




def randomizer(input,output1='random_1.txt',output2='random_2.txt',output3='random_3.txt',output4='random_total.txt'):

#Input file 

    temp1 = os.path.join(dir,output1)
    temp2 = os.path.join(dir,output2)
    temp3 = os.path.join(dir,output3)
    temp4 = os.path.join(dir,output4)



    for item in query:



random_total = ['9','2','3','1','5','6','8','7','0','4']

我想要3个文件(out_file1 | 2 | 3),其中第一个随机集为3,第二个随机集为3,第三个随机集为3(对于此示例,但我要创建的文件应该有50个)

random_1 = ['9','2','3']
random_2 = ['1','5','6']
random_3 = ['8','7','0']

因此,不会包含最后一个“ 4”,这很好。



So far I have figured out how to import the file, create new files, and randomize the list.

I’m having trouble selecting only 50 items from the list randomly to write to a file?

def randomizer(input,output1='random_1.txt',output2='random_2.txt',output3='random_3.txt',output4='random_total.txt'):

#Input file 

    temp1 = os.path.join(dir,output1)
    temp2 = os.path.join(dir,output2)
    temp3 = os.path.join(dir,output3)
    temp4 = os.path.join(dir,output4)



    for item in query:

So if the total randomization file was


random_total = ['9','2','3','1','5','6','8','7','0','4']

I would want 3 files (out_file1|2|3) with the first random set of 3, second random set of 3, and third random set of 3 (for this example, but the one I want to create should have 50)

random_1 = ['9','2','3']
random_2 = ['1','5','6']
random_3 = ['8','7','0']

So the last ‘4’ will not be included which is fine.

How can I select 50 from the list that I randomized ?

Even better, how could I select 50 at random from the original list ?

回答 0



import random
random.sample(the_list, 50)

random.sample 帮助文字:

sample(self, population, k) method of random.Random instance
    Chooses k unique random elements from a population sequence.

    Returns a new list containing elements from the population while
    leaving the original population unchanged.  The resulting list is
    in selection order so that all sub-slices will also be valid random
    samples.  This allows raffle winners (the sample) to be partitioned
    into grand prize and second place winners (the subslices).

    Members of the population need not be hashable or unique.  If the
    population contains repeats, then each occurrence is a possible
    selection in the sample.

    To choose a sample in a range of integers, use xrange as an argument.
    This is especially fast and space efficient for sampling from a
    large population:   sample(xrange(10000000), 60)

If the list is in random order, you can just take the first 50.

Otherwise, use

import random
random.sample(the_list, 50)

random.sample help text:

sample(self, population, k) method of random.Random instance
    Chooses k unique random elements from a population sequence.

    Returns a new list containing elements from the population while
    leaving the original population unchanged.  The resulting list is
    in selection order so that all sub-slices will also be valid random
    samples.  This allows raffle winners (the sample) to be partitioned
    into grand prize and second place winners (the subslices).

    Members of the population need not be hashable or unique.  If the
    population contains repeats, then each occurrence is a possible
    selection in the sample.

    To choose a sample in a range of integers, use xrange as an argument.
    This is especially fast and space efficient for sampling from a
    large population:   sample(xrange(10000000), 60)

回答 1


import random
a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
print a[:4] # prints 4 random variables

One easy way to select random items is to shuffle then slice.

import random
a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
print a[:4] # prints 4 random variables

回答 2


import numpy as np

mylist = [13,23,14,52,6,23]

np.random.choice(mylist, 3, replace=False)


I think random.choice() is a better option.

import numpy as np

mylist = [13,23,14,52,6,23]

np.random.choice(mylist, 3, replace=False)

the function returns an array of 3 randomly chosen values from the list

回答 3


  1. 导入库
  2. 为随机数生成器创建种子,我将其放在2
  3. 准备一个数字列表,从中随机抽取
  4. 从数字列表中进行随机选择


from random import seed
from random import choice

numbers = [i for i in range(100)]


for _ in range(50):
    selection = choice(numbers)

Say your list has 100 elements and you want to pick 50 of them in a random way. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Import the libraries
  2. Create the seed for random number generator, I have put it at 2
  3. Prepare a list of numbers from which to pick up in a random way
  4. Make the random choices from the numbers list


from random import seed
from random import choice

numbers = [i for i in range(100)]


for _ in range(50):
    selection = choice(numbers)




myList = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'quux']


>>> myList[0:3]
['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
>>> myList[::2]
['foo', 'baz']
>>> myList[1::2]
['bar', 'quux']

如何显式挑选索引没有特定模式的项目?例如,我要选择[0,2,3]。或者,从1000个很大的清单中,我要选择[87, 342, 217, 998, 500]。是否有一些Python语法可以做到这一点?看起来像这样:

>>> myBigList[87, 342, 217, 998, 500]

I have the following Python list (can also be a tuple):

myList = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'quux']

I can say

>>> myList[0:3]
['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
>>> myList[::2]
['foo', 'baz']
>>> myList[1::2]
['bar', 'quux']

How do I explicitly pick out items whose indices have no specific patterns? For example, I want to select [0,2,3]. Or from a very big list of 1000 items, I want to select [87, 342, 217, 998, 500]. Is there some Python syntax that does that? Something that looks like:

>>> myBigList[87, 342, 217, 998, 500]

回答 0

list( myBigList[i] for i in [87, 342, 217, 998, 500] )

我将答案与python 2.5.2进行了比较:

  • 19.7微秒: [ myBigList[i] for i in [87, 342, 217, 998, 500] ]

  • 20.6 USEC: map(myBigList.__getitem__, (87, 342, 217, 998, 500))

  • 22.7 USEC: itemgetter(87, 342, 217, 998, 500)(myBigList)

  • 24.6 USEC: list( myBigList[i] for i in [87, 342, 217, 998, 500] )

请注意,在Python 3中,第1个已更改为与第4个相同。


>>> import numpy
>>> myBigList = numpy.array(range(1000))
>>> myBigList[(87, 342, 217, 998, 500)]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
IndexError: invalid index
>>> myBigList[[87, 342, 217, 998, 500]]
array([ 87, 342, 217, 998, 500])
>>> myBigList[numpy.array([87, 342, 217, 998, 500])]
array([ 87, 342, 217, 998, 500])


list( myBigList[i] for i in [87, 342, 217, 998, 500] )

I compared the answers with python 2.5.2:

  • 19.7 usec: [ myBigList[i] for i in [87, 342, 217, 998, 500] ]

  • 20.6 usec: map(myBigList.__getitem__, (87, 342, 217, 998, 500))

  • 22.7 usec: itemgetter(87, 342, 217, 998, 500)(myBigList)

  • 24.6 usec: list( myBigList[i] for i in [87, 342, 217, 998, 500] )

Note that in Python 3, the 1st was changed to be the same as the 4th.

