


我需要编写一个函数,该函数接受一个数字列表并将它们相乘。例子: [1,2,3,4,5,6]会给我的1*2*3*4*5*6。我真的可以用你的帮助。

I need to write a function that takes a list of numbers and multiplies them together. Example: [1,2,3,4,5,6] will give me 1*2*3*4*5*6. I could really use your help.

回答 0

Python 3:使用functools.reduce

>>> from functools import reduce
>>> reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, [1,2,3,4,5,6])

Python 2:使用reduce

>>> reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, [1,2,3,4,5,6])

为了与2和3兼容,请使用pip install six

>>> from six.moves import reduce
>>> reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, [1,2,3,4,5,6])

Python 3: use functools.reduce:

>>> from functools import reduce
>>> reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, [1,2,3,4,5,6])

Python 2: use reduce:

>>> reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, [1,2,3,4,5,6])

For compatible with 2 and 3 use pip install six, then:

>>> from six.moves import reduce
>>> reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, [1,2,3,4,5,6])

回答 1


import operator
import functools
functools.reduce(operator.mul, [1,2,3,4,5,6], 1)


您需要import functoolsPython 3+中的代码行。

You can use:

import operator
import functools
functools.reduce(operator.mul, [1,2,3,4,5,6], 1)

See reduce and operator.mul documentations for an explanation.

You need the import functools line in Python 3+.

回答 2


import numpy as np
mylist = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] 
result = np.prod(np.array(mylist))  

I would use the numpy.prod to perform the task. See below.

import numpy as np
mylist = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] 
result = np.prod(np.array(mylist))  

回答 3


product = 1  # Don't use 0 here, otherwise, you'll get zero 
             # because anything times zero will be zero.
list = [1, 2, 3]
for x in list:
    product *= x

If you want to avoid importing anything and avoid more complex areas of Python, you can use a simple for loop

product = 1  # Don't use 0 here, otherwise, you'll get zero 
             # because anything times zero will be zero.
list = [1, 2, 3]
for x in list:
    product *= x

回答 4

从开始Python 3.8.prod函数已经包含math在标准库的模块中:

math.prod(iterable, *, start=1)


import math
math.prod([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])

>>> 720


Starting Python 3.8, a .prod function has been included to the math module in the standard library:

math.prod(iterable, *, start=1)

The method returns the product of a start value (default: 1) times an iterable of numbers:

import math
math.prod([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])

>>> 720

If the iterable is empty, this will produce 1 (or the start value, if provided).

回答 5


import functools, operator, timeit
import numpy as np

def multiply_numpy(iterable):
    return np.prod(np.array(iterable))

def multiply_functools(iterable):
    return functools.reduce(operator.mul, iterable)

def multiply_manual(iterable):
    prod = 1
    for x in iterable:
        prod *= x

    return prod

sizesToTest = [5, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000]

for size in sizesToTest:
    data = [1] * size

    timerNumpy = timeit.Timer(lambda: multiply_numpy(data))
    timerFunctools = timeit.Timer(lambda: multiply_functools(data))
    timerManual = timeit.Timer(lambda: multiply_manual(data))

    repeats = int(5e6 / size)
    resultNumpy = timerNumpy.timeit(repeats)
    resultFunctools = timerFunctools.timeit(repeats)
    resultManual = timerManual.timeit(repeats)
    print(f'Input size: {size:>7d} Repeats: {repeats:>8d}    Numpy: {resultNumpy:.3f}, Functools: {resultFunctools:.3f}, Manual: {resultManual:.3f}')


Input size:       5 Repeats:  1000000    Numpy: 4.670, Functools: 0.586, Manual: 0.459
Input size:      10 Repeats:   500000    Numpy: 2.443, Functools: 0.401, Manual: 0.321
Input size:     100 Repeats:    50000    Numpy: 0.505, Functools: 0.220, Manual: 0.197
Input size:    1000 Repeats:     5000    Numpy: 0.303, Functools: 0.207, Manual: 0.185
Input size:   10000 Repeats:      500    Numpy: 0.265, Functools: 0.194, Manual: 0.187
Input size:  100000 Repeats:       50    Numpy: 0.266, Functools: 0.198, Manual: 0.185


Here’s some performance measurements from my machine. Relevant in case this is performed for small inputs in a long-running loop:

import functools, operator, timeit
import numpy as np

def multiply_numpy(iterable):
    return np.prod(np.array(iterable))

def multiply_functools(iterable):
    return functools.reduce(operator.mul, iterable)

def multiply_manual(iterable):
    prod = 1
    for x in iterable:
        prod *= x

    return prod

sizesToTest = [5, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000]

for size in sizesToTest:
    data = [1] * size

    timerNumpy = timeit.Timer(lambda: multiply_numpy(data))
    timerFunctools = timeit.Timer(lambda: multiply_functools(data))
    timerManual = timeit.Timer(lambda: multiply_manual(data))

    repeats = int(5e6 / size)
    resultNumpy = timerNumpy.timeit(repeats)
    resultFunctools = timerFunctools.timeit(repeats)
    resultManual = timerManual.timeit(repeats)
    print(f'Input size: {size:>7d} Repeats: {repeats:>8d}    Numpy: {resultNumpy:.3f}, Functools: {resultFunctools:.3f}, Manual: {resultManual:.3f}')


