





mystring.find("substring", 2nd)


This seems like it should be pretty trivial, but I am new at Python and want to do it the most Pythonic way.

I want to find the index corresponding to the n’th occurrence of a substring within a string.

There’s got to be something equivalent to what I WANT to do which is

mystring.find("substring", 2nd)

How can you achieve this in Python?

回答 0



def findnth(haystack, needle, n):
    parts= haystack.split(needle, n+1)
    if len(parts)<=n+1:
        return -1
    return len(haystack)-len(parts[-1])-len(needle)


'foo bar bar bar'.replace('bar', 'XXX', 1).find('bar')

Mark’s iterative approach would be the usual way, I think.

Here’s an alternative with string-splitting, which can often be useful for finding-related processes:

def findnth(haystack, needle, n):
    parts= haystack.split(needle, n+1)
    if len(parts)<=n+1:
        return -1
    return len(haystack)-len(parts[-1])-len(needle)

And here’s a quick (and somewhat dirty, in that you have to choose some chaff that can’t match the needle) one-liner:

'foo bar bar bar'.replace('bar', 'XXX', 1).find('bar')

回答 1


def find_nth(haystack, needle, n):
    start = haystack.find(needle)
    while start >= 0 and n > 1:
        start = haystack.find(needle, start+len(needle))
        n -= 1
    return start


>>> find_nth("foofoofoofoo", "foofoo", 2)


def find_nth_overlapping(haystack, needle, n):
    start = haystack.find(needle)
    while start >= 0 and n > 1:
        start = haystack.find(needle, start+1)
        n -= 1
    return start


>>> find_nth_overlapping("foofoofoofoo", "foofoo", 2)

这比Mark的版本更容易阅读,并且不需要拆分版本或导入正则表达式模块的额外内存。与各种方法不同,它还遵守python Zen中的一些规则re

  1. 简单胜于复杂。
  2. 扁平比嵌套更好。
  3. 可读性很重要。

Here’s a more Pythonic version of the straightforward iterative solution:

def find_nth(haystack, needle, n):
    start = haystack.find(needle)
    while start >= 0 and n > 1:
        start = haystack.find(needle, start+len(needle))
        n -= 1
    return start


>>> find_nth("foofoofoofoo", "foofoo", 2)

If you want to find the nth overlapping occurrence of needle, you can increment by 1 instead of len(needle), like this:

def find_nth_overlapping(haystack, needle, n):
    start = haystack.find(needle)
    while start >= 0 and n > 1:
        start = haystack.find(needle, start+1)
        n -= 1
    return start


>>> find_nth_overlapping("foofoofoofoo", "foofoo", 2)

This is easier to read than Mark’s version, and it doesn’t require the extra memory of the splitting version or importing regular expression module. It also adheres to a few of the rules in the Zen of python, unlike the various re approaches:

  1. Simple is better than complex.
  2. Flat is better than nested.
  3. Readability counts.

回答 2


def find_2nd(string, substring):
   return string.find(substring, string.find(substring) + 1)


def find_nth(string, substring, n):
   if (n == 1):
       return string.find(substring)
       return string.find(substring, find_nth(string, substring, n - 1) + 1)

This will find the second occurrence of substring in string.

def find_2nd(string, substring):
   return string.find(substring, string.find(substring) + 1)

Edit: I haven’t thought much about the performance, but a quick recursion can help with finding the nth occurrence:

def find_nth(string, substring, n):
   if (n == 1):
       return string.find(substring)
       return string.find(substring, find_nth(string, substring, n - 1) + 1)

回答 3


>>> import re
>>> s = "ababdfegtduab"
>>> [m.start() for m in re.finditer(r"ab",s)]
[0, 2, 11]
>>> [m.start() for m in re.finditer(r"ab",s)][2] #index 2 is third occurrence 

Understanding that regex is not always the best solution, I’d probably use one here:

>>> import re
>>> s = "ababdfegtduab"
>>> [m.start() for m in re.finditer(r"ab",s)]
[0, 2, 11]
>>> [m.start() for m in re.finditer(r"ab",s)][2] #index 2 is third occurrence 

回答 4

我提供了一些基准测试结果,以比较到目前为止介绍的最著名的方法,即@bobince findnth()(基于str.split())与@tgamblin find_nth()(或基于@Mark Byers)(基于str.find())。我还将与C扩展名(_find_nth.so)进行比较,以了解我们可以走多快。这里是find_nth.py

def findnth(haystack, needle, n):
    parts= haystack.split(needle, n+1)
    if len(parts)<=n+1:
        return -1
    return len(haystack)-len(parts[-1])-len(needle)

def find_nth(s, x, n=0, overlap=False):
    l = 1 if overlap else len(x)
    i = -l
    for c in xrange(n + 1):
        i = s.find(x, i + l)
        if i < 0:
    return i

当然,如果字符串很大,性能最重要,因此假设我们要在1.3 GB的文件“ bigfile”中找到第1000001个换行符(’\ n’)。为了节省内存,我们希望处理mmap.mmap文件的对象表示形式:

In [1]: import _find_nth, find_nth, mmap

In [2]: f = open('bigfile', 'r')

In [3]: mm = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)


In [4]: %time s = mm[:]
CPU times: user 813 ms, sys: 3.25 s, total: 4.06 s
Wall time: 17.7 s

哎哟! 幸运的是s,我的Macbook Air仍可容纳4 GB内存,因此让我们进行基准测试findnth()

In [5]: %timeit find_nth.findnth(s, '\n', 1000000)
1 loops, best of 3: 29.9 s per loop


In [6]: %timeit find_nth.find_nth(s, '\n', 1000000)
1 loops, best of 3: 774 ms per loop

好多了!显然,findnth()问题在于它被迫在期间复制字符串split(),这已经是我们第二次在after之后复制1.3 GB的数据了s = mm[:]。这里有第二个优点find_nth():我们可以mm直接使用它,因此文件的副本是必需的:

In [7]: %timeit find_nth.find_nth(mm, '\n', 1000000)
1 loops, best of 3: 1.21 s per loop

mmvs. 上似乎有一些小的性能损失s,但这表明find_nth()与1.2 s findnth的总和(47 s)相比,可以在1.2 s内获得答案。

我发现没有任何str.find()一种方法比基于方法的性能明显差于str.split()基于方法的情况,因此,在这一点上,我认为应该接受@tgamblin或@Mark Byers的答案,而不是@bobince的答案。

在我的测试中,上述版本find_nth()是我能想到的最快的纯Python解决方案(非常类似于@Mark Byers的版本)。让我们看看使用C扩展模块可以做的更好。这里是_find_nthmodule.c

