




mystatement "Something"


new_if True:
    print "example"


Can you add new statements (like print, raise, with) to Python’s syntax?

Say, to allow..

mystatement "Something"


new_if True:
    print "example"

Not so much if you should, but rather if it’s possible (short of modifying the python interpreters code)

回答 0


本文旨在更好地了解Python前端的工作方式。仅阅读文档和源代码可能会有些无聊,因此我在这里采用动手实践的方法:我将向untilPython 添加一条语句。

本文的所有编码都是针对Python Mercurial存储库镜像中最前沿的Py3k分支完成的。


有些语言,如红宝石,有一个until说法,这是补充whileuntil num == 0相当于while num != 0)。在Ruby中,我可以这样写:

num = 3
until num == 0 do
  puts num
  num -= 1




num = 3
until num == 0:
  num -= 1







compound_stmt: if_stmt | while_stmt | until_stmt | for_stmt | try_stmt | with_stmt | funcdef | classdef | decorated
if_stmt: 'if' test ':' suite ('elif' test ':' suite)* ['else' ':' suite]
while_stmt: 'while' test ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]
until_stmt: 'until' test ':' suite



第二个更改是将规则修改为compound_stmtinclude until_stmt,如您在上面的代码段中所见。紧接着while_stmt又是。



在Python解析器创建了一个解析树之后,该树将转换为AST,因为在编译过程的后续阶段中,使用 AST 更简单

因此,我们将要访问Parser/Python.asdl,它定义了Python AST的结构,并为我们的新until语句添加了一个AST节点,再次位于以下位置while

| While(expr test, stmt* body, stmt* orelse)
| Until(expr test, stmt* body)

如果您现在运行make,请注意,在编译一堆文件之前,请先Parser/asdl_c.py运行以从AST定义文件生成C代码。这(如Grammar/Grammar)是Python源代码的另一个示例,它使用迷你语言(即DSL)简化了编程。还要注意,由于Parser/asdl_c.py是Python脚本,所以这是一种引导程序 -要从头开始构建Python,Python必须已经可用。


case while_stmt:
    return ast_for_while_stmt(c, ch);
case until_stmt:
    return ast_for_until_stmt(c, ch);


static stmt_ty
ast_for_until_stmt(struct compiling *c, const node *n)
    /* until_stmt: 'until' test ':' suite */
    REQ(n, until_stmt);

    if (NCH(n) == 4) {
        expr_ty expression;
        asdl_seq *suite_seq;

        expression = ast_for_expr(c, CHILD(n, 1));
        if (!expression)
            return NULL;
        suite_seq = ast_for_suite(c, CHILD(n, 3));
        if (!suite_seq)
            return NULL;
        return Until(expression, suite_seq, LINENO(n), n->n_col_offset, c->c_arena);

                 "wrong number of tokens for 'until' statement: %d",
    return NULL;

同样,在仔细查看等效项的同时对它进行了编码ast_for_while_stmt,所不同的是,until我决定不支持该else子句。如预期的那样,使用其他AST创建函数(如ast_for_expr条件表达式和语句ast_for_suite主体)以递归方式创建AST until。最后,Until返回一个名为的新节点。



我选择为该until语句创建一种新型的AST ,但实际上这不是必需的。我可以使用现有AST节点的组成来节省一些工作并实现新功能,因为:

until condition:
   # do stuff


while not condition:
  # do stuff





case While_kind:
    return compiler_while(c, s);
case Until_kind:
    return compiler_until(c, s);


如果您像我一样好奇,您会发现这compiler_visit_stmt很奇怪。grep对源代码树进行-ping操作并没有揭示调用它的位置。在这种情况下,仅保留一个选项-C macro-fu。确实,经过简短的调查,我们找到了以下VISIT宏中定义的宏Python/compile.c

#define VISIT(C, TYPE, V) {\
    if (!compiler_visit_ ## TYPE((C), (V))) \
        return 0; \



static int
compiler_until(struct compiler *c, stmt_ty s)
    basicblock *loop, *end, *anchor = NULL;
    int constant = expr_constant(s->v.Until.test);

    if (constant == 1) {
        return 1;
    loop = compiler_new_block(c);
    end = compiler_new_block(c);
    if (constant == -1) {
        anchor = compiler_new_block(c);
        if (anchor == NULL)
            return 0;
    if (loop == NULL || end == NULL)
        return 0;

    compiler_use_next_block(c, loop);
    if (!compiler_push_fblock(c, LOOP, loop))
        return 0;
    if (constant == -1) {
        VISIT(c, expr, s->v.Until.test);
        ADDOP_JABS(c, POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE, anchor);
    VISIT_SEQ(c, stmt, s->v.Until.body);

    if (constant == -1) {
        compiler_use_next_block(c, anchor);
        ADDOP(c, POP_BLOCK);
    compiler_pop_fblock(c, LOOP, loop);
    compiler_use_next_block(c, end);

    return 1;