Another option would be to start out with a numpy.array which allows indexing via a list or a numpy.array:

>>> import numpy
>>> myBigList = numpy.array(range(1000))
>>> myBigList[(87, 342, 217, 998, 500)]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
IndexError: invalid index
>>> myBigList[[87, 342, 217, 998, 500]]
array([ 87, 342, 217, 998, 500])
>>> myBigList[numpy.array([87, 342, 217, 998, 500])]
array([ 87, 342, 217, 998, 500])

The tuple doesn’t work the same way as those are slices.

回答 1


from operator import itemgetter
('foo', 'baz', 'quux')

What about this:

from operator import itemgetter
('foo', 'baz', 'quux')

回答 2


class MyList(list):

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if isinstance(index, tuple):
            return [self[i] for i in index]
        return super(MyList, self).__getitem__(index)

seq = MyList("foo bar baaz quux mumble".split())
print seq[0]
print seq[2,4]
print seq[1::2]


['baaz', 'mumble']
['bar', 'quux']

It isn’t built-in, but you can make a subclass of list that takes tuples as “indexes” if you’d like:

class MyList(list):

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if isinstance(index, tuple):
            return [self[i] for i in index]
        return super(MyList, self).__getitem__(index)

seq = MyList("foo bar baaz quux mumble".split())
print seq[0]
print seq[2,4]
print seq[1::2]


['baaz', 'mumble']
['bar', 'quux']

回答 3


L = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
print [ L[index] for index in [1,3,5] ]


['b', 'd', 'f']


Maybe a list comprehension is in order:

L = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
print [ L[index] for index in [1,3,5] ]


['b', 'd', 'f']

Is that what you are looking for?

回答 4

>>> map(myList.__getitem__, (2,2,1,3))
('baz', 'baz', 'bar', 'quux')


>>> map(myList.__getitem__, (2,2,1,3))
('baz', 'baz', 'bar', 'quux')

You can also create your own List class which supports tuples as arguments to __getitem__ if you want to be able to do myList[(2,2,1,3)].

回答 5


import timeit
from operator import itemgetter
for i in range(1000000):
print ("Itemgetter took ", (timeit.default_timer()-start))


for i in range(1000000):
print ("Multiple slice took ", (timeit.default_timer()-start))


I just want to point out, even syntax of itemgetter looks really neat, but it’s kinda slow when perform on large list.

import timeit
from operator import itemgetter
for i in range(1000000):
print ("Itemgetter took ", (timeit.default_timer()-start))

Itemgetter took 1.065209062149279

for i in range(1000000):
print ("Multiple slice took ", (timeit.default_timer()-start))

Multiple slice took 0.6225321444745759

回答 6


for i in [2, 4, 7, 0, 3]:
print (sek)

Another possible solution:

for i in [2, 4, 7, 0, 3]:
print (sek)

回答 7

当你有一个布尔numpy数组时,就像 mask

[mylist[i] for i in np.arange(len(mask), dtype=int)[mask]]


subseq = lambda myseq, mask : [myseq[i] for i in np.arange(len(mask), dtype=int)[mask]]

newseq = subseq(myseq, mask)

like often when you have a boolean numpy array like mask

[mylist[i] for i in np.arange(len(mask), dtype=int)[mask]]

A lambda that works for any sequence or np.array:

subseq = lambda myseq, mask : [myseq[i] for i in np.arange(len(mask), dtype=int)[mask]]

newseq = subseq(myseq, mask)




{ ('banana',    'blue' ): 24,
  ('apple',     'green'): 12,
  ('strawberry','blue' ): 0,


{ {'fruit': 'banana',    'color': 'blue' }: 24,
  {'fruit': 'apple',     'color': 'green'}: 12,
  {'fruit': 'strawberry','color': 'blue' }: 0,




Suppose I have quantities of fruits of different colors, e.g., 24 blue bananas, 12 green apples, 0 blue strawberries and so on. I’d like to organize them in a data structure in Python that allows for easy selection and sorting. My idea was to put them into a dictionary with tuples as keys, e.g.,

    ('banana',    'blue' ): 24,
    ('apple',     'green'): 12,
    ('strawberry','blue' ): 0,
    # ...

or even dictionaries, e.g.,

    {'fruit': 'banana',    'color': 'blue' }: 24,
    {'fruit': 'apple',     'color': 'green'}: 12,
    {'fruit': 'strawberry','color': 'blue' }: 0,
    # ...

I’d like to retrieve a list of all blue fruit, or bananas of all colors, for example, or to sort this dictionary by the name of the fruit. Are there ways to do this in a clean way?

It might well be that dictionaries with tuples as keys are not the proper way to handle this situation.

All suggestions welcome!

回答 0

就个人而言,我喜欢python的一件事是tuple-dict组合。您在这里拥有的实际上是一个2d数组(其中x =水果名称,y =颜色),而且我通常是实现2d数组的元组字典的支持者,至少在诸如之类numpy的数据库不适合使用时。简而言之,我认为您有一个很好的方法。



>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> Fruit = namedtuple("Fruit", ["name", "color"])
>>> f = Fruit(name="banana", color="red")
>>> print f
Fruit(name='banana', color='red')
>>> f.name
>>> f.color


>>> fruitcount = {Fruit("banana", "red"):5}
>>> fruitcount[f]


>>> fruits = fruitcount.keys()
>>> fruits.sort()
>>> print fruits
[Fruit(name='apple', color='green'), 
 Fruit(name='apple', color='red'), 
 Fruit(name='banana', color='blue'), 
 Fruit(name='strawberry', color='blue')]
>>> fruits.sort(key=lambda x:x.color)
>>> print fruits
[Fruit(name='banana', color='blue'), 
 Fruit(name='strawberry', color='blue'), 
 Fruit(name='apple', color='green'), 
 Fruit(name='apple', color='red')]


bananas = [fruit for fruit in fruits if fruit.name=='banana']

Personally, one of the things I love about python is the tuple-dict combination. What you have here is effectively a 2d array (where x = fruit name and y = color), and I am generally a supporter of the dict of tuples for implementing 2d arrays, at least when something like numpy or a database isn’t more appropriate. So in short, I think you’ve got a good approach.