#include <Python.h>
#include <string.h>

off_t _find_nth(const char *buf, size_t l, char c, int n) {
    off_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
        if (buf[i] == c && n-- == 0) {
            return i;
    return -1;

off_t _find_nth2(const char *buf, size_t l, char c, int n) {
    const char *b = buf - 1;
    do {
        b = memchr(b + 1, c, l);
        if (!b) return -1;
    } while (n--);
    return b - buf;

/* mmap_object is private in mmapmodule.c - replicate beginning here */
typedef struct {
    char *data;
    size_t size;
} mmap_object;

typedef struct {
    const char *s;
    size_t l;
    char c;
    int n;
} params;

int parse_args(PyObject *args, params *P) {
    PyObject *obj;
    const char *x;

    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Osi", &obj, &x, &P->n)) {
        return 1;
    PyTypeObject *type = Py_TYPE(obj);

    if (type == &PyString_Type) {
        P->s = PyString_AS_STRING(obj);
        P->l = PyString_GET_SIZE(obj);
    } else if (!strcmp(type->tp_name, "mmap.mmap")) {
        mmap_object *m_obj = (mmap_object*) obj;
        P->s = m_obj->data;
        P->l = m_obj->size;
    } else {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Cannot obtain char * from argument 0");
        return 1;
    P->c = x[0];
    return 0;

static PyObject* py_find_nth(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
    params P;
    if (!parse_args(args, &P)) {
        return Py_BuildValue("i", _find_nth(P.s, P.l, P.c, P.n));
    } else {
        return NULL;    

static PyObject* py_find_nth2(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
    params P;
    if (!parse_args(args, &P)) {
        return Py_BuildValue("i", _find_nth2(P.s, P.l, P.c, P.n));
    } else {
        return NULL;    

static PyMethodDef methods[] = {
    {"find_nth", py_find_nth, METH_VARARGS, ""},
    {"find_nth2", py_find_nth2, METH_VARARGS, ""},

PyMODINIT_FUNC init_find_nth(void) {
    Py_InitModule("_find_nth", methods);


from distutils.core import setup, Extension
module = Extension('_find_nth', sources=['_find_nthmodule.c'])

像往常一样安装python setup.py install。C代码在这里发挥了优势,因为它仅限于查找单个字符,但是让我们看一下它有多快:

In [8]: %timeit _find_nth.find_nth(mm, '\n', 1000000)
1 loops, best of 3: 218 ms per loop

In [9]: %timeit _find_nth.find_nth(s, '\n', 1000000)
1 loops, best of 3: 216 ms per loop

In [10]: %timeit _find_nth.find_nth2(mm, '\n', 1000000)
1 loops, best of 3: 307 ms per loop

In [11]: %timeit _find_nth.find_nth2(s, '\n', 1000000)
1 loops, best of 3: 304 ms per loop

显然还快很多。有趣的是,内存中情况和映射情况之间的C级别没有差异。有趣的是_find_nth2(),它基于string.hmemchr()库函数,相对于以下简单的实现方式有所失落_find_nth():额外的“优化” memchr()显然是后退式的…



I’m offering some benchmarking results comparing the most prominent approaches presented so far, namely @bobince’s findnth() (based on str.split()) vs. @tgamblin’s or @Mark Byers’ find_nth() (based on str.find()). I will also compare with a C extension (_find_nth.so) to see how fast we can go. Here is find_nth.py:

def findnth(haystack, needle, n):
    parts= haystack.split(needle, n+1)
    if len(parts)<=n+1:
        return -1
    return len(haystack)-len(parts[-1])-len(needle)

def find_nth(s, x, n=0, overlap=False):
    l = 1 if overlap else len(x)
    i = -l
    for c in xrange(n + 1):
        i = s.find(x, i + l)
        if i < 0:
    return i

Of course, performance matters most if the string is large, so suppose we want to find the 1000001st newline (‘\n’) in a 1.3 GB file called ‘bigfile’. To save memory, we would like to work on an mmap.mmap object representation of the file:

In [1]: import _find_nth, find_nth, mmap

In [2]: f = open('bigfile', 'r')

In [3]: mm = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)

There is already the first problem with findnth(), since mmap.mmap objects don’t support split(). So we actually have to copy the whole file into memory:

In [4]: %time s = mm[:]
CPU times: user 813 ms, sys: 3.25 s, total: 4.06 s
Wall time: 17.7 s

Ouch! Fortunately s still fits in the 4 GB of memory of my Macbook Air, so let’s benchmark findnth():

In [5]: %timeit find_nth.findnth(s, '\n', 1000000)
1 loops, best of 3: 29.9 s per loop

Clearly a terrible performance. Let’s see how the approach based on str.find() does:

In [6]: %timeit find_nth.find_nth(s, '\n', 1000000)
1 loops, best of 3: 774 ms per loop

Much better! Clearly, findnth()‘s problem is that it is forced to copy the string during split(), which is already the second time we copied the 1.3 GB of data around after s = mm[:]. Here comes in the second advantage of find_nth(): We can use it on mm directly, such that zero copies of the file are required:

In [7]: %timeit find_nth.find_nth(mm, '\n', 1000000)
1 loops, best of 3: 1.21 s per loop

There appears to be a small performance penalty operating on mm vs. s, but this illustrates that find_nth() can get us an answer in 1.2 s compared to findnth‘s total of 47 s.

I found no cases where the str.find() based approach was significantly worse than the str.split() based approach, so at this point, I would argue that @tgamblin’s or @Mark Byers’ answer should be accepted instead of @bobince’s.

