
对Python REST(Web服务)框架的建议?[关闭]

问题:对Python REST(Web服务)框架的建议?[关闭]

在服务器端使用这些基于Python的不同REST框架的建议列表中是否可以编写自己的RESTful API?最好有优点和缺点。


Is there a list somewhere of recommendations of different Python-based REST frameworks for use on the serverside to write your own RESTful APIs? Preferably with pros and cons.

Please feel free to add recommendations here. :)

回答 0

设计RESTful API时要注意的一点是GET和POST的合并,就好像它们是同一件事一样。使用Django基于函数的视图CherryPy的默认分派器很容易犯此错误,尽管这两个框架现在都提供了解决此问题的方法(分别基于类的视图MethodDispatcher)。

HTTP谓词在REST 中非常重要,除非对此特别小心,否则最终会陷入REST反模式

一些正确的框架是web.pyFlaskBottle。当与mimerender库结合使用时(充分披露:我写了它),它们使您可以编写漂亮的RESTful Web服务:

import web
import json
from mimerender import mimerender

render_xml = lambda message: '<message>%s</message>'%message
render_json = lambda **args: json.dumps(args)
render_html = lambda message: '<html><body>%s</body></html>'%message
render_txt = lambda message: message

urls = (
    '/(.*)', 'greet'
app = web.application(urls, globals())

class greet:
        default = 'html',
        html = render_html,
        xml  = render_xml,
        json = render_json,
        txt  = render_txt
    def GET(self, name):
        if not name: 
            name = 'world'
        return {'message': 'Hello, ' + name + '!'}

if __name__ == "__main__":


$ curl localhost:8080/x
<html><body>Hello, x!</body></html>

$ curl -H "Accept: application/html" localhost:8080/x
<html><body>Hello, x!</body></html>

$ curl -H "Accept: application/xml" localhost:8080/x
<message>Hello, x!</message>

$ curl -H "Accept: application/json" localhost:8080/x
{'message':'Hello, x!'}

$ curl -H "Accept: text/plain" localhost:8080/x
Hello, x!

更新(2012年4月):添加了有关Django基于类的视图,CherryPy的MethodDispatcher和Flask and Bottle框架的信息。提出问题时,两者都不存在。

Something to be careful about when designing a RESTful API is the conflation of GET and POST, as if they were the same thing. It’s easy to make this mistake with Django‘s function-based views and CherryPy‘s default dispatcher, although both frameworks now provide a way around this problem (class-based views and MethodDispatcher, respectively).

HTTP-verbs are very important in REST, and unless you’re very careful about this, you’ll end up falling into a REST anti-pattern.

Some frameworks that get it right are web.py, Flask and Bottle. When combined with the mimerender library (full disclosure: I wrote it), they allow you to write nice RESTful webservices:

import web
import json
from mimerender import mimerender

render_xml = lambda message: '<message>%s</message>'%message
render_json = lambda **args: json.dumps(args)
render_html = lambda message: '<html><body>%s</body></html>'%message
render_txt = lambda message: message

urls = (
    '/(.*)', 'greet'
app = web.application(urls, globals())

class greet:
        default = 'html',
        html = render_html,
        xml  = render_xml,
        json = render_json,
        txt  = render_txt
    def GET(self, name):
        if not name: 
            name = 'world'
        return {'message': 'Hello, ' + name + '!'}

if __name__ == "__main__":

The service’s logic is implemented only once, and the correct representation selection (Accept header) + dispatch to the proper render function (or template) is done in a tidy, transparent way.

$ curl localhost:8080/x
<html><body>Hello, x!</body></html>

$ curl -H "Accept: application/html" localhost:8080/x
<html><body>Hello, x!</body></html>

$ curl -H "Accept: application/xml" localhost:8080/x
<message>Hello, x!</message>

$ curl -H "Accept: application/json" localhost:8080/x
{'message':'Hello, x!'}

$ curl -H "Accept: text/plain" localhost:8080/x
Hello, x!

Update (April 2012): added information about Django’s class-based views, CherryPy’s MethodDispatcher and Flask and Bottle frameworks. Neither existed back when the question was asked.

回答 1


from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
    return "Hello World!"

if __name__ == "__main__":

Surprised no one mentioned flask.