我有一个表白:这段代码并不是基于对Python字节码的深刻理解而编写的。像本文的其余部分一样,它是模仿亲属compiler_while功能来完成的。但是,通过仔细阅读它,牢记Python VM是基于堆栈的,并浏览该dis模块的文档(该模块的文档提供了带有说明的Python字节码列表),可以了解正在发生的事情。



>>> until num == 0:
...   print(num)
...   num -= 1


import dis

def myfoo(num):
    until num == 0:
        num -= 1



4           0 SETUP_LOOP              36 (to 39)
      >>    3 LOAD_FAST                0 (num)
            6 LOAD_CONST               1 (0)
            9 COMPARE_OP               2 (==)
           12 POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE        38

5          15 LOAD_NAME                0 (print)
           18 LOAD_FAST                0 (num)
           21 CALL_FUNCTION            1
           24 POP_TOP

6          25 LOAD_FAST                0 (num)
           28 LOAD_CONST               2 (1)
           31 INPLACE_SUBTRACT
           32 STORE_FAST               0 (num)
           35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE            3
      >>   38 POP_BLOCK
      >>   39 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
           42 RETURN_VALUE



Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "zy.py", line 9, in
  File "zy.py", line 5, in myfoo
SystemError: no locals when loading 'print'



Python编译器在编译AST时执行的步骤之一是为其编译的代码创建符号表。对PySymtable_Buildin 的调用将PyAST_Compile调用符号表模块(Python/symtable.c),该模块以类似于代码生成功能的方式遍历AST。每个作用域都有一个符号表,有助于编译器找出一些关键信息,例如哪些变量是全局变量,哪些是局部变量。


case While_kind:
    VISIT(st, expr, s->v.While.test);
    VISIT_SEQ(st, stmt, s->v.While.body);
    if (s->v.While.orelse)
        VISIT_SEQ(st, stmt, s->v.While.orelse);
case Until_kind:
    VISIT(st, expr, s->v.Until.test);
    VISIT_SEQ(st, stmt, s->v.Until.body);








  • PEP 339:CPython编译器的设计 -可能是Python编译器最重要,最全面的官方文档。太短了,它痛苦地显示出缺乏有关Python内部结构的好的文档。
  • “ Python编译器内部知识”-Thomas Lee的文章
  • “ Python:设计与实现”-Guido van Rossum的演讲
  • Python(2.5)虚拟机,导览-PeterTröger的演示


You may find this useful – Python internals: adding a new statement to Python, quoted here:

This article is an attempt to better understand how the front-end of Python works. Just reading documentation and source code may be a bit boring, so I’m taking a hands-on approach here: I’m going to add an until statement to Python.

All the coding for this article was done against the cutting-edge Py3k branch in the Python Mercurial repository mirror.

The until statement

Some languages, like Ruby, have an until statement, which is the complement to while (until num == 0 is equivalent to while num != 0). In Ruby, I can write:

num = 3
until num == 0 do
  puts num
  num -= 1

And it will print:


So, I want to add a similar capability to Python. That is, being able to write:

num = 3
until num == 0:
  num -= 1

A language-advocacy digression

This article doesn’t attempt to suggest the addition of an until statement to Python. Although I think such a statement would make some code clearer, and this article displays how easy it is to add, I completely respect Python’s philosophy of minimalism. All I’m trying to do here, really, is gain some insight into the inner workings of Python.

Modifying the grammar

Python uses a custom parser generator named pgen. This is a LL(1) parser that converts Python source code into a parse tree. The input to the parser generator is the file Grammar/Grammar[1]. This is a simple text file that specifies the grammar of Python.

[1]: From here on, references to files in the Python source are given relatively to the root of the source tree, which is the directory where you run configure and make to build Python.

Two modifications have to be made to the grammar file. The first is to add a definition for the until statement. I found where the while statement was defined (while_stmt), and added until_stmt below [2]:

compound_stmt: if_stmt | while_stmt | until_stmt | for_stmt | try_stmt | with_stmt | funcdef | classdef | decorated
if_stmt: 'if' test ':' suite ('elif' test ':' suite)* ['else' ':' suite]
while_stmt: 'while' test ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]
until_stmt: 'until' test ':' suite

[2]: This demonstrates a common technique I use when modifying source code I’m not familiar with: work by similarity. This principle won’t solve all your problems, but it can definitely ease the process. Since everything that has to be done for while also has to be done for until, it serves as a pretty good guideline.

Note that I’ve decided to exclude the else clause from my definition of until, just to make it a little bit different (and because frankly I dislike the else clause of loops and don’t think it fits well with the Zen of Python).

The second change is to modify the rule for compound_stmt to include until_stmt, as you can see in the snippet above. It’s right after while_stmt, again.

When you run make after modifying Grammar/Grammar, notice that the pgen program is run to re-generate Include/graminit.h and Python/graminit.c, and then several files get re-compiled.

Modifying the AST generation code

After the Python parser has created a parse tree, this tree is converted into an AST, since ASTs are much simpler to work with in subsequent stages of the compilation process.

