


我尝试在python IDLE中执行以下代码

from __future__ import braces 


SyntaxError: not a chance


I tried executed the following code in the python IDLE

from __future__ import braces 

And I got the following error:

SyntaxError: not a chance

What does the above error mean?

回答 0




因此,线from __future__ import braces被认为是指你要启用该功能“用括号来创建块”,异常告诉您那的机会不断发生的零。

您可以添加到包括在Python中-笑话的一大串,就像import __hello__import thisimport antigravity。Python开发人员具有良好的幽默感!

You have found an easter egg in Python. It is a joke.

It means that delimiting blocks by braces instead of indentation will never be implemented.

Normally, imports from the special __future__ module enable features that are backwards-incompatible, such as the print() function, or true division.

So the line from __future__ import braces is taken to mean you want to enable the ‘create blocks with braces’ feature, and the exception tells you your chances of that ever happening are nil.

You can add that to the long list of in-jokes included in Python, just like import __hello__, import this and import antigravity. The Python developers have a well-developed sense of humour!

回答 1




import this 将显示Python的禅宗。

import __hello__将显示Hello World...

在Python 2.7和3.0中,import antigravity将打开浏览器以显示漫画!

The __future__ module is normally used to provide features from future versions of Python.

This is an easter egg that summarizes its developers’ feelings on this issue.

There are several more:

import this will display the zen of Python.

import __hello__ will display Hello World....

In Python 2.7 and 3.0, import antigravity will open the browser to a comic!



x = " \{ Hello \} {0} "

给我 : Key Error: Hello\\

我想打印输出: {Hello} 42

x = " \{ Hello \} {0} "

gives me : Key Error: Hello\\

I want to print the output: {Hello} 42

回答 0


>>> x = " {{ Hello }} {0} "
>>> print(x.format(42))
' { Hello } 42 '


格式字符串包含用花括号括起来的“替换字段” {}。花括号中不包含的所有内容均视为文字文本,该文本原样复制到输出中。如果需要在文字文本中包含大括号字符,可以通过加倍:{{和来对其进行转义}}

You need to double the {{ and }}:

>>> x = " {{ Hello }} {0} "
>>> print(x.format(42))
' { Hello } 42 '

Here’s the relevant part of the Python documentation for format string syntax:

Format strings contain “replacement fields” surrounded by curly braces {}. Anything that is not contained in braces is considered literal text, which is copied unchanged to the output. If you need to include a brace character in the literal text, it can be escaped by doubling: {{ and }}.

回答 1



x = "{{ Hello }} {0}"

You escape it by doubling the braces.


x = "{{ Hello }} {0}"

回答 2

Python 3.6+(2017年)


对于f弦,应使用double {{}}

n = 42  
print(f" {{Hello}} {n} ")


 {Hello} 42


hello = "HELLO"



Python 3.6+ (2017)

In the recent versions of Python one would use f-strings (see also PEP498).

With f-strings one should use double {{ or }}

n = 42  
print(f" {{Hello}} {n} ")

produces the desired

 {Hello} 42

If you need to resolve an expression in the brackets instead of using literal text you’ll need three sets of brackets:

hello = "HELLO"



回答 3


我正在尝试出于某种目的格式化小型JSON,例如:'{"all": false, "selected": "{}"}'.format(data)获得类似{"all": false, "selected": "1,2"}



import json
data = "1,2"
mydict = {"all": "false", "selected": data}


'{{"all": false, "selected": "{}"}}'.format(data)


The OP wrote this comment:

I was trying to format a small JSON for some purposes, like this: '{"all": false, "selected": "{}"}'.format(data) to get something like {"all": false, "selected": "1,2"}

It’s pretty common that the “escaping braces” issue comes up when dealing with JSON.

I suggest doing this:

import json
data = "1,2"
mydict = {"all": "false", "selected": data}

It’s cleaner than the alternative, which is:

'{{"all": false, "selected": "{}"}}'.format(data)

Using the json library is definitely preferable when the JSON string gets more complicated than the example.

回答 4


x = " {{ Hello }} {0} "
print x.format(42)

Try doing this:

x = " {{ Hello }} {0} "
print x.format(42)

回答 5


x = "{{ Hello }} {0}"

Try this:

x = "{{ Hello }} {0}"

回答 6


>>> x = '{}Hello{} {}'
>>> print x.format('{','}',42)
{Hello} 42


请注意,您在Python 2.7之后省略了参数位置(例如{}而不是{0}

Although not any better, just for the reference, you can also do this:

>>> x = '{}Hello{} {}'
>>> print x.format('{','}',42)
{Hello} 42

It can be useful for example when someone wants to print {argument}. It is maybe more readable than '{{{}}}'.format('argument')

Note that you omit argument positions (e.g. {} instead of {0}) after Python 2.7

回答 7


def custom_format(string, brackets, *args, **kwargs):
    if len(brackets) != 2:
        raise ValueError('Expected two brackets. Got {}.'.format(len(brackets)))
    padded = string.replace('{', '{{').replace('}', '}}')
    substituted = padded.replace(brackets[0], '{').replace(brackets[1], '}')
    formatted = substituted.format(*args, **kwargs)
    return formatted

