
如何在f字符串中使用换行符’\ n’格式化Python 3.6中的输出?

问题:如何在f字符串中使用换行符’\ n’格式化Python 3.6中的输出?


names = ['Adam', 'Bob', 'Cyril']
text = f"Winners are:\n{'\n'.join(names)}"


Winners are:

I would like to know how to format this case in a Pythonic way with f-strings:

names = ['Adam', 'Bob', 'Cyril']
text = f"Winners are:\n{'\n'.join(names)}"

The problem is that '\' cannot be used inside the {...} expression portions of an f-string. Expected output:

Winners are:

回答 0

你不能 反斜杠不能出现在花括号内{};这样做会导致SyntaxError

>>> f'{\}'
SyntaxError: f-string expression part cannot include a backslash



一种选择是先'\n'命名,然后再.joinf-string 内进行命名;也就是说,不使用文字:

names = ['Adam', 'Bob', 'Cyril']
nl = '\n'
text = f"Winners are:{nl}{nl.join(names)}"


Winners are:

@wim指定的另一个选项是chr(10)用来获取\n返回值,然后在该处加入。f"Winners are:\n{chr(10).join(names)}"


n = "\n".join(names)
text = f"Winners are:\n{n}"




>>> "{\\} {*}".format(**{"\\": 'Hello', "*": 'World!'})
"Hello World!"





You can’t. Backslashes cannot appear inside the curly braces {}; doing so results in a SyntaxError:

>>> f'{\}'
SyntaxError: f-string expression part cannot include a backslash

This is specified in the PEP for f-strings:

Backslashes may not appear inside the expression portions of f-strings, […]

One option is assinging '\n' to a name and then .join on that inside the f-string; that is, without using a literal:

names = ['Adam', 'Bob', 'Cyril']
nl = '\n'
text = f"Winners are:{nl}{nl.join(names)}"

Results in:

Winners are:

Another option, as specified by @wim, is to use chr(10) to get \n returned and then join there. f"Winners are:\n{chr(10).join(names)}"

Yet another, of course, is to '\n'.join beforehand and then add the name accordingly:

n = "\n".join(names)
text = f"Winners are:\n{n}"

which results in the same output.


This is one of the small differences between f-strings and str.format. In the latter, you can always use punctuation granted that a corresponding wacky dict is unpacked that contains those keys:

>>> "{\\} {*}".format(**{"\\": 'Hello', "*": 'World!'})
"Hello World!"

(Please don’t do this.)

In the former, punctuation isn’t allowed because you can’t have identifiers that use them.

Aside: I would definitely opt for print or format, as the other answers suggest as an alternative. The options I’ve given only apply if you must for some reason use f-strings.

Just because something is new, doesn’t mean you should try and do everything with it ;-)

回答 1


names = ['Adam', 'Bob', 'Cyril']
print('Winners are:', *names, sep='\n')


Winners are:


print('\n'.join(['Winners are:', *names]))
print('Winners are:\n{}'.format('\n'.join(names)))

You don’t need f-strings or other formatters to print a list of strings with a separator. Just use the sep keyword argument to print():

names = ['Adam', 'Bob', 'Cyril']
print('Winners are:', *names, sep='\n')


Winners are:

That said, using str.join()/str.format() here would arguably be simpler and more readable than any f-string workaround:

print('\n'.join(['Winners are:', *names]))
print('Winners are:\n{}'.format('\n'.join(names)))

回答 2


>>> import os
>>> names = ['Adam', 'Bob', 'Cyril']
>>> print(f"Winners are:\n{os.linesep.join(names)}")
Winners are:


>>> print(f"Winners are:\n{chr(10).join(names)}")
Winners are:

You can’t use backslashes in f-strings as others have said, but you could step around this using os.linesep (although note this won’t be \n on all platforms, and is not recommended unless reading/writing binary files; see Rick’s comments):

>>> import os
>>> names = ['Adam', 'Bob', 'Cyril']
>>> print(f"Winners are:\n{os.linesep.join(names)}")
Winners are:

Or perhaps in a less readable way, but guaranteed to be \n, with chr():

>>> print(f"Winners are:\n{chr(10).join(names)}")
Winners are:

回答 3



f"Winners are:\n{'\n'.join(names)}"


newline = '\n'
f"Winners are:\n{newline.join(names)}"


"Winners are:\n{chr(10).join(names)}"


"Winners are:\n{}".format('\n'.join(names))




The other answers give ideas for how to put the newline character into a f-string field. However, I would argue that for the example the OP gave (which may or may not be indicative of OP’s actual use case), none of these ideas should actually be used.

The entire point of using f-strings is increasing code readability. There is nothing you can do with f-strings that you cannot do with format. Consider carefully whether there is anything more readable about this (if you could do it):

f"Winners are:\n{'\n'.join(names)}"

…or this:

newline = '\n'
f"Winners are:\n{newline.join(names)}"

…or this:

"Winners are:\n{chr(10).join(names)}"

vs. this:

"Winners are:\n{}".format('\n'.join(names))

The last way is at least as readable, if not more so.

In short: don’t use a hammer when you need a screwdriver just because you have a shiny new one. Code is read much more often than it is written.

For other use cases, yes, it’s possible the chr(10) idea or newline idea may be appropriate. But not for the one given.





"<space><space><space>" 是空的,所以是



How can I test if a string contains only whitespace?

Example strings:

  • " " (space, space, space)

  • " \t \n " (space, tab, space, newline, space)

  • "\n\n\n\t\n" (newline, newline, newline, tab, newline)

回答 0





strippedString = yourString.strip()


Use the str.isspace() method:

Return True if there are only whitespace characters in the string and there is at least one character, False otherwise.

A character is whitespace if in the Unicode character database (see unicodedata), either its general category is Zs (“Separator, space”), or its bidirectional class is one of WS, B, or S.

Combine that with a special case for handling the empty string.

Alternatively, you could use str.strip() and check if the result is empty.

回答 1

>>> tests = ['foo', ' ', '\r\n\t', '', None]
>>> [bool(not s or s.isspace()) for s in tests]
[False, True, True, True, True]
>>> tests = ['foo', ' ', '\r\n\t', '', None]
>>> [not s or s.isspace() for s in tests]
[False, True, True, True, True]

回答 2


海峡 isspace()



if aStr and (not aStr.isspace()):
    print aStr

You want to use the isspace() method


Return true if there are only whitespace characters in the string and there is at least one character, false otherwise.

That’s defined on every string object. Here it is an usage example for your specific use case:

if aStr and (not aStr.isspace()):
    print aStr

回答 3

You can use the str.isspace() method.

回答 4

对于那些希望像Apache StringUtils.isBlank或Guava Strings.isNullOrEmpty这样的行为的用户:

if mystring and mystring.strip():
    print "not blank string"
    print "blank string"

for those who expect a behaviour like the apache StringUtils.isBlank or Guava Strings.isNullOrEmpty :

if mystring and mystring.strip():
    print "not blank string"
    print "blank string"

回答 5


if len(your_string.split()==0:


if your_string.strip() == '':

Check the length of the list given by of split() method.

if len(your_string.split()==0:

Or Compare output of strip() method with null.

if your_string.strip() == '':

回答 6


def is_empty(s):
    "Check whether a string is empty"
    return not s or not s.strip()

如果变量为None,它将在处停止not s并且不再进行评估(因为not None == True)。显然,该strip()方法可以处理tab,换行符等常见情况。

Here is an answer that should work in all cases:

def is_empty(s):
    "Check whether a string is empty"
    return not s or not s.strip()

If the variable is None, it will stop at not sand not evaluate further (since not None == True). Apparently, the strip()method takes care of the usual cases of tab, newline, etc.