So, we’re going to visit Parser/Python.asdl which defines the structure of Python’s ASTs and add an AST node for our new until statement, again right below the while:

| While(expr test, stmt* body, stmt* orelse)
| Until(expr test, stmt* body)

If you now run make, notice that before compiling a bunch of files, Parser/asdl_c.py is run to generate C code from the AST definition file. This (like Grammar/Grammar) is another example of the Python source-code using a mini-language (in other words, a DSL) to simplify programming. Also note that since Parser/asdl_c.py is a Python script, this is a kind of bootstrapping – to build Python from scratch, Python already has to be available.

While Parser/asdl_c.py generated the code to manage our newly defined AST node (into the files Include/Python-ast.h and Python/Python-ast.c), we still have to write the code that converts a relevant parse-tree node into it by hand. This is done in the file Python/ast.c. There, a function named ast_for_stmt converts parse tree nodes for statements into AST nodes. Again, guided by our old friend while, we jump right into the big switch for handling compound statements and add a clause for until_stmt:

case while_stmt:
    return ast_for_while_stmt(c, ch);
case until_stmt:
    return ast_for_until_stmt(c, ch);

Now we should implement ast_for_until_stmt. Here it is:

static stmt_ty
ast_for_until_stmt(struct compiling *c, const node *n)
    /* until_stmt: 'until' test ':' suite */
    REQ(n, until_stmt);

    if (NCH(n) == 4) {
        expr_ty expression;
        asdl_seq *suite_seq;

        expression = ast_for_expr(c, CHILD(n, 1));
        if (!expression)
            return NULL;
        suite_seq = ast_for_suite(c, CHILD(n, 3));
        if (!suite_seq)
            return NULL;
        return Until(expression, suite_seq, LINENO(n), n->n_col_offset, c->c_arena);

                 "wrong number of tokens for 'until' statement: %d",
    return NULL;

Again, this was coded while closely looking at the equivalent ast_for_while_stmt, with the difference that for until I’ve decided not to support the else clause. As expected, the AST is created recursively, using other AST creating functions like ast_for_expr for the condition expression and ast_for_suite for the body of the until statement. Finally, a new node named Until is returned.

Note that we access the parse-tree node n using some macros like NCH and CHILD. These are worth understanding – their code is in Include/node.h.

Digression: AST composition

I chose to create a new type of AST for the until statement, but actually this isn’t necessary. I could’ve saved some work and implemented the new functionality using composition of existing AST nodes, since:

until condition:
   # do stuff

Is functionally equivalent to:

while not condition:
  # do stuff

Instead of creating the Until node in ast_for_until_stmt, I could have created a Not node with an While node as a child. Since the AST compiler already knows how to handle these nodes, the next steps of the process could be skipped.

Compiling ASTs into bytecode

The next step is compiling the AST into Python bytecode. The compilation has an intermediate result which is a CFG (Control Flow Graph), but since the same code handles it I will ignore this detail for now and leave it for another article.

The code we will look at next is Python/compile.c. Following the lead of while, we find the function compiler_visit_stmt, which is responsible for compiling statements into bytecode. We add a clause for Until:

case While_kind:
    return compiler_while(c, s);
case Until_kind:
    return compiler_until(c, s);

If you wonder what Until_kind is, it’s a constant (actually a value of the _stmt_kind enumeration) automatically generated from the AST definition file into Include/Python-ast.h. Anyway, we call compiler_until which, of course, still doesn’t exist. I’ll get to it an a moment.

If you’re curious like me, you’ll notice that compiler_visit_stmt is peculiar. No amount of grep-ping the source tree reveals where it is called. When this is the case, only one option remains – C macro-fu. Indeed, a short investigation leads us to the VISIT macro defined in Python/compile.c:

#define VISIT(C, TYPE, V) {\
    if (!compiler_visit_ ## TYPE((C), (V))) \
        return 0; \

It’s used to invoke compiler_visit_stmt in compiler_body. Back to our business, however…

As promised, here’s compiler_until:

static int
compiler_until(struct compiler *c, stmt_ty s)
    basicblock *loop, *end, *anchor = NULL;
    int constant = expr_constant(s->v.Until.test);

    if (constant == 1) {
        return 1;
    loop = compiler_new_block(c);
    end = compiler_new_block(c);
    if (constant == -1) {
        anchor = compiler_new_block(c);
        if (anchor == NULL)
            return 0;
    if (loop == NULL || end == NULL)
        return 0;

    compiler_use_next_block(c, loop);
    if (!compiler_push_fblock(c, LOOP, loop))
        return 0;
    if (constant == -1) {
        VISIT(c, expr, s->v.Until.test);
        ADDOP_JABS(c, POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE, anchor);
    VISIT_SEQ(c, stmt, s->v.Until.body);

    if (constant == -1) {
        compiler_use_next_block(c, anchor);
        ADDOP(c, POP_BLOCK);
    compiler_pop_fblock(c, LOOP, loop);
    compiler_use_next_block(c, end);

    return 1;

I have a confession to make: this code wasn’t written based on a deep understanding of Python bytecode. Like the rest of the article, it was done in imitation of the kin compiler_while function. By reading it carefully, however, keeping in mind that the Python VM is stack-based, and glancing into the documentation of the dis module, which has a list of Python bytecodes with descriptions, it’s possible to understand what’s going on.