Note that you can’t use dicts as keys in a dict without doing some extra work, so that’s not a very good solution.

That said, you should also consider namedtuple(). That way you could do this:

>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> Fruit = namedtuple("Fruit", ["name", "color"])
>>> f = Fruit(name="banana", color="red")
>>> print f
Fruit(name='banana', color='red')
>>> f.name
>>> f.color

Now you can use your fruitcount dict:

>>> fruitcount = {Fruit("banana", "red"):5}
>>> fruitcount[f]

Other tricks:

>>> fruits = fruitcount.keys()
>>> fruits.sort()
>>> print fruits
[Fruit(name='apple', color='green'), 
 Fruit(name='apple', color='red'), 
 Fruit(name='banana', color='blue'), 
 Fruit(name='strawberry', color='blue')]
>>> fruits.sort(key=lambda x:x.color)
>>> print fruits
[Fruit(name='banana', color='blue'), 
 Fruit(name='strawberry', color='blue'), 
 Fruit(name='apple', color='green'), 
 Fruit(name='apple', color='red')]

Echoing chmullig, to get a list of all colors of one fruit, you would have to filter the keys, i.e.

bananas = [fruit for fruit in fruits if fruit.name=='banana']

回答 1



class Fruit:
    def __init__(self, name, color, quantity): 
        self.name = name
        self.color = color
        self.quantity = quantity

    def __str__(self):
        return "Name: %s, Color: %s, Quantity: %s" % \
     (self.name, self.color, self.quantity)

然后,您可以简单地构造“ Fruit”实例并将其添加到列表中,如下所示:

fruit1 = Fruit("apple", "red", 12)
fruit2 = Fruit("pear", "green", 22)
fruit3 = Fruit("banana", "yellow", 32)
fruits = [fruit3, fruit2, fruit1] 




for fruit in fruits:
    print fruit



Name: banana, Color: yellow, Quantity: 32
Name: pear, Color: green, Quantity: 22
Name: apple, Color: red, Quantity: 12


fruits.sort(key=lambda x: x.name.lower())


Name: apple, Color: red, Quantity: 12
Name: banana, Color: yellow, Quantity: 32
Name: pear, Color: green, Quantity: 22


fruits.sort(key=lambda x: x.quantity)


Name: apple, Color: red, Quantity: 12
Name: pear, Color: green, Quantity: 22
Name: banana, Color: yellow, Quantity: 32


red_fruit = filter(lambda f: f.color == "red", fruits)


Name: apple, Color: red, Quantity: 12

Your best option will be to create a simple data structure to model what you have. Then you can store these objects in a simple list and sort/retrieve them any way you wish.

For this case, I’d use the following class:

class Fruit:
    def __init__(self, name, color, quantity): 
        self.name = name
        self.color = color
        self.quantity = quantity

    def __str__(self):
        return "Name: %s, Color: %s, Quantity: %s" % \
     (self.name, self.color, self.quantity)

Then you can simply construct “Fruit” instances and add them to a list, as shown in the following manner:

fruit1 = Fruit("apple", "red", 12)
fruit2 = Fruit("pear", "green", 22)
fruit3 = Fruit("banana", "yellow", 32)
fruits = [fruit3, fruit2, fruit1] 

The simple list fruits will be much easier, less confusing, and better-maintained.

Some examples of use:

All outputs below is the result after running the given code snippet followed by:

for fruit in fruits:
    print fruit

Unsorted list:


Name: banana, Color: yellow, Quantity: 32
Name: pear, Color: green, Quantity: 22
Name: apple, Color: red, Quantity: 12

Sorted alphabetically by name:

fruits.sort(key=lambda x: x.name.lower())


Name: apple, Color: red, Quantity: 12
Name: banana, Color: yellow, Quantity: 32
Name: pear, Color: green, Quantity: 22

Sorted by quantity:

fruits.sort(key=lambda x: x.quantity)


Name: apple, Color: red, Quantity: 12
Name: pear, Color: green, Quantity: 22
Name: banana, Color: yellow, Quantity: 32

Where color == red:

red_fruit = filter(lambda f: f.color == "red", fruits)


Name: apple, Color: red, Quantity: 12

回答 2

数据库,词典的字典,词典列表的字典,命名为tuple(这是一个子类),sqlite,冗余…我不敢相信自己的眼睛。还有什么 ?



是的 我想


from operator import itemgetter

li = [  ('banana',     'blue'   , 24) ,
        ('apple',      'green'  , 12) ,
        ('strawberry', 'blue'   , 16 ) ,
        ('banana',     'yellow' , 13) ,
        ('apple',      'gold'   , 3 ) ,
        ('pear',       'yellow' , 10) ,
        ('strawberry', 'orange' , 27) ,
        ('apple',      'blue'   , 21) ,
        ('apple',      'silver' , 0 ) ,
        ('strawberry', 'green'  , 4 ) ,
        ('banana',     'brown'  , 14) ,
        ('strawberry', 'yellow' , 31) ,
        ('apple',      'pink'   , 9 ) ,
        ('strawberry', 'gold'   , 0 ) ,
        ('pear',       'gold'   , 66) ,
        ('apple',      'yellow' , 9 ) ,
        ('pear',       'brown'  , 5 ) ,
        ('strawberry', 'pink'   , 8 ) ,
        ('apple',      'purple' , 7 ) ,
        ('pear',       'blue'   , 51) ,
        ('chesnut',    'yellow',  0 )   ]

print set( u[1] for u in li ),': all potential colors'
print set( c for f,c,n in li if n!=0),': all effective colors'
print [ c for f,c,n in li if f=='banana' ],': all potential colors of bananas'
print [ c for f,c,n in li if f=='banana' and n!=0],': all effective colors of bananas'

print set( u[0] for u in li ),': all potential fruits'
print set( f for f,c,n in li if n!=0),': all effective fruits'
print [ f for f,c,n in li if c=='yellow' ],': all potential fruits being yellow'
print [ f for f,c,n in li if c=='yellow' and n!=0],': all effective fruits being yellow'

print len(set( u[1] for u in li )),': number of all potential colors'
print len(set(c for f,c,n in li if n!=0)),': number of all effective colors'
print len( [c for f,c,n in li if f=='strawberry']),': number of potential colors of strawberry'
print len( [c for f,c,n in li if f=='strawberry' and n!=0]),': number of effective colors of strawberry'