回答 7


    print("string is not empty")
    print("string is empty")

请注意,这不会检查 None

I’m assuming in your scenario, an empty string is a string that is truly empty or one that contains all white space.

    print("string is not empty")
    print("string is empty")

Note this does not check for None

回答 8


if str and not str.isspace():
  print('not null and not empty nor whitespace')
  print('null or empty or whitespace')

I used following:

if str and not str.isspace():
  print('not null and not empty nor whitespace')
  print('null or empty or whitespace')

回答 9



mystr = "      \n  \r  \t   "
if not mystr.strip(): # The String Is Only Spaces!
    print("\n[!] Invalid String !!!")
mystr = mystr.strip()
print("\n[*] Your String Is: "+mystr)

To check if a string is just a spaces or newline

Use this simple code

mystr = "      \n  \r  \t   "
if not mystr.strip(): # The String Is Only Spaces!
    print("\n[!] Invalid String !!!")
mystr = mystr.strip()
print("\n[*] Your String Is: "+mystr)

回答 10


def isNullOrWhiteSpace(str):
  """Indicates whether the specified string is null or empty string.
     Returns: True if the str parameter is null, an empty string ("") or contains 
     whitespace. Returns false otherwise."""
  if (str is None) or (str == "") or (str.isspace()):
    return True
  return False

isNullOrWhiteSpace(None) -> True // None equals null in c#, java, php
isNullOrWhiteSpace("")   -> True
isNullOrWhiteSpace(" ")  -> True

Resemblence with c# string static method isNullOrWhiteSpace.

def isNullOrWhiteSpace(str):
  """Indicates whether the specified string is null or empty string.
     Returns: True if the str parameter is null, an empty string ("") or contains 
     whitespace. Returns false otherwise."""
  if (str is None) or (str == "") or (str.isspace()):
    return True
  return False

isNullOrWhiteSpace(None) -> True // None equals null in c#, java, php
isNullOrWhiteSpace("")   -> True
isNullOrWhiteSpace(" ")  -> True




I want to append a newline to my string every time I call file.write(). What’s the easiest way to do this in Python?

回答 0

使用“ \ n”:

file.write("My String\n")


Use “\n”:

file.write("My String\n")

See the Python manual for reference.

回答 1


f.write("text to write\n")


print >>f, "text to write"         # Python 2.x
print("text to write", file=f)     # Python 3.x

You can do this in two ways:

f.write("text to write\n")

or, depending on your Python version (2 or 3):

print >>f, "text to write"         # Python 2.x
print("text to write", file=f)     # Python 3.x

回答 2


file.write(your_string + '\n')

You can use:

file.write(your_string + '\n')

回答 3


class cfile(file):
    #subclass file to have a more convienient use of writeline
    def __init__(self, name, mode = 'r'):
        self = file.__init__(self, name, mode)

    def wl(self, string):
        self.writelines(string + '\n')


fid = cfile('filename.txt', 'w')
fid.wl('appends newline charachter')
fid.wl('is written on a new line')

也许我缺少诸如不同的换行符(\ n,\ r,…)之类的东西,或者最后一行也以换行符结尾,但这对我有用。

If you use it extensively (a lot of written lines), you can subclass ‘file’:

class cfile(file):
    #subclass file to have a more convienient use of writeline
    def __init__(self, name, mode = 'r'):
        self = file.__init__(self, name, mode)

    def wl(self, string):
        self.writelines(string + '\n')

Now it offers an additional function wl that does what you want:

fid = cfile('filename.txt', 'w')
fid.wl('appends newline charachter')
fid.wl('is written on a new line')

Maybe I am missing something like different newline characters (\n, \r, …) or that the last line is also terminated with a newline, but it works for me.

回答 4


file.write(your_string + '\n')




you could do:

file.write(your_string + '\n')

as suggested by another answer, but why using string concatenation (slow, error-prone) when you can call file.write twice:


note that writes are buffered so it amounts to the same thing.

回答 5

file_path = "/path/to/yourfile.txt"
with open(file_path, 'a') as file:
    file.write("This will be added to the next line\n")


log_file = open('log.txt', 'a')
log_file.write("This will be added to the next line\n")
file_path = "/path/to/yourfile.txt"
with open(file_path, 'a') as file:
    file.write("This will be added to the next line\n")


log_file = open('log.txt', 'a')
log_file.write("This will be added to the next line\n")

回答 6

只是一个注释,file不受支持Python 3,已被删除。您可以使用open内置功能执行相同的操作。

f = open('test.txt', 'w')

Just a note, file isn’t supported in Python 3 and was removed. You can do the same with the open built-in function.

f = open('test.txt', 'w')

回答 7


def write_row(file_, *columns):
    print(*columns, sep='\t', end='\n', file=file_)


PHI = 45
with open('file.csv', 'a+') as f:
    write_row(f, 'header', 'phi:', PHI, 'serie no. 2')
    write_row(f)  # newline
    write_row(f, data[0], data[1])


Unless write to binary files, use print. Below example good for formatting csv files:

def write_row(file_, *columns):
    print(*columns, sep='\t', end='\n', file=file_)


PHI = 45
with open('file.csv', 'a+') as f:
    write_row(f, 'header', 'phi:', PHI, 'serie no. 2')
    write_row(f)  # newline
    write_row(f, data[0], data[1])


回答 8


lines = ['hello','world']
with open('filename.txt', "w") as fhandle:
  for line in lines:

Another solution that writes from a list using fstring

lines = ['hello','world']
with open('filename.txt', "w") as fhandle:
  for line in lines:

回答 9

这是我想出的解决方案,试图为自己解决此问题,以便系统地生成\ n作为分隔符。它使用字符串列表进行写入,其中每个字符串都是文件的一行,但是看来它也可能对您有用。(Python 3. +)

#Takes a list of strings and prints it to a file.
def writeFile(file, strList):
    line = 0
    lines = []
    while line < len(strList):
        lines.append(cheekyNew(line) + strList[line])
        line += 1
    file = open(file, "w")

#Returns "\n" if the int entered isn't zero, otherwise "".
def cheekyNew(line):
    if line != 0:
        return "\n"
    return ""

This is the solution that I came up with trying to solve this problem for myself in order to systematically produce \n’s as separators. It writes using a list of strings where each string is one line of the file, however it seems that it may work for you as well. (Python 3.+)

#Takes a list of strings and prints it to a file.
def writeFile(file, strList):
    line = 0
    lines = []
    while line < len(strList):
        lines.append(cheekyNew(line) + strList[line])
        line += 1
    file = open(file, "w")

#Returns "\n" if the int entered isn't zero, otherwise "".
def cheekyNew(line):
    if line != 0:
        return "\n"
    return ""




file.writelines(["%s\n" % item  for item in list])


Is this the cleanest way to write a list to a file, since writelines() doesn’t insert newline characters?

file.writelines(["%s\n" % item  for item in list])

It seems like there would be a standard way…

回答 0


with open('your_file.txt', 'w') as f:
    for item in my_list:
        f.write("%s\n" % item)

在Python 2中,您也可以使用

with open('your_file.txt', 'w') as f:
    for item in my_list:
        print >> f, item


You can use a loop:

with open('your_file.txt', 'w') as f:
    for item in my_list:
        f.write("%s\n" % item)

In Python 2, you can also use

with open('your_file.txt', 'w') as f:
    for item in my_list:
        print >> f, item

If you’re keen on a single function call, at least remove the square brackets [], so that the strings to be printed get made one at a time (a genexp rather than a listcomp) — no reason to take up all the memory required to materialize the whole list of strings.

回答 1



import pickle

with open('outfile', 'wb') as fp:
    pickle.dump(itemlist, fp)


with open ('outfile', 'rb') as fp:
    itemlist = pickle.load(fp)

What are you going to do with the file? Does this file exist for humans, or other programs with clear interoperability requirements?

