您可以在下面看到,我创建了virtualenv并将其称为venv。一切看起来不错,然后我尝试通过运行来激活它source venv/bin/activate
我在想这可能与我的系统路径有关,但不确定要指向什么(我确实知道如何编辑路径)。我在python 7 / Windows OS上,虚拟环境2.2.x
c:\ testdjangoproj \ mysite> virtualenv --no-site-packages venv
使用真实的前缀'C:\\ Program Files(x86)\\ Python'
venv \ Scripts \ python.exe中的新python可执行文件
venv \ Lib \ distutils \ distutils.cfg文件存在不同的内容;不过度
安装setuptools ........完成。
安装pip .........完成。
c:\ testdjangoproj \ mysite>源venv / bin / activate
c:\ testdjangoproj \ mysite>源venv / bin / activate
c:\ testdjangoproj \ mysite>来源mysite / bin / activate
c:\ testdjangoproj \ mysite>
I created a virtualenv around my project, but when I try to activate it I cannot.
It might just be syntax or folder location, but I am stumped right now.
You can see below, I create the virtualenv and call it venv. Everything looks good, then I try to activate it by running source venv/bin/activate
I’m thinking it might just have to do with my system path, but not sure what to point it to (I do know how to edit the path). I’m on python 7 / windows os, virtual env 2.2.x
Processing dependencies for virtualenv
Finished processing dependencies for virtualenv
c:\testdjangoproj\mysite>virtualenv --no-site-packages venv
The --no-site-packages flag is deprecated; it is now the default behavior.
Using real prefix 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Python'
New python executable in venv\Scripts\python.exe
File venv\Lib\distutils\distutils.cfg exists with different content; not overwri
Installing setuptools.................done.
Installing pip...................done.
c:\testdjangoproj\mysite>source venv/bin/activate
'source' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
c:\testdjangoproj\mysite>source venv/bin/activate
'source' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
c:\testdjangoproj\mysite>source mysite/bin/activate
'source' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
回答 0
改为运行它(根据Activate 脚本上的 virtualenv 文档)。
PS C:\ DEV \ aProject \ env \ Scripts> 和 ..activate
(env)PS C:\ DEV \ aProject \ env \ Scripts>
is a shell command designed for users running on Linux (or any Posix, but whatever, not Windows).
On Windows, virtualenv creates a batch file, so you should run venv\Scripts\activate
instead (per the virtualenv documentation on the activate script).
The trick here for Windows is not specifying the BAT extension:
PS C:\DEV\aProject\env\Scripts> & .\activate
(env) PS C:\DEV\aProject\env\Scripts>
回答 1
我的Windows 10机器中也遇到了同样的问题。我尝试过的步骤是:
pip3 install -U pip virtualenv
virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python ./venv
virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3 ./venv
您可以通过键入Python中的蜘蛛工具来检查它 import tensorflow as tf
I was also facing the same issue in my Windows 10 machine.
What steps i tried were:
Go to andconda terminal
Step 1
pip3 install -U pip virtualenv
Step 2
virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python ./venv
virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3 ./venv
Step 3
You can check it via spider tool in anaconda by typing import tensorflow as tf
回答 2
我有同样的问题。我正在使用Python 2,Windows 10和Git Bash。事实证明,您需要使用Git Bash:
source venv/Scripts/activate
I had the same problem. I was using Python 2, Windows 10 and Git Bash. Turns out in Git Bash you need to use:
source venv/Scripts/activate
回答 3
您的virtualenv目录cd venv
以激活您的virtualenv venv
For activation you can go to the venv
your virtualenv directory
by cd venv
Then on Windows, type dir
(on unix, type ls
You will get 5 folders include
, Lib
, Scripts
, tcl
and 60
Now type .\Scripts\activate
to activate your virtualenv venv
Your prompt will change to indicate that you are now operating within the virtual environment. It will look something like this (venv)user@host:~/venv$
And your venv
is activated now.
回答 4
对于Windows,在没有引号的终端中键入“ C:\ Users \ Sid \ venv \ FirstProject \ Scripts \ activate”。只需提供您的Scripts文件夹在项目中的位置。因此,该命令将为location_of_the_Scripts_Folder \ activate。
For windows, type “C:\Users\Sid\venv\FirstProject\Scripts\activate” in the terminal without quotes. Simply give the location of your Scripts folder in your project. So, the command will be location_of_the_Scripts_Folder\activate.
回答 5
确保venv在那,并按照以下命令操作。它适用于Windows 10。
> cd <my_venv_path>
创建名为“ env”的虚拟环境:
> python -m venv env
将路径添加到git ignore文件(可选):
> echo env/ >> .gitignore
> .\env\Scripts\activate
Ensure venv is there and just follow the commands below. It works in Windows 10.
Go to the path where you want your virtual enviroments to reside:
> cd <my_venv_path>
Create the virtual environment named “env”:
> python -m venv env
Add the path to the git ignore file (optional):
> echo env/ >> .gitignore
Activate the virtual env:
> .\env\Scripts\activate
回答 6
在使用git bash的Windows上玩得很开心,我通常最终会明确指定python二进制文件。
我会通过./.env/Scripts/python.exe …
I have a hell of a time using virtualenv
on windows with git bash, I usually end up specifying the python binary explicitly.
If my environment is in say .env
I’ll call python via ./.env/Scripts/python.exe …
, or in a shebang line #!./.env/Scripts/python.exe
Both assuming your working directory contains your virtualenv (.env
回答 7
You can run the source command on cygwin terminal
回答 8
使用后)virtualenv yourenvname
文件夹在CMD本身并简单地用“ 激活 ”命令。
If you see the 5 folders (Include
) after using the virtualenv yourenvname
command, change directory to Scripts
folder in the cmd itself and simply use “activate” command.
回答 9
2)使用VisualCode IDE,右键单击在终端控制台中打开的项目 选项
3)在Visualcode的窗口控制台上,查找Select-> 默认外壳并将其更改为Gitbash
4)现在您的项目已使用bash控制台和正确的路径打开,放入 源代码./Scripts/activate
顺便说一句:。空格= 源

