** wargs的目的和用途是什么?

问题:** wargs的目的和用途是什么?

**kwargsPython 的用途是什么?


我还可以指定时间增量timedelta(hours = time1)吗?


What are the uses for **kwargs in Python?

I know you can do an objects.filter on a table and pass in a **kwargs argument.  

Can I also do this for specifying time deltas i.e. timedelta(hours = time1)?

How exactly does it work? Is it classes as ‘unpacking’? Like a,b=1,2?

回答 0

您可以**kwargs用来让函数接受任意数量的关键字参数(“ kwargs”表示“关键字参数”):

>>> def print_keyword_args(**kwargs):
...     # kwargs is a dict of the keyword args passed to the function
...     for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
...         print "%s = %s" % (key, value)
>>> print_keyword_args(first_name="John", last_name="Doe")
first_name = John
last_name = Doe


>>> kwargs = {'first_name': 'Bobby', 'last_name': 'Smith'}
>>> print_keyword_args(**kwargs)
first_name = Bobby
last_name = Smith



对于使用Python 3的用户,请使用items()代替iteritems()

You can use **kwargs to let your functions take an arbitrary number of keyword arguments (“kwargs” means “keyword arguments”):

>>> def print_keyword_args(**kwargs):
...     # kwargs is a dict of the keyword args passed to the function
...     for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
...         print "%s = %s" % (key, value)
>>> print_keyword_args(first_name="John", last_name="Doe")
first_name = John
last_name = Doe

You can also use the **kwargs syntax when calling functions by constructing a dictionary of keyword arguments and passing it to your function:

>>> kwargs = {'first_name': 'Bobby', 'last_name': 'Smith'}
>>> print_keyword_args(**kwargs)
first_name = Bobby
last_name = Smith

The Python Tutorial contains a good explanation of how it works, along with some nice examples.


For people using Python 3, instead of iteritems(), use items()

回答 1


** 打开字典包装。


func(a=1, b=2, c=3)


args = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c':3}


args = {'name': person.name}
if hasattr(person, "address"):
    args["address"] = person.address
func(**args)  # either expanded to func(name=person.name) or
              #                    func(name=person.name, address=person.address)


def setstyle(**styles):
    for key, value in styles.iteritems():      # styles is a regular dictionary
        setattr(someobject, key, value)


setstyle(color="red", bold=False)

Unpacking dictionaries

** unpacks dictionaries.


func(a=1, b=2, c=3)

is the same as

args = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c':3}

It’s useful if you have to construct parameters:

args = {'name': person.name}
if hasattr(person, "address"):
    args["address"] = person.address
func(**args)  # either expanded to func(name=person.name) or
              #                    func(name=person.name, address=person.address)

Packing parameters of a function

def setstyle(**styles):
    for key, value in styles.iteritems():      # styles is a regular dictionary
        setattr(someobject, key, value)

This lets you use the function like this:

setstyle(color="red", bold=False)

回答 2





def myDo(what, where, why):
   if what == 'swim':
      doSwim(where, why)
   elif what == 'walk':
      doWalk(where, why)

现在,您将获得一个新方法“ drive”:

elif what == 'drive':
   doDrive(where, why, vehicle)

但是请稍等,这里有一个新的参数“ vehicle”-您以前不知道。现在,您必须将其添加到myDo函数的签名中。


def myDo(what, where, why, **kwargs):
   if what == 'drive':
      doDrive(where, why, **kwargs)
   elif what == 'swim':
      doSwim(where, why, **kwargs)



kwargs is just a dictionary that is added to the parameters.

A dictionary can contain key, value pairs. And that are the kwargs. Ok, this is how.

The what for is not so simple.

For example (very hypothetical) you have an interface that just calls other routines to do the job:

def myDo(what, where, why):
   if what == 'swim':
      doSwim(where, why)
   elif what == 'walk':
      doWalk(where, why)

Now you get a new method “drive”:

elif what == 'drive':
   doDrive(where, why, vehicle)

But wait a minute, there is a new parameter “vehicle” — you did not know it before. Now you must add it to the signature of the myDo-function.