If you are just trying to serialize a list to disk for later use by the same python app, you should be pickleing the list.

import pickle

with open('outfile', 'wb') as fp:
    pickle.dump(itemlist, fp)

To read it back:

with open ('outfile', 'rb') as fp:
    itemlist = pickle.load(fp)

回答 2


with open("outfile", "w") as outfile:


with open("outfile", "w") as outfile:
    outfile.write("\n".join(str(item) for item in itemlist))


The simpler way is:

with open("outfile", "w") as outfile:

You could ensure that all items in item list are strings using a generator expression:

with open("outfile", "w") as outfile:
    outfile.write("\n".join(str(item) for item in itemlist))

Remember that all itemlist list need to be in memory, so, take care about the memory consumption.

回答 3

使用Python 3Python 2.6+语法:

with open(filepath, 'w') as file_handler:
    for item in the_list:


从Python 3.6开始,"{}\n".format(item)可以用f字符串替换:f"{item}\n"

Using Python 3 and Python 2.6+ syntax:

with open(filepath, 'w') as file_handler:
    for item in the_list:

This is platform-independent. It also terminates the final line with a newline character, which is a UNIX best practice.

Starting with Python 3.6, "{}\n".format(item) can be replaced with an f-string: f"{item}\n".

回答 4

还有另一种方式。使用simplejson(在python 2.6中包含为json)序列化为json

>>> import simplejson
>>> f = open('output.txt', 'w')
>>> simplejson.dump([1,2,3,4], f)
>>> f.close()




Yet another way. Serialize to json using simplejson (included as json in python 2.6):

>>> import simplejson
>>> f = open('output.txt', 'w')
>>> simplejson.dump([1,2,3,4], f)
>>> f.close()

If you examine output.txt:

[1, 2, 3, 4]

This is useful because the syntax is pythonic, it’s human readable, and it can be read by other programs in other languages.

回答 5



file.writelines( list( "%s\n" % item for item in list ) )



file.writelines( "%s\n" % item for item in list )


  • 内存开销很小,即使列表很大
  • 如果str(item)速度较慢,则在处理每个项目时文件中都有可见的进度


In [1]: import os

In [2]: f = file(os.devnull, "w")

In [3]: %timeit f.writelines( "%s\n" % item for item in xrange(2**20) )
1 loops, best of 3: 385 ms per loop

In [4]: %timeit f.writelines( ["%s\n" % item for item in xrange(2**20)] )
ERROR: Internal Python error in the inspect module.
Below is the traceback from this internal error.

Traceback (most recent call last):

(通过,我通过将Python的最大虚拟内存限制为〜100MB触发了此错误ulimit -v 102400)。


In [4]: %timeit f.writelines( "%s\n" % item for item in xrange(2**20) )
1 loops, best of 3: 370 ms per loop

In [5]: %timeit f.writelines( ["%s\n" % item for item in xrange(2**20)] )
1 loops, best of 3: 360 ms per loop

(Linux上的Python 2.6.2)

I thought it would be interesting to explore the benefits of using a genexp, so here’s my take.

The example in the question uses square brackets to create a temporary list, and so is equivalent to:

file.writelines( list( "%s\n" % item for item in list ) )

Which needlessly constructs a temporary list of all the lines that will be written out, this may consume significant amounts of memory depending on the size of your list and how verbose the output of str(item) is.

Drop the square brackets (equivalent to removing the wrapping list() call above) will instead pass a temporary generator to file.writelines():

file.writelines( "%s\n" % item for item in list )

This generator will create newline-terminated representation of your item objects on-demand (i.e. as they are written out). This is nice for a couple of reasons:

  • Memory overheads are small, even for very large lists
  • If str(item) is slow there’s visible progress in the file as each item is processed

This avoids memory issues, such as:

In [1]: import os

In [2]: f = file(os.devnull, "w")

In [3]: %timeit f.writelines( "%s\n" % item for item in xrange(2**20) )
1 loops, best of 3: 385 ms per loop

In [4]: %timeit f.writelines( ["%s\n" % item for item in xrange(2**20)] )
ERROR: Internal Python error in the inspect module.
Below is the traceback from this internal error.

Traceback (most recent call last):

(I triggered this error by limiting Python’s max. virtual memory to ~100MB with ulimit -v 102400).

Putting memory usage to one side, this method isn’t actually any faster than the original:

In [4]: %timeit f.writelines( "%s\n" % item for item in xrange(2**20) )
1 loops, best of 3: 370 ms per loop

In [5]: %timeit f.writelines( ["%s\n" % item for item in xrange(2**20)] )
1 loops, best of 3: 360 ms per loop

(Python 2.6.2 on Linux)

回答 6


import json
a = [1,2,3]
with open('test.txt', 'w') as f:

#Now read the file back into a Python list object
with open('test.txt', 'r') as f:
    a = json.loads(f.read())

Because i’m lazy….

import json
a = [1,2,3]
with open('test.txt', 'w') as f:

#Now read the file back into a Python list object
with open('test.txt', 'r') as f:
    a = json.loads(f.read())

回答 7


mylist = dir()
with open('filename.txt','w') as f:
    f.write( ','.join( mylist ) )

Serialize list into text file with comma sepparated value

mylist = dir()
with open('filename.txt','w') as f:
    f.write( ','.join( mylist ) )

回答 8



fileObject.writelines( sequence )


# Open a file
fo = open("foo.txt", "rw+")
seq = ["This is 6th line\n", "This is 7th line"]

# Write sequence of lines at the end of the file.
line = fo.writelines( seq )

# Close opend file



In General

Following is the syntax for writelines() method

fileObject.writelines( sequence )



# Open a file
fo = open("foo.txt", "rw+")
seq = ["This is 6th line\n", "This is 7th line"]

# Write sequence of lines at the end of the file.
line = fo.writelines( seq )

# Close opend file



回答 9


回答 10

with open ("test.txt","w")as fp:
   for line in list12:
with open ("test.txt","w")as fp:
   for line in list12:

回答 11


f = open("myfile.txt","wb")
print(mylist, file=f)

You can also use the print function if you’re on python3 as follows.

f = open("myfile.txt","wb")
print(mylist, file=f)

回答 12



Why don’t you try


回答 13


alist = [(i12,tiger), 


outfile = open('outfile.txt', 'w') # open a file in write mode
for item in list_to_persistence:    # iterate over the list items
   outfile.write(str(item) + '\n') # write to the file
outfile.close()   # close the file 

This logic will first convert the items in list to string(str). Sometimes the list contains a tuple like

alist = [(i12,tiger), 

This logic will write to file each tuple in a new line. We can later use eval while loading each tuple when reading the file:

outfile = open('outfile.txt', 'w') # open a file in write mode
for item in list_to_persistence:    # iterate over the list items
   outfile.write(str(item) + '\n') # write to the file
outfile.close()   # close the file 

回答 14


for item in items:
    filewriter.write(f"{item}" + "\n")

Another way of iterating and adding newline:

for item in items:
    filewriter.write(f"{item}" + "\n")

回答 15

在python> 3中,您可以将print*用于参数解包:

with open("fout.txt", "w") as fout:
    print(*my_list, sep="\n", file=fout)

In python>3 you can use print and * for argument unpacking:

with open("fout.txt", "w") as fout:
    print(*my_list, sep="\n", file=fout)

回答 16


with open('your_file.txt', 'w') as f:
    for item in list:
        f.print("", item)

In Python3 You Can use this loop

with open('your_file.txt', 'w') as f:
    for item in list:
        f.print("", item)

回答 17


In [29]: a = n.array((avg))
In [31]: a.tofile('avgpoints.dat',sep='\n',dtype = '%f')


Let avg be the list, then:

In [29]: a = n.array((avg))
In [31]: a.tofile('avgpoints.dat',sep='\n',dtype = '%f')

You can use %e or %s depending on your requirement.

