
如何从终端运行.ipynb Jupyter Notebook?

问题:如何从终端运行.ipynb Jupyter Notebook?

我在.ipynb文件中有一些代码,并且到了我真的不需要IPython Notebook的“交互”功能的地步。我想直接从Mac Terminal命令行运行它。

基本上,如果这只是一个.py文件,我相信我可以从命令行执行python filename.py。.ipynb文件是否存在类似内容?

I have some code in a .ipynb file and got it to the point where I don’t really need the “interactive” feature of IPython Notebook. I would like to just run it straight from a Mac Terminal Command Line.

Basically, if this were just a .py file, I believe I could just do python filename.py from the command line. Is there something similar for a .ipynb file?

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jupyter nbconvert --to python nb.ipynb


您可能需要安装python mistune软件包:

sudo pip install -U mistune

From the command line you can convert a notebook to python with this command:

jupyter nbconvert --to python nb.ipynb


You may have to install the python mistune package:

sudo pip install -U mistune

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jupyter nbconvert --execute <notebook>

如果您想运行一个笔记本并生产一个新的笔记本,则可以添加--to notebook

jupyter nbconvert --execute --to notebook <notebook>


jupyter nbconvert --execute --to notebook --inplace <notebook>


alias nbx="jupyter nbconvert --execute --to notebook"
nbx [--inplace] <notebook>

nbconvert allows you to run notebooks with the --execute flag:

jupyter nbconvert --execute <notebook>

If you want to run a notebook and produce a new notebook, you can add --to notebook:

jupyter nbconvert --execute --to notebook <notebook>

Or if you want to replace the existing notebook with the new output:

jupyter nbconvert --execute --to notebook --inplace <notebook>

Since that’s a really long command, you can use an alias:

alias nbx="jupyter nbconvert --execute --to notebook"
nbx [--inplace] <notebook>

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You can export all your code from .ipynb and save it as a .py script. Then you can run the script in your terminal.

Hope it helps.

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%run your_script.ipynb

In your Terminal run ipython:


then locate your script and put there:

%run your_script.ipynb

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ipython nbconvert --to python <YourNotebook>.ipynb


jupyter nbconvert --to python <YourNotebook>.ipynb

For new version instead of:

ipython nbconvert --to python <YourNotebook>.ipynb

You can use jupyter instend of ipython:

jupyter nbconvert --to python <YourNotebook>.ipynb

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作者注释:“该项目在Jupyter的执行API之前启动,现在是从命令行运行笔记本的推荐方式。请考虑弃用不维护runipy的软件。” –塞巴斯蒂安·帕尔马(Sebastian Palma)


pip install runipy


runipy <YourNotebookName>.ipynb


Update with quoted comment by author for better visibility:

Author’s note “This project started before Jupyter’s execute API, which is now the recommended way to run notebooks from the command-line. Consider runipy deprecated and unmaintained.” – Sebastian Palma

Install runipy library that allows running your code on terminal

pip install runipy

After just compiler your code:

runipy <YourNotebookName>.ipynb

You can try cronjob as well. All information is here

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jupyter nbconvert --execute --clear-output <notebook>.ipynb



jupyter nbconvert --help


In my case, the command that best suited me was:

jupyter nbconvert --execute --clear-output <notebook>.ipynb

Why? This command does not create extra files (just like a .py file) and the output of the cells is overwritten everytime the notebook is executed.

If you run:

jupyter nbconvert --help

–clear-output Clear output of current file and save in place, overwriting the existing notebook.

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from boar.running import run_notebook

outputs = run_notebook("nb.ipynb")




You can also use the boar package to run your notebook within a python code.

from boar.running import run_notebook

outputs = run_notebook("nb.ipynb")

If you update your notebook, you won’t have to convert it again to a python file.

More information at:


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jupyter nbconvert --execute --to notebook --inplace --allow-errors --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=-1 my_nb.ipynb


如果您希望将输出笔记本保存到新笔记本中,则可以使用该标志 --output my_new_nb.ipynb

From the terminal run

jupyter nbconvert --execute --to notebook --inplace --allow-errors --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=-1 my_nb.ipynb

The default timeout is 30 seconds. -1 removes the restriction.

If you wish to save the output notebook to a new notebook you can use the flag --output my_new_nb.ipynb

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pip install papermill
papermill notebook.ipynb output.ipynb

它还具有其他方便的选项,例如将输出文件保存到Amazon S3,Google Cloud等。有关更多信息,请参阅页面。

I had the same problem and I found papermill. The advantages against the others solutions is that you can see the results while the notebook is running. I find this feature interesting when the notebook takes very long. It is very easy to use:

pip install papermill
papermill notebook.ipynb output.ipynb

It has also, other handy options as saving the output file to Amazon S3, Google Cloud, etc. See the page for more information.