# sorting li by name of fruit
print sorted(li),'  sorted li by name of fruit'

# sorting li by number 
print sorted(li, key = itemgetter(2)),'  sorted li by number'

# sorting li first by name of color and secondly by name of fruit
print sorted(li, key = itemgetter(1,0)),'  sorted li first by name of color and secondly by name of fruit'


set(['blue', 'brown', 'gold', 'purple', 'yellow', 'pink', 'green', 'orange', 'silver']) : all potential colors
set(['blue', 'brown', 'gold', 'purple', 'yellow', 'pink', 'green', 'orange']) : all effective colors
['blue', 'yellow', 'brown'] : all potential colors of bananas
['blue', 'yellow', 'brown'] : all effective colors of bananas

set(['strawberry', 'chesnut', 'pear', 'banana', 'apple']) : all potential fruits
set(['strawberry', 'pear', 'banana', 'apple']) : all effective fruits
['banana', 'pear', 'strawberry', 'apple', 'chesnut'] : all potential fruits being yellow
['banana', 'pear', 'strawberry', 'apple'] : all effective fruits being yellow

9 : number of all potential colors
8 : number of all effective colors
6 : number of potential colors of strawberry
5 : number of effective colors of strawberry

[('apple', 'blue', 21), ('apple', 'gold', 3), ('apple', 'green', 12), ('apple', 'pink', 9), ('apple', 'purple', 7), ('apple', 'silver', 0), ('apple', 'yellow', 9), ('banana', 'blue', 24), ('banana', 'brown', 14), ('banana', 'yellow', 13), ('chesnut', 'yellow', 0), ('pear', 'blue', 51), ('pear', 'brown', 5), ('pear', 'gold', 66), ('pear', 'yellow', 10), ('strawberry', 'blue', 16), ('strawberry', 'gold', 0), ('strawberry', 'green', 4), ('strawberry', 'orange', 27), ('strawberry', 'pink', 8), ('strawberry', 'yellow', 31)]   sorted li by name of fruit

[('apple', 'silver', 0), ('strawberry', 'gold', 0), ('chesnut', 'yellow', 0), ('apple', 'gold', 3), ('strawberry', 'green', 4), ('pear', 'brown', 5), ('apple', 'purple', 7), ('strawberry', 'pink', 8), ('apple', 'pink', 9), ('apple', 'yellow', 9), ('pear', 'yellow', 10), ('apple', 'green', 12), ('banana', 'yellow', 13), ('banana', 'brown', 14), ('strawberry', 'blue', 16), ('apple', 'blue', 21), ('banana', 'blue', 24), ('strawberry', 'orange', 27), ('strawberry', 'yellow', 31), ('pear', 'blue', 51), ('pear', 'gold', 66)]   sorted li by number

[('apple', 'blue', 21), ('banana', 'blue', 24), ('pear', 'blue', 51), ('strawberry', 'blue', 16), ('banana', 'brown', 14), ('pear', 'brown', 5), ('apple', 'gold', 3), ('pear', 'gold', 66), ('strawberry', 'gold', 0), ('apple', 'green', 12), ('strawberry', 'green', 4), ('strawberry', 'orange', 27), ('apple', 'pink', 9), ('strawberry', 'pink', 8), ('apple', 'purple', 7), ('apple', 'silver', 0), ('apple', 'yellow', 9), ('banana', 'yellow', 13), ('chesnut', 'yellow', 0), ('pear', 'yellow', 10), ('strawberry', 'yellow', 31)]   sorted li first by name of color and secondly by name of fruit

Database, dict of dicts, dictionary of list of dictionaries, named tuple (it’s a subclass), sqlite, redundancy… I didn’t believe my eyes. What else ?

“It might well be that dictionaries with tuples as keys are not the proper way to handle this situation.”

“my gut feeling is that a database is overkill for the OP’s needs; “

Yeah! I thought

So, in my opinion, a list of tuples is plenty enough :

from operator import itemgetter

li = [  ('banana',     'blue'   , 24) ,
        ('apple',      'green'  , 12) ,
        ('strawberry', 'blue'   , 16 ) ,
        ('banana',     'yellow' , 13) ,
        ('apple',      'gold'   , 3 ) ,
        ('pear',       'yellow' , 10) ,
        ('strawberry', 'orange' , 27) ,
        ('apple',      'blue'   , 21) ,
        ('apple',      'silver' , 0 ) ,
        ('strawberry', 'green'  , 4 ) ,
        ('banana',     'brown'  , 14) ,
        ('strawberry', 'yellow' , 31) ,
        ('apple',      'pink'   , 9 ) ,
        ('strawberry', 'gold'   , 0 ) ,
        ('pear',       'gold'   , 66) ,
        ('apple',      'yellow' , 9 ) ,
        ('pear',       'brown'  , 5 ) ,
        ('strawberry', 'pink'   , 8 ) ,
        ('apple',      'purple' , 7 ) ,
        ('pear',       'blue'   , 51) ,
        ('chesnut',    'yellow',  0 )   ]

print set( u[1] for u in li ),': all potential colors'
print set( c for f,c,n in li if n!=0),': all effective colors'
print [ c for f,c,n in li if f=='banana' ],': all potential colors of bananas'
print [ c for f,c,n in li if f=='banana' and n!=0],': all effective colors of bananas'

print set( u[0] for u in li ),': all potential fruits'
print set( f for f,c,n in li if n!=0),': all effective fruits'
print [ f for f,c,n in li if c=='yellow' ],': all potential fruits being yellow'
print [ f for f,c,n in li if c=='yellow' and n!=0],': all effective fruits being yellow'

print len(set( u[1] for u in li )),': number of all potential colors'
print len(set(c for f,c,n in li if n!=0)),': number of all effective colors'
print len( [c for f,c,n in li if f=='strawberry']),': number of potential colors of strawberry'
print len( [c for f,c,n in li if f=='strawberry' and n!=0]),': number of effective colors of strawberry'

# sorting li by name of fruit
print sorted(li),'  sorted li by name of fruit'

# sorting li by number 
print sorted(li, key = itemgetter(2)),'  sorted li by number'

# sorting li first by name of color and secondly by name of fruit
print sorted(li, key = itemgetter(1,0)),'  sorted li first by name of color and secondly by name of fruit'


set(['blue', 'brown', 'gold', 'purple', 'yellow', 'pink', 'green', 'orange', 'silver']) : all potential colors
set(['blue', 'brown', 'gold', 'purple', 'yellow', 'pink', 'green', 'orange']) : all effective colors
['blue', 'yellow', 'brown'] : all potential colors of bananas
['blue', 'yellow', 'brown'] : all effective colors of bananas

set(['strawberry', 'chesnut', 'pear', 'banana', 'apple']) : all potential fruits
set(['strawberry', 'pear', 'banana', 'apple']) : all effective fruits
['banana', 'pear', 'strawberry', 'apple', 'chesnut'] : all potential fruits being yellow
['banana', 'pear', 'strawberry', 'apple'] : all effective fruits being yellow