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
    return "Hello World!"

if __name__ == "__main__":

回答 2

我们正在将Django用于RESTful Web服务。


我们有两种URL:实现面向人的HTML页面的“ html” URL和实现面向Web服务的处理的“ json” URL。我们的视图功能通常看起来像这样。

def someUsefulThing( request, object_id ):
    # do some processing
    return { a dictionary with results }

def htmlView( request, object_id ):
    d = someUsefulThing( request, object_id )
    render_to_response( 'template.html', d, ... )

def jsonView( request, object_id ):
    d = someUsefulThing( request, object_id )
    data = serializers.serialize( 'json', d['object'], fields=EXPOSED_FIELDS )
    response = HttpResponse( data, status=200, content_type='application/json' )
    response['Location']= reverse( 'some.path.to.this.view', kwargs={...} )
    return response



We’re using Django for RESTful web services.

Note that — out of the box — Django did not have fine-grained enough authentication for our needs. We used the Django-REST interface, which helped a lot. [We’ve since rolled our own because we’d made so many extensions that it had become a maintenance nightmare.]

We have two kinds of URL’s: “html” URL’s which implement the human-oriented HTML pages, and “json” URL’s which implement the web-services oriented processing. Our view functions often look like this.

def someUsefulThing( request, object_id ):
    # do some processing
    return { a dictionary with results }

def htmlView( request, object_id ):
    d = someUsefulThing( request, object_id )
    render_to_response( 'template.html', d, ... )

def jsonView( request, object_id ):
    d = someUsefulThing( request, object_id )
    data = serializers.serialize( 'json', d['object'], fields=EXPOSED_FIELDS )
    response = HttpResponse( data, status=200, content_type='application/json' )
    response['Location']= reverse( 'some.path.to.this.view', kwargs={...} )
    return response

The point being that the useful functionality is factored out of the two presentations. The JSON presentation is usually just one object that was requested. The HTML presentation often includes all kinds of navigation aids and other contextual clues that help people be productive.

The jsonView functions are all very similar, which can be a bit annoying. But it’s Python, so make them part of a callable class or write decorators if it helps.

回答 3

请参阅Python Web Frameworks Wiki。


See Python Web Frameworks wiki.

You probably do not need the full stack frameworks, but the remaining list is still quite long.

回答 4


import cherrypy
from cherrypy import expose

class Converter:
    def index(self):
        return "Hello World!"

    def fahr_to_celc(self, degrees):
        temp = (float(degrees) - 32) * 5 / 9
        return "%.01f" % temp

    def celc_to_fahr(self, degrees):
        temp = float(degrees) * 9 / 5 + 32
        return "%.01f" % temp


这强调了我对CherryPy的真正喜欢;这是一个完全可行的示例,即使对于不了解该框架的人也非常容易理解。如果运行此代码,则可以立即在Web浏览器中看到结果;例如,访问http:// localhost:8080 / celc_to_fahr?degrees = 50将显示122.0在您的Web浏览器中。

I really like CherryPy. Here’s an example of a restful web service:

import cherrypy
from cherrypy import expose

class Converter:
    def index(self):
        return "Hello World!"

    def fahr_to_celc(self, degrees):
        temp = (float(degrees) - 32) * 5 / 9
        return "%.01f" % temp

    def celc_to_fahr(self, degrees):
        temp = float(degrees) * 9 / 5 + 32
        return "%.01f" % temp


This emphasizes what I really like about CherryPy; this is a completely working example that’s very understandable even to someone who doesn’t know the framework. If you run this code, then you can immediately see the results in your web browser; e.g. visiting http://localhost:8080/celc_to_fahr?degrees=50 will display 122.0 in your web browser.

回答 5

回答 6

我看不出有任何理由使用Django来公开REST api,有更轻便,更灵活的解决方案。Django将很多其他东西带到了表中,这些东西并非总是需要的。如果您只想将某些代码公开为REST服务,则可以肯定不需要。


选择一个Web框架是一个艰难的决定,并且我会避免为了展示REST api而选择一个完整的堆栈解决方案。




I don’t see any reason to use Django just to expose a REST api, there are lighter and more flexible solutions. Django carries a lot of other things to the table, that are not always needed. For sure not needed if you only want to expose some code as a REST service.

