



template_a = "The current name is {name}"
names = ["foo", "bar"]
for name in names:
    print (template_a.format(**locals()))


names = ["foo", "bar"]
for name in names:
    print (f"The current name is {name}")




template_a = f"The current name is {name}"
# OR [Ideal2] template_a = magic_fstring_function(open('template.txt').read())
names = ["foo", "bar"]
for name in names:
    print (template_a)


The current name is foo
The current name is bar


The current name is {name}
The current name is {name}

I am using template strings to generate some files and I love the conciseness of the new f-strings for this purpose, for reducing my previous template code from something like this:

template_a = "The current name is {name}"
names = ["foo", "bar"]
for name in names:
    print (template_a.format(**locals()))

Now I can do this, directly replacing variables:

names = ["foo", "bar"]
for name in names:
    print (f"The current name is {name}")

However, sometimes it makes sense to have the template defined elsewhere — higher up in the code, or imported from a file or something. This means the template is a static string with formatting tags in it. Something would have to happen to the string to tell the interpreter to interpret the string as a new f-string, but I don’t know if there is such a thing.

Is there any way to bring in a string and have it interpreted as an f-string to avoid using the .format(**locals()) call?

Ideally I want to be able to code like this… (where magic_fstring_function is where the part I don’t understand comes in):

template_a = f"The current name is {name}"
# OR [Ideal2] template_a = magic_fstring_function(open('template.txt').read())
names = ["foo", "bar"]
for name in names:
    print (template_a)

…with this desired output (without reading the file twice):

The current name is foo
The current name is bar

…but the actual output I get is:

The current name is {name}
The current name is {name}

回答 0




import inspect

class magic_fstring_function:
    def __init__(self, payload):
        self.payload = payload
    def __str__(self):
        vars = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_globals.copy()
        return self.payload.format(**vars)

template = "The current name is {name}"

template_a = magic_fstring_function(template)

# use it inside a function to demonstrate it gets the scoping right
def new_scope():
    names = ["foo", "bar"]
    for name in names:

# The current name is foo
# The current name is bar

Here’s a complete “Ideal 2”.

It’s not an f-string—it doesn’t even use f-strings—but it does as requested. Syntax exactly as specified. No security headaches since we are not using eval().

It uses a little class and implements __str__ which is automatically called by print. To escape the limited scope of the class we use the inspect module to hop one frame up and see the variables the caller has access to.

import inspect

class magic_fstring_function:
    def __init__(self, payload):
        self.payload = payload
    def __str__(self):
        vars = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_globals.copy()
        return self.payload.format(**vars)

template = "The current name is {name}"

template_a = magic_fstring_function(template)

# use it inside a function to demonstrate it gets the scoping right
def new_scope():
    names = ["foo", "bar"]
    for name in names:

# The current name is foo
# The current name is bar

回答 1





template_a = lambda: f"The current name is {name}"
names = ["foo", "bar"]
for name in names:
    print (template_a())


The current name is foo
The current name is bar




This means the template is a static string with formatting tags in it

Yes, that’s exactly why we have literals with replacement fields and .format, so we can replace the fields whenever we like by calling format on it.

Something would have to happen to the string to tell the interpreter to interpret the string as a new f-string

That’s the prefix f/F. You could wrap it in a function and postpone the evaluation during call time but of course that incurs extra overhead:

template_a = lambda: f"The current name is {name}"
names = ["foo", "bar"]
for name in names:
    print (template_a())

Which prints out:

The current name is foo
The current name is bar

but feels wrong and is limited by the fact that you can only peek at the global namespace in your replacements. Trying to use it in a situation which requires local names will fail miserably unless passed to the string as arguments (which totally beats the point).

Is there any way to bring in a string and have it interpreted as an f-string to avoid using the .format(**locals()) call?

Other than a function (limitations included), nope, so might as well stick with .format.