回答 18

poem = '''\
Programming is fun
When the work is done
if you wanna make your work also fun:
use Python!
f = open('poem.txt', 'w') # open for 'w'riting
f.write(poem) # write text to file
f.close() # close the file

工作原理:首先,使用内置的打开功能打开文件,并指定文件名称和我们要打开文件的方式。该模式可以是读取模式(’r’),写入模式(’w’)或追加模式(’a’)。我们还可以指定是以文本模式(’t’)还是二进制模式(’b’)阅读,书写或追加内容。实际上,还有更多可用的模式,help(open)将为您提供有关它们的更多详细信息。默认情况下,open()将文件视为“ t”扩展文件,并以“ r’ead”模式将其打开。在我们的示例中,我们首先以写文本模式打开文件,然后使用文件对象的write方法写入文件,然后最终关闭文件。

上面的示例来自Swaroop C H. swaroopch.com 的书“ A Byte of Python”。

poem = '''\
Programming is fun
When the work is done
if you wanna make your work also fun:
use Python!
f = open('poem.txt', 'w') # open for 'w'riting
f.write(poem) # write text to file
f.close() # close the file

How It Works: First, open a file by using the built-in open function and specifying the name of the file and the mode in which we want to open the file. The mode can be a read mode (’r’), write mode (’w’) or append mode (’a’). We can also specify whether we are reading, writing, or appending in text mode (’t’) or binary mode (’b’). There are actually many more modes available and help(open) will give you more details about them. By default, open() considers the file to be a ’t’ext file and opens it in ’r’ead mode. In our example, we first open the file in write text mode and use the write method of the file object to write to the file and then we finally close the file.

The above example is from the book “A Byte of Python” by Swaroop C H. swaroopch.com



我想在里面做 。我想在这个例子中做什么


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<10; i++) printf(".");
    return 0;




>>> for i in range(10): print('.')
>>> print('.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.')
. . . . . . . . . .


I’d like to do it in . What I’d like to do in this example in :

In C:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<10; i++) printf(".");
    return 0;



In Python:

>>> for i in range(10): print('.')
>>> print('.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.')
. . . . . . . . . .

In Python print will add a \n or space, how can I avoid that? Now, it’s just an example, don’t tell me I can first build a string then print it. I’d like to know how to “append” strings to stdout.

回答 0

在Python 3中,您可以使用函数的sep=end=参数print


print('.', end='')


print('a', 'b', 'c', sep='')



print('.', end='', flush=True)

Python 2.6和2.7

在Python 2.6中,您可以print使用__future__模块从Python 3 导入函数:

from __future__ import print_function

允许您使用上面的Python 3解决方案。

但是,请注意,在从Python 2中导入flushprint函数的版本中,关键字不可用__future__;它仅适用于Python 3,更具体地说是3.3及更高版本。在早期版本中,您仍然需要通过调用进行手动刷新sys.stdout.flush()。您还必须在执行此导入操作的文件中重写所有其他打印语句。

或者你可以使用 sys.stdout.write()

import sys




In Python 3, you can use the sep= and end= parameters of the print function:

To not add a newline to the end of the string:

print('.', end='')

To not add a space between all the function arguments you want to print:

print('a', 'b', 'c', sep='')

You can pass any string to either parameter, and you can use both parameters at the same time.

If you are having trouble with buffering, you can flush the output by adding flush=True keyword argument:

print('.', end='', flush=True)

Python 2.6 and 2.7

From Python 2.6 you can either import the print function from Python 3 using the __future__ module:

from __future__ import print_function

which allows you to use the Python 3 solution above.

However, note that the flush keyword is not available in the version of the print function imported from __future__ in Python 2; it only works in Python 3, more specifically 3.3 and later. In earlier versions you’ll still need to flush manually with a call to sys.stdout.flush(). You’ll also have to rewrite all other print statements in the file where you do this import.

Or you can use sys.stdout.write()

import sys

You may also need to call


to ensure stdout is flushed immediately.

回答 1

它应该像Guido Van Rossum在此链接中描述的那样简单:

回复:没有AC / R的情况下如何打印?



是的,在要打印的最后一个参数之后附加一个逗号。例如,此循环在用空格分隔的一行上打印数字0..9。注意添加最后换行符的无参数“ print”:

>>> for i in range(10):
...     print i,
... else:
...     print
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

It should be as simple as described at this link by Guido Van Rossum:

Re: How does one print without a c/r ?


Is it possible to print something but not automatically have a carriage return appended to it ?

Yes, append a comma after the last argument to print. For instance, this loop prints the numbers 0..9 on a line separated by spaces. Note the parameterless “print” that adds the final newline:

>>> for i in range(10):
...     print i,
... else:
...     print
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

回答 2



>>> strings = [ "one", "two", "three" ]
>>> for i in xrange(3):
...     print "Item %d: %s" % (i, strings[i])
Item 0: one
Item 1: two
Item 2: three


>>> print "." * 10

Note: The title of this question used to be something like “How to printf in python?”

Since people may come here looking for it based on the title, Python also supports printf-style substitution:

>>> strings = [ "one", "two", "three" ]
>>> for i in xrange(3):
...     print "Item %d: %s" % (i, strings[i])
Item 0: one
Item 1: two
Item 2: three

And, you can handily multiply string values:

>>> print "." * 10

回答 3

对python2.6 +使用python3样式的打印功能 (还将破坏同一文件中任何现有的关键字打印语句。)

# for python2 to use the print() function, removing the print keyword
from __future__ import print_function
for x in xrange(10):
    print('.', end='')


# printf.py

from __future__ import print_function

def printf(str, *args):
    print(str % args, end='')


from printf import printf
for x in xrange(10):
print 'done'


printf('hello %s', 'world')
printf('%i %f', 10, 3.14)
#hello world10 3.140000

Use the python3-style print function for python2.6+ (will also break any existing keyworded print statements in the same file.)

# for python2 to use the print() function, removing the print keyword
from __future__ import print_function
for x in xrange(10):
    print('.', end='')

To not ruin all your python2 print keywords, create a separate printf.py file

# printf.py

from __future__ import print_function

def printf(str, *args):
    print(str % args, end='')

Then, use it in your file

from printf import printf
for x in xrange(10):
print 'done'

More examples showing printf style

printf('hello %s', 'world')
printf('%i %f', 10, 3.14)
#hello world10 3.140000

回答 4


import sys
for i in xrange(0,10):

How to print on the same line:

import sys
for i in xrange(0,10):

回答 5

新功能(自Python 3.x起)print具有一个可选end参数,可用于修改结尾字符:

print("HELLO", end="")




print("HELLO", "HELLO", "HELLO", sep="")



如果您想在Python 2.x中使用它,只需在文件开头添加它:

from __future__ import print_function

The new (as of Python 3.x) print function has an optional end parameter that lets you modify the ending character:

print("HELLO", end="")



There’s also sep for separator:

print("HELLO", "HELLO", "HELLO", sep="")



If you wanted to use this in Python 2.x just add this at the start of your file:

from __future__ import print_function

回答 6


>>> import functools

>>> printf = functools.partial(print, end="")

>>> printf("Hello world\n")
Hello world


Using functools.partial to create a new function called printf

>>> import functools

>>> printf = functools.partial(print, end="")

>>> printf("Hello world\n")
Hello world

Easy way to wrap a function with default parameters.

回答 7


You can just add , in the end of print function so it won’t print on new line.