That’s it, we’re done… Aren’t we?

After making all the changes and running make, we can run the newly compiled Python and try our new until statement:

>>> until num == 0:
...   print(num)
...   num -= 1

Voila, it works! Let’s see the bytecode created for the new statement by using the dis module as follows:

import dis

def myfoo(num):
    until num == 0:
        num -= 1


Here’s the result:

4           0 SETUP_LOOP              36 (to 39)
      >>    3 LOAD_FAST                0 (num)
            6 LOAD_CONST               1 (0)
            9 COMPARE_OP               2 (==)
           12 POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE        38

5          15 LOAD_NAME                0 (print)
           18 LOAD_FAST                0 (num)
           21 CALL_FUNCTION            1
           24 POP_TOP

6          25 LOAD_FAST                0 (num)
           28 LOAD_CONST               2 (1)
           31 INPLACE_SUBTRACT
           32 STORE_FAST               0 (num)
           35 JUMP_ABSOLUTE            3
      >>   38 POP_BLOCK
      >>   39 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
           42 RETURN_VALUE

The most interesting operation is number 12: if the condition is true, we jump to after the loop. This is correct semantics for until. If the jump isn’t executed, the loop body keeps running until it jumps back to the condition at operation 35.

Feeling good about my change, I then tried running the function (executing myfoo(3)) instead of showing its bytecode. The result was less than encouraging:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "zy.py", line 9, in
  File "zy.py", line 5, in myfoo
SystemError: no locals when loading 'print'

Whoa… this can’t be good. So what went wrong?

The case of the missing symbol table

One of the steps the Python compiler performs when compiling the AST is create a symbol table for the code it compiles. The call to PySymtable_Build in PyAST_Compile calls into the symbol table module (Python/symtable.c), which walks the AST in a manner similar to the code generation functions. Having a symbol table for each scope helps the compiler figure out some key information, such as which variables are global and which are local to a scope.

To fix the problem, we have to modify the symtable_visit_stmt function in Python/symtable.c, adding code for handling until statements, after the similar code for while statements [3]:

case While_kind:
    VISIT(st, expr, s->v.While.test);
    VISIT_SEQ(st, stmt, s->v.While.body);
    if (s->v.While.orelse)
        VISIT_SEQ(st, stmt, s->v.While.orelse);
case Until_kind:
    VISIT(st, expr, s->v.Until.test);
    VISIT_SEQ(st, stmt, s->v.Until.body);

[3]: By the way, without this code there’s a compiler warning for Python/symtable.c. The compiler notices that the Until_kind enumeration value isn’t handled in the switch statement of symtable_visit_stmt and complains. It’s always important to check for compiler warnings!

And now we really are done. Compiling the source after this change makes the execution of myfoo(3) work as expected.


In this article I’ve demonstrated how to add a new statement to Python. Albeit requiring quite a bit of tinkering in the code of the Python compiler, the change wasn’t difficult to implement, because I used a similar and existing statement as a guideline.

The Python compiler is a sophisticated chunk of software, and I don’t claim being an expert in it. However, I am really interested in the internals of Python, and particularly its front-end. Therefore, I found this exercise a very useful companion to theoretical study of the compiler’s principles and source code. It will serve as a base for future articles that will get deeper into the compiler.


I used a few excellent references for the construction of this article. Here they are, in no particular order:

  • PEP 339: Design of the CPython compiler – probably the most important and comprehensive piece of official documentation for the Python compiler. Being very short, it painfully displays the scarcity of good documentation of the internals of Python.
  • “Python Compiler Internals” – an article by Thomas Lee
  • “Python: Design and Implementation” – a presentation by Guido van Rossum
  • Python (2.5) Virtual Machine, A guided tour – a presentation by Peter Tröger

original source

回答 1


例如,假设我们要引入“ myprint”语句,该语句不是打印到屏幕而是登录到特定文件。即:

myprint "This gets logged to file"


print >>open('/tmp/logfile.txt','a'), "This gets logged to file"