Here you can throw kwargs into play — you just add kwargs to the signature:

def myDo(what, where, why, **kwargs):
   if what == 'drive':
      doDrive(where, why, **kwargs)
   elif what == 'swim':
      doSwim(where, why, **kwargs)

This way you don’t need to change the signature of your interface function every time some of your called routines might change.

This is just one nice example you could find kwargs helpful.

回答 3


def f(a = 0, *args, **kwargs):
    print("Received by f(a, *args, **kwargs)")
    print("=> f(a=%s, args=%s, kwargs=%s" % (a, args, kwargs))
    print("Calling g(10, 11, 12, *args, d = 13, e = 14, **kwargs)")
    g(10, 11, 12, *args, d = 13, e = 14, **kwargs)

def g(f, g = 0, *args, **kwargs):
    print("Received by g(f, g = 0, *args, **kwargs)")
    print("=> g(f=%s, g=%s, args=%s, kwargs=%s)" % (f, g, args, kwargs))

print("Calling f(1, 2, 3, 4, b = 5, c = 6)")
f(1, 2, 3, 4, b = 5, c = 6)


Calling f(1, 2, 3, 4, b = 5, c = 6)
Received by f(a, *args, **kwargs) 
=> f(a=1, args=(2, 3, 4), kwargs={'c': 6, 'b': 5}
Calling g(10, 11, 12, *args, d = 13, e = 14, **kwargs)
Received by g(f, g = 0, *args, **kwargs)
=> g(f=10, g=11, args=(12, 2, 3, 4), kwargs={'c': 6, 'b': 5, 'e': 14, 'd': 13})

On the basis that a good sample is sometimes better than a long discourse I will write two functions using all python variable argument passing facilities (both positional and named arguments). You should easily be able to see what it does by yourself:

def f(a = 0, *args, **kwargs):
    print("Received by f(a, *args, **kwargs)")
    print("=> f(a=%s, args=%s, kwargs=%s" % (a, args, kwargs))
    print("Calling g(10, 11, 12, *args, d = 13, e = 14, **kwargs)")
    g(10, 11, 12, *args, d = 13, e = 14, **kwargs)

def g(f, g = 0, *args, **kwargs):
    print("Received by g(f, g = 0, *args, **kwargs)")
    print("=> g(f=%s, g=%s, args=%s, kwargs=%s)" % (f, g, args, kwargs))

print("Calling f(1, 2, 3, 4, b = 5, c = 6)")
f(1, 2, 3, 4, b = 5, c = 6)

And here is the output:

Calling f(1, 2, 3, 4, b = 5, c = 6)
Received by f(a, *args, **kwargs) 
=> f(a=1, args=(2, 3, 4), kwargs={'c': 6, 'b': 5}
Calling g(10, 11, 12, *args, d = 13, e = 14, **kwargs)
Received by g(f, g = 0, *args, **kwargs)
=> g(f=10, g=11, args=(12, 2, 3, 4), kwargs={'c': 6, 'b': 5, 'e': 14, 'd': 13})

回答 4



def args_kwargs_test(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    print "arg1:", arg1
    print "arg2:", arg2
    print "arg3:", arg3


#args can either be a "list" or "tuple"
>>> args = ("two", 3, 5)  
>>> args_kwargs_test(*args)




#keyword argument "kwargs" has to be a dictionary
>>> kwargs = {"arg3":3, "arg2":'two', "arg1":5}
>>> args_kwargs_test(**kwargs)




Motif: *args and **kwargs serves as a placeholder for the arguments that need to be passed to a function call

using *args and **kwargs to call a function

def args_kwargs_test(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    print "arg1:", arg1
    print "arg2:", arg2
    print "arg3:", arg3