回答 8

在Python 3+中,print是一个函数。您打电话的时候

print('hello world')


print('hello world', end='\n')


print('hello world', end='')
print('hello world', end=' ')

In Python 3+, print is a function. When you call

print('hello world')

Python translates it to

print('hello world', end='\n')

You can change end to whatever you want.

print('hello world', end='')
print('hello world', end=' ')

回答 9

python 2.6+

from __future__ import print_function # needs to be first statement in file
print('.', end='')

的Python 3

print('.', end='')

python <= 2.5

import sys

如果每次打印后多余的空间都可以,在python 2中

print '.',

在python 2中产生误导避免

print('.'), # avoid this if you want to remain sane
# this makes it look like print is a function but it is not
# this is the `,` creating a tuple and the parentheses enclose an expression
# to see the problem, try:
print('.', 'x'), # this will print `('.', 'x') `

python 2.6+:

from __future__ import print_function # needs to be first statement in file
print('.', end='')

python 3:

print('.', end='')

python <= 2.5:

import sys

if extra space is OK after each print, in python 2

print '.',

misleading in python 2 – avoid:

print('.'), # avoid this if you want to remain sane
# this makes it look like print is a function but it is not
# this is the `,` creating a tuple and the parentheses enclose an expression
# to see the problem, try:
print('.', 'x'), # this will print `('.', 'x') `

回答 10


import sys
import time
# Keeps the initial message in buffer.
sys.stdout.write("\rfoobar bar black sheep")
# Wait 2 seconds
# Replace the message with a new one.
sys.stdout.write("\r"+'hahahahaaa             ')
# Finalize the new message by printing a return carriage.

You can try:

import sys
import time
# Keeps the initial message in buffer.
sys.stdout.write("\rfoobar bar black sheep")
# Wait 2 seconds
# Replace the message with a new one.
sys.stdout.write("\r"+'hahahahaaa             ')
# Finalize the new message by printing a return carriage.

回答 11



i = 0
while i<10 :
    i = i+1

并用python filename.py或执行python3 filename.py

You can do the same in python3 as follows :


i = 0
while i<10 :
    i = i+1

and execute it with python filename.py or python3 filename.py

回答 12



import sys, os

# reopen stdout with "newline=None".
# in this mode,
# input:  accepts any newline character, outputs as '\n'
# output: '\n' converts to os.linesep

sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), "w", newline=None)

for i in range(1,10):



i recently had the same problem..

i solved it by doing:

import sys, os

# reopen stdout with "newline=None".
# in this mode,
# input:  accepts any newline character, outputs as '\n'
# output: '\n' converts to os.linesep

sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), "w", newline=None)

for i in range(1,10):

this works on both unix and windows … have not tested it on macosx …


回答 13

@lenooh满足了我的查询。我在搜索“ python抑制换行符”时发现了这篇文章。我在Raspberry Pi上使用IDLE3开发用于PuTTY的Python 3.2。我想在PuTTY命令行上创建一个进度条。我不希望页面滚动离开。我想要一条水平线来再次确保用户不会害怕该程序没有停顿下来,也没有在快乐的无限循环中被送去吃午饭-恳求“离开我,我做得很好,但这可能需要一些时间。” 交互式消息-类似于文本中的进度条。

print('Skimming for', search_string, '\b! .001', end='')初始化通过准备下一屏幕写,这将打印3退格作为⌫⌫⌫调刀混合法,然后一个周期,拭去“001”和延伸期间的行中的消息。之后search_string鹦鹉用户输入,\b!修剪我的惊叹号search_string文字背在其上的空间print(),否则的力量,正确放置标点符号。接下来是空格和我正在模拟的“进度条”的第一个“点”。然后,该消息也不必要地以页码填充(格式为长度为3的长度,前导零),以引起用户的注意,正在处理进度,这也将反映出我们稍后将构建的周期数对。

import sys

search_string=input('Search for?',)
print('Skimming for', search_string, '\b! .001', end='')
sys.stdout.flush() # the print function with an end='' won't print unless forced
while page:
    # some stuff…
    # search, scrub, and build bulk output list[], count items,
    # set done flag True
    page=page+1 #done flag set in 'some_stuff'
    sys.stdout.write('\b\b\b.'+format(page, '03')) #<-- here's the progress bar meat
    if done: #( flag alternative to break, exit or quit)
        print('\nSorting', item_count, 'items')
        page=0 # exits the 'while page' loop
for item_count in range(0, items)
#print footers here
 if not (len(list)==items):

进度栏处在sys.stdout.write('\b\b\b.'+format(page, '03'))排队状态。首先,要擦除到左侧,它会将光标备份到三个数字字符上,并以’\ b \ b \ b’作为⌫⌫⌫摩擦,并放下新的句点以增加进度条的长度。然后,它写入到目前为止的页面的三位数。由于sys.stdout.write()等待完整的缓冲区或输出通道关闭,因此sys.stdout.flush()强制立即写入。sys.stdout.flush()内置到末尾,print()而则绕过print(txt, end='' )。然后,代码循环执行其繁琐的时间密集型操作,同时不再打印任何内容,直到返回此处擦除三位数字,添加一个句点并再次写入三位数字(递增)。

擦拭和重写的三个数字是没有必要的手段-它只是一个蓬勃发展,其例证了sys.stdout.write()对比print()。您只需将周期条每次打印更长的时间,就可以很容易地给句号加注,而忘记三个花哨的反斜杠-b⌫退格键(当然也不会写入格式化的页数),而无需使用空格或换行符,而只需使用sys.stdout.write('.'); sys.stdout.flush()对。

请注意,Raspberry Pi IDLE3 Python外壳程序不将Backspace用作⌫rubout,而是打印一个空格,而是创建一个明显的分数列表。

-(o = 8> wiz

@lenooh satisfied my query. I discovered this article while searching for ‘python suppress newline’. I’m using IDLE3 on Raspberry Pi to develop Python 3.2 for PuTTY. I wanted to create a progress bar on the PuTTY command line. I didn’t want the page scrolling away. I wanted a horizontal line to re-assure the user from freaking out that the program hasn’t cruncxed to a halt nor been sent to lunch on a merry infinite loop – as a plea to ‘leave me be, I’m doing fine, but this may take some time.’ interactive message – like a progress bar in text.

The print('Skimming for', search_string, '\b! .001', end='') initializes the message by preparing for the next screen-write, which will print three backspaces as ⌫⌫⌫ rubout and then a period, wiping off ‘001’ and extending the line of periods. After search_string parrots user input, the \b! trims the exclamation point of my search_string text to back over the space which print() otherwise forces, properly placing the punctuation. That’s followed by a space and the first ‘dot’ of the ‘progress bar’ which I’m simulating. Unnecessarily, the message is also then primed with the page number (formatted to a length of three with leading zeros) to take notice from the user that progress is being processed and which will also reflect the count of periods we will later build out to the right.

import sys

search_string=input('Search for?',)
print('Skimming for', search_string, '\b! .001', end='')
sys.stdout.flush() # the print function with an end='' won't print unless forced
while page:
    # some stuff…
    # search, scrub, and build bulk output list[], count items,
    # set done flag True
    page=page+1 #done flag set in 'some_stuff'
    sys.stdout.write('\b\b\b.'+format(page, '03')) #<-- here's the progress bar meat
    if done: #( flag alternative to break, exit or quit)
        print('\nSorting', item_count, 'items')
        page=0 # exits the 'while page' loop
for item_count in range(0, items)
#print footers here
 if not (len(list)==items):

The progress bar meat is in the sys.stdout.write('\b\b\b.'+format(page, '03')) line. First, to erase to the left, it backs up the cursor over the three numeric characters with the ‘\b\b\b’ as ⌫⌫⌫ rubout and drops a new period to add to the progress bar length. Then it writes three digits of the page it has progressed to so far. Because sys.stdout.write() waits for a full buffer or the output channel to close, the sys.stdout.flush() forces the immediate write. sys.stdout.flush() is built into the end of print() which is bypassed with print(txt, end='' ). Then the code loops through its mundane time intensive operations while it prints nothing more until it returns here to wipe three digits back, add a period and write three digits again, incremented.