从正则表达式替换到生成AST,以及根据自己的语法与现有python匹配的紧密程度来编写自己的解析器,有多种选择方法。一个好的中间方法是使用标记器模块。这应该允许您在解释源代码时(类似于python解释器)添加新的关键字,控制结构等,从而避免原始正则表达式解决方案造成损坏。对于上面的“ myprint”,您可以编写以下转换代码:

import tokenize

LOGFILE = '/tmp/log.txt'
def translate(readline):
    for type, name,_,_,_ in tokenize.generate_tokens(readline):
        if type ==tokenize.NAME and name =='myprint':
            yield tokenize.NAME, 'print'
            yield tokenize.OP, '>>'
            yield tokenize.NAME, "open"
            yield tokenize.OP, "("
            yield tokenize.STRING, repr(LOGFILE)
            yield tokenize.OP, ","
            yield tokenize.STRING, "'a'"
            yield tokenize.OP, ")"
            yield tokenize.OP, ","
            yield type,name



import new
def myimport(filename):
    mod = new.module(filename)
    data = tokenize.untokenize(translate(f.readline))
    exec data in mod.__dict__
    return mod

这就要求您处理自定义代码的方法不同于普通的python模块。即“ some_mod = myimport("some_mod.py")”而非“ import some_mod

另一个相当整洁(尽管很hacky)的解决方案是创建自定义编码(请参阅PEP 263),如食谱所示。您可以将其实现为:

import codecs, cStringIO, encodings
from encodings import utf_8

class StreamReader(utf_8.StreamReader):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        codecs.StreamReader.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        data = tokenize.untokenize(translate(self.stream.readline))
        self.stream = cStringIO.StringIO(data)

def search_function(s):
    if s!='mylang': return None
    utf8=encodings.search_function('utf8') # Assume utf8 encoding
    return codecs.CodecInfo(
        encode = utf8.encode,
        decode = utf8.decode,


现在,在运行此代码之后(例如,您可以将其放置在.pythonrc或site.py中),以注释“ #coding:mylang”开头的任何代码都将自动通过上述预处理步骤进行翻译。例如。

# coding: mylang
myprint "this gets logged to file"
for i in range(10):
    myprint "so does this : ", i, "times"
myprint ("works fine" "with arbitrary" + " syntax" 
  "and line continuations")



One way to do things like this is to preprocess the source and modify it, translating your added statement to python. There are various problems this approach will bring, and I wouldn’t recommend it for general usage, but for experimentation with language, or specific-purpose metaprogramming, it can occassionally be useful.

For instance, lets say we want to introduce a “myprint” statement, that instead of printing to the screen instead logs to a specific file. ie:

myprint "This gets logged to file"

would be equivalent to

print >>open('/tmp/logfile.txt','a'), "This gets logged to file"

There are various options as to how to do the replacing, from regex substitution to generating an AST, to writing your own parser depending on how close your syntax matches existing python. A good intermediate approach is to use the tokenizer module. This should allow you to add new keywords, control structures etc while interpreting the source similarly to the python interpreter, thus avoiding the breakage crude regex solutions would cause. For the above “myprint”, you could write the following transformation code:

import tokenize

LOGFILE = '/tmp/log.txt'
def translate(readline):
    for type, name,_,_,_ in tokenize.generate_tokens(readline):
        if type ==tokenize.NAME and name =='myprint':
            yield tokenize.NAME, 'print'
            yield tokenize.OP, '>>'
            yield tokenize.NAME, "open"
            yield tokenize.OP, "("
            yield tokenize.STRING, repr(LOGFILE)
            yield tokenize.OP, ","
            yield tokenize.STRING, "'a'"
            yield tokenize.OP, ")"
            yield tokenize.OP, ","
            yield type,name

(This does make myprint effectively a keyword, so use as a variable elsewhere will likely cause problems)

The problem then is how to use it so that your code is usable from python. One way would just be to write your own import function, and use it to load code written in your custom language. ie:

import new
def myimport(filename):
    mod = new.module(filename)
    data = tokenize.untokenize(translate(f.readline))
    exec data in mod.__dict__
    return mod

This requires you handle your customised code differently from normal python modules however. ie “some_mod = myimport("some_mod.py")” rather than “import some_mod

Another fairly neat (albeit hacky) solution is to create a custom encoding (See PEP 263) as this recipe demonstrates. You could implement this as:

import codecs, cStringIO, encodings
from encodings import utf_8

class StreamReader(utf_8.StreamReader):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        codecs.StreamReader.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        data = tokenize.untokenize(translate(self.stream.readline))
        self.stream = cStringIO.StringIO(data)

def search_function(s):
    if s!='mylang': return None
    utf8=encodings.search_function('utf8') # Assume utf8 encoding
    return codecs.CodecInfo(
        encode = utf8.encode,
        decode = utf8.decode,


Now after this code gets run (eg. you could place it in your .pythonrc or site.py) any code starting with the comment “# coding: mylang” will automatically be translated through the above preprocessing step. eg.

# coding: mylang
myprint "this gets logged to file"
for i in range(10):
    myprint "so does this : ", i, "times"
myprint ("works fine" "with arbitrary" + " syntax" 
  "and line continuations")


There are problems to the preprocessor approach, as you’ll probably be familiar with if you’ve worked with the C preprocessor. The main one is debugging. All python sees is the preprocessed file which means that text printed in the stack trace etc will refer to that. If you’ve performed significant translation, this may be very different from your source text. The example above doesn’t change line numbers etc, so won’t be too different, but the more you change it, the harder it will be to figure out.