In my testing, the version of find_nth() above was the fastest pure Python solution I could come up with (very similar to @Mark Byers’ version). Let’s see how much better we can do with a C extension module. Here is _find_nthmodule.c:

#include <Python.h>
#include <string.h>

off_t _find_nth(const char *buf, size_t l, char c, int n) {
    off_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
        if (buf[i] == c && n-- == 0) {
            return i;
    return -1;

off_t _find_nth2(const char *buf, size_t l, char c, int n) {
    const char *b = buf - 1;
    do {
        b = memchr(b + 1, c, l);
        if (!b) return -1;
    } while (n--);
    return b - buf;

/* mmap_object is private in mmapmodule.c - replicate beginning here */
typedef struct {
    char *data;
    size_t size;
} mmap_object;

typedef struct {
    const char *s;
    size_t l;
    char c;
    int n;
} params;

int parse_args(PyObject *args, params *P) {
    PyObject *obj;
    const char *x;

    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Osi", &obj, &x, &P->n)) {
        return 1;
    PyTypeObject *type = Py_TYPE(obj);

    if (type == &PyString_Type) {
        P->s = PyString_AS_STRING(obj);
        P->l = PyString_GET_SIZE(obj);
    } else if (!strcmp(type->tp_name, "mmap.mmap")) {
        mmap_object *m_obj = (mmap_object*) obj;
        P->s = m_obj->data;
        P->l = m_obj->size;
    } else {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Cannot obtain char * from argument 0");
        return 1;
    P->c = x[0];
    return 0;

static PyObject* py_find_nth(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
    params P;
    if (!parse_args(args, &P)) {
        return Py_BuildValue("i", _find_nth(P.s, P.l, P.c, P.n));
    } else {
        return NULL;    

static PyObject* py_find_nth2(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
    params P;
    if (!parse_args(args, &P)) {
        return Py_BuildValue("i", _find_nth2(P.s, P.l, P.c, P.n));
    } else {
        return NULL;    

static PyMethodDef methods[] = {
    {"find_nth", py_find_nth, METH_VARARGS, ""},
    {"find_nth2", py_find_nth2, METH_VARARGS, ""},

PyMODINIT_FUNC init_find_nth(void) {
    Py_InitModule("_find_nth", methods);

Here is the setup.py file:

from distutils.core import setup, Extension
module = Extension('_find_nth', sources=['_find_nthmodule.c'])

Install as usual with python setup.py install. The C code plays at an advantage here since it is limited to finding single characters, but let’s see how fast this is:

In [8]: %timeit _find_nth.find_nth(mm, '\n', 1000000)
1 loops, best of 3: 218 ms per loop

In [9]: %timeit _find_nth.find_nth(s, '\n', 1000000)
1 loops, best of 3: 216 ms per loop

In [10]: %timeit _find_nth.find_nth2(mm, '\n', 1000000)
1 loops, best of 3: 307 ms per loop

In [11]: %timeit _find_nth.find_nth2(s, '\n', 1000000)
1 loops, best of 3: 304 ms per loop

Clearly quite a bit faster still. Interestingly, there is no difference on the C level between the in-memory and mmapped cases. It is also interesting to see that _find_nth2(), which is based on string.h‘s memchr() library function, loses out against the straightforward implementation in _find_nth(): The additional “optimizations” in memchr() are apparently backfiring…

In conclusion, the implementation in findnth() (based on str.split()) is really a bad idea, since (a) it performs terribly for larger strings due to the required copying, and (b) it doesn’t work on mmap.mmap objects at all. The implementation in find_nth() (based on str.find()) should be preferred in all circumstances (and therefore be the accepted answer to this question).

There is still quite a bit of room for improvement, since the C extension ran almost a factor of 4 faster than the pure Python code, indicating that there might be a case for a dedicated Python library function.

回答 5


text = "This is a test from a test ok" 

firstTest = text.find('test')

print text.find('test', firstTest + 1)

Simplest way?

text = "This is a test from a test ok" 

firstTest = text.find('test')

print text.find('test', firstTest + 1)

回答 6


def find_nth(s, x, n):
    i = -1
    for _ in range(n):
        i = s.find(x, i + len(x))
        if i == -1:
    return i

print find_nth('bananabanana', 'an', 3)


def find_nth(s, x, n, i = 0):
    i = s.find(x, i)
    if n == 1 or i == -1:
        return i 
        return find_nth(s, x, n - 1, i + len(x))

print find_nth('bananabanana', 'an', 3)


I’d probably do something like this, using the find function that takes an index parameter:

def find_nth(s, x, n):
    i = -1
    for _ in range(n):
        i = s.find(x, i + len(x))
        if i == -1:
    return i

print find_nth('bananabanana', 'an', 3)

It’s not particularly Pythonic I guess, but it’s simple. You could do it using recursion instead:

def find_nth(s, x, n, i = 0):
    i = s.find(x, i)
    if n == 1 or i == -1:
        return i 
        return find_nth(s, x, n - 1, i + len(x))

print find_nth('bananabanana', 'an', 3)

It’s a functional way to solve it, but I don’t know if that makes it more Pythonic.

回答 7


import re
indices = [s.start() for s in re.finditer(':', yourstring)]


n = 2
nth_entry = indices[n-1]


num_instances = len(indices)

This will give you an array of the starting indices for matches to yourstring:

import re
indices = [s.start() for s in re.finditer(':', yourstring)]

Then your nth entry would be:

n = 2
nth_entry = indices[n-1]

Of course you have to be careful with the index bounds. You can get the number of instances of yourstring like this:

num_instances = len(indices)

回答 8


from re import finditer
from itertools import dropwhile
next(dropwhile(lambda x: x[0]<n, enumerate(re.finditer(needle,haystack))))[1].start() 

Here is another approach using re.finditer.
The difference is that this only looks into the haystack as far as necessary

from re import finditer
from itertools import dropwhile
next(dropwhile(lambda x: x[0]<n, enumerate(re.finditer(needle,haystack))))[1].start() 

回答 9

这是搜索a 或a 时应该工作的另一个re+ itertools版本。我会自由地承认这可能是过度设计的,但是出于某种原因,它使我感到很开心。strRegexpObject

import itertools
import re

def find_nth(haystack, needle, n = 1):
    Find the starting index of the nth occurrence of ``needle`` in \

    If ``needle`` is a ``str``, this will perform an exact substring
    match; if it is a ``RegexpObject``, this will perform a regex

    If ``needle`` doesn't appear in ``haystack``, return ``-1``. If
    ``needle`` doesn't appear in ``haystack`` ``n`` times,
    return ``-1``.

    * ``needle`` the substring (or a ``RegexpObject``) to find
    * ``haystack`` is a ``str``
    * an ``int`` indicating which occurrence to find; defaults to ``1``

    >>> find_nth("foo", "o", 1)
    >>> find_nth("foo", "o", 2)
    >>> find_nth("foo", "o", 3)
    >>> find_nth("foo", "b")
    >>> import re
    >>> either_o = re.compile("[oO]")
    >>> find_nth("foo", either_o, 1)
    >>> find_nth("FOO", either_o, 1)
    if (hasattr(needle, 'finditer')):
        matches = needle.finditer(haystack)
        matches = re.finditer(re.escape(needle), haystack)
    start_here = itertools.dropwhile(lambda x: x[0] < n, enumerate(matches, 1))
        return next(start_here)[1].start()
    except StopIteration:
        return -1

Here’s another re + itertools version that should work when searching for either a str or a RegexpObject. I will freely admit that this is likely over-engineered, but for some reason it entertained me.

import itertools
import re

def find_nth(haystack, needle, n = 1):
    Find the starting index of the nth occurrence of ``needle`` in \

    If ``needle`` is a ``str``, this will perform an exact substring
    match; if it is a ``RegexpObject``, this will perform a regex

    If ``needle`` doesn't appear in ``haystack``, return ``-1``. If
    ``needle`` doesn't appear in ``haystack`` ``n`` times,
    return ``-1``.