9 : number of all potential colors
8 : number of all effective colors
6 : number of potential colors of strawberry
5 : number of effective colors of strawberry

[('apple', 'blue', 21), ('apple', 'gold', 3), ('apple', 'green', 12), ('apple', 'pink', 9), ('apple', 'purple', 7), ('apple', 'silver', 0), ('apple', 'yellow', 9), ('banana', 'blue', 24), ('banana', 'brown', 14), ('banana', 'yellow', 13), ('chesnut', 'yellow', 0), ('pear', 'blue', 51), ('pear', 'brown', 5), ('pear', 'gold', 66), ('pear', 'yellow', 10), ('strawberry', 'blue', 16), ('strawberry', 'gold', 0), ('strawberry', 'green', 4), ('strawberry', 'orange', 27), ('strawberry', 'pink', 8), ('strawberry', 'yellow', 31)]   sorted li by name of fruit

[('apple', 'silver', 0), ('strawberry', 'gold', 0), ('chesnut', 'yellow', 0), ('apple', 'gold', 3), ('strawberry', 'green', 4), ('pear', 'brown', 5), ('apple', 'purple', 7), ('strawberry', 'pink', 8), ('apple', 'pink', 9), ('apple', 'yellow', 9), ('pear', 'yellow', 10), ('apple', 'green', 12), ('banana', 'yellow', 13), ('banana', 'brown', 14), ('strawberry', 'blue', 16), ('apple', 'blue', 21), ('banana', 'blue', 24), ('strawberry', 'orange', 27), ('strawberry', 'yellow', 31), ('pear', 'blue', 51), ('pear', 'gold', 66)]   sorted li by number

[('apple', 'blue', 21), ('banana', 'blue', 24), ('pear', 'blue', 51), ('strawberry', 'blue', 16), ('banana', 'brown', 14), ('pear', 'brown', 5), ('apple', 'gold', 3), ('pear', 'gold', 66), ('strawberry', 'gold', 0), ('apple', 'green', 12), ('strawberry', 'green', 4), ('strawberry', 'orange', 27), ('apple', 'pink', 9), ('strawberry', 'pink', 8), ('apple', 'purple', 7), ('apple', 'silver', 0), ('apple', 'yellow', 9), ('banana', 'yellow', 13), ('chesnut', 'yellow', 0), ('pear', 'yellow', 10), ('strawberry', 'yellow', 31)]   sorted li first by name of color and secondly by name of fruit

回答 3



您可以使用做第一个示例d = {('apple', 'red') : 4},但是要查询所需的内容将非常困难。您需要执行以下操作:

#find all apples
apples = [d[key] for key in d.keys() if key[0] == 'apple']

#find all red items
red = [d[key] for key in d.keys() if key[1] == 'red']

#the red apple
redapples = d[('apple', 'red')]

A dictionary probably isn’t what you should be using in this case. A more full featured library would be a better alternative. Probably a real database. The easiest would be sqlite. You can keep the whole thing in memory by passing in the string ‘:memory:’ instead of a filename.

If you do want to continue down this path, you can do it with the extra attributes in the key or the value. However a dictionary can’t be the key to a another dictionary, but a tuple can. The docs explain what’s allowable. It must be an immutable object, which includes strings, numbers and tuples that contain only strings and numbers (and more tuples containing only those types recursively…).

You could do your first example with d = {('apple', 'red') : 4}, but it’ll be very hard to query for what you want. You’d need to do something like this:

#find all apples
apples = [d[key] for key in d.keys() if key[0] == 'apple']

#find all red items
red = [d[key] for key in d.keys() if key[1] == 'red']

#the red apple
redapples = d[('apple', 'red')]

回答 4


blue_fruit = sorted([k for k in data.keys() if k[1] == 'blue'])
for k in blue_fruit:
  print k[0], data[k] # prints 'banana 24', etc


使用键作为完全成熟的对象,只需按即可过滤k.color == 'blue'

您不能真正将dicts用作键,但是可以创建一个最简单的类,例如class Foo(object): pass,并向其动态添加任何属性:

k = Foo()
k.color = 'blue'


With keys as tuples, you just filter the keys with given second component and sort it:

blue_fruit = sorted([k for k in data.keys() if k[1] == 'blue'])
for k in blue_fruit:
  print k[0], data[k] # prints 'banana 24', etc

Sorting works because tuples have natural ordering if their components have natural ordering.

With keys as rather full-fledged objects, you just filter by k.color == 'blue'.

You can’t really use dicts as keys, but you can create a simplest class like class Foo(object): pass and add any attributes to it on the fly:

k = Foo()
k.color = 'blue'

These instances can serve as dict keys, but beware their mutability!

回答 5


fruit_dict = dict()
fruit_dict['banana'] = [{'yellow': 24}]
fruit_dict['apple'] = [{'red': 12}, {'green': 14}]
print fruit_dict




fruit_dict = dict()
fruit_dict['banana'] = {'yellow': 24}
fruit_dict['apple'] = {'red': 12, 'green': 14}
print fruit_dict



You could have a dictionary where the entries are a list of other dictionaries:

fruit_dict = dict()
fruit_dict['banana'] = [{'yellow': 24}]
fruit_dict['apple'] = [{'red': 12}, {'green': 14}]
print fruit_dict


{‘banana’: [{‘yellow’: 24}], ‘apple’: [{‘red’: 12}, {‘green’: 14}]}

Edit: As eumiro pointed out, you could use a dictionary of dictionaries:

fruit_dict = dict()
fruit_dict['banana'] = {'yellow': 24}
fruit_dict['apple'] = {'red': 12, 'green': 14}
print fruit_dict


{‘banana’: {‘yellow’: 24}, ‘apple’: {‘green’: 14, ‘red’: 12}}

回答 6




root:                Root
                    / | \
                   /  |  \     
fruit:       Banana Apple Strawberry
              / |      |     \
             /  |      |      \
color:     Blue Yellow Green  Blue
            /   |       |       \
           /    |       |        \
end:      24   100      12        0


This type of data is efficiently pulled from a Trie-like data structure. It also allows for fast sorting. The memory efficiency might not be that great though.