Input size:       5 Repeats:  1000000    Numpy: 4.670, Functools: 0.586, Manual: 0.459
Input size:      10 Repeats:   500000    Numpy: 2.443, Functools: 0.401, Manual: 0.321
Input size:     100 Repeats:    50000    Numpy: 0.505, Functools: 0.220, Manual: 0.197
Input size:    1000 Repeats:     5000    Numpy: 0.303, Functools: 0.207, Manual: 0.185
Input size:   10000 Repeats:      500    Numpy: 0.265, Functools: 0.194, Manual: 0.187
Input size:  100000 Repeats:       50    Numpy: 0.266, Functools: 0.198, Manual: 0.185

You can see that Numpy is quite a bit slower on smaller inputs, since it allocates an array before multiplication is performed. Also, watch out for the overflow in Numpy.

回答 6


def multiply(n):
    total = 1
    for i in range(0, len(n)):
        total *= n[i]
    print total

它紧凑,使用简单的东西(变量和for循环),并且对我来说很直观(看起来就像我对问题的看法,只用一个,乘以它,然后乘以下一个,依此类推! )

I personally like this for a function that multiplies all elements of a generic list together:

def multiply(n):
    total = 1
    for i in range(0, len(n)):
        total *= n[i]
    print total

It’s compact, uses simple things (a variable and a for loop), and feels intuitive to me (it looks like how I’d think of the problem, just take one, multiply it, then multiply by the next, and so on!)

回答 7


import numpy as np

The simple way is:

import numpy as np

回答 8


import numpy
a = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
b = numpy.prod(a)


from numpy import prod
a = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
b = prod(a)

Numpy has the prod() function that returns the product of a list, or in this case since it’s numpy, it’s the product of an array over a given axis:

import numpy
a = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
b = numpy.prod(a)

…or else you can just import numpy.prod():

from numpy import prod
a = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
b = prod(a)

回答 9


from functools import reduce

a = [None, 1, 2, 3, None, 4]
print(reduce(lambda x, y: (x if x else 1) * (y if y else 1), a))


print(reduce(lambda x, y: (x if x else 0) + (y if y else 0), a))

Found this question today but I noticed that it does not have the case where there are None‘s in the list. So, the complete solution would be:

from functools import reduce

a = [None, 1, 2, 3, None, 4]
print(reduce(lambda x, y: (x if x else 1) * (y if y else 1), a))

In the case of addition, we have:

print(reduce(lambda x, y: (x if x else 0) + (y if y else 0), a))

回答 10

nums = str(tuple([1,2,3]))
mul_nums = nums.replace(',','*')
nums = str(tuple([1,2,3]))
mul_nums = nums.replace(',','*')

回答 11


    def product_list(p):
          total =1 #critical step works for all list
          for i in p:
             total=total*i # this will ensure that each elements are multiplied by itself
          return total
   print product_list([2,3,4,2]) #should print 48

I would like this in following way:

    def product_list(p):
          total =1 #critical step works for all list
          for i in p:
             total=total*i # this will ensure that each elements are multiplied by itself
          return total
   print product_list([2,3,4,2]) #should print 48

回答 12


def product_list(list_of_numbers):
    xxx = 1
    for x in list_of_numbers:
        xxx = xxx*x
    return xxx


结果:(’1 * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4’,24)

This is my code:

def product_list(list_of_numbers):
    xxx = 1
    for x in list_of_numbers:
        xxx = xxx*x
    return xxx


result : (‘1*1*2*3*4’, 24)

回答 13


def multiply(lst):
    if len(lst) > 1:
        return multiply(lst[:-1])* lst[-1]
        return lst[0]

How about using recursion?

def multiply(lst):
    if len(lst) > 1:
        return multiply(lst[:-1])* lst[-1]
        return lst[0]

回答 14


def multiply(numbers):
    a = 1
    for num in numbers:
        a *= num
        return a


My solution:

def multiply(numbers):
    a = 1
    for num in numbers:
        a *= num
        return a


回答 15


对膝中的i而言,lap = [2,5,7,7,9] x = 1:x = i * x print(x)

”’the only simple method to understand the logic use for loop”’

Lap=[2,5,7,7,9] x=1 for i in Lap: x=i*x print(x)

回答 16


def myfunc(lst):
    for product in lst:
    return product

It is very simple do not import anything. This is my code. This will define a function that multiplies all the items in a list and returns their product.

def myfunc(lst):
    for product in lst:
    return product




如何创建列表,而不[e for number in xrange(n)]对每个列表使用列表理解?

I want to create a series of lists, all of varying lengths. Each list will contain the same element e, repeated n times (where n = length of the list).

How do I create the lists, without using a list comprehension [e for number in xrange(n)] for each list?

回答 0


[e] * n




>>> timeit.timeit('itertools.repeat(0, 10)', 'import itertools', number = 1000000)
>>> timeit.timeit('[0] * 10', 'import itertools', number = 1000000)


>>> itertools.repeat(0, 10)
repeat(0, 10)  # Not a list!!!