    * ``needle`` the substring (or a ``RegexpObject``) to find
    * ``haystack`` is a ``str``
    * an ``int`` indicating which occurrence to find; defaults to ``1``

    >>> find_nth("foo", "o", 1)
    >>> find_nth("foo", "o", 2)
    >>> find_nth("foo", "o", 3)
    >>> find_nth("foo", "b")
    >>> import re
    >>> either_o = re.compile("[oO]")
    >>> find_nth("foo", either_o, 1)
    >>> find_nth("FOO", either_o, 1)
    if (hasattr(needle, 'finditer')):
        matches = needle.finditer(haystack)
        matches = re.finditer(re.escape(needle), haystack)
    start_here = itertools.dropwhile(lambda x: x[0] < n, enumerate(matches, 1))
        return next(start_here)[1].start()
    except StopIteration:
        return -1

回答 10


def iter_find(haystack, needle):
    return [i for i in range(0, len(haystack)) if haystack[i:].startswith(needle)]


>>> iter_find("http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1883980/", '/')
[5, 6, 24, 34, 42]

Building on modle13‘s answer, but without the re module dependency.

def iter_find(haystack, needle):
    return [i for i in range(0, len(haystack)) if haystack[i:].startswith(needle)]

I kinda wish this was a builtin string method.

>>> iter_find("http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1883980/", '/')
[5, 6, 24, 34, 42]

回答 11

>>> s="abcdefabcdefababcdef"
>>> j=0
>>> for n,i in enumerate(s):
...   if s[n:n+2] =="ab":
...     print n,i
...     j=j+1
...     if j==2: print "2nd occurence at index position: ",n
0 a
6 a
2nd occurence at index position:  6
12 a
14 a
>>> s="abcdefabcdefababcdef"
>>> j=0
>>> for n,i in enumerate(s):
...   if s[n:n+2] =="ab":
...     print n,i
...     j=j+1
...     if j==2: print "2nd occurence at index position: ",n
0 a
6 a
2nd occurence at index position:  6
12 a
14 a

回答 12

提供另一个使用“ split和”的“棘手”解决方案join


len("substring".join([s for s in ori.split("substring")[:2]]))

Providing another “tricky” solution, which use split and join.

In your example, we can use

len("substring".join([s for s in ori.split("substring")[:2]]))

回答 13

# return -1 if nth substr (0-indexed) d.n.e, else return index
def find_nth(s, substr, n):
    i = 0
    while n >= 0:
        n -= 1
        i = s.find(substr, i + 1)
    return i
# return -1 if nth substr (0-indexed) d.n.e, else return index
def find_nth(s, substr, n):
    i = 0
    while n >= 0:
        n -= 1
        i = s.find(substr, i + 1)
    return i

回答 14



import re
sampleString="this is history"

Solution without using loops and recursion.

Use the required pattern in compile method and enter the desired occurrence in variable ‘n’ and the last statement will print the starting index of the nth occurrence of the pattern in the given string. Here the result of finditer i.e. iterator is being converted to list and directly accessing the nth index.

import re
sampleString="this is history"

回答 15



def findN(s,sub,N,replaceString="XXX"):
    return s.replace(sub,replaceString,N-1).find(sub) - (len(replaceString)-len(sub))*(N-1)

The replace one liner is great but only works because XX and bar have the same lentgh

A good and general def would be:

def findN(s,sub,N,replaceString="XXX"):
    return s.replace(sub,replaceString,N-1).find(sub) - (len(replaceString)-len(sub))*(N-1)

回答 16


def Find(String,ToFind,Occurence = 1):
index = 0 
count = 0
while index <= len(String):
        if String[index:index + len(ToFind)] == ToFind:
            count += 1
        if count == Occurence:
               return index
        index += 1
    except IndexError:
        return False
return False

This is the answer you really want:

def Find(String,ToFind,Occurence = 1):
index = 0 
count = 0
while index <= len(String):
        if String[index:index + len(ToFind)] == ToFind:
            count += 1
        if count == Occurence:
               return index
        index += 1
    except IndexError:
        return False
return False

回答 17


from functools import reduce

def findNth(a, b, n):
    return reduce(lambda x, y: -1 if y > x + 1 else a.find(b, x + 1), range(n), -1)


>>> reduce(lambda x, y: -1 if y > x + 1 else 'bibarbobaobaotang'.find('b', x + 1), range(4), -1)

Here is my solution for finding nth occurrance of b in string a:

from functools import reduce

def findNth(a, b, n):
    return reduce(lambda x, y: -1 if y > x + 1 else a.find(b, x + 1), range(n), -1)

It is pure Python and iterative. For 0 or n that is too large, it returns -1. It is one-liner and can be used directly. Here is an example:

>>> reduce(lambda x, y: -1 if y > x + 1 else 'bibarbobaobaotang'.find('b', x + 1), range(4), -1)

回答 18


def find_char_nth(string, char, n):
    """Find the n'th occurence of a character within a string."""
    return [i for i, c in enumerate(string) if c == char][n-1]

如果少于n给定字符的出现次数,它将给出IndexError: list index out of range


For the special case where you search for the n’th occurence of a character (i.e. substring of length 1), the following function works by building a list of all positions of occurences of the given character:

def find_char_nth(string, char, n):
    """Find the n'th occurence of a character within a string."""
    return [i for i, c in enumerate(string) if c == char][n-1]

If there are fewer than n occurences of the given character, it will give IndexError: list index out of range.

This is derived from @Zv_oDD’s answer and simplified for the case of a single character.

回答 19


def get_first_N_words(mytext, mylen = 3):
    mylist = list(mytext.split())
    if len(mylist)>=mylen: return ' '.join(mylist[:mylen])


get_first_N_words('  One Two Three Four ' , 3)


'One Two Three'


def get_first_N_words(mytext, mylen = 3):
    mylist = list(mytext.split())
    if len(mylist)>=mylen: return ' '.join(mylist[:mylen])

To use:

get_first_N_words('  One Two Three Four ' , 3)


'One Two Three'

回答 20


c = os.getcwd().split('\\')
print '\\'.join(c[0:-2])

How about:

c = os.getcwd().split('\\')
print '\\'.join(c[0:-2])






echo "$STRING" | sed -e "s|.*AAA\(.*\)ZZZ.*|\1|"



Let’s say I have a string 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk' and I want to extract just the '1234' part.