A traditional trie stores each letter of a word as a node in the tree. But in your case your “alphabet” is different. You are storing strings instead of characters.

it might look something like this:

root:                Root
                    / | \
                   /  |  \     
fruit:       Banana Apple Strawberry
              / |      |     \
             /  |      |      \
color:     Blue Yellow Green  Blue
            /   |       |       \
           /    |       |        \
end:      24   100      12        0

see this link: trie in python

回答 7


  1. 有两个类型的字典作为存储冗余数据{'banana' : {'blue' : 4, ...}, .... }{'blue': {'banana':4, ...} ...}。然后,搜索和排序很容易,但是您必须确保同时修改字典。

  2. 将其仅存储一个字典,然后编写对其进行迭代的函数,例如:

    d = {'banana' : {'blue' : 4, 'yellow':6}, 'apple':{'red':1} }
    blueFruit = [(fruit,d[fruit]['blue']) if d[fruit].has_key('blue') for fruit in d.keys()]

You want to use two keys independently, so you have two choices:

  1. Store the data redundantly with two dicts as {'banana' : {'blue' : 4, ...}, .... } and {'blue': {'banana':4, ...} ...}. Then, searching and sorting is easy but you have to make sure you modify the dicts together.

  2. Store it just one dict, and then write functions that iterate over them eg.:

    d = {'banana' : {'blue' : 4, 'yellow':6}, 'apple':{'red':1} }
    blueFruit = [(fruit,d[fruit]['blue']) if d[fruit].has_key('blue') for fruit in d.keys()]




index  a   b   c
1      2   3   4
2      3   4   5



df1 = df['a':'b']
df1 = df.ix[:, 'a':'b']


I have data in different columns but I don’t know how to extract it to save it in another variable.

index  a   b   c
1      2   3   4
2      3   4   5

How do I select 'a', 'b' and save it in to df1?

I tried

df1 = df['a':'b']
df1 = df.ix[:, 'a':'b']

None seem to work.

回答 0



df1 = df[['a','b']]


df1 = df.iloc[:,0:2] # Remember that Python does not slice inclusive of the ending index.



df1 = df.iloc[0,0:2].copy() # To avoid the case where changing df1 also changes df


{df.columns.get_loc(c):c for idx, c in enumerate(df.columns)}


The column names (which are strings) cannot be sliced in the manner you tried.

Here you have a couple of options. If you know from context which variables you want to slice out, you can just return a view of only those columns by passing a list into the __getitem__ syntax (the []’s).

df1 = df[['a','b']]

Alternatively, if it matters to index them numerically and not by their name (say your code should automatically do this without knowing the names of the first two columns) then you can do this instead:

df1 = df.iloc[:,0:2] # Remember that Python does not slice inclusive of the ending index.

Additionally, you should familiarize yourself with the idea of a view into a Pandas object vs. a copy of that object. The first of the above methods will return a new copy in memory of the desired sub-object (the desired slices).

Sometimes, however, there are indexing conventions in Pandas that don’t do this and instead give you a new variable that just refers to the same chunk of memory as the sub-object or slice in the original object. This will happen with the second way of indexing, so you can modify it with the copy() function to get a regular copy. When this happens, changing what you think is the sliced object can sometimes alter the original object. Always good to be on the look out for this.

df1 = df.iloc[0,0:2].copy() # To avoid the case where changing df1 also changes df

To use iloc, you need to know the column positions (or indices). As the column positions may change, instead of hard-coding indices, you can use iloc along with get_loc function of columns method of dataframe object to obtain column indices.

{df.columns.get_loc(c):c for idx, c in enumerate(df.columns)}

Now you can use this dictionary to access columns through names and using iloc.

回答 1


df.loc[:, 'C':'E']


df[['C', 'D', 'E']]  # or df.loc[:, ['C', 'D', 'E']]



import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(100, size=(100, 6)), 
                  index=['R{}'.format(i) for i in range(100)])

     A   B   C   D   E   F
R0  99  78  61  16  73   8
R1  62  27  30  80   7  76
R2  15  53  80  27  44  77
R3  75  65  47  30  84  86
R4  18   9  41  62   1  82


df.loc[:, 'C':'E']

      C   D   E
R0   61  16  73
R1   30  80   7
R2   80  27  44
R3   47  30  84
R4   41  62   1
R5    5  58   0

同样适用于基于标签选择行。从这些列中获取行“ R6”至“ R10”:

df.loc['R6':'R10', 'C':'E']

      C   D   E
R6   51  27  31
R7   83  19  18
R8   11  67  65
R9   78  27  29
R10   7  16  94

.loc还接受一个布尔数组,因此您可以选择在数组中对应条目为的列True。例如,如果列名称在列表中,则df.columns.isin(list('BCD'))返回array([False, True, True, True, False, False], dtype=bool)-True ['B', 'C', 'D'];错误,否则。

df.loc[:, df.columns.isin(list('BCD'))]

      B   C   D
R0   78  61  16
R1   27  30  80
R2   53  80  27
R3   65  47  30
R4    9  41  62
R5   78   5  58

As of version 0.11.0, columns can be sliced in the manner you tried using the .loc indexer:

df.loc[:, 'C':'E']

is equivalent of

df[['C', 'D', 'E']]  # or df.loc[:, ['C', 'D', 'E']]

and returns columns C through E.

A demo on a randomly generated DataFrame:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(100, size=(100, 6)), 
                  index=['R{}'.format(i) for i in range(100)])

     A   B   C   D   E   F
R0  99  78  61  16  73   8
R1  62  27  30  80   7  76
R2  15  53  80  27  44  77
R3  75  65  47  30  84  86
R4  18   9  41  62   1  82

To get the columns from C to E (note that unlike integer slicing, ‘E’ is included in the columns):

df.loc[:, 'C':'E']

      C   D   E
R0   61  16  73
R1   30  80   7
R2   80  27  44
R3   47  30  84
R4   41  62   1
R5    5  58   0

Same works for selecting rows based on labels. Get the rows ‘R6’ to ‘R10’ from those columns:

df.loc['R6':'R10', 'C':'E']

      C   D   E
R6   51  27  31
R7   83  19  18
R8   11  67  65
R9   78  27  29
R10   7  16  94

.loc also accepts a boolean array so you can select the columns whose corresponding entry in the array is True. For example, df.columns.isin(list('BCD')) returns array([False, True, True, True, False, False], dtype=bool) – True if the column name is in the list ['B', 'C', 'D']; False, otherwise.

df.loc[:, df.columns.isin(list('BCD'))]

      B   C   D
R0   78  61  16
R1   27  30  80
R2   53  80  27
R3   65  47  30
R4    9  41  62
R5   78   5  58

回答 2


newdf = df[df.columns[2:4]] # Remember, Python is 0-offset! The "3rd" entry is at slot 2.