回答 2


from goto import goto, label
for i in range(1, 10):
  for j in range(1, 20):
    print i, j
    if j == 3:
      goto .end # breaking out from nested loop
label .end
print "Finished"

Yes, to some extent it is possible. There is a module out there that uses sys.settrace() to implement goto and comefrom “keywords”:

from goto import goto, label
for i in range(1, 10):
  for j in range(1, 20):
    print i, j
    if j == 3:
      goto .end # breaking out from nested loop
label .end
print "Finished"

回答 3




Short of changing and recompiling the source code (which is possible with open source), changing the base language is not really possible.

Even if you do recompile the source, it wouldn’t be python, just your hacked-up changed version which you need to be very careful not to introduce bugs into.

However, I’m not sure why you’d want to. Python’s object-oriented features makes it quite simple to achieve similar results with the language as it stands.

回答 4




import EasyExtend
EasyExtend.new_langlet("mystmts", prompt = "my> ", source_ext = "mypy")

如果没有其他规范,则应在EasyExtend / langlets / mystmts /下创建一堆文件。

ii)打开mystmts / parsedef / Grammar.ext并添加以下行

small_stmt: (expr_stmt | print_stmt  | del_stmt | pass_stmt | flow_stmt |
             import_stmt | global_stmt | exec_stmt | assert_stmt | my_stmt )

my_stmt: 'mystatement' expr


iii)现在必须添加语句的语义。为此,必须编辑msytmts / langlet.py并添加my_stmt节点访问者。

 def call_my_stmt(expression):
     "defines behaviour for my_stmt"
     print "my stmt called with", expression

 class LangletTransformer(Transformer):
       def my_stmt(self, node):
           _expr = find_node(node, symbol.expr)
           return any_stmt(CST_CallFunc("call_my_stmt", [_expr]))

 __publish__ = ["call_my_stmt"]

iv)cd到langlets / mystmts并输入

python run_mystmts.py




 On Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 18 2007, 08:51:08) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]

 my> mystatement 40+2
 my stmt called with 42


General answer: you need to preprocess your source files.

More specific answer: install EasyExtend, and go through following steps

i) Create a new langlet ( extension language )

import EasyExtend
EasyExtend.new_langlet("mystmts", prompt = "my> ", source_ext = "mypy")

Without additional specification a bunch of files shall be created under EasyExtend/langlets/mystmts/ .

ii) Open mystmts/parsedef/Grammar.ext and add following lines

small_stmt: (expr_stmt | print_stmt  | del_stmt | pass_stmt | flow_stmt |
             import_stmt | global_stmt | exec_stmt | assert_stmt | my_stmt )

my_stmt: 'mystatement' expr

This is sufficient to define the syntax of your new statement. The small_stmt non-terminal is part of the Python grammar and it’s the place where the new statement is hooked in. The parser will now recognize the new statement i.e. a source file containing it will be parsed. The compiler will reject it though because it still has to be transformed into valid Python.

iii) Now one has to add semantics of the statement. For this one has to edit msytmts/langlet.py and add a my_stmt node visitor.

 def call_my_stmt(expression):
     "defines behaviour for my_stmt"
     print "my stmt called with", expression

 class LangletTransformer(Transformer):
       def my_stmt(self, node):
           _expr = find_node(node, symbol.expr)
           return any_stmt(CST_CallFunc("call_my_stmt", [_expr]))

 __publish__ = ["call_my_stmt"]

iv) cd to langlets/mystmts and type

python run_mystmts.py

Now a session shall be started and the newly defined statement can be used:



 On Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 18 2007, 08:51:08) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]

 my> mystatement 40+2
 my stmt called with 42

Quite a few steps to come to a trivial statement, right? There isn’t an API yet that lets one define simple things without having to care about grammars. But EE is very reliable modulo some bugs. So it’s just a matter of time that an API emerges that lets programmers define convenient stuff like infix operators or small statements using just convenient OO programming. For more complex things like embedding whole languages in Python by means of building a langlet there is no way of going around a full grammar approach.

回答 5


jcomeau@intrepid:~/$ cat demo.py; ./demo.py
#!/usr/bin/python -i
'load everything needed under "package", such as package.common.normalize()'
import os, sys, readline, traceback
if __name__ == '__main__':
    class t:
        def localfunction(*args):
            print 'this is a test'
            if args:
                print 'ignoring %s' % repr(args)

    def displayhook(whatever):
        if hasattr(whatever, 'localfunction'):
            return whatever.localfunction()
            print whatever

    def excepthook(exctype, value, tb):
        if exctype is SyntaxError:
            index = readline.get_current_history_length()
            item = readline.get_history_item(index)
            command = item.split()
            print 'command:', command
            if len(command[0]) == 1:
                    traceback.print_exception(exctype, value, tb)
            traceback.print_exception(exctype, value, tb)

    sys.displayhook = displayhook
    sys.excepthook = excepthook
>>> t
this is a test
>>> t t
command: ['t', 't']
this is a test
ignoring ('t',)
>>> ^D

