




I’ve looked at the pickle documentation, but I don’t understand where pickle is useful.

What are some common use-cases for pickle?

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Some uses that I have come across:

1) saving a program’s state data to disk so that it can carry on where it left off when restarted (persistence)

2) sending python data over a TCP connection in a multi-core or distributed system (marshalling)

3) storing python objects in a database

4) converting an arbitrary python object to a string so that it can be used as a dictionary key (e.g. for caching & memoization).

There are some issues with the last one – two identical objects can be pickled and result in different strings – or even the same object pickled twice can have different representations. This is because the pickle can include reference count information.

To emphasise @lunaryorn’s comment – you should never unpickle a string from an untrusted source, since a carefully crafted pickle could execute arbitrary code on your system. For example see https://blog.nelhage.com/2011/03/exploiting-pickle/

回答 1


>>> import pickle
>>> a = Anon()
>>> a.foo = 'bar'
>>> pickled = pickle.dumps(a)
>>> unpickled = pickle.loads(pickled)
>>> unpickled.foo

编辑:但作为酸洗的现实世界的例子的问题,也许最先进的使用酸洗的(你必须相当深挖掘到源)ZODB: http://svn.zope.org/

否则,PyPI会提到几个:http ://pypi.python.org/pypi?:action=search&term=pickle&submit=search


Minimal roundtrip example..

>>> import pickle
>>> a = Anon()
>>> a.foo = 'bar'
>>> pickled = pickle.dumps(a)
>>> unpickled = pickle.loads(pickled)
>>> unpickled.foo

Edit: but as for the question of real-world examples of pickling, perhaps the most advanced use of pickling (you’d have to dig quite deep into the source) is ZODB: http://svn.zope.org/

Otherwise, PyPI mentions several: http://pypi.python.org/pypi?:action=search&term=pickle&submit=search

I have personally seen several examples of pickled objects being sent over the network as an easy to use network transfer protocol.

回答 2





Pickling is absolutely necessary for distributed and parallel computing.

Say you wanted to do a parallel map-reduce with multiprocessing (or across cluster nodes with pyina), then you need to make sure the function you want to have mapped across the parallel resources will pickle. If it doesn’t pickle, you can’t send it to the other resources on another process, computer, etc. Also see here for a good example.

To do this, I use dill, which can serialize almost anything in python. Dill also has some good tools for helping you understand what is causing your pickling to fail when your code fails.

And, yes, people use picking to save the state of a calculation, or your ipython session, or whatever.

回答 3


I have used it in one of my projects. If the app was terminated during it’s working (it did a lengthy task and processed lots of data), I needed to save the whole data structure and reload it after the app was run again. I used cPickle for this, as speed was a crucial thing and the size of data was really big.

回答 4



with open("save.p", "wb") as f:    
    pickle.dump(myStuff, f)        


    with open("save.p", "rb") as f:
        myStuff = pickle.load(f)
    myStuff = defaultdict(dict)


Pickle is like “Save As..” and “Open..” for your data structures and classes. Let’s say I want to save my data