回答 2


def fstr(template):
    return eval(f"f'{template}'")


template_a = "The current name is {name}"
names = ["foo", "bar"]
for name in names:
# The current name is foo
# The current name is bar


template_b = "The current name is {name.upper() * 2}"
for name in names:
# The current name is FOOFOO
# The current name is BARBAR

A concise way to have a string evaluated as an f-string (with its full capabilities) is using following function:

def fstr(template):
    return eval(f"f'{template}'")

Then you can do:

template_a = "The current name is {name}"
names = ["foo", "bar"]
for name in names:
# The current name is foo
# The current name is bar

And, in contrast to many other proposed solutions, you can also do:

template_b = "The current name is {name.upper() * 2}"
for name in names:
# The current name is FOOFOO
# The current name is BARBAR

回答 3






>>> template_a = open('template.txt').read()
>>> names = 'foo', 'bar'
>>> for name in names:
...     print(eval(template_a))
The current name is foo
The current name is bar


An f-string is simply a more concise way of creating a formatted string, replacing .format(**names) with f. If you don’t want a string to be immediately evaluated in such a manner, don’t make it an f-string. Save it as an ordinary string literal, and then call format on it later when you want to perform the interpolation, as you have been doing.

Of course, there is an alternative with eval.


f’The current name is {name}’


>>> template_a = open('template.txt').read()
>>> names = 'foo', 'bar'
>>> for name in names:
...     print(eval(template_a))
The current name is foo
The current name is bar

But then all you’ve managed to do is replace str.format with eval, which is surely not worth it. Just keep using regular strings with a format call.

回答 4

使用.format并不是此问题的正确答案。Python f字符串与str.format()模板非常不同…它们可以包含代码或其他昂贵的操作-因此需要推迟。


log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def __deferred_flog(log, fstr, level, *args):
    if log.isEnabledFor(level):
        import inspect
        frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back
            fstr = 'f"' + fstr + '"'
            log.log(level, eval(fstr, frame.f_globals, frame.f_locals))
            del frame
log.fdebug = lambda fstr, *args: __deferred_flog(log, fstr, logging.DEBUG, *args)
log.finfo = lambda fstr, *args: __deferred_flog(log, fstr, logging.INFO, *args)

这样做的优点是能够执行以下操作: log.fdebug("{obj.dump()}")….除非启用调试,否则不转储对象。


为了适当延迟f字符串,python需要某种方式来显式切换行为。也许使用字母“ g”?;)

Using .format is not a correct answer to this question. Python f-strings are very different from str.format() templates … they can contain code or other expensive operations – hence the need for deferral.

Here’s an example of a deferred logger. This uses the normal preamble of logging.getLogger, but then adds new functions that interpret the f-string only if the log level is correct.

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def __deferred_flog(log, fstr, level, *args):
    if log.isEnabledFor(level):
        import inspect
        frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back
            fstr = 'f"' + fstr + '"'
            log.log(level, eval(fstr, frame.f_globals, frame.f_locals))
            del frame
log.fdebug = lambda fstr, *args: __deferred_flog(log, fstr, logging.DEBUG, *args)
log.finfo = lambda fstr, *args: __deferred_flog(log, fstr, logging.INFO, *args)

This has the advantage of being able to do things like: log.fdebug("{obj.dump()}") …. without dumping the object unless debugging is enabled.

IMHO: This should have been the default operation of f-strings, however now it’s too late. F-string evaluation can have massive and unintended side-effects, and having that happen in a deferred manner will change program execution.

In order to make f-strings properly deferred, python would need some way of explicitly switching behavior. Maybe use the letter ‘g’? ;)

It has been pointed out that deferred logging shouldn’t crash if there’s a bug in the string converter. The above solution can do this as well, change the finally: to except:, and stick a log.exception in there.

回答 5



class FL:
    def __init__(self, func):
        self.func = func
    def __str__(self):
        return self.func()

template_a = FL(lambda: f"The current name, number is {name!r}, {number+1}")
names = "foo", "bar"
numbers = 40, 41
for name, number in zip(names, numbers):


The current name, number is 'foo', 41
The current name, number is 'bar', 42

What you want appears to be being considered as a Python enhancement.