I only know what will be the few characters directly before AAA, and after ZZZ the part I am interested in 1234.

With sed it is possible to do something like this with a string:

echo "$STRING" | sed -e "s|.*AAA\(.*\)ZZZ.*|\1|"

And this will give me 1234 as a result.

How to do the same thing in Python?

回答 0

使用正则表达式- 文档以供进一步参考

import re

text = 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk'

m = re.search('AAA(.+?)ZZZ', text)
if m:
    found = m.group(1)

# found: 1234


import re

text = 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk'

    found = re.search('AAA(.+?)ZZZ', text).group(1)
except AttributeError:
    # AAA, ZZZ not found in the original string
    found = '' # apply your error handling

# found: 1234

Using regular expressions – documentation for further reference

import re

text = 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk'

m = re.search('AAA(.+?)ZZZ', text)
if m:
    found = m.group(1)

# found: 1234


import re

text = 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk'

    found = re.search('AAA(.+?)ZZZ', text).group(1)
except AttributeError:
    # AAA, ZZZ not found in the original string
    found = '' # apply your error handling

# found: 1234

回答 1

>>> s = 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk'
>>> start = s.find('AAA') + 3
>>> end = s.find('ZZZ', start)
>>> s[start:end]


>>> s = 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk'
>>> start = s.find('AAA') + 3
>>> end = s.find('ZZZ', start)
>>> s[start:end]

Then you can use regexps with the re module as well, if you want, but that’s not necessary in your case.

回答 2


import re

re.search(r"(?<=AAA).*?(?=ZZZ)", your_text).group(0)

如果原样AttributeError中没有“ AAA”和“ ZZZ”,则上述原样会失败your_text



如果中不存在“ AAA”或“ ZZZ”,则上面的内容将返回一个空字符串your_text

PS Python挑战?

regular expression

import re

re.search(r"(?<=AAA).*?(?=ZZZ)", your_text).group(0)

The above as-is will fail with an AttributeError if there are no “AAA” and “ZZZ” in your_text

string methods


The above will return an empty string if either “AAA” or “ZZZ” don’t exist in your_text.

PS Python Challenge?

回答 3

import re
print re.search('AAA(.*?)ZZZ', 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk').group(1)
import re
print re.search('AAA(.*?)ZZZ', 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk').group(1)

回答 4


>>> x = 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk'
>>> x.split('AAA')[1].split('ZZZ')[0]

Surprised that nobody has mentioned this which is my quick version for one-off scripts:

>>> x = 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk'
>>> x.split('AAA')[1].split('ZZZ')[0]

回答 5


>>> import re

>>> re.findall(r'\d{1,5}','gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk')

>>> ['1234']


you can do using just one line of code

>>> import re

>>> re.findall(r'\d{1,5}','gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk')

>>> ['1234']

result will receive list…

回答 6


>>> import re
>>> re.compile(".*AAA(.*)ZZZ.*").match("gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk").groups()

You can use re module for that:

>>> import re
>>> re.compile(".*AAA(.*)ZZZ.*").match("gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk").groups()

回答 7


echo "$STRING" | sed -e "s|.*AAA\(.*\)ZZZ.*|\1|"



>>> re.sub(r'.*AAA(.*)ZZZ.*', r'\1', 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk')


With sed it is possible to do something like this with a string:

echo "$STRING" | sed -e "s|.*AAA\(.*\)ZZZ.*|\1|"

And this will give me 1234 as a result.

You could do the same with re.sub function using the same regex.

>>> re.sub(r'.*AAA(.*)ZZZ.*', r'\1', 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk')

In basic sed, capturing group are represented by \(..\), but in python it was represented by (..).

回答 8


>>> import re
>>> s = 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk'
>>> ss = re.findall('AAA(.+)ZZZ', s)
>>> print ss

In python, extracting substring form string can be done using findall method in regular expression (re) module.

>>> import re
>>> s = 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk'
>>> ss = re.findall('AAA(.+)ZZZ', s)
>>> print ss

回答 9


def FindSubString(strText, strSubString, Offset=None):
        Start = strText.find(strSubString)
        if Start == -1:
            return -1 # Not Found
            if Offset == None:
                Result = strText[Start+len(strSubString):]
            elif Offset == 0:
                return Start
                AfterSubString = Start+len(strSubString)
                Result = strText[AfterSubString:AfterSubString + int(Offset)]
            return Result
        return -1

# Example:

Text = "Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!"
subText = "to"

print("Start of first substring in a text:")
start = FindSubString(Text, subText, 0)
print(start); print("")

print("Exact substring in a text:")
print(Text[start:start+len(subText)]); print("")

print("What is after substring \"%s\"?" %(subText))
print(FindSubString(Text, subText))

# Your answer:

Text = "gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk"
subText1 = "AAA"
subText2 = "ZZZ"

AfterText1 = FindSubString(Text, subText1, 0) + len(subText1)
BeforText2 = FindSubString(Text, subText2, 0) 

print("\nYour answer:\n%s" %(Text[AfterText1:BeforText2]))

You can find first substring with this function in your code (by character index). Also, you can find what is after a substring.

def FindSubString(strText, strSubString, Offset=None):
        Start = strText.find(strSubString)
        if Start == -1:
            return -1 # Not Found
            if Offset == None:
                Result = strText[Start+len(strSubString):]
            elif Offset == 0:
                return Start
                AfterSubString = Start+len(strSubString)
                Result = strText[AfterSubString:AfterSubString + int(Offset)]
            return Result
        return -1

# Example:

Text = "Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!"
subText = "to"

print("Start of first substring in a text:")
start = FindSubString(Text, subText, 0)
print(start); print("")

print("Exact substring in a text:")
print(Text[start:start+len(subText)]); print("")

print("What is after substring \"%s\"?" %(subText))
print(FindSubString(Text, subText))

# Your answer:

Text = "gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk"
subText1 = "AAA"
subText2 = "ZZZ"

AfterText1 = FindSubString(Text, subText1, 0) + len(subText1)
BeforText2 = FindSubString(Text, subText2, 0) 

print("\nYour answer:\n%s" %(Text[AfterText1:BeforText2]))

回答 10

>>> s = '/tmp/10508.constantstring'
>>> s.split('/tmp/')[1].split('constantstring')[0].strip('.')
>>> s = '/tmp/10508.constantstring'
>>> s.split('/tmp/')[1].split('constantstring')[0].strip('.')