Now we’ll use *args to call the above defined function

#args can either be a "list" or "tuple"
>>> args = ("two", 3, 5)  
>>> args_kwargs_test(*args)


arg1: two
arg2: 3
arg3: 5

Now, using **kwargs to call the same function

#keyword argument "kwargs" has to be a dictionary
>>> kwargs = {"arg3":3, "arg2":'two', "arg1":5}
>>> args_kwargs_test(**kwargs)


arg1: 5
arg2: two
arg3: 3

Bottomline : *args has no intelligence, it simply interpolates the passed args to the parameters(in left-to-right order) while **kwargs behaves intelligently by placing the appropriate value @ the required place

回答 5

  • kwargs**kwargs只是变量名。你可以很好地拥有**anyVariableName
  • kwargs代表“关键字参数”。但是我觉得最好将它们称为“命名参数”,因为它们只是随名称一起传递的参数(我对“关键字参数”一词中的“关键字”一词没有任何意义。我猜“关键字”通常是指编程语言保留的单词,因此程序员不要将其用于变量名。因此,我们给名称 param1param2两个传递给函数的参数值如下:func(param1="val1",param2="val2"),而不是仅传递值:func(val1,val2)。因此,我认为应将它们适当地称为“命名参数的任意数量”,因为我们可以指定任意数量的这些参数(即,funcfunc(**kwargs)

可以这么说,让我先解释“命名参数”,然后再解释“任意数量的命名参数” kwargs


  • 命名的args应该跟随位置args
  • args的顺序并不重要
  • def function1(param1,param2="arg2",param3="arg3"):
        print("\n"+str(param1)+" "+str(param2)+" "+str(param3)+"\n")
    function1(1)                      #1 arg2 arg3   #1 positional arg
    function1(param1=1)               #1 arg2 arg3   #1 named arg
    function1(1,param2=2)             #1 2 arg3      #1 positional arg, 1 named arg
    function1(param1=1,param2=2)      #1 2 arg3      #2 named args       
    function1(param2=2, param1=1)     #1 2 arg3      #2 named args out of order
    function1(1, param3=3, param2=2)  #1 2 3         #
    #function1()                      #invalid: required argument missing
    #function1(param2=2,1)            #invalid: SyntaxError: non-keyword arg after keyword arg
    #function1(1,param1=11)           #invalid: TypeError: function1() got multiple values for argument 'param1'
    #function1(param4=4)              #invalid: TypeError: function1() got an unexpected keyword argument 'param4'

任意数量的命名参数 kwargs

  • 功能参数顺序:
    1. 位置参数
    2. 捕获任意数量参数的形式参数(带*前缀)
    3. 命名形式参数
    4. 形式参数,用于捕获任意数量的命名参数(带**前缀)
  • def function2(param1, *tupleParams, param2, param3, **dictionaryParams):
        print("param1: "+ param1)
        print("param2: "+ param2)
        print("param3: "+ param3)
        print("custom tuple params","-"*10)
        for p in tupleParams:
            print(str(p) + ",")
        print("custom named params","-"*10)
        for k,v in dictionaryParams.items():
              "custom param1",
              "custom param2",
              "custom param3",
              customNamedParam1 = "val1",
              customNamedParam2 = "val2"
    # Output
    #param1: arg1
    #param2: arg2
    #param3: arg3
    #custom tuple params ----------
    #custom param1,
    #custom param2,
    #custom param3,
    #custom named params ----------



  • 作为元组变量的“捕获任意数量参数的形式参数”
  • “形式参数捕获任意数量的命名参数”作为dict变量


tupleCustomArgs = ("custom param1", "custom param2", "custom param3")
dictCustomNamedArgs = {"customNamedParam1":"val1", "customNamedParam2":"val2"}

      *tupleCustomArgs,    #note *
      **dictCustomNamedArgs     #note **



      tupleCustomArgs,   #omitting *


param1: arg1
param2: arg2
param3: arg3
custom tuple params ----------
('custom param1', 'custom param2', 'custom param3'),
custom named params ----------