正如EMS在他的回答中指出的那样,df.ix切片列更加简洁,但是.columns切片界面可能更自然,因为它使用了香草1-D python列表索引/切片语法。

警告:这'index'DataFrame列的坏名称。该标签也用于真实df.index属性Index数组。因此,您的列由返回,df['index']而真正的DataFrame索引由返回df.index。An Index是一种特殊的Series优化方法,用于查找其元素的值。对于df.index,它用于按标签查找行。该df.columns属性也是一个pd.Index数组,用于按标签查找列。

Assuming your column names (df.columns) are ['index','a','b','c'], then the data you want is in the 3rd & 4th columns. If you don’t know their names when your script runs, you can do this

newdf = df[df.columns[2:4]] # Remember, Python is 0-offset! The "3rd" entry is at slot 2.

As EMS points out in his answer, df.ix slices columns a bit more concisely, but the .columns slicing interface might be more natural because it uses the vanilla 1-D python list indexing/slicing syntax.

WARN: 'index' is a bad name for a DataFrame column. That same label is also used for the real df.index attribute, a Index array. So your column is returned by df['index'] and the real DataFrame index is returned by df.index. An Index is a special kind of Series optimized for lookup of it’s elements’ values. For df.index it’s for looking up rows by their label. That df.columns attribute is also a pd.Index array, for looking up columns by their labels.

回答 3

In [39]: df
   index  a  b  c
0      1  2  3  4
1      2  3  4  5

In [40]: df1 = df[['b', 'c']]

In [41]: df1
   b  c
0  3  4
1  4  5
In [39]: df
   index  a  b  c
0      1  2  3  4
1      2  3  4  5

In [40]: df1 = df[['b', 'c']]

In [41]: df1
   b  c
0  3  4
1  4  5

回答 4


columns = ['b', 'c']
df1 = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=columns)

I realize this question is quite old, but in the latest version of pandas there is an easy way to do exactly this. Column names (which are strings) can be sliced in whatever manner you like.

columns = ['b', 'c']
df1 = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=columns)

回答 5

您可以提供要删除的列的列表,然后仅使用drop()Pandas DataFrame上的函数返回带有所需列的DataFrame。


colsToDrop = ['a']
df.drop(colsToDrop, axis=1)

将返回仅包含列b和的DataFrame c


You could provide a list of columns to be dropped and return back the DataFrame with only the columns needed using the drop() function on a Pandas DataFrame.

Just saying

colsToDrop = ['a']
df.drop(colsToDrop, axis=1)

would return a DataFrame with just the columns b and c.

The drop method is documented here.

回答 6








With pandas,

wit column names


to select by iloc and specific columns with index number:


with loc column names can be used like


回答 7


# iloc[row slicing, column slicing]
surveys_df.iloc [0:3, 1:4]


I found this method to be very useful:

# iloc[row slicing, column slicing]
surveys_df.iloc [0:3, 1:4]

More details can be found here

回答 8


df1 = df.reindex(columns=['b','c'])

在以前的版本中,.loc[list-of-labels]只要找到至少一个键就可以使用using (否则将引发KeyError)。此行为已弃用,现在显示警告消息。推荐的替代方法是使用.reindex()


Starting with 0.21.0, using .loc or [] with a list with one or more missing labels is deprecated in favor of .reindex. So, the answer to your question is:

df1 = df.reindex(columns=['b','c'])

In prior versions, using .loc[list-of-labels] would work as long as at least 1 of the keys was found (otherwise it would raise a KeyError). This behavior is deprecated and now shows a warning message. The recommended alternative is to use .reindex().

Read more at Indexing and Selecting Data

回答 9


    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2,5], [5,4, 5], [7,7, 8], [7,6,9]], 
                      index=['Jane', 'Peter','Alex','Ann'],
                      columns=['Test_1', 'Test_2', 'Test_3'])


           Test_1  Test_2  Test_3
    Jane        1       2       5
    Peter       5       4       5
    Alex        7       7       8
    Ann         7       6       9



           Test_1  Test_3
    Jane        1       5
    Peter       5       5
    Alex        7       8
    Ann         7       9



和哟列 Test_2

    Jane     2
    Peter    4
    Alex     7
    Ann      6




            Test_1  Test_2  Test_3
     Jane        1       2       5
     Peter       5       4       5
     Alex        7       7       8
     Ann         7       6       9


    df.loc[['Peter', 'Ann'],['Test_1','Test_3']]


           Test_1  Test_3
    Peter       5       5
    Ann         7       9

You can use pandas. I create the DataFrame:

    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2,5], [5,4, 5], [7,7, 8], [7,6,9]], 
                      index=['Jane', 'Peter','Alex','Ann'],
                      columns=['Test_1', 'Test_2', 'Test_3'])

The DataFrame:

           Test_1  Test_2  Test_3
    Jane        1       2       5
    Peter       5       4       5
    Alex        7       7       8
    Ann         7       6       9

To select 1 or more columns by name:


           Test_1  Test_3
    Jane        1       5
    Peter       5       5
    Alex        7       8
    Ann         7       9

You can also use:


And yo get column Test_2

    Jane     2
    Peter    4
    Alex     7
    Ann      6

You can also select columns and rows from these rows using .loc(). This is called “slicing”. Notice that I take from column Test_1to Test_3


The “Slice” is:

            Test_1  Test_2  Test_3
     Jane        1       2       5
     Peter       5       4       5
     Alex        7       7       8
     Ann         7       6       9

And if you just want Peter and Ann from columns Test_1 and Test_3:

    df.loc[['Peter', 'Ann'],['Test_1','Test_3']]

You get:

           Test_1  Test_3
    Peter       5       5
    Ann         7       9

回答 10



注意:由于ix不推荐使用v0.20 ,而推荐使用loc/ iloc

If you want to get one element by row index and column name, you can do it just like df['b'][0]. It is as simple as you can image.

Or you can use df.ix[0,'b'],mixed usage of index and label.

Note: Since v0.20 ix has been deprecated in favour of loc / iloc.