open the folder with any gitbash console.
for example using visualCode and Gitbash console program:
1)Install Gitbash for windows
2) using VisualCode IDE, right click over the project open in terminal console option
3) on window console in Visualcode, looking for a Select->default shell and change it for Gitbash
4)now your project is open with bash console and right path, put source ./Scripts/activate
btw : . with blank space = source

回答 10
提醒一下,但我在Win10 cmd上使用了错误的方式。根据python 文档,activate命令是:C:\> <venv>\Scripts\activate.bat
浏览目录时,例如cd .env/Scripts
因此,创建我使用过的静脉python -m venv --copies .env
A small reminder, but I had my slashes the wrong way on Win10 cmd. According to python documentation the activate command is: C:\> <venv>\Scripts\activate.bat
When you’re browsing directories it’s e.g. cd .env/Scripts
So to create my venv I used python -m venv --copies .env
and to activate .env\Scripts\activate.bat
回答 11

source command is officially for Unix operating systems family and you can’t use it on windows basically. instead, you can use venv\Scripts\activate
command to activate your virtual environment.

回答 12
如果您使用的是Windows,请使用命令“ venv \ Scripts \ activate”(无单词source)激活虚拟环境。如果您使用的是PowerShell,则可能需要大写激活。
If you’re using Windows, use the command “venv\Scripts\activate” (without the word source) to activate the virtual environment. If you’re using PowerShell, you might need to capitalize Activate.
回答 13
如果您使用的是Windows操作系统,则在Gitbash终端中使用以下命令$ source venv / Scripts / activate。这将帮助您进入虚拟环境。
If you are using windows OS then in Gitbash terminal use the following command $source venv/Scripts/activate. This will help you to enter the virtual environment.
回答 14
- 使用VS代码编辑器打开项目。
将vs代码终端中的默认shell更改为git bash。
现在,您的项目已使用bash控制台打开且路径正确,将“ source venv \ Scripts \ activate”放入Windows
- Open your project using VS code editor .
Change the default shell in vs code terminal to git bash.
now your project is open with bash console and right path, put
“source venv\Scripts\activate” in Windows
回答 15
source scripts/activate
例如 ..\project1_env>source scripts/activate
Navigate to your virtualenv folder eg ..\project1_env>
Then type
source scripts/activate
eg ..\project1_env>source scripts/activate
回答 16
如果像我这样的初学者遵循了多个Python教程,则现在可能具有多个Python版本和/或pip / virtualenv / pipenv的多个版本…
If some beginner, like me, has followed multiple Python tutorials now possible has multiple Python versions and/or multiple versions of pip/virtualenv/pipenv…
In that case, answers listed, while many correct, might not help.
The first thing I would try in your place is uninstall and reinstall Python and go from there.
回答 17
$ .\env\Scripts\activate
In Windows platform,
you should use this command with path specified where you have installed a virtual environment.
$ .\env\Scripts\activate
By this, You should be able to activate this on windows.
回答 18
- 以管理员身份打开Powershell
- 输入“ Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Force
- 运行“ gpedit.msc”,然后转到>管理模板> Windows组件> Windows Powershell
- 查找“激活脚本执行”并将其设置为“已激活”
- 将执行指令设置为“全部允许”
- 应用
- 刷新您的环境
- Open your powershell as admin
- Enter “Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Force
- Run “gpedit.msc” and go to >Administrative Templates>Windows Components>Windows Powershell
- Look for “Activate scripts execution” and set it on “Activated”
- Set execution directive to “Allow All”
- Apply
- Refresh your env
回答 19
如果您在Windows上使用Anaconda / miniconda,请在命令提示符下使用
conda activate <your-environmentname>
conda activate peopleanalytics
Incase you are using Anaconda / miniconda on windows – in your command prompt use
conda activate <your-environmentname>
e.g. peopleanalytics is name of my virtual environment – Is say
conda activate peopleanalytics
回答 20
如果您仅在Windows 10中已经CD了项目类型
if you already cd your project type only in windows 10
That works for me:)