回答 11

text = 'I want to find a string between two substrings'
left = 'find a '
right = 'between two'


text = 'I want to find a string between two substrings'
left = 'find a '
right = 'between two'




回答 12


regex = '.*\((.*?)\).*'
matches = re.search(regex, line)
line = matches.group(1) + '\n'

即您需要用slash \符号来阻止括号。虽然这是关于Python的更多正则表达式的问题。

另外,在某些情况下,您可能会在正则表达式定义之前看到“ r”符号。如果没有r前缀,则需要像C中那样使用转义符。这里有更多讨论。

Just in case somebody will have to do the same thing that I did. I had to extract everything inside parenthesis in a line. For example, if I have a line like ‘US president (Barack Obama) met with …’ and I want to get only ‘Barack Obama’ this is solution:

regex = '.*\((.*?)\).*'
matches = re.search(regex, line)
line = matches.group(1) + '\n'

I.e. you need to block parenthesis with slash \ sign. Though it is a problem about more regular expressions that Python.

Also, in some cases you may see ‘r’ symbols before regex definition. If there is no r prefix, you need to use escape characters like in C. Here is more discussion on that.

回答 13


import pyparsing as pp

word = pp.Word(pp.alphanums)

s = 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk'
rule = pp.nestedExpr('AAA', 'ZZZ')
for match in rule.searchString(s):



Using PyParsing

import pyparsing as pp

word = pp.Word(pp.alphanums)

s = 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk'
rule = pp.nestedExpr('AAA', 'ZZZ')
for match in rule.searchString(s):

which yields:


回答 14


def find_substring(string, start, end):
    len_until_end_of_first_match = string.find(start) + len(start)
    after_start = string[len_until_end_of_first_match:]
    return string[string.find(start) + len(start):len_until_end_of_first_match + after_start.find(end)]

Here’s a solution without regex that also accounts for scenarios where the first substring contains the second substring. This function will only find a substring if the second marker is after the first marker.

def find_substring(string, start, end):
    len_until_end_of_first_match = string.find(start) + len(start)
    after_start = string[len_until_end_of_first_match:]
    return string[string.find(start) + len(start):len_until_end_of_first_match + after_start.find(end)]

回答 15


string = 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk'
numbersList = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
output = []

for char in string:
    if char in numbersList: output.append(char)

print(f"output: {''.join(output)}")
### output: 1234

Another way of doing it is using lists (supposing the substring you are looking for is made of numbers, only) :

string = 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk'
numbersList = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
output = []

for char in string:
    if char in numbersList: output.append(char)

print(f"output: {''.join(output)}")
### output: 1234

回答 16


import re
res = next( (m.group(1) for m in [re.search("AAA(.*?)ZZZ", "gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk" ),] if m), "not-found" )


import re
res = ( ( re.search("AAA(.*?)ZZZ", "gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk") or re.search("()","") ).group(1) )

One liners that return other string if there was no match. Edit: improved version uses next function, replace "not-found" with something else if needed:

import re
res = next( (m.group(1) for m in [re.search("AAA(.*?)ZZZ", "gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk" ),] if m), "not-found" )

My other method to do this, less optimal, uses regex 2nd time, still didn’t found a shorter way:

import re
res = ( ( re.search("AAA(.*?)ZZZ", "gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk") or re.search("()","") ).group(1) )






Is there a way to substring a string in Python, to get a new string from the third character to the end of the string?

Maybe like myString[2:end]?

If leaving the second part means ’till the end’, and if you leave the first part, does it start from the start?

回答 0

>>> x = "Hello World!"
>>> x[2:]
'llo World!'
>>> x[:2]
>>> x[:-2]
'Hello Worl'
>>> x[-2:]
>>> x[2:-2]
'llo Worl'


>>> x = "Hello World!"
>>> x[2:]
'llo World!'
>>> x[:2]
>>> x[:-2]
'Hello Worl'
>>> x[-2:]
>>> x[2:-2]
'llo Worl'

Python calls this concept “slicing” and it works on more than just strings. Take a look here for a comprehensive introduction.

回答 1




"H-e-l-l-o- -W-o-r-l-d"[::2] # outputs "Hello World"


Just for completeness as nobody else has mentioned it. The third parameter to an array slice is a step. So reversing a string is as simple as:


Or selecting alternate characters would be:

"H-e-l-l-o- -W-o-r-l-d"[::2] # outputs "Hello World"

The ability to step forwards and backwards through the string maintains consistency with being able to array slice from the start or end.

回答 2


s = Substr(s, beginning, LENGTH)



s = s[ beginning : beginning + LENGTH]

Substr() normally (i.e. PHP and Perl) works this way:

s = Substr(s, beginning, LENGTH)

So the parameters are beginning and LENGTH.

But Python’s behaviour is different; it expects beginning and one after END (!). This is difficult to spot by beginners. So the correct replacement for Substr(s, beginning, LENGTH) is

s = s[ beginning : beginning + LENGTH]

回答 3


MyString[a:b] 给您一个从索引a到(b-1)的子字符串。

A common way to achieve this is by string slicing.

MyString[a:b] gives you a substring from index a to (b – 1).

回答 4


>>> x = "Hello World!"
>>> x
'Hello World!'
>>> x[:]
'Hello World!'
>>> x==x[:]


One example seems to be missing here: full (shallow) copy.

>>> x = "Hello World!"
>>> x
'Hello World!'
>>> x[:]
'Hello World!'
>>> x==x[:]

This is a common idiom for creating a copy of sequence types (not of interned strings), [:]. Shallow copies a list, see Python list slice syntax used for no obvious reason.

回答 5




>>> end = None
>>> myString = '1234567890'
>>> myString[2:end]


  • 开始


>>> stop = step = None
>>> start = 2
>>> myString[start:stop:step]



>>> start = None
>>> stop = 2
>>> myString[start:stop:step]



>>> myString[::-1]


Is there a way to substring a string in Python, to get a new string from the 3rd character to the end of the string?

Maybe like myString[2:end]?

Yes, this actually works if you assign, or bind, the name,end, to constant singleton, None:

>>> end = None
>>> myString = '1234567890'
>>> myString[2:end]

Slice notation has 3 important arguments:

  • start
  • stop
  • step

Their defaults when not given are None – but we can pass them explicitly:

>>> stop = step = None
>>> start = 2
>>> myString[start:stop:step]

If leaving the second part means ’till the end’, if you leave the first part, does it start from the start?