My personal experience, fwiw, is that once you have a one-size-fits-all framework, you’ll start to use its ORM, its plugins, etc. just because it’s easy, and in no time you end up having a dependency that is very hard to get rid of.

Choosing a web framework is a tough decision, and I would avoid picking a full stack solution just to expose a REST api.

Now, if you really need/want to use Django, then Piston is a nice REST framework for django apps.

That being said, CherryPy looks really nice too, but seems more RPC than REST.

Looking at the samples (I never used it), probably web.py is the best and cleanest if you only need REST.

回答 7

这是基于REST的CherryPy文档中的讨论:http : //docs.cherrypy.org/dev/progguide/REST.html


Here is a discussion in CherryPy docs on REST: http://docs.cherrypy.org/dev/progguide/REST.html

In particular it mentions a built in CherryPy dispatcher called MethodDispatcher, which invokes methods based on their HTTP-verb identifiers (GET, POST, etc…).

回答 8


In 2010, the Pylons and repoze.bfg communities “joined forces” to create Pyramid, a web framework based most heavily on repoze.bfg. It retains the philosophies of its parent frameworks, and can be used for RESTful services. It’s worth a look.

回答 9

Piston是用于为Django应用程序编写RESTful API的非常灵活的框架。

Piston is very flexible framework for wirting RESTful APIs for Django applications.

回答 10

似乎所有种类的python Web框架现在都可以实现RESTful接口。


Django REST框架是适用于Django的轻量级REST框架,旨在简化构建相互连接,自描述的RESTful Web API的过程。


from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url
from djangorestframework.resources import ModelResource
from djangorestframework.views import ListOrCreateModelView, InstanceModelView
from myapp.models import MyModel

class MyResource(ModelResource):
    model = MyModel

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^$', ListOrCreateModelView.as_view(resource=MyResource)),
    url(r'^(?P<pk>[^/]+)/$', InstanceModelView.as_view(resource=MyResource)),



Seems all kinds of python web frameworks can implement RESTful interfaces now.

For Django, besides tastypie and piston, django-rest-framework is a promising one worth to mention. I’ve already migrated one of my project on it smoothly.

Django REST framework is a lightweight REST framework for Django, that aims to make it easy to build well-connected, self-describing RESTful Web APIs.

Quick example:

from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url
from djangorestframework.resources import ModelResource
from djangorestframework.views import ListOrCreateModelView, InstanceModelView
from myapp.models import MyModel

class MyResource(ModelResource):
    model = MyModel

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^$', ListOrCreateModelView.as_view(resource=MyResource)),
    url(r'^(?P<pk>[^/]+)/$', InstanceModelView.as_view(resource=MyResource)),

Take the example from official site, all above codes provide api, self explained document(like soap based webservice) and even sandbox to test a bit. Very convenience.

Links: http://django-rest-framework.org/

回答 11


I am not an expert on the python world but I have been using django which is an excellent web framework and can be used to create a restful framework.

回答 12

web2py包括对轻松构建RESTful API的支持,如此此处所述(视频)。特别地,请看一下parse_as_rest,它使您可以定义将请求参数映射到数据库查询的URL模式。和smart_query,使您可以在URL中传递任意自然语言查询。

web2py includes support for easily building RESTful API’s, described here and here (video). In particular, look at parse_as_rest, which lets you define URL patterns that map request args to database queries; and smart_query, which enables you to pass arbitrary natural language queries in the URL.

回答 13


I you are using Django then you can consider django-tastypie as an alternative to django-piston. It is easier to tune to non-ORM data sources than piston, and has great documentation.

回答 14



  • 不如django冗长
  • 更灵活,更少HTML
  • 但是:不太有名


  • 非常快
  • 很容易学习
  • 但是:简约而不成熟

I strongly recommend TurboGears or Bottle:


  • less verbose than django
  • more flexible, less HTML-oriented
  • but: less famous


  • very fast
  • very easy to learn
  • but: minimalistic and not mature

回答 15




We are working on a framework for strict REST services, check out http://prestans.googlecode.com

Its in early Alpha at the moment, we are testing against mod_wsgi and Google’s AppEngine.

Looking for testers and feedback. Thanks.