Meanwhile — from the linked discussion — the following seems like it would be a reasonable workaround that doesn’t require using eval():

class FL:
    def __init__(self, func):
        self.func = func
    def __str__(self):
        return self.func()

template_a = FL(lambda: f"The current name, number is {name!r}, {number+1}")
names = "foo", "bar"
numbers = 40, 41
for name, number in zip(names, numbers):


The current name, number is 'foo', 41
The current name, number is 'bar', 42

回答 6


class FStr:
    def __init__(self, s):
        self._s = s
    def __repr__(self):
        return eval(f"f'{self._s}'")


template_a = FStr('The current name is {name}')

names = ["foo", "bar"]
for name in names:
    print (template_a)


inspired by the answer by kadee, the following can be used to define a deferred-f-string class.

class FStr:
    def __init__(self, s):
        self._s = s
    def __repr__(self):
        return eval(f"f'{self._s}'")


template_a = FStr('The current name is {name}')

names = ["foo", "bar"]
for name in names:
    print (template_a)

which is exactly what the question asked for

回答 7


fun = "The curent name is {name}".format
names = ["foo", "bar"]
for name in names:


fun = "The curent name is {}".format
names = ["foo", "bar"]
for name in names:

Or maybe do not use f-strings, just format:

fun = "The curent name is {name}".format
names = ["foo", "bar"]
for name in names:

In version without names:

fun = "The curent name is {}".format
names = ["foo", "bar"]
for name in names:

回答 8


s = 'Hi, {foo}!'

> 'Hi, {foo}!'

> 'Hi, Bar!'

How about:

s = 'Hi, {foo}!'

> 'Hi, {foo}!'

> 'Hi, Bar!'

回答 9


In [46]: names = (i for i in ('The CIO, Reed', 'The homeless guy, Arnot', 'The security guard Spencer'))

In [47]: po = (f'Strangely, {next(names)} has a nice {i}' for i in (" nice house", " fast car", " big boat"))

In [48]: while True:  
...:     try:  
...:         print(next(po))  
...:     except StopIteration:  
...:         break  
Strangely, The CIO, Reed has a nice  nice house  
Strangely, The homeless guy, Arnot has a nice  fast car  
Strangely, The security guard Spencer has a nice  big boat  

A suggestion that uses f-strings. Do your evaluation on the logical level where the templating is occurring and pass it as a generator. You can unwind it at whatever point you choose, using f-strings

In [46]: names = (i for i in ('The CIO, Reed', 'The homeless guy, Arnot', 'The security guard Spencer'))

In [47]: po = (f'Strangely, {next(names)} has a nice {i}' for i in (" nice house", " fast car", " big boat"))

In [48]: while True:  
...:     try:  
...:         print(next(po))  
...:     except StopIteration:  
...:         break  
Strangely, The CIO, Reed has a nice  nice house  
Strangely, The homeless guy, Arnot has a nice  fast car  
Strangely, The security guard Spencer has a nice  big boat  




name = "Spongebob Squarepants"
puts "Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? \n#{name}."


Ruby example:

name = "Spongebob Squarepants"
puts "Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? \n#{name}."

The successful Python string concatenation is seemingly verbose to me.

回答 0

Python 3.6将添加与Ruby的字符串插值类似的文字字符串插值。从该版本的Python(计划于2016年底发布)开始,您将能够在“ f-strings”中包含表达式,例如

name = "Spongebob Squarepants"
print(f"Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? {name}.")


name = "Spongebob Squarepants"
print("Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? %(name)s." % locals())



name = "Spongebob Squarepants"
print("Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? {name!s}.".format(**locals()))


tmpl = string.Template("Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? $name.")
print(tmpl.substitute(name="Spongebob Squarepants"))

Python 3.6 will add literal string interpolation similar to Ruby’s string interpolation. Starting with that version of Python (which is scheduled to be released by the end of 2016), you will be able to include expressions in “f-strings”, e.g.

name = "Spongebob Squarepants"
print(f"Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? {name}.")