>>> custom_format('{{[cmd]} process 1}', brackets='[]', cmd='firefox.exe')
'{{firefox.exe} process 1}'


If you are going to be doing this a lot, it might be good to define a utility function that will let you use arbitrary brace substitutes instead, like

def custom_format(string, brackets, *args, **kwargs):
    if len(brackets) != 2:
        raise ValueError('Expected two brackets. Got {}.'.format(len(brackets)))
    padded = string.replace('{', '{{').replace('}', '}}')
    substituted = padded.replace(brackets[0], '{').replace(brackets[1], '}')
    formatted = substituted.format(*args, **kwargs)
    return formatted

>>> custom_format('{{[cmd]} process 1}', brackets='[]', cmd='firefox.exe')
'{{firefox.exe} process 1}'

Note that this will work either with brackets being a string of length 2 or an iterable of two strings (for multi-character delimiters).

回答 8


def preformat(msg):
    """ allow {{key}} to be used for formatting in text
    that already uses curly braces.  First switch this into
    something else, replace curlies with double curlies, and then
    switch back to regular braces
    msg = msg.replace('{{', '<<<').replace('}}', '>>>')
    msg = msg.replace('{', '{{').replace('}', '}}')
    msg = msg.replace('<<<', '{').replace('>>>', '}')
    return msg


formatted = preformat("""
        "foo": "{{bar}}"


I recently ran into this, because I wanted to inject strings into preformatted JSON. My solution was to create a helper method, like this:

def preformat(msg):
    """ allow {{key}} to be used for formatting in text
    that already uses curly braces.  First switch this into
    something else, replace curlies with double curlies, and then
    switch back to regular braces
    msg = msg.replace('{{', '<<<').replace('}}', '>>>')
    msg = msg.replace('{', '{{').replace('}', '}}')
    msg = msg.replace('<<<', '{').replace('>>>', '}')
    return msg

You can then do something like:

formatted = preformat("""
        "foo": "{{bar}}"

Gets the job done if performance is not an issue.

回答 9


>>> myvar = 'test'
>>> "{{{{{0}}}}}".format(myvar)

If you need to keep two curly braces in the string, you need 5 curly braces on each side of the variable.

>>> myvar = 'test'
>>> "{{{{{0}}}}}".format(myvar)

回答 10



x = " {{ Hello }} {0} "



x = " { Hello } %s"
print x%(42)  

Reason is , {} is the syntax of .format() so in your case .format() doesn’t recognize {Hello} so it threw an error.

you can override it by using double curly braces {{}},

x = " {{ Hello }} {0} "


try %s for text formatting,

x = " { Hello } %s"
print x%(42)  

回答 11


假设您要打印出带有诸如的索引的多个变量的乘积 ,在Latex中将是$A_{ 0042 }*A_{ 3141 }*A_{ 2718 }*A_{ 0042 }$ 这样的代码。以下代码使用命名字段完成工作,因此对于许多索引而言,它仍然可读:

idx_mapping = {'i1':42, 'i2':3141, 'i3':2178 }
print('$A_{{ {i1:04d} }} * A_{{ {i2:04d} }} * A_{{ {i3:04d} }} * A_{{ {i1:04d} }}$'.format(**idx_mapping))

I stumbled upon this problem when trying to print text, which I can copy paste into a Latex document. I extend on this answer and make use of named replacement fields:

Lets say you want to print out a product of mulitple variables with indices such as , which in Latex would be $A_{ 0042 }*A_{ 3141 }*A_{ 2718 }*A_{ 0042 }$ The following code does the job with named fields so that for many indices it stays readable:

idx_mapping = {'i1':42, 'i2':3141, 'i3':2178 }
print('$A_{{ {i1:04d} }} * A_{{ {i2:04d} }} * A_{{ {i3:04d} }} * A_{{ {i1:04d} }}$'.format(**idx_mapping))

回答 12


>>> f'{{ there is a curly brace on the left. Oh, and 1 + 1 is {1 + 1}'
'{ there is a curly brace on the left. Oh, and 1 + 1 is 2'

If you want to only print one curly brace (for example {) you can use {{, and you can add more braces later in the string if you want. For example:

>>> f'{{ there is a curly brace on the left. Oh, and 1 + 1 is {1 + 1}'
'{ there is a curly brace on the left. Oh, and 1 + 1 is 2'

回答 13


from jinja2 import Template

foo = Template('''
#include <stdio.h>

void main() {
    printf("hello universe number {{number}}");

for i in range(2):


When you’re just trying to interpolate code strings I’d suggest using jinja2 which is a full-featured template engine for Python, ie:

from jinja2 import Template

foo = Template('''
#include <stdio.h>

void main() {
    printf("hello universe number {{number}}");

for i in range(2):

So you won’t be enforced to duplicate curly braces as the whole bunch of other answers suggest

回答 14


# to print '{I am inside braces}'
print(r'{I am inside braces}')

You can do this by using raw string method by simply adding character ‘r’ without quotes before the string.

# to print '{I am inside braces}'
print(r'{I am inside braces}')