • top.request因此被解析为感兴趣的底层对象。
  • 从那个对象我们得到path属性


  • 一个request可能是简单的全局可访问对象的对象。
  • 一个request对象,这将是一个地方。
  • 一个request对象存储为本地的属性。
  • 一个request对象,它是存储在本地对象的代理。
  • request存储在堆栈中的对象,该对象又存储在本地中。
  • 一个request对象,它是存储在本地的堆栈上的对象的代理。<-这就是Flask所做的。

Previous answers already give a nice overview of what goes on in the background of Flask during a request. If you haven’t read it yet I recommend @MarkHildreth’s answer prior to reading this. In short, a new context (thread) is created for each http request, which is why it’s necessary to have a thread Local facility that allows objects such as request and g to be accessible globally across threads, while maintaining their request specific context. Furthermore, while processing an http request Flask can emulate additional requests from within, hence the necessity to store their respective context on a stack. Also, Flask allows multiple wsgi applications to run along each other within a single process, and more than one can be called to action during a request (each request creates a new application context), hence the need for a context stack for applications. That’s a summary of what was covered in previous answers.

My goal now is to complement our current understanding by explaining how Flask and Werkzeug do what they do with these context locals. I simplified the code to enhance the understanding of its logic, but if you get this, you should be able to easily grasp most of what’s in the actual source (werkzeug.local and flask.globals).

Let’s first understand how Werkzeug implements thread Locals.


When an http request comes in, it is processed within the context of a single thread. As an alternative mean to spawn a new context during an http request, Werkzeug also allows the use of greenlets (a sort of lighter “micro-threads”) instead of normal threads. If you don’t have greenlets installed it will revert to using threads instead. Each of these threads (or greenlets) are identifiable by a unique id, which you can retrieve with the module’s get_ident() function. That function is the starting point to the magic behind having request, current_app,url_for, g, and other such context-bound global objects.

    from greenlet import get_ident
except ImportError:
    from thread import get_ident

Now that we have our identity function we can know which thread we’re on at any given time and we can create what’s called a thread Local, a contextual object that can be accessed globally, but when you access its attributes they resolve to their value for that specific thread. e.g.

# globally
local = Local()

# ...

# on thread 1
local.first_name = 'John'

# ...

# on thread 2
local.first_name = 'Debbie'

Both values are present on the globally accessible Local object at the same time, but accessing local.first_name within the context of thread 1 will give you 'John', whereas it will return 'Debbie' on thread 2.

How is that possible? Let’s look at some (simplified) code:

class Local(object)
    def __init__(self):
        self.storage = {}

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        context_id = get_ident() # we get the current thread's or greenlet's id
        contextual_storage = self.storage.setdefault(context_id, {})
            return contextual_storage[name]
        except KeyError:
            raise AttributeError(name)

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        context_id = get_ident()
        contextual_storage = self.storage.setdefault(context_id, {})
        contextual_storage[name] = value

    def __release_local__(self):
        context_id = get_ident()
        self.storage.pop(context_id, None)

local = Local()

From the code above we can see that the magic boils down to get_ident() which identifies the current greenlet or thread. The Local storage then just uses that as a key to store any data contextual to the current thread.

You can have multiple Local objects per process and request, g, current_app and others could simply have been created like that. But that’s not how it’s done in Flask in which these are not technically Local objects, but more accurately LocalProxy objects. What’s a LocalProxy?


A LocalProxy is an object that queries a Local to find another object of interest (i.e. the object it proxies to). Let’s take a look to understand:

class LocalProxy(object):
    def __init__(self, local, name):
        # `local` here is either an actual `Local` object, that can be used
        # to find the object of interest, here identified by `name`, or it's
        # a callable that can resolve to that proxied object
        self.local = local
        # `name` is an identifier that will be passed to the local to find the
        # object of interest.
        self.name = name

    def _get_current_object(self):
        # if `self.local` is truly a `Local` it means that it implements
        # the `__release_local__()` method which, as its name implies, is
        # normally used to release the local. We simply look for it here
        # to identify which is actually a Local and which is rather just
        # a callable:
        if hasattr(self.local, '__release_local__'):
                return getattr(self.local, self.name)
            except AttributeError:
                raise RuntimeError('no object bound to %s' % self.name)