元组上方('custom param1', 'custom param2', 'custom param3')按原样打印。


      dictCustomNamedArgs   #omitting **

SyntaxError: non-keyword arg after keyword arg
  • kwargs in **kwargs is just variable name. You can very well have **anyVariableName
  • kwargs stands for “keyword arguments”. But I feel they should better be called as “named arguments”, as these are simply arguments passed along with names (I dont find any significance to the word “keyword” in the term “keyword arguments”. I guess “keyword” usually means words reserved by programming language and hence not to be used by the programmer for variable names. No such thing is happening here in case of kwargs.). So we give names param1 and param2 to two parameter values passed to the function as follows: func(param1="val1",param2="val2"), instead of passing only values: func(val1,val2). Thus, I feel they should be appropriately called “arbitrary number of named arguments” as we can specify any number of these parameters (that is, arguments) if func has signature func(**kwargs)

So being said that let me explain “named arguments” first and then “arbitrary number of named arguments” kwargs.

Named arguments

  • named args should follow positional args
  • order of named args is not important
  • Example

    def function1(param1,param2="arg2",param3="arg3"):
        print("\n"+str(param1)+" "+str(param2)+" "+str(param3)+"\n")
    function1(1)                      #1 arg2 arg3   #1 positional arg
    function1(param1=1)               #1 arg2 arg3   #1 named arg
    function1(1,param2=2)             #1 2 arg3      #1 positional arg, 1 named arg
    function1(param1=1,param2=2)      #1 2 arg3      #2 named args       
    function1(param2=2, param1=1)     #1 2 arg3      #2 named args out of order
    function1(1, param3=3, param2=2)  #1 2 3         #
    #function1()                      #invalid: required argument missing
    #function1(param2=2,1)            #invalid: SyntaxError: non-keyword arg after keyword arg
    #function1(1,param1=11)           #invalid: TypeError: function1() got multiple values for argument 'param1'
    #function1(param4=4)              #invalid: TypeError: function1() got an unexpected keyword argument 'param4'

Arbitrary number of named arguments kwargs

  • Sequence of function parameters:
    1. positional parameters
    2. formal parameter capturing arbitrary number of arguments (prefixed with *)
    3. named formal parameters
    4. formal parameter capturing arbitrary number of named parameters (prefixed with **)
  • Example

    def function2(param1, *tupleParams, param2, param3, **dictionaryParams):
        print("param1: "+ param1)
        print("param2: "+ param2)
        print("param3: "+ param3)
        print("custom tuple params","-"*10)
        for p in tupleParams:
            print(str(p) + ",")
        print("custom named params","-"*10)
        for k,v in dictionaryParams.items():
              "custom param1",
              "custom param2",
              "custom param3",
              customNamedParam1 = "val1",
              customNamedParam2 = "val2"
    # Output
    #param1: arg1
    #param2: arg2
    #param3: arg3
    #custom tuple params ----------
    #custom param1,
    #custom param2,
    #custom param3,
    #custom named params ----------

Passing tuple and dict variables for custom args

To finish it up, let me also note that we can pass

  • “formal parameter capturing arbitrary number of arguments” as tuple variable and
  • “formal parameter capturing arbitrary number of named parameters” as dict variable

Thus the same above call can be made as follows:

tupleCustomArgs = ("custom param1", "custom param2", "custom param3")
dictCustomNamedArgs = {"customNamedParam1":"val1", "customNamedParam2":"val2"}

      *tupleCustomArgs,    #note *
      **dictCustomNamedArgs     #note **

Finally note * and ** in function calls above. If we omit them, we may get ill results.

Omitting * in tuple args:

      tupleCustomArgs,   #omitting *


param1: arg1
param2: arg2
param3: arg3
custom tuple params ----------
('custom param1', 'custom param2', 'custom param3'),
custom named params ----------

Above tuple ('custom param1', 'custom param2', 'custom param3') is printed as is.