The three digits wiped and rewritten is by no means necessary – it’s just a flourish which exemplifies sys.stdout.write() versus print(). You could just as easily prime with a period and forget the three fancy backslash-b ⌫ backspaces (of course not writing formatted page counts as well) by just printing the period bar longer by one each time through – without spaces or newlines using just the sys.stdout.write('.'); sys.stdout.flush() pair.

Please note that the Raspberry Pi IDLE3 Python shell does not honor the backspace as ⌫ rubout but instead prints a space, creating an apparent list of fractions instead.

—(o=8> wiz

回答 14

您会注意到上述所有答案都是正确的。但是我想做一个捷径,总是总是在最后写入“ end =”参数。


def Print(*args,sep='',end='',file=None,flush=False):


You will notice that all the above answers are correct. But I wanted to make a shortcut to always writing the ” end=” ” parameter in the end.

You could define a function like

def Print(*args,sep='',end='',file=None,flush=False):

It would accept all the number of parameters. Even it will accept all the other parameters like file, flush ,etc and with the same name.

回答 15

这些答案中的许多似乎有些复杂。在Python 3.x中,您只需执行以下操作:

print(<expr>, <expr>, ..., <expr>, end=" ")


Many of these answers seem a little complicated. In Python 3.x you simply do this:

print(<expr>, <expr>, ..., <expr>, end=" ")

The default value of end is "\n". We are simply changing it to a space or you can also use end="" (no space) to do what printf normally does.

回答 16


 for i in range (0,5):
   print "hi"


但是您希望它像这样打印:嗨,嗨,嗨,嗨,嗨?只需在打印“ hi”后添加一个逗号


for i in range (0,5): print "hi", OUTPUT: hi hi hi hi hi

you want to print something in for loop right;but you don’t want it print in new line every time.. for example:

 for i in range (0,5):
   print "hi"


but you want it to print like this: hi hi hi hi hi hi right???? just add a comma after print “hi”


for i in range (0,5): print "hi", OUTPUT: hi hi hi hi hi

回答 17


def Print(s):
   return sys.stdout.write(str(s))


for i in range(10): # or `xrange` for python 2 version



Or have a function like:

def Print(s):
   return sys.stdout.write(str(s))

Then now:

for i in range(10): # or `xrange` for python 2 version



回答 18

for i in xrange(0,10): print '\b.',


for i in xrange(0,10): print '\b.',

This worked in both 2.7.8 & 2.5.2 (Canopy and OSX terminal, respectively) — no module imports or time travel required.

回答 19


在Python 3.x中不使用换行符进行打印

在print语句之后不添加任何内容,并使用end='' as 删除’\ n’ :

>>> print('hello')
hello  # appending '\n' automatically
>>> print('world')
world # with previous '\n' world comes down

# solution is:
>>> print('hello', end='');print(' world'); # end with anything like end='-' or end=" " but not '\n'
hello world # it seem correct output


for i in range(1,10):
    print(i, end='.')

在Python 2.x中不使用换行符进行打印


>>> print "hello",; print" world"
hello world


for i in range(1,10):
    print "{} .".format(i),


There are general two ways to do this:

Print without newline in Python 3.x

Append nothing after the print statement and remove ‘\n’ by using end='' as:

>>> print('hello')
hello  # appending '\n' automatically
>>> print('world')
world # with previous '\n' world comes down

# solution is:
>>> print('hello', end='');print(' world'); # end with anything like end='-' or end=" " but not '\n'
hello world # it seem correct output

Another Example in Loop:

for i in range(1,10):
    print(i, end='.')

Print without newline in Python 2.x

Adding a trailing comma says that after print ignore \n.

>>> print "hello",; print" world"
hello world

Another Example in Loop:

for i in range(1,10):
    print "{} .".format(i),

Hope this will help you. You can visit this link .

回答 20


BS=u'\0008' # the unicode for "delete" character
for i in range(10):print(BS+"."),

这将删除换行符和空格(^ _ ^)*

…you do not need to import any library. Just use the delete character:

BS=u'\0008' # the unicode for "delete" character
for i in range(10):print(BS+"."),

this removes the newline and the space (^_^)*



Python与Perl chomp函数等效吗?如果是换行符,它将删除字符串的最后符?

What is the Python equivalent of Perl’s chomp function, which removes the last character of a string if it is a newline?

回答 0

试用该方法rstrip()(请参阅doc Python 2Python 3

>>> 'test string\n'.rstrip()
'test string'


>>> 'test string \n \r\n\n\r \n\n'.rstrip()
'test string'


>>> 'test string \n \r\n\n\r \n\n'.rstrip('\n')
'test string \n \r\n\n\r '


>>> s = "   \n\r\n  \n  abc   def \n\r\n  \n  "
>>> s.strip()
'abc   def'
>>> s.lstrip()
'abc   def \n\r\n  \n  '
>>> s.rstrip()
'   \n\r\n  \n  abc   def'

Try the method rstrip() (see doc Python 2 and Python 3)

>>> 'test string\n'.rstrip()
'test string'

Python’s rstrip() method strips all kinds of trailing whitespace by default, not just one newline as Perl does with chomp.

>>> 'test string \n \r\n\n\r \n\n'.rstrip()
'test string'

To strip only newlines:

>>> 'test string \n \r\n\n\r \n\n'.rstrip('\n')
'test string \n \r\n\n\r '

There are also the methods lstrip() and strip():

>>> s = "   \n\r\n  \n  abc   def \n\r\n  \n  "
>>> s.strip()
'abc   def'
>>> s.lstrip()
'abc   def \n\r\n  \n  '
>>> s.rstrip()
'   \n\r\n  \n  abc   def'

回答 1

我想说的是,在不尾随换行符的情况下获取行的“ pythonic”方法是splitlines()。

>>> text = "line 1\nline 2\r\nline 3\nline 4"
>>> text.splitlines()
['line 1', 'line 2', 'line 3', 'line 4']

And I would say the “pythonic” way to get lines without trailing newline characters is splitlines().

>>> text = "line 1\nline 2\r\nline 3\nline 4"
>>> text.splitlines()
['line 1', 'line 2', 'line 3', 'line 4']

回答 2

删除行尾(EOL)字符的规范方法是使用字符串rstrip()方法,删除任何尾随的\ r或\ n。以下是Mac,Windows和Unix EOL字符的示例。

>>> 'Mac EOL\r'.rstrip('\r\n')
'Mac EOL'
>>> 'Windows EOL\r\n'.rstrip('\r\n')
'Windows EOL'
>>> 'Unix EOL\n'.rstrip('\r\n')
'Unix EOL'

使用’\ r \ n’作为rstrip的参数意味着它会去除’\ r’或’\ n’的任何尾随组合。这就是为什么它在以上所有三种情况下都有效的原因。

这种细微差别在极少数情况下很重要。例如,我曾经不得不处理一个包含HL7消息的文本文件。HL7标准要求结尾的’\ r’作为其EOL字符。我在其上使用此消息的Windows计算机附加了自己的’\ r \ n’EOL字符。因此,每行的末尾看起来像’\ r \ r \ n’。使用rstrip(’\ r \ n’)会删除整个’\ r \ r \ n’,这不是我想要的。在那种情况下,我只是切掉了最后两个字符。


>>> "Hello\n\n\n".rstrip("\n")

The canonical way to strip end-of-line (EOL) characters is to use the string rstrip() method removing any trailing \r or \n. Here are examples for Mac, Windows, and Unix EOL characters.

>>> 'Mac EOL\r'.rstrip('\r\n')
'Mac EOL'
>>> 'Windows EOL\r\n'.rstrip('\r\n')
'Windows EOL'
>>> 'Unix EOL\n'.rstrip('\r\n')
'Unix EOL'

Using ‘\r\n’ as the parameter to rstrip means that it will strip out any trailing combination of ‘\r’ or ‘\n’. That’s why it works in all three cases above.