        # if self.local is not actually a Local it must be a callable that 
        # would resolve to the object of interest.
        return self.local(self.name)

    # Now for the LocalProxy to perform its intended duties i.e. proxying 
    # to an underlying object located somewhere in a Local, we turn all magic
    # methods into proxies for the same methods in the object of interest.
    def __dict__(self):
            return self._get_current_object().__dict__
        except RuntimeError:
            raise AttributeError('__dict__')

    def __repr__(self):
            return repr(self._get_current_object())
        except RuntimeError:
            return '<%s unbound>' % self.__class__.__name__

    def __bool__(self):
            return bool(self._get_current_object())
        except RuntimeError:
            return False

    # ... etc etc ... 

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if name == '__members__':
            return dir(self._get_current_object())
        return getattr(self._get_current_object(), name)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self._get_current_object()[key] = value

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        del self._get_current_object()[key]

    # ... and so on ...

    __setattr__ = lambda x, n, v: setattr(x._get_current_object(), n, v)
    __delattr__ = lambda x, n: delattr(x._get_current_object(), n)
    __str__ = lambda x: str(x._get_current_object())
    __lt__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() < o
    __le__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() <= o
    __eq__ = lambda x, o: x._get_current_object() == o

    # ... and so forth ...

Now to create globally accessible proxies you would do

# this would happen some time near application start-up
local = Local()
request = LocalProxy(local, 'request')
g = LocalProxy(local, 'g')

and now some time early over the course of a request you would store some objects inside the local that the previously created proxies can access, no matter which thread we’re on

# this would happen early during processing of an http request
local.request = RequestContext(http_environment)
local.g = SomeGeneralPurposeContainer()

The advantage of using LocalProxy as globally accessible objects rather than making them Locals themselves is that it simplifies their management. You only just need a single Local object to create many globally accessible proxies. At the end of the request, during cleanup, you simply release the one Local (i.e. you pop the context_id from its storage) and don’t bother with the proxies, they’re still globally accessible and still defer to the one Local to find their object of interest for subsequent http requests.

# this would happen some time near the end of request processing
release(local) # aka local.__release_local__()

To simplify the creation of a LocalProxy when we already have a Local, Werkzeug implements the Local.__call__() magic method as follows:

class Local(object):
    # ... 
    # ... all same stuff as before go here ...
    # ... 

    def __call__(self, name):
        return LocalProxy(self, name)

# now you can do
local = Local()
request = local('request')
g = local('g')

However, if you look in the Flask source (flask.globals) that’s still not how request, g, current_app and session are created. As we’ve established, Flask can spawn multiple “fake” requests (from a single true http request) and in the process also push multiple application contexts. This isn’t a common use-case, but it’s a capability of the framework. Since these “concurrent” requests and apps are still limited to run with only one having the “focus” at any time, it makes sense to use a stack for their respective context. Whenever a new request is spawned or one of the applications is called, they push their context at the top of their respective stack. Flask uses LocalStack objects for this purpose. When they conclude their business they pop the context out of the stack.


This is what a LocalStack looks like (again the code is simplified to facilitate understanding of its logic).

class LocalStack(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.local = Local()

    def push(self, obj):
        """Pushes a new item to the stack"""
        rv = getattr(self.local, 'stack', None)
        if rv is None:
            self.local.stack = rv = []
        return rv

    def pop(self):
        """Removes the topmost item from the stack, will return the
        old value or `None` if the stack was already empty.
        stack = getattr(self.local, 'stack', None)
        if stack is None:
            return None
        elif len(stack) == 1:
            release_local(self.local) # this simply releases the local
            return stack[-1]
            return stack.pop()

    def top(self):
        """The topmost item on the stack.  If the stack is empty,
        `None` is returned.
            return self.local.stack[-1]
        except (AttributeError, IndexError):
            return None

Note from the above that a LocalStack is a stack stored in a local, not a bunch of locals stored on a stack. This implies that although the stack is globally accessible it’s a different stack in each thread.