Here’s a very simple but crappy way to add new statements, in interpretive mode only. I’m using it for little 1-letter commands for editing gene annotations using only sys.displayhook, but just so I could answer this question I added sys.excepthook for the syntax errors as well. The latter is really ugly, fetching the raw code from the readline buffer. The benefit is, it’s trivially easy to add new statements this way.

jcomeau@intrepid:~/$ cat demo.py; ./demo.py
#!/usr/bin/python -i
'load everything needed under "package", such as package.common.normalize()'
import os, sys, readline, traceback
if __name__ == '__main__':
    class t:
        def localfunction(*args):
            print 'this is a test'
            if args:
                print 'ignoring %s' % repr(args)

    def displayhook(whatever):
        if hasattr(whatever, 'localfunction'):
            return whatever.localfunction()
            print whatever

    def excepthook(exctype, value, tb):
        if exctype is SyntaxError:
            index = readline.get_current_history_length()
            item = readline.get_history_item(index)
            command = item.split()
            print 'command:', command
            if len(command[0]) == 1:
                    traceback.print_exception(exctype, value, tb)
            traceback.print_exception(exctype, value, tb)

    sys.displayhook = displayhook
    sys.excepthook = excepthook
>>> t
this is a test
>>> t t
command: ['t', 't']
this is a test
ignoring ('t',)
>>> ^D

回答 6





I’ve found a guide on adding new statements:


Basically, to add new statements, you must edit Python/ast.c (among other things) and recompile the python binary.

While it’s possible, don’t. You can achieve almost everything via functions and classes (which wont require people to recompile python just to run your script..)

回答 7



It’s possible to do this using EasyExtend:

EasyExtend (EE) is a preprocessor generator and metaprogramming framework written in pure Python and integrated with CPython. The main purpose of EasyExtend is the creation of extension languages i.e. adding custom syntax and semantics to Python.

回答 8

它并没有在语言语法中添加新的语句,但是宏是一个强大的工具:https : //github.com/lihaoyi/macropy

It’s not exactly adding new statements to the language syntax, but macros are a powerful tool: https://github.com/lihaoyi/macropy

回答 9


Not without modifying the interpreter. I know a lot of languages in the past several years have been described as “extensible”, but not in the way you’re describing. You extend Python by adding functions and classes.

回答 10


There is a language based on python called Logix with which you CAN do such things. It hasn’t been under development for a while, but the features that you asked for do work with the latest version.

回答 11


# ====== Implementation of "mywith" decorator ======

def mywith(stream):
    def decorator(function):
        try: function(stream)
        finally: stream.close()
    return decorator

# ====== Using the decorator ======

def _(infile):
    for l in infile.readlines():
        print(">>", l.rstrip())


def _(infile): ...
_ = mywith(open(...))(_) # mywith returns None.



Some things can be done with decorators. Let’s e.g. assume, Python had no with statement. We could then implement a similar behaviour like this:

# ====== Implementation of "mywith" decorator ======

def mywith(stream):
    def decorator(function):
        try: function(stream)
        finally: stream.close()
    return decorator

# ====== Using the decorator ======

def _(infile):
    for l in infile.readlines():
        print(">>", l.rstrip())

It is a pretty unclean solution however as done here. Especially the behaviour where the decorator calls the function and sets _ to None is unexpected. For clarification: This decorator is equivalent to writing

def _(infile): ...
_ = mywith(open(...))(_) # mywith returns None.

and decorators are normally expected to modify, not to execute, functions.

I used such a method before in a script where I had to temporarily set the working directory for several functions.

回答 12


Ten years ago you couldn’t, and I doubt that’s changed. However, it wasn’t that hard to modify the syntax back then if you were prepared to recompile python, and I doubt that’s changed, either.

False == 0和True == 1是实现细节还是由语言保证?

问题:False == 0和True == 1是实现细节还是由语言保证?

是否可以保证False == 0True == 1,在Python中(假设用户没有重新分配它们)?例如,是否以任何方式保证以下代码将始终产生相同的结果,而不管Python的版本如何(既有现有版本,也可能是未来版本)?

0 == False  # True
1 == True   # True
['zero', 'one'][False]  # is 'zero'


编辑:如许多答案所述,bool继承自int。因此,可以将问题改写为:“文档是否正式声明程序员可以依赖从整数(带有值01?)继承的布尔 ”。这个问题与编写不会因为实现细节而失败的健壮代码有关!

Is it guaranteed that False == 0 and True == 1, in Python (assuming that they are not reassigned by the user)? For instance, is it in any way guaranteed that the following code will always produce the same results, whatever the version of Python (both existing and, likely, future ones)?

0 == False  # True
1 == True   # True
['zero', 'one'][False]  # is 'zero'

Any reference to the official documentation would be much appreciated!