Yes, for example:

>>> start = None
>>> stop = 2
>>> myString[start:stop:step]

Note that we include start in the slice, but we only go up to, and not including, stop.

When step is None, by default the slice uses 1 for the step. If you step with a negative integer, Python is smart enough to go from the end to the beginning.

>>> myString[::-1]

I explain slice notation in great detail in my answer to Explain slice notation Question.

回答 6


new_sub_string = myString[2:]


You’ve got it right there except for “end”. It’s called slice notation. Your example should read:

new_sub_string = myString[2:]

If you leave out the second parameter it is implicitly the end of the string.

回答 7


  1. 您可以None改为在空白处使用“从头开始”或“到末尾”来指定:

    'abcde'[2:None] == 'abcde'[2:] == 'cde'


    def substring(s, start, end):
        """Remove `start` characters from the beginning and `end` 
        characters from the end of string `s`.
        >>> substring('abcde', 0, 3)
        >>> substring('abcde', 1, None)
        return s[start:end]
  2. Python具有切片对象:

    idx = slice(2, None)
    'abcde'[idx] == 'abcde'[2:] == 'cde'

I would like to add two points to the discussion:

  1. You can use None instead on an empty space to specify “from the start” or “to the end”:

    'abcde'[2:None] == 'abcde'[2:] == 'cde'

    This is particularly helpful in functions, where you can’t provide an empty space as an argument:

    def substring(s, start, end):
        """Remove `start` characters from the beginning and `end` 
        characters from the end of string `s`.
        >>> substring('abcde', 0, 3)
        >>> substring('abcde', 1, None)
        return s[start:end]
  2. Python has slice objects:

    idx = slice(2, None)
    'abcde'[idx] == 'abcde'[2:] == 'cde'

回答 8

如果myString包含以偏移量6开始且长度为9的帐号,则可以通过以下方式提取该帐号: acct = myString[6:][:9]




If myString contains an account number that begins at offset 6 and has length 9, then you can extract the account number this way: acct = myString[6:][:9].

If the OP accepts that, they might want to try, in an experimental fashion,


It works – no error is raised, and no default ‘string padding’ occurs.

回答 9



 >>>myString = 'Hello World'
 >>>end = 5





 ' '

Maybe I missed it, but I couldn’t find a complete answer on this page to the original question(s) because variables are not further discussed here. So I had to go on searching.

Since I’m not yet allowed to comment, let me add my conclusion here. I’m sure I was not the only one interested in it when accessing this page:

 >>>myString = 'Hello World'
 >>>end = 5


If you leave the first part, you get


And if you left the : in the middle as well you got the simplest substring, which would be the 5th character (count starting with 0, so it’s the blank in this case):

 ' '

回答 10

好吧,我遇到了需要将PHP脚本转换为Python的情况,并且它有许多用法substr(string, beginning, LENGTH)

Well, I got a situation where I needed to translate a PHP script to Python, and it had many usages of substr(string, beginning, LENGTH).
If I chose Python’s string[beginning:end] I’d have to calculate a lot of end indexes, so the easier way was to use string[beginning:][:length], it saved me a lot of trouble.

回答 11



string = "my company has 1000$ on profit, but I lost 500$ gambling."



final = int(string[15:19]) - int(string[43:46])


EARNINGS = slice(15, 19)
LOSSES = slice(43, 46)
final = int(string[EARNINGS]) - int(string[LOSSES])


Using hardcoded indexes itself can be a mess.

In order to avoid that, Python offers a built-in object slice().

string = "my company has 1000$ on profit, but I lost 500$ gambling."

If we want to know how many money I got left.

Normal solution:

final = int(string[15:19]) - int(string[43:46])

Using slices:

EARNINGS = slice(15, 19)
LOSSES = slice(43, 46)
final = int(string[EARNINGS]) - int(string[LOSSES])

Using slice you gain readability.



我在寻找Python中的string.containsor string.indexof方法。


if not somestring.contains("blah"):

I’m looking for a string.contains or string.indexof method in Python.

I want to do:

if not somestring.contains("blah"):

回答 0


if "blah" not in somestring: 

You can use the in operator:

if "blah" not in somestring: 

回答 1



s = "This be a string"
if s.find("is") == -1:
    print("No 'is' here!")
    print("Found 'is' in the string.")

它将打印Found 'is' in the string.类似,if "is" in s:结果为True。这可能是您想要的,也可能不是。

If it’s just a substring search you can use string.find("substring").

You do have to be a little careful with find, index, and in though, as they are substring searches. In other words, this:

s = "This be a string"
if s.find("is") == -1:
    print("No 'is' here!")
    print("Found 'is' in the string.")

It would print Found 'is' in the string. Similarly, if "is" in s: would evaluate to True. This may or may not be what you want.

回答 2



>>> 'foo' in '**foo**'

原始问题要求的相反的(补码)是not in

>>> 'foo' not in '**foo**' # returns False

这在语义上not 'foo' in '**foo**'与之相同,但是它在语言中更具可读性,并作为可读性的改进而明确提供。



str.__contains__('**foo**', 'foo')



但是不要。以下划线开头的方法在语义上被视为私有。使用此功能的唯一原因是在扩展inand not in功能(例如,子类化str)时:

class NoisyString(str):
    def __contains__(self, other):
        print('testing if "{0}" in "{1}"'.format(other, self))
        return super(NoisyString, self).__contains__(other)

ns = NoisyString('a string with a substring inside')


>>> 'substring' in ns
testing if "substring" in "a string with a substring inside"


>>> '**foo**'.index('foo')
>>> '**foo**'.find('foo')

>>> '**oo**'.find('foo')
>>> '**oo**'.index('foo')

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#40>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: substring not found




import timeit

def in_(s, other):
    return other in s

def contains(s, other):
    return s.__contains__(other)

def find(s, other):
    return s.find(other) != -1

def index(s, other):
    except ValueError:
        return False
        return True

perf_dict = {
'in:True': min(timeit.repeat(lambda: in_('superstring', 'str'))),
'in:False': min(timeit.repeat(lambda: in_('superstring', 'not'))),
'__contains__:True': min(timeit.repeat(lambda: contains('superstring', 'str'))),
'__contains__:False': min(timeit.repeat(lambda: contains('superstring', 'not'))),
'find:True': min(timeit.repeat(lambda: find('superstring', 'str'))),
'find:False': min(timeit.repeat(lambda: find('superstring', 'not'))),
'index:True': min(timeit.repeat(lambda: index('superstring', 'str'))),
'index:False': min(timeit.repeat(lambda: index('superstring', 'not'))),


>>> perf_dict
{'in:True': 0.16450627865128808,
 'in:False': 0.1609668098178645,
 '__contains__:True': 0.24355481654697542,
 '__contains__:False': 0.24382793854783813,
 'find:True': 0.3067379407923454,
 'find:False': 0.29860888058124146,
 'index:True': 0.29647137792585454,
 'index:False': 0.5502287584545229}

Does Python have a string contains substring method?