Flask doesn’t have its request, current_app, g, and session objects resolving directly to a LocalStack, it rather uses LocalProxy objects that wrap a lookup function (instead of a Local object) that will find the underlying object from the LocalStack:

_request_ctx_stack = LocalStack()
def _find_request():
    top = _request_ctx_stack.top
    if top is None:
        raise RuntimeError('working outside of request context')
    return top.request
request = LocalProxy(_find_request)

def _find_session():
    top = _request_ctx_stack.top
    if top is None:
        raise RuntimeError('working outside of request context')
    return top.session
session = LocalProxy(_find_session)

_app_ctx_stack = LocalStack()
def _find_g():
    top = _app_ctx_stack.top
    if top is None:
        raise RuntimeError('working outside of application context')
    return top.g
g = LocalProxy(_find_g)

def _find_app():
    top = _app_ctx_stack.top
    if top is None:
        raise RuntimeError('working outside of application context')
    return top.app
current_app = LocalProxy(_find_app)

All these are declared at application start-up, but do not actually resolve to anything until a request context or application context is pushed to their respective stack.

If you’re curious to see how a context is actually inserted in the stack (and subsequently popped out), look in flask.app.Flask.wsgi_app() which is the point of entry of the wsgi app (i.e. what the web server calls and pass the http environment to when a request comes in), and follow the creation of the RequestContext object all through its subsequent push() into _request_ctx_stack. Once pushed at the top of the stack, it’s accessible via _request_ctx_stack.top. Here’s some abbreviated code to demonstrate the flow:

So you start an app and make it available to the WSGI server…

app = Flask(*config, **kwconfig)

# ...

Later an http request comes in and the WSGI server calls the app with the usual params…

app(environ, start_response) # aka app.__call__(environ, start_response)

This is roughly what happens in the app…

def Flask(object):

    # ...

    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        return self.wsgi_app(environ, start_response)

    def wsgi_app(self, environ, start_response):
        ctx = RequestContext(self, environ)
            # process the request here
            # raise error if any
            # return Response

    # ...

and this is roughly what happens with RequestContext…

class RequestContext(object):

    def __init__(self, app, environ, request=None):
        self.app = app
        if request is None:
            request = app.request_class(environ)
        self.request = request
        self.url_adapter = app.create_url_adapter(self.request)
        self.session = self.app.open_session(self.request)
        if self.session is None:
            self.session = self.app.make_null_session()
        self.flashes = None

    def push(self):

    def pop(self):

Say a request has finished initializing, the lookup for request.path from one of your view functions would therefore go as follow:

  • start from the globally accessible LocalProxy object request.
  • to find its underlying object of interest (the object it’s proxying to) it calls its lookup function _find_request() (the function it registered as its self.local).
  • that function queries the LocalStack object _request_ctx_stack for the top context on the stack.
  • to find the top context, the LocalStack object first queries its inner Local attribute (self.local) for the stack property that was previously stored there.
  • from the stack it gets the top context
  • and top.request is thus resolved as the underlying object of interest.
  • from that object we get the path attribute

So we’ve seen how Local, LocalProxy, and LocalStack work, now think for a moment of the implications and nuances in retrieving the path from:

  • a request object that would be a simple globally accessible object.
  • a request object that would be a local.
  • a request object stored as an attribute of a local.
  • a request object that is a proxy to an object stored in a local.
  • a request object stored on a stack, that is in turn stored in a local.
  • a request object that is a proxy to an object on a stack stored in a local. <- this is what Flask does.