Omitting dict args:

      dictCustomNamedArgs   #omitting **


SyntaxError: non-keyword arg after keyword arg

回答 6


def test(**kwargs):
    print kwargs['a']
    print kwargs['b']
    print kwargs['c']

args = { 'b': 2, 'c': 3}

test( a=1, **args )



注意** kwargs必须是最后一个参数

As an addition, you can also mix different ways of usage when calling kwargs functions:

def test(**kwargs):
    print kwargs['a']
    print kwargs['b']
    print kwargs['c']

args = { 'b': 2, 'c': 3}

test( a=1, **args )

gives this output:


Note that **kwargs has to be the last argument

回答 7


kwargs are a syntactic sugar to pass name arguments as dictionaries(for func), or dictionaries as named arguments(to func)

回答 8


def print_wrap(arg1, *args, **kwargs):
    print(arg1, *args, **kwargs)


>>> print_wrap('one', 'two', 'three', end='blah', sep='--')
('two', 'three')
{'end': 'blah', 'sep': '--'}


>>> print_wrap('blah', dead_arg='anything')
TypeError: 'dead_arg' is an invalid keyword argument for this function

Here’s a simple function that serves to explain the usage:

def print_wrap(arg1, *args, **kwargs):
    print(arg1, *args, **kwargs)

Any arguments that are not specified in the function definition will be put in the args list, or the kwargs list, depending on whether they are keyword arguments or not:

>>> print_wrap('one', 'two', 'three', end='blah', sep='--')
('two', 'three')
{'end': 'blah', 'sep': '--'}

If you add a keyword argument that never gets passed to a function, an error will be raised:

>>> print_wrap('blah', dead_arg='anything')
TypeError: 'dead_arg' is an invalid keyword argument for this function

回答 9


#! /usr/bin/env python
def g( **kwargs) :
  print ( "In g ready to print kwargs" )
  print kwargs
  print ( "in g, calling f")
  f ( **kwargs )
  print ( "In g, after returning from f")

def f( **kwargs ) :
  print ( "in f, printing kwargs")
  print ( kwargs )
  print ( "In f, after printing kwargs")

g( a="red", b=5, c="Nassau")

g( q="purple", w="W", c="Charlie", d=[4, 3, 6] )


$ python kwargs_demo.py 
In g ready to print kwargs
{'a': 'red', 'c': 'Nassau', 'b': 5}
in g, calling f
in f, printing kwargs
{'a': 'red', 'c': 'Nassau', 'b': 5}
In f, after printing kwargs
In g, after returning from f
In g ready to print kwargs
{'q': 'purple', 'c': 'Charlie', 'd': [4, 3, 6], 'w': 'W'}
in g, calling f
in f, printing kwargs
{'q': 'purple', 'c': 'Charlie', 'd': [4, 3, 6], 'w': 'W'}
In f, after printing kwargs
In g, after returning from f


Here is an example that I hope is helpful:

#! /usr/bin/env python
def g( **kwargs) :
  print ( "In g ready to print kwargs" )
  print kwargs
  print ( "in g, calling f")
  f ( **kwargs )
  print ( "In g, after returning from f")

def f( **kwargs ) :
  print ( "in f, printing kwargs")
  print ( kwargs )
  print ( "In f, after printing kwargs")

g( a="red", b=5, c="Nassau")

g( q="purple", w="W", c="Charlie", d=[4, 3, 6] )

When you run the program, you get:

$ python kwargs_demo.py 
In g ready to print kwargs
{'a': 'red', 'c': 'Nassau', 'b': 5}
in g, calling f
in f, printing kwargs
{'a': 'red', 'c': 'Nassau', 'b': 5}
In f, after printing kwargs
In g, after returning from f
In g ready to print kwargs
{'q': 'purple', 'c': 'Charlie', 'd': [4, 3, 6], 'w': 'W'}
in g, calling f
in f, printing kwargs
{'q': 'purple', 'c': 'Charlie', 'd': [4, 3, 6], 'w': 'W'}
In f, after printing kwargs
In g, after returning from f

The key take away here is that the variable number of named arguments in the call translate into a dictionary in the function.

