

我在使用Python,iPython和库时遇到了麻烦。以下几点显示了问题的链。我在Mac Lion上运行Python 2.7。

  1. iPython不会读取scipy和matplotlib的库,但会读取numpy。
  2. 为了解决这个问题,我尝试安装Python的源代码版本,这给我带来了更多问题,因为现在我有两个不同的版本:2.7.1和2.7.2
  3. 我注意到运行Python,使用版本2.7.2,并且确实导入scipy,matplotlib和numpy,但是在iPython上,该版本是2.7.1,无法打开scipy或matplotlib。


I’ve been having trouble with Python, iPython and the libraries. The following points show the chain of the problematics. I’m running Python 2.7 on Mac Lion.

  1. iPython doesn’t read the libraries of scipy, matplotlib, but it does read numpy.
  2. To fix this, I tried installing Python’s source code version, and it only gave me more problems since now I have two different versions: 2.7.1 and 2.7.2
  3. I noticed that running Python, uses version 2.7.2 and does import scipy, matplotlib, and numpy, but on iPython the version is 2.7.1 which doesn’t open scipy or matplotlib.

I’ve tried several things that I’ve encountered from other blogposts. But none of them have helped, and also unfortunately I don’t quite know what I’m doing with some of them. For example: I tried uninstalling and reinstalling ipython with easy_install and pip. I also tried reinstalling everything through homebrew, and modifying the path .bash_profile.

回答 0


which python


which ipython



cat /usr/local/bin/ipython


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import sys

from IPython import start_ipython

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])



cat /usr/local/bin/ipython

# EASY-INSTALL-ENTRY-SCRIPT: 'ipython==0.12.1','console_scripts','ipython'
__requires__ = 'ipython==0.12.1'
import sys
from pkg_resources import load_entry_point

if __name__ == '__main__':
        load_entry_point('ipython==0.12.1', 'console_scripts', 'ipython')()

啊哈- /usr/local/bin/ipython在您的编辑器中打开(具有特权),并将第一行更改为



Okay quick fix:

which python

gives you /usr/bin/python, right? Do

which ipython

and I bet that’ll be /usr/local/bin/ipython. Let’s look inside:

Edit 9/7/16 — The file now looks like this:

cat /usr/local/bin/ipython


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import sys

from IPython import start_ipython

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])

And mine works properly like this, but my situation isn’t exactly like the OP’s.

Original answer — 9/30/13:

cat /usr/local/bin/ipython

# EASY-INSTALL-ENTRY-SCRIPT: 'ipython==0.12.1','console_scripts','ipython'
__requires__ = 'ipython==0.12.1'
import sys
from pkg_resources import load_entry_point

if __name__ == '__main__':
        load_entry_point('ipython==0.12.1', 'console_scripts', 'ipython')()

Aha – open /usr/local/bin/ipython in your editor (with privileges), and change the first line to


save, start iPython, should say it’s using the version you want now.

回答 1


python -m IPython


Posting @Matt’s comment as an answer just so its more visible

python -m IPython

Loads ipython as a module with whatever python is accessible on the path first. In my case I had one pre-installed and one I added from brew. This just works perfectly.

回答 2



对于python 2.7

$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 venv2.7
$ source venv2.7/bin/activate
(venv2.7)$ pip install ipython
(venv2.7)$ ipython

对于python 3.4

$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.4 venv3.4
$ source venv3.4/bin/activate
(venv3.4)$ pip install ipython
(venv3.4)$ ipython

What about using a virtualenv? I really like it. Maybe it’s not the faster way, but I think it’s very clear.

When you create a virtualenv, you can specify the python path with the -p flag.

for python 2.7

$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 venv2.7
$ source venv2.7/bin/activate
(venv2.7)$ pip install ipython
(venv2.7)$ ipython

for python 3.4

$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.4 venv3.4
$ source venv3.4/bin/activate
(venv3.4)$ pip install ipython
(venv3.4)$ ipython

回答 3


which python
python -V


First, I would make sure you’re using the right python. At a command prompt type:

which python
python -V

The first will tell you the path, the second tells you the Python version you’re using.

回答 4


python -V用来确定是什么版本

$ python -V
Python 2.7.10


$ vi ~/.bash_profile


alias ipython="python -m IPython"

那么您将ipython在python 2.7中获得一个。🙂

(顺便说一句,我ipython是通过安装的homebrew,默认情况下将在python 3中运行一个ipython。)

$ brew install ipython

My solution is simple, stupid but work.

I use python -V to make sure what version is

$ python -V
Python 2.7.10

and then make alias in .bash_profile

$ vi ~/.bash_profile

Add a line

alias ipython="python -m IPython"

then you will get an ipython in python 2.7. 🙂

(By the way, my ipython is install via homebrew, it default will got an ipython run in python 3.)