回答 2

@Mark Hildreth的答案很少。

上下文堆栈看起来像{thread.get_ident(): []},在这里[]称为“堆栈”,因为仅用于appendpushpop[-1]__getitem__(-1))操作。因此上下文堆栈将保留线程或greenlet线程的实际数据。

current_appgrequestsession和等是LocalProxy刚刚overrided特殊的方法对象__getattr____getitem____call____eq__等,并从上下文堆栈顶部(返回值[-1])的参数名(current_apprequest例如)。 LocalProxy需要一次导入此对象,并且它们不会丢失实际情况。所以最好只是导入request在代码中的任何地方,而不是将请求参数发送给您的函数和方法。您可以使用它轻松编写自己的扩展名,但不要忘记,琐碎的用法会使代码难以理解。



  1. request_context按环境创建(init map_adapter,匹配路径)
  2. 输入或推送此请求:
    1. 清除上一个 request_context
    2. 创建app_context是否丢失并推送到应用程序上下文堆栈
    3. 此请求已推送到请求上下文堆栈
    4. 初始化会话,如果错过了
  3. 派遣请求
  4. 清除请求并从堆栈中弹出

Little addition @Mark Hildreth‘s answer.

Context stack look like {thread.get_ident(): []}, where [] called “stack” because used only append (push), pop and [-1] (__getitem__(-1)) operations. So context stack will keep actual data for thread or greenlet thread.

current_app, g, request, session and etc is LocalProxy object which just overrided special methods __getattr__, __getitem__, __call__, __eq__ and etc. and return value from context stack top ([-1]) by argument name (current_app, request for example). LocalProxy needed to import this objects once and they will not miss actuality. So better just import request where ever you are in code instead play with sending request argument down to you functions and methods. You can easy write own extensions with it, but do not forget that frivolous usage can make code more difficult for understanding.

Spend time to understand https://github.com/mitsuhiko/werkzeug/blob/master/werkzeug/local.py.

So how populated both stacks? On request Flask:

  1. create request_context by environment (init map_adapter, match path)
  2. enter or push this request:
    1. clear previous request_context
    2. create app_context if it missed and pushed to application context stack
    3. this request pushed to request context stack
    4. init session if it missed
  3. dispatch request
  4. clear request and pop it from stack

回答 3



class User(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.userid = None


def get_user(_local):
        # get user object in current thread or greenlet
        return _local.user
    except AttributeError:
        # if user object is not set in current thread ,set empty user object 
       _local.user = User()
    return _local.user


usercontext = LocalProxy(partial(get_user, Local()))



1.Local具有identity和objet dict,identity是threadid或greenlet id,在此示例中,_local.user = User()与_local等效。___storage __ [当前线程的id] [“ user”] = User()

  1. LocalProxy 操作委托给包装好的本地对象,或者您可以提供一个返回目标对象的函数。在上面的示例中,get_user函数将当前用户对象提供给LocalProxy,当您通过usercontext.userid要求当前用户的userid时,LocalProxy的__getattr__函数首先调用get_user以获取User对象(用户),然后调用getattr(user,“ userid”)。只需在用户(在当前线程或greenlet中)上设置userid即可:usercontext.userid =“ user_123”

Lets take one example , suppose you want to set a usercontext (using flask construct of Local and LocalProxy).

Define one User class :

class User(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.userid = None

define a function to retrive user object inside current thread or greenlet

def get_user(_local):
        # get user object in current thread or greenlet
        return _local.user
    except AttributeError:
        # if user object is not set in current thread ,set empty user object 
       _local.user = User()
    return _local.user

Now define a LocalProxy

usercontext = LocalProxy(partial(get_user, Local()))

Now to get userid of user in current thread usercontext.userid

explanation :

1.Local has a dict of identity and objet , identity is threadid or greenlet id , in this example _local.user = User() is eqivalent to _local.___storage__[current thread’s id] [“user”] = User()

  1. LocalProxy delegates operation to wrapped up Local object or you can provide a function that returns target object. In above example get_user function provides current user object to LocalProxy , and when you ask for current user’s userid by usercontext.userid, LocalProxy’s __getattr__ function first calls get_user to get User object (user) and then calls getattr(user,”userid”). to set userid on User ( in current thread or greenlet) you simply do : usercontext.userid = “user_123”