This nuance matters in rare cases. For example, I once had to process a text file which contained an HL7 message. The HL7 standard requires a trailing ‘\r’ as its EOL character. The Windows machine on which I was using this message had appended its own ‘\r\n’ EOL character. Therefore, the end of each line looked like ‘\r\r\n’. Using rstrip(‘\r\n’) would have taken off the entire ‘\r\r\n’ which is not what I wanted. In that case, I simply sliced off the last two characters instead.

Note that unlike Perl’s chomp function, this will strip all specified characters at the end of the string, not just one:

>>> "Hello\n\n\n".rstrip("\n")

回答 3



chomp $x





将意味着价值x依旧 "a\n"。甚至x=x.rstrip()并不总是给出相同的结果,因为它从字符串的末尾去除所有空格,最多不只是一个换行符。

Note that rstrip doesn’t act exactly like Perl’s chomp() because it doesn’t modify the string. That is, in Perl:


chomp $x

results in $x being "a".

but in Python:



will mean that the value of x is still "a\n". Even x=x.rstrip() doesn’t always give the same result, as it strips all whitespace from the end of the string, not just one newline at most.

回答 4


import os
s = s.rstrip(os.linesep)


I might use something like this:

import os
s = s.rstrip(os.linesep)

I think the problem with rstrip("\n") is that you’ll probably want to make sure the line separator is portable. (some antiquated systems are rumored to use "\r\n"). The other gotcha is that rstrip will strip out repeated whitespace. Hopefully os.linesep will contain the right characters. the above works for me.

回答 5

您可以使用line = line.rstrip('\n')。这将从字符串末尾除去所有换行符,而不仅仅是一条。

You may use line = line.rstrip('\n'). This will strip all newlines from the end of the string, not just one.

回答 6

s = s.rstrip()


s = s.rstrip()

will remove all newlines at the end of the string s. The assignment is needed because rstrip returns a new string instead of modifying the original string.

回答 7

这将为“ \ n”行终止符精确复制perl的champ(数组的负行为):

def chomp(x):
    if x.endswith("\r\n"): return x[:-2]
    if x.endswith("\n") or x.endswith("\r"): return x[:-1]
    return x

(注意:它不会修改字符串“就地”;它不会去除多余的尾随空格;需要考虑\ r \ n)

This would replicate exactly perl’s chomp (minus behavior on arrays) for “\n” line terminator:

def chomp(x):
    if x.endswith("\r\n"): return x[:-2]
    if x.endswith("\n") or x.endswith("\r"): return x[:-1]
    return x

(Note: it does not modify string ‘in place’; it does not strip extra trailing whitespace; takes \r\n in account)

回答 8

"line 1\nline 2\r\n...".replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
>>> 'line 1line 2...'



"line 1\nline 2\r\n...".replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
>>> 'line 1line 2...'

or you could always get geekier with regexps :)

have fun!

回答 9


line = line.strip()


>>> "\n\n hello world \n\n".strip()
'hello world'

you can use strip:

line = line.strip()


>>> "\n\n hello world \n\n".strip()
'hello world'

回答 10




>>> 'foo\n\n'.rstrip(os.linesep)

可以使用re.sub来更接近典型的Perl chomp用法,如下所示:

>>> re.sub(os.linesep + r'\Z','','foo\n\n')

rstrip doesn’t do the same thing as chomp, on so many levels. Read http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/chomp.html and see that chomp is very complex indeed.

However, my main point is that chomp removes at most 1 line ending, whereas rstrip will remove as many as it can.

Here you can see rstrip removing all the newlines:

>>> 'foo\n\n'.rstrip(os.linesep)

A much closer approximation of typical Perl chomp usage can be accomplished with re.sub, like this:

>>> re.sub(os.linesep + r'\Z','','foo\n\n')

回答 11


$ python
Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Mar 18 2011, 09:09:48) 
[GCC 4.5.0 20100604 [gcc-4_5-branch revision 160292]] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import os, sys
>>> sys.platform
>>> "foo\r\n".rstrip(os.linesep)


Careful with "foo".rstrip(os.linesep): That will only chomp the newline characters for the platform where your Python is being executed. Imagine you’re chimping the lines of a Windows file under Linux, for instance:

$ python
Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Mar 18 2011, 09:09:48) 
[GCC 4.5.0 20100604 [gcc-4_5-branch revision 160292]] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import os, sys
>>> sys.platform
>>> "foo\r\n".rstrip(os.linesep)

Use "foo".rstrip("\r\n") instead, as Mike says above.

回答 12



如果process从概念上来说,这是我需要执行的功能,以便对该文件的每一行都有用,这就是我打算在Python 中执行的操作:

import os
sep_pos = -len(os.linesep)
with open("file.txt") as f:
    for line in f:
        if line[sep_pos:] == os.linesep:
            line = line[:sep_pos]

An example in Python’s documentation simply uses line.strip().

Perl’s chomp function removes one linebreak sequence from the end of a string only if it’s actually there.

Here is how I plan to do that in Python, if process is conceptually the function that I need in order to do something useful to each line from this file:

import os
sep_pos = -len(os.linesep)
with open("file.txt") as f:
    for line in f:
        if line[sep_pos:] == os.linesep:
            line = line[:sep_pos]

回答 13

我不使用Python编程,但是在python.org上遇到了一个常见问题解答,主张S.rstrip(“ \ r \ n”)适用于python 2.2或更高版本。

I don’t program in Python, but I came across an FAQ at python.org advocating S.rstrip(“\r\n”) for python 2.2 or later.

回答 14

import re

r_unwanted = re.compile("[\n\t\r]")
r_unwanted.sub("", your_text)
import re

r_unwanted = re.compile("[\n\t\r]")
r_unwanted.sub("", your_text)

回答 15


def chomped_lines(it):
    return map(operator.methodcaller('rstrip', '\r\n'), it)


with open("file.txt") as infile:
    for line in chomped_lines(infile):

I find it convenient to have be able to get the chomped lines via in iterator, parallel to the way you can get the un-chomped lines from a file object. You can do so with the following code:

def chomped_lines(it):
    return map(operator.methodcaller('rstrip', '\r\n'), it)

Sample usage:

with open("file.txt") as infile:
    for line in chomped_lines(infile):

回答 16



foobar= foobar[:-1]


workaround solution for special case:

if the newline character is the last character (as is the case with most file inputs), then for any element in the collection you can index as follows:

foobar= foobar[:-1]

to slice out your newline character.

回答 17

如果您的问题是清理多行str对象(oldstr)中的所有换行符,则可以根据定界符’\ n’将其拆分为一个列表,然后将该列表加入一个新的str(newstr)中。

newstr = "".join(oldstr.split('\n'))

If your question is to clean up all the line breaks in a multiple line str object (oldstr), you can split it into a list according to the delimiter ‘\n’ and then join this list into a new str(newstr).

newstr = "".join(oldstr.split('\n'))

回答 18




def chomp(s):
    if len(s):
        lines = s.splitlines(True)
        last = lines.pop()
        return ''.join(lines + last.splitlines())
        return ''

It looks like there is not a perfect analog for perl’s chomp. In particular, rstrip cannot handle multi-character newline delimiters like \r\n. However, splitlines does as pointed out here. Following my answer on a different question, you can combine join and splitlines to remove/replace all newlines from a string s:


The following removes exactly one trailing newline (as chomp would, I believe). Passing True as the keepends argument to splitlines retain the delimiters. Then, splitlines is called again to remove the delimiters on just the last “line”:

def chomp(s):
    if len(s):
        lines = s.splitlines(True)
        last = lines.pop()
        return ''.join(lines + last.splitlines())
        return ''

回答 19


>>> import re


>>> re.sub(r'[\n\r]+$', '', '\nx\r\n')


>>> re.sub(r'[\n\r]+', '', '\nx\r\n')


>>> re.sub(r'[\n\r]{1,2}$', '', '\nx\r\n\r\n')
>>> re.sub(r'[\n\r]{1,2}$', '', '\nx\r\n\r')
>>> re.sub(r'[\n\r]{1,2}$', '', '\nx\r\n')


>>> re.sub(r'(?:\r\n|\n)$', '', '\nx\n\n', count=1)
>>> re.sub(r'(?:\r\n|\n)$', '', '\nx\r\n\r\n', count=1)
>>> re.sub(r'(?:\r\n|\n)$', '', '\nx\r\n', count=1)
>>> re.sub(r'(?:\r\n|\n)$', '', '\nx\n', count=1)


(顺便说一句,这不是做什么'...'.rstrip('\n', '').rstrip('\r', ''),其他人可能不会在这个线程上绊脚石。 str.rstrip剥离掉尽可能多的尾随字符,因此,像这样的字符串foo\n\n\n会导致的误报,foo而您可能想保留除去尾随单个后的其他换行符。)

I’m bubbling up my regular expression based answer from one I posted earlier in the comments of another answer. I think using re is a clearer more explicit solution to this problem than str.rstrip.