>>> timeit.timeit('list(itertools.repeat(0, 10))', 'import itertools', number = 1000000)

因此,如果您想要列表,请使用[e] * n。如果要延迟生成元素,请使用repeat

You can also write:

[e] * n

You should note that if e is for example an empty list you get a list with n references to the same list, not n independent empty lists.

Performance testing

At first glance it seems that repeat is the fastest way to create a list with n identical elements:

>>> timeit.timeit('itertools.repeat(0, 10)', 'import itertools', number = 1000000)
>>> timeit.timeit('[0] * 10', 'import itertools', number = 1000000)

But wait – it’s not a fair test…

>>> itertools.repeat(0, 10)
repeat(0, 10)  # Not a list!!!

The function itertools.repeat doesn’t actually create the list, it just creates an object that can be used to create a list if you wish! Let’s try that again, but converting to a list:

>>> timeit.timeit('list(itertools.repeat(0, 10))', 'import itertools', number = 1000000)

So if you want a list, use [e] * n. If you want to generate the elements lazily, use repeat.

回答 1

>>> [5] * 4
[5, 5, 5, 5]


>>> x=[5]
>>> y=[x] * 4
>>> y
[[5], [5], [5], [5]]
>>> y[0][0] = 6
>>> y
[[6], [6], [6], [6]]
>>> [5] * 4
[5, 5, 5, 5]

Be careful when the item being repeated is a list. The list will not be cloned: all the elements will refer to the same list!

>>> x=[5]
>>> y=[x] * 4
>>> y
[[5], [5], [5], [5]]
>>> y[0][0] = 6
>>> y
[[6], [6], [6], [6]]

回答 2




[e] * 4


schema = ['string'] * len(columns)



list_of_lists = [[] for _ in columns]



list_of_lists = [[] for _ in range(4)]




foo = [[]] * 4


[['x'], ['x'], ['x'], ['x']]


>>> l = [0] * 4
>>> l[0] += 1
>>> l
[1, 0, 0, 0]

>>> l = [frozenset()] * 4
>>> l[0] |= set('abc')
>>> l
[frozenset(['a', 'c', 'b']), frozenset([]), frozenset([]), frozenset([])]


l = [set()] * 4
>>> l[0] |= set('abc')    
>>> l
[set(['a', 'c', 'b']), set(['a', 'c', 'b']), set(['a', 'c', 'b']), set(['a', 'c', 'b'])]

Create List of Single Item Repeated n Times in Python

Immutable items

For immutable items, like None, bools, ints, floats, strings, tuples, or frozensets, you can do it like this:

[e] * 4

Note that this is best only used with immutable items (strings, tuples, frozensets, ) in the list, because they all point to the same item in the same place in memory. I use this frequently when I have to build a table with a schema of all strings, so that I don’t have to give a highly redundant one to one mapping.

schema = ['string'] * len(columns)

Mutable items

I’ve used Python for a long time now, and I have never seen a use-case where I would do the above with a mutable instance. Instead, to get, say, a mutable empty list, set, or dict, you should do something like this:

list_of_lists = [[] for _ in columns]

The underscore is simply a throwaway variable name in this context.

If you only have the number, that would be:

list_of_lists = [[] for _ in range(4)]

The _ is not really special, but your coding environment style checker will probably complain if you don’t intend to use the variable and use any other name.

Caveats for using the immutable method with mutable items:

Beware doing this with mutable objects, when you change one of them, they all change because they’re all the same object:

foo = [[]] * 4

foo now returns:

[['x'], ['x'], ['x'], ['x']]

But with immutable objects, you can make it work because you change the reference, not the object:

>>> l = [0] * 4
>>> l[0] += 1
>>> l
[1, 0, 0, 0]

>>> l = [frozenset()] * 4
>>> l[0] |= set('abc')
>>> l
[frozenset(['a', 'c', 'b']), frozenset([]), frozenset([]), frozenset([])]

But again, mutable objects are no good for this, because in-place operations change the object, not the reference:

l = [set()] * 4
>>> l[0] |= set('abc')    
>>> l
[set(['a', 'c', 'b']), set(['a', 'c', 'b']), set(['a', 'c', 'b']), set(['a', 'c', 'b'])]

回答 3


import itertools
it = itertools.repeat(e,n)

当然可以itertools为您提供迭代器,而不是列表。[e] * n为您提供了一个列表,但是根据您对这些序列的处理方式,itertools变体可能会更加有效。

Itertools has a function just for that:

import itertools
it = itertools.repeat(e,n)

Of course itertools gives you a iterator instead of a list. [e] * n gives you a list, but, depending on what you will do with those sequences, the itertools variant can be much more efficient.

回答 4


[e for _ in xrange(n)]

As others have pointed out, using the * operator for a mutable object duplicates references, so if you change one you change them all. If you want to create independent instances of a mutable object, your xrange syntax is the most Pythonic way to do this. If you are bothered by having a named variable that is never used, you can use the anonymous underscore variable.

[e for _ in xrange(n)]

回答 5

[e] * n


[e] * n

should work