$ brew install ipython

回答 5

极为相关:http : //conda.pydata.org/docs/troubleshooting.html#shell-command-location

td; lr问题是由于shell的“散列”和路径变量而引起的。

extremely relevant: http://conda.pydata.org/docs/troubleshooting.html#shell-command-location.

td;lr problems are encountered because of shell ‘hashing’ and path variables.

回答 6


pyenv install 3.4.5
pyenv local 3.4.5
pip install ipython


Python 3.4.5

A similar method using pyenv

pyenv install 3.4.5
pyenv local 3.4.5
pip install ipython

Now it will show correct version of python

Python 3.4.5

回答 7


  1. 该可执行文件ipython实际上是一个Python脚本。
  2. IPython包是与您使用的每个解释器分开安装的pip intall


/path/to/desired/python $(which ipython)


The absolute simplest solution I could think of, which requires no fiddling with environments, installed files, or anything else, relies on the facts that

  1. The executable ipython is actually a Python script.
  2. The IPython package is installed separately for each interpreter that you ran pip intall with.

If the version of Python you are runninig with has an IPython package installed, you can just do

/path/to/desired/python $(which ipython)

This will run the ipython script with the interpreter you want instead of the one listed in the shebang.

回答 8




如何使iPython使用Python 2而不是Python 3

Your problem is basically making ipython use the right python.

so the fix to the problem is to make ipython use the right python (which has the libraries like scipy installed)

I have written a solution here:

How to make iPython use Python 2 instead of Python 3

回答 9

我遇到了同样的问题,但以下是在OSX 12 Sierra上对我有效的唯一解决方案。

ipython始终为python 3.6启动,但我需要2.7。我找不到2.7的ipython启动脚本,也找不到与一起执行的IPython模块python -m。没有一个brew instally ipython pip install ipythonpip2 install ipython可以让我获得2.7版本的功能。所以我手动得到了。

brew install ipython@5此处安装2.7版本,但不会安装在您的2.7版本上,$PATH因为它知道名称与另一个软件包冲突。 ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/ipython@5/5.5.0_1/bin/ipython /usr/local/bin/ipython2将解决此问题,让您仅ipython2在shell提示符下运行


ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/ipython/6.2.1/bin/ipython /usr/local/bin/ipython3
rm -f /usr/local/bin/ipython
ln -s /usr/local/bin/ipython2 /usr/local/bin/ipython

I came across the same issue but the following was the only solution what worked for me on OSX 12, Sierra.

ipython was always launching for python 3.6 but I needed it for 2.7. I could not find an ipython startup script for 2.7, nor could I find the IPython module to execute with python -m. None of brew instally ipython pip install ipython or pip2 install ipython could get me the 2.7 version. So I got it manually.

brew install ipython@5 installs the 2.7 version from here but won’t put it on your $PATH because it knows the name conflicts with another package. ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/ipython@5/5.5.0_1/bin/ipython /usr/local/bin/ipython2 will fix this and let you just run ipython2 from your shell prompt

For me, because I was serious about using ipython for 2.7, I also ran the following commands.

ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/ipython/6.2.1/bin/ipython /usr/local/bin/ipython3
rm -f /usr/local/bin/ipython
ln -s /usr/local/bin/ipython2 /usr/local/bin/ipython

回答 10



假设您处于python 3环境中,并且在jupyter笔记本上创建笔记本时,它将显示“ Python 2”而不是“ Python 3”。

这是因为“ ipython”本质上是一个正在运行的脚本,并且在此脚本中提到了用于执行命令的python版本。您需要做的就是更改此行,以便ipython使用所需的python版本。





我的是 :



现在,导航到目录anaconda2 / bin(对于anaconda 3用户,应为anaconda3 / bin)并搜索“ ipython”文件。在此编辑中,将第一行指向您想要的当前python版本。即“哪个python”的输出,即:


请注意,我将python环境从py2(运行python 2.7)更改为py3(运行python 3.5)。

保存文件。并运行jupyter notebook,现在在创建新笔记本时,“ Python 3”选项应该可见。


All the answers mentioned here do not help in solving the issue if you are using anaconda or some other virtual environment wrapper.

This answer is based on the assumption that you are using anaconda.

Say you are in a python 3 environment and when creating a notebook on jupyter notebook it shows “Python 2” instead of “Python 3”.

This is because “ipython” is essentially a script which is run and in this script it mentions which python version it is using to execute the command. All you need to do is change this line for ipython to use the version of python you want.

First stop the ipython server and get the location of the python executable of the current environment using the command “which python”

My output is :


Now get the executable location of ipython use the command “which ipython”

mine is :


Notice that it is using a different version of python ie. python from a specific environment running a different version of python ie running python from a different environment.

Now navigate to the directory anaconda2/bin(for anaconda 3 users it should be anaconda3/bin ) and search for “ipython” file. in this edit the first line to be point it to the current python version which you want. ie the output of “which python” i.e. :


Notice that I changed my python environment from py2(running python 2.7) to py3(running python 3.5).

Save the file. And run jupyter notebook, now when creating a new notebook the “Python 3” option should be visible.