Edit: As noted in many answers, bool inherits from int. The question can therefore be recast as: “Does the documentation officially say that programmers can rely on booleans inheriting from integers, with the values 0 and 1?”. This question is relevant for writing robust code that won’t fail because of implementation details!

回答 0

在Python 2.x的,这是没有保证的,因为它是可能的True,并False重新分配。但是,即使发生这种情况,仍然正确返回布尔True和布尔False进行比较。

在Python 3.x中,TrueFalse是关键字,并且始终等于10

通常情况下,在Python 2中,并且始终在Python 3中:



这是在您的示例['zero', 'one'][False]中起作用的唯一原因。它不适用于不是整数子类的对象,因为列表索引仅适用于整数或定义__index__方法的对象(感谢mark-dickinson)。


当前的python版本和Python 3都是如此。python 2.6文档和python 3文档都说:



布尔值:它们表示真值False和True布尔值在几乎所有上下文中的行为分别类似于值0和1,但exceptions是当转换为字符串时,字符串“ False”或“ True”分别返回。

对于Python 2也有:


因此,布尔值在Python 2.6和3中被明确视为整数。

因此,在Python 4出现之前,您是安全的。;-)

In Python 2.x this is not guaranteed as it is possible for True and False to be reassigned. However, even if this happens, boolean True and boolean False are still properly returned for comparisons.

In Python 3.x True and False are keywords and will always be equal to 1 and 0.

Under normal circumstances in Python 2, and always in Python 3:

False object is of type bool which is a subclass of int:


It is the only reason why in your example, ['zero', 'one'][False] does work. It would not work with an object which is not a subclass of integer, because list indexing only works with integers, or objects that define a __index__ method (thanks mark-dickinson).


It is true of the current python version, and of that of Python 3. The docs for python 2.6 and the docs for Python 3 both say:

There are two types of integers: […] Integers (int) […] Booleans (bool)

and in the boolean subsection:

Booleans: These represent the truth values False and True […] Boolean values behave like the values 0 and 1, respectively, in almost all contexts, the exception being that when converted to a string, the strings “False” or “True” are returned, respectively.

There is also, for Python 2:

In numeric contexts (for example when used as the argument to an arithmetic operator), they [False and True] behave like the integers 0 and 1, respectively.

So booleans are explicitly considered as integers in Python 2.6 and 3.

So you’re safe until Python 4 comes along. ;-)

回答 1

链接到PEP讨论Python 2.3中的新布尔类型:http : //www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0285/


>>> int(False)
>>> int(True)
>>> bool(5)
>>> bool(-5)
>>> bool(0)

Link to the PEP discussing the new bool type in Python 2.3: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0285/.

When converting a bool to an int, the integer value is always 0 or 1, but when converting an int to a bool, the boolean value is True for all integers except 0.

>>> int(False)
>>> int(True)
>>> bool(5)
>>> bool(-5)
>>> bool(0)

回答 2

在Python 2.x中,根本无法保证:

>>> False = 5
>>> 0 == False

因此它可能会改变。在Python 3.x中,True,False和None是保留字,因此上面的代码不起作用。

通常,使用布尔值时,您应该假设False始终具有0的整数值(只要您不进行上述更改即可),True可以具有任何其他值。我不一定要依靠True==1,但是在Python 3.x上,无论如何,情况总是如此。

In Python 2.x, it is not guaranteed at all:

>>> False = 5
>>> 0 == False

So it could change. In Python 3.x, True, False, and None are reserved words, so the above code would not work.

In general, with booleans you should assume that while False will always have an integer value of 0 (so long as you don’t change it, as above), True could have any other value. I wouldn’t necessarily rely on any guarantee that True==1, but on Python 3.x, this will always be the case, no matter what.

回答 3



若要相对确定值之间的正确或错误,您必须将其与之进行比较。这适用于字符串和数值,使用==!=<> >=<=等。


Very simple. As bool relates to evaluating an integer as a bool, ONLY zero gives a false answer. ALL Non-Zero values, floats, integers, including negative numbers, or what have you, will return true.

A nice example of why this is useful is determining the power status of a device. On is any non-zero value, off is zero. Electronically speaking this makes sense.

To determine true or false relatively between values, you must have something to compare it to. This applies to strings and number values, using == or != or <, > >=, <=, etc.

You can assign an integer to a variable and then get true or false based on that variable value.

回答 4


Just write int(False) and you will get 0, if you type int(True) it will output 1

回答 5


0 == False因为将False强制转换为整数,所以返回True。int(False)返回0




>>> 0 is False

False is a bool. It has a different type. It is a different object from 0 which is an integer.

0 == False returns True because False is cast to an integer. int(False) returns 0

The python documentation of the == operator says (help(‘==’)):

The operators <, >, ==, >=, <=, and != compare the values of two objects. The objects need not have the same type. If both are numbers, they are converted to a common type.

As a consequence False is converted to an integer for the need of the comparison. But it is different from 0.

>>> 0 is False