Prior to 3.6, the closest you can get to this is

name = "Spongebob Squarepants"
print("Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? %(name)s." % locals())

The % operator can be used for string interpolation in Python. The first operand is the string to be interpolated, the second can have different types including a “mapping”, mapping field names to the values to be interpolated. Here I used the dictionary of local variables locals() to map the field name name to its value as a local variable.

The same code using the .format() method of recent Python versions would look like this:

name = "Spongebob Squarepants"
print("Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? {name!s}.".format(**locals()))

There is also the string.Template class:

tmpl = string.Template("Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? $name.")
print(tmpl.substitute(name="Spongebob Squarepants"))

回答 1

从Python 2.6.X开始,您可能要使用:

"my {0} string: {1}".format("cool", "Hello there!")

Since Python 2.6.X you might want to use:

"my {0} string: {1}".format("cool", "Hello there!")

回答 2


只需通过安装即可pip install interpy。然后,# coding: interpy在文件开头添加该行!


#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: interpy

name = "Spongebob Squarepants"
print "Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? \n#{name}."

I’ve developed the interpy package, that enables string interpolation in Python.

Just install it via pip install interpy. And then, add the line # coding: interpy at the beginning of your files!


#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: interpy

name = "Spongebob Squarepants"
print "Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? \n#{name}."

回答 3



name = "SpongeBob Squarepants"
print "Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? %s" % name

标签%s将被替换为name变量。您应该看一下打印功能标签:http : //docs.python.org/library/functions.html

Python’s string interpolation is similar to C’s printf()

If you try:

name = "SpongeBob Squarepants"
print "Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? %s" % name

The tag %s will be replaced with the name variable. You should take a look to the print function tags: http://docs.python.org/library/functions.html

回答 4

按照PEP 498的规定,Python 3.6包含字符串插值。您将可以执行以下操作:

name = 'Spongebob Squarepants'
print(f'Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? \n{name}')


String interpolation is going to be included with Python 3.6 as specified in PEP 498. You will be able to do this:

name = 'Spongebob Squarepants'
print(f'Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? \n{name}')

Note that I hate Spongebob, so writing this was slightly painful. :)

回答 5


name = "Spongebob Squarepants"
print "Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? \n{name}.".format(name=name)


You can also have this

name = "Spongebob Squarepants"
print "Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? \n{name}.".format(name=name)


回答 6

import inspect
def s(template, **kwargs):
    "Usage: s(string, **locals())"
    if not kwargs:
        frame = inspect.currentframe()
            kwargs = frame.f_back.f_locals
            del frame
        if not kwargs:
            kwargs = globals()
    return template.format(**kwargs)


a = 123
s('{a}', locals()) # print '123'
s('{a}') # it is equal to the above statement: print '123'
s('{b}') # raise an KeyError: b variable not found



import inspect
def s(template, **kwargs):
    "Usage: s(string, **locals())"
    if not kwargs:
        frame = inspect.currentframe()
            kwargs = frame.f_back.f_locals
            del frame
        if not kwargs:
            kwargs = globals()
    return template.format(**kwargs)


a = 123
s('{a}', locals()) # print '123'
s('{a}') # it is equal to the above statement: print '123'
s('{b}') # raise an KeyError: b variable not found

PS: performance may be a problem. This is useful for local scripts, not for production logs.


回答 7


import string

def try_interp():
    d = 1
    f = 1.1
    s = "s"
    print string.Template("d: $d f: $f s: $s").substitute(**locals())



d: 1 f: 1.1 s: s

For old Python (tested on 2.4) the top solution points the way. You can do this:

import string

def try_interp():
    d = 1
    f = 1.1
    s = "s"
    print string.Template("d: $d f: $f s: $s").substitute(**locals())


And you get

d: 1 f: 1.1 s: s

回答 8

Python 3.6和更高版本具有使用f字符串的文字字符串插值

print(f"Hello {name}!")

Python 3.6 and newer have literal string interpolation using f-strings:

print(f"Hello {name}!")