>>> import re

If you want to remove one or more trailing newline chars:

>>> re.sub(r'[\n\r]+$', '', '\nx\r\n')

If you want to remove newline chars everywhere (not just trailing):

>>> re.sub(r'[\n\r]+', '', '\nx\r\n')

If you want to remove only 1-2 trailing newline chars (i.e., \r, \n, \r\n, \n\r, \r\r, \n\n)

>>> re.sub(r'[\n\r]{1,2}$', '', '\nx\r\n\r\n')
>>> re.sub(r'[\n\r]{1,2}$', '', '\nx\r\n\r')
>>> re.sub(r'[\n\r]{1,2}$', '', '\nx\r\n')

I have a feeling what most people really want here, is to remove just one occurrence of a trailing newline character, either \r\n or \n and nothing more.

>>> re.sub(r'(?:\r\n|\n)$', '', '\nx\n\n', count=1)
>>> re.sub(r'(?:\r\n|\n)$', '', '\nx\r\n\r\n', count=1)
>>> re.sub(r'(?:\r\n|\n)$', '', '\nx\r\n', count=1)
>>> re.sub(r'(?:\r\n|\n)$', '', '\nx\n', count=1)

(The ?: is to create a non-capturing group.)

(By the way this is not what '...'.rstrip('\n', '').rstrip('\r', '') does which may not be clear to others stumbling upon this thread. str.rstrip strips as many of the trailing characters as possible, so a string like foo\n\n\n would result in a false positive of foo whereas you may have wanted to preserve the other newlines after stripping a single trailing one.)

回答 20

>>> '   spacious   '.rstrip()
'   spacious'
>>> "AABAA".rstrip("A")
>>> "ABBA".rstrip("AB") # both AB and BA are stripped
>>> "ABCABBA".rstrip("AB")
>>> '   spacious   '.rstrip()
'   spacious'
>>> "AABAA".rstrip("A")
>>> "ABBA".rstrip("AB") # both AB and BA are stripped
>>> "ABCABBA".rstrip("AB")

回答 21


line = line.rstrip("\n")


line = line.strip("\n")


Just use :

line = line.rstrip("\n")


line = line.strip("\n")

You don’t need any of this complicated stuff

回答 22

s = '''Hello  World \t\n\r\tHi There'''
# import the module string   
import string
# use the method translate to convert 
s.translate({ord(c): None for c in string.whitespace}


s = '''  Hello  World 
\t\n\r\tHi '''
print(re.sub(r"\s+", "", s), sep='')  # \s matches all white spaces

替换\ n,\ t,\ r

s.replace('\n', '').replace('\t','').replace('\r','')
>'  Hello  World Hi '


s = '''Hello  World \t\n\r\tHi There'''
regex = re.compile(r'[\n\r\t]')
regex.sub("", s)
>'Hello  World Hi There'


s = '''Hello  World \t\n\r\tHi There'''
' '.join(s.split())
>'Hello  World Hi There'
s = '''Hello  World \t\n\r\tHi There'''
# import the module string   
import string
# use the method translate to convert 
s.translate({ord(c): None for c in string.whitespace}

With regex

s = '''  Hello  World 
\t\n\r\tHi '''
print(re.sub(r"\s+", "", s), sep='')  # \s matches all white spaces

Replace \n,\t,\r

s.replace('\n', '').replace('\t','').replace('\r','')
>'  Hello  World Hi '

With regex

s = '''Hello  World \t\n\r\tHi There'''
regex = re.compile(r'[\n\r\t]')
regex.sub("", s)
>'Hello  World Hi There'

with Join

s = '''Hello  World \t\n\r\tHi There'''
' '.join(s.split())
>'Hello  World Hi There'

回答 23



import re

re.sub(r"\r?\n?$", "", the_text, 1)


import re

text_1 = "hellothere\n\n\n"
text_2 = "hellothere\n\n\r"
text_3 = "hellothere\n\n\r\n"

a = re.sub(r"\r?\n?$", "", text_1, 1)
b = re.sub(r"\r?\n?$", "", text_2, 1)
c = re.sub(r"\r?\n?$", "", text_3, 1)

…这里a == b == cTrue

There are three types of line endings that we normally encounter: \n, \r and \r\n. A rather simple regular expression in re.sub, namely r"\r?\n?$", is able to catch them all.

(And we gotta catch ’em all, am I right?)

import re

re.sub(r"\r?\n?$", "", the_text, 1)

With the last argument, we limit the number of occurences replaced to one, mimicking chomp to some extent. Example:

import re

text_1 = "hellothere\n\n\n"
text_2 = "hellothere\n\n\r"
text_3 = "hellothere\n\n\r\n"

a = re.sub(r"\r?\n?$", "", text_1, 1)
b = re.sub(r"\r?\n?$", "", text_2, 1)
c = re.sub(r"\r?\n?$", "", text_3, 1)

… where a == b == c is True.

回答 24


import time

loops = 50000000

def method1(loops=loops):
    test_string = 'num\n'
    t0 = time.time()
    for num in xrange(loops):
        out_sting = test_string[:-1]
    t1 = time.time()
    print('Method 1: ' + str(t1 - t0))

def method2(loops=loops):
    test_string = 'num\n'
    t0 = time.time()
    for num in xrange(loops):
        out_sting = test_string.rstrip()
    t1 = time.time()
    print('Method 2: ' + str(t1 - t0))



Method 1: 3.92700004578
Method 2: 6.73000001907

If you are concerned about speed (say you have a looong list of strings) and you know the nature of the newline char, string slicing is actually faster than rstrip. A little test to illustrate this:

import time

loops = 50000000

def method1(loops=loops):
    test_string = 'num\n'
    t0 = time.time()
    for num in xrange(loops):
        out_sting = test_string[:-1]
    t1 = time.time()
    print('Method 1: ' + str(t1 - t0))

def method2(loops=loops):
    test_string = 'num\n'
    t0 = time.time()
    for num in xrange(loops):
        out_sting = test_string.rstrip()
    t1 = time.time()
    print('Method 2: ' + str(t1 - t0))



Method 1: 3.92700004578
Method 2: 6.73000001907

回答 25

这将同时适用于Windows和Linux(如果您只寻求re解决方案,那么re sub会有点贵)

import re 
if re.search("(\\r|)\\n$", line):
    line = re.sub("(\\r|)\\n$", "", line)

This will work both for windows and linux (bit expensive with re sub if you are looking for only re solution)

import re 
if re.search("(\\r|)\\n$", line):
    line = re.sub("(\\r|)\\n$", "", line)

回答 26


x = ' '.join(x.splitlines())


First split lines then join them by any separator you like:

x = ' '.join(x.splitlines())

should work like a charm.

回答 27


line = line.rstrip('\r|\n')

A catch all:

line = line.rstrip('\r|\n')