回答 11



 df1= pd.DataFrame() #creating an empty dataframe
 for index,i in df.iterrows():

One different and easy approach : iterating rows

using iterows

 df1= pd.DataFrame() #creating an empty dataframe
 for index,i in df.iterrows():

回答 12

以上响应中讨论的不同方法是基于以下假设:用户知道要放下或子集化的列索引,或者用户希望使用一定范围的列(例如,在“ C”与“ E”之间)对数据帧进行子集化。pandas.DataFrame.drop()当然是基于用户定义的列列表对数据进行子集化的选项(尽管您必须谨慎使用始终使用dataframe的副本,并且inplace参数不应设置为True!)


df = pd.DataFrame([[2,3,4],[3,4,5]],columns=['a','b','c'],index=[1,2])
columns_for_differencing = ['a']
df1 = df.copy()[df.columns.difference(columns_for_differencing)]

输出为: b c 1 3 4 2 4 5

The different approaches discussed in above responses are based on the assumption that either the user knows column indices to drop or subset on, or the user wishes to subset a dataframe using a range of columns (for instance between ‘C’ : ‘E’). pandas.DataFrame.drop() is certainly an option to subset data based on a list of columns defined by user (though you have to be cautious that you always use copy of dataframe and inplace parameters should not be set to True!!)

Another option is to use pandas.columns.difference(), which does a set difference on column names, and returns an index type of array containing desired columns. Following is the solution:

df = pd.DataFrame([[2,3,4],[3,4,5]],columns=['a','b','c'],index=[1,2])
columns_for_differencing = ['a']
df1 = df.copy()[df.columns.difference(columns_for_differencing)]

The output would be: b c 1 3 4 2 4 5

回答 13


>>> df = pd.DataFrame([('falcon', 'bird',    389.0),
...                    ('parrot', 'bird',     24.0),
...                    ('lion',   'mammal',   80.5),
...                    ('monkey', 'mammal', np.nan)],
...                   columns=('name', 'class', 'max_speed'))
>>> df
     name   class  max_speed
0  falcon    bird      389.0
1  parrot    bird       24.0
2    lion  mammal       80.5
3  monkey  mammal 

>>> df.pop('class')
0      bird
1      bird
2    mammal
3    mammal
Name: class, dtype: object

>>> df
     name  max_speed
0  falcon      389.0
1  parrot       24.0
2    lion       80.5
3  monkey        NaN


you can also use df.pop()

>>> df = pd.DataFrame([('falcon', 'bird',    389.0),
...                    ('parrot', 'bird',     24.0),
...                    ('lion',   'mammal',   80.5),
...                    ('monkey', 'mammal', np.nan)],
...                   columns=('name', 'class', 'max_speed'))
>>> df
     name   class  max_speed
0  falcon    bird      389.0
1  parrot    bird       24.0
2    lion  mammal       80.5
3  monkey  mammal 

>>> df.pop('class')
0      bird
1      bird
2    mammal
3    mammal
Name: class, dtype: object

>>> df
     name  max_speed
0  falcon      389.0
1  parrot       24.0
2    lion       80.5
3  monkey        NaN

let me know if this helps so for you , please use df.pop(c)

回答 14



['f000004' 'f000005' 'f000006' 'f000014' 'f000039' 'f000040' 'f000043'
 'f000047' 'f000048' 'f000049' 'f000050' 'f000051' 'f000052' 'f000053'
 'f000054' 'f000055' 'f000056' 'f000057' 'f000058' 'f000059' 'f000060'
 'f000061' 'f000062' 'f000063' 'f000064' 'f000065' 'f000066' 'f000067'
 'f000068' 'f000069' 'f000070' 'f000071' 'f000072' 'f000073' 'f000074'
 'f000075' 'f000076' 'f000077' 'f000078' 'f000079' 'f000080' 'f000081'
 'f000082' 'f000083' 'f000084' 'f000085' 'f000086' 'f000087' 'f000088'
 'f000089' 'f000090' 'f000091' 'f000092' 'f000093' 'f000094' 'f000095'
 'f000096' 'f000097' 'f000098' 'f000099' 'f000100' 'f000101' 'f000103']

我有以下list / numpy数组extracted_features,指定63列。原始数据集有103列,我想准确提取出这些列,然后使用




I’ve seen several answers on that, but on remained unclear to me. How would you select those columns of interest? The answer to that is that if you have them gathered in a list, you can just reference the columns using the list.



['f000004' 'f000005' 'f000006' 'f000014' 'f000039' 'f000040' 'f000043'
 'f000047' 'f000048' 'f000049' 'f000050' 'f000051' 'f000052' 'f000053'
 'f000054' 'f000055' 'f000056' 'f000057' 'f000058' 'f000059' 'f000060'
 'f000061' 'f000062' 'f000063' 'f000064' 'f000065' 'f000066' 'f000067'
 'f000068' 'f000069' 'f000070' 'f000071' 'f000072' 'f000073' 'f000074'
 'f000075' 'f000076' 'f000077' 'f000078' 'f000079' 'f000080' 'f000081'
 'f000082' 'f000083' 'f000084' 'f000085' 'f000086' 'f000087' 'f000088'
 'f000089' 'f000090' 'f000091' 'f000092' 'f000093' 'f000094' 'f000095'
 'f000096' 'f000097' 'f000098' 'f000099' 'f000100' 'f000101' 'f000103']

I have the following list/numpy array extracted_features, specifying 63 columns. The original dataset has 103 columns, and I would like to extract exactly those, then I would use


And you will end up with this

This something you would use quite often in Machine Learning (more specifically, in feature selection). I would like to discuss other ways too, but I think that has already been covered by other stackoverflowers. Hope this’ve been helpful!

回答 15


df1 = df.filter(['a', 'b'])

You can use pandas.DataFrame.filter method to either filter or reorder columns like this:

df1 = df.filter(['a', 'b'])

回答 16

df[['a','b']] # select all rows of 'a' and 'b'column 
df.loc[0:10, ['a','b']] # index 0 to 10 select column 'a' and 'b'
df.loc[0:10, ['a':'b']] # index 0 to 10 select column 'a' to 'b'
df.iloc[0:10, 3:5] # index 0 to 10 and column 3 to 5
df.iloc[3, 3:5] # index 3 of column 3 to 5
df[['a','b']] # select all rows of 'a' and 'b'column 
df.loc[0:10, ['a','b']] # index 0 to 10 select column 'a' and 'b'
df.loc[0:10, ['a':'b']] # index 0 to 10 select column 'a' to 'b'
df.iloc[0:10, 3:5] # index 0 to 10 and column 3 to 5
df.iloc[3, 3:5] # index 3 of column 3 to 5