Yes, but Python has a comparison operator that you should use instead, because the language intends its usage, and other programmers will expect you to use it. That keyword is in, which is used as a comparison operator:

>>> 'foo' in '**foo**'

The opposite (complement), which the original question asks for, is not in:

>>> 'foo' not in '**foo**' # returns False

This is semantically the same as not 'foo' in '**foo**' but it’s much more readable and explicitly provided for in the language as a readability improvement.

Avoid using __contains__, find, and index

As promised, here’s the contains method:

str.__contains__('**foo**', 'foo')

returns True. You could also call this function from the instance of the superstring:


But don’t. Methods that start with underscores are considered semantically private. The only reason to use this is when extending the in and not in functionality (e.g. if subclassing str):

class NoisyString(str):
    def __contains__(self, other):
        print('testing if "{0}" in "{1}"'.format(other, self))
        return super(NoisyString, self).__contains__(other)

ns = NoisyString('a string with a substring inside')

and now:

>>> 'substring' in ns
testing if "substring" in "a string with a substring inside"

Also, avoid the following string methods:

>>> '**foo**'.index('foo')
>>> '**foo**'.find('foo')

>>> '**oo**'.find('foo')
>>> '**oo**'.index('foo')

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#40>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: substring not found

Other languages may have no methods to directly test for substrings, and so you would have to use these types of methods, but with Python, it is much more efficient to use the in comparison operator.

Performance comparisons

We can compare various ways of accomplishing the same goal.

import timeit

def in_(s, other):
    return other in s

def contains(s, other):
    return s.__contains__(other)

def find(s, other):
    return s.find(other) != -1

def index(s, other):
    except ValueError:
        return False
        return True

perf_dict = {
'in:True': min(timeit.repeat(lambda: in_('superstring', 'str'))),
'in:False': min(timeit.repeat(lambda: in_('superstring', 'not'))),
'__contains__:True': min(timeit.repeat(lambda: contains('superstring', 'str'))),
'__contains__:False': min(timeit.repeat(lambda: contains('superstring', 'not'))),
'find:True': min(timeit.repeat(lambda: find('superstring', 'str'))),
'find:False': min(timeit.repeat(lambda: find('superstring', 'not'))),
'index:True': min(timeit.repeat(lambda: index('superstring', 'str'))),
'index:False': min(timeit.repeat(lambda: index('superstring', 'not'))),

And now we see that using in is much faster than the others. Less time to do an equivalent operation is better:

>>> perf_dict
{'in:True': 0.16450627865128808,
 'in:False': 0.1609668098178645,
 '__contains__:True': 0.24355481654697542,
 '__contains__:False': 0.24382793854783813,
 'find:True': 0.3067379407923454,
 'find:False': 0.29860888058124146,
 'index:True': 0.29647137792585454,
 'index:False': 0.5502287584545229}

回答 3

if needle in haystack:正如@Michael所说,这是正常的用法-它依赖于in运算符,比方法调用更具可读性和速度。


if needle in haystack: is the normal use, as @Michael says — it relies on the in operator, more readable and faster than a method call.

If you truly need a method instead of an operator (e.g. to do some weird key= for a very peculiar sort…?), that would be 'haystack'.__contains__. But since your example is for use in an if, I guess you don’t really mean what you say;-). It’s not good form (nor readable, nor efficient) to use special methods directly — they’re meant to be used, instead, through the operators and builtins that delegate to them.

回答 4

in Python字符串和列表


"foo" in "foobar"

"foo" in "Foobar"

"foo" in "Foobar".lower()

"foo".capitalize() in "Foobar"

"foo" in ["bar", "foo", "foobar"]

"foo" in ["fo", "o", "foobar"]

["foo" in a for a in ["fo", "o", "foobar"]]
[False, False, True]


in Python strings and lists

Here are a few useful examples that speak for themselves concerning the in method:

"foo" in "foobar"

"foo" in "Foobar"

"foo" in "Foobar".lower()

"foo".capitalize() in "Foobar"

"foo" in ["bar", "foo", "foobar"]

"foo" in ["fo", "o", "foobar"]

["foo" in a for a in ["fo", "o", "foobar"]]
[False, False, True]

Caveat. Lists are iterables, and the in method acts on iterables, not just strings.

回答 5

如果您满意"blah" in somestring但希望将其用作函数/方法调用,则可以执行此操作

import operator

if not operator.contains(somestring, "blah"):

在Python 操作符模块中,或多或少可以找到Python中的所有操作符,包括in

If you are happy with "blah" in somestring but want it to be a function/method call, you can probably do this

import operator

if not operator.contains(somestring, "blah"):

All operators in Python can be more or less found in the operator module including in.

回答 6


names = ['bob', 'john', 'mike']
any(st in 'bob and john' for st in names) 
>> True

any(st in 'mary and jane' for st in names) 
>> False

So apparently there is nothing similar for vector-wise comparison. An obvious Python way to do so would be:

names = ['bob', 'john', 'mike']
any(st in 'bob and john' for st in names) 
>> True

any(st in 'mary and jane' for st in names) 
>> False

回答 7




string.count("bah") >> 0
string.count("Hello") >> 1

You can use y.count().

It will return the integer value of the number of times a sub string appears in a string.

For example:

string.count("bah") >> 0
string.count("Hello") >> 1

回答 8


if "insert_char_or_string_here" in "insert_string_to_search_here":


if not "insert_char_or_string_here" in "insert_string_to_search_here":


if "insert_char_or_string_here" not in "insert_string_to_search_here":

Here is your answer:

if "insert_char_or_string_here" in "insert_string_to_search_here":

For checking if it is false:

if not "insert_char_or_string_here" in "insert_string_to_search_here":


if "insert_char_or_string_here" not in "insert_string_to_search_here":

回答 9


>>> import re
>>> print(re.findall(r'( |t)', to_search_in)) # searches for t or space
['t', ' ', 't', ' ', ' ']

You can use regular expressions to get the occurrences:

>>> import re
>>> print(re.findall(r'( |t)', to_search_in)) # searches for t or space
['t', ' ', 't', ' ', ' ']