回答 10


>>> def f(*args, **kwargs):
...    print 'args', args, 'kwargs', kwargs


>>>f(1, 2)
>>> args (1,2) kwargs {} #args return parameter without reference as a tuple
>>>f(a = 1, b = 2)
>>> args () kwargs {'a': 1, 'b': 2} #args is empty tuple and kwargs return parameter with reference as a dictionary

This is the simple example to understand about python unpacking,

>>> def f(*args, **kwargs):
...    print 'args', args, 'kwargs', kwargs


>>>f(1, 2)
>>> args (1,2) kwargs {} #args return parameter without reference as a tuple
>>>f(a = 1, b = 2)
>>> args () kwargs {'a': 1, 'b': 2} #args is empty tuple and kwargs return parameter with reference as a dictionary

回答 11




class Robot():
    # name is an arg and color is a kwarg
    def __init__(self,name, color='red'):
        self.name = name
        self.color = color

red_robot = Robot('Bob')
blue_robot = Robot('Bob', color='blue')

print("I am a {color} robot named {name}.".format(color=red_robot.color, name=red_robot.name))
print("I am a {color} robot named {name}.".format(color=blue_robot.color, name=blue_robot.name))

>>> I am a red robot named Bob.
>>> I am a blue robot named Bob.


In Java, you use constructors to overload classes and allow for multiple input parameters. In python, you can use kwargs to provide similar behavior.

java example: https://beginnersbook.com/2013/05/constructor-overloading/

python example:

class Robot():
    # name is an arg and color is a kwarg
    def __init__(self,name, color='red'):
        self.name = name
        self.color = color

red_robot = Robot('Bob')
blue_robot = Robot('Bob', color='blue')

print("I am a {color} robot named {name}.".format(color=red_robot.color, name=red_robot.name))
print("I am a {color} robot named {name}.".format(color=blue_robot.color, name=blue_robot.name))

>>> I am a red robot named Bob.
>>> I am a blue robot named Bob.

just another way to think about it.

回答 12



参数名称** kwargs之前的两个星号的用法是,当一个人不知道将多少个关键字参数传递给该函数时。在这种情况下,它称为任意/通配符关键字参数。


def my_callback(sender, **kwargs):
    print("Request finished!")

请注意,该函数带有一个sender参数以及通配符关键字参数(** kwargs);所有信号处理程序都必须采用这些参数。所有信号都发送关键字参数,并且可以随时更改这些关键字参数。在request_finished的情况下,它被记录为不发送任何参数,这意味着我们可能很想将信号处理编写为my_callback(sender)。



Keyword Arguments are often shortened to kwargs in Python. In computer programming,

keyword arguments refer to a computer language’s support for function calls that clearly state the name of each parameter within the function call.

The usage of the two asterisk before the parameter name, **kwargs, is when one doesn’t know how many keyword arguments will be passed into the function. When that’s the case, it’s called Arbitrary / Wildcard Keyword Arguments.

One example of this is Django’s receiver functions.

def my_callback(sender, **kwargs):
    print("Request finished!")

Notice that the function takes a sender argument, along with wildcard keyword arguments (**kwargs); all signal handlers must take these arguments. All signals send keyword arguments, and may change those keyword arguments at any time. In the case of request_finished, it’s documented as sending no arguments, which means we might be tempted to write our signal handling as my_callback(sender).

This would be wrong – in fact, Django will throw an error if you do so. That’s because at any point arguments could get added to the signal and your receiver must be able to handle those new arguments.

Note that it doesn’t have to be called kwargs, but it needs to have ** (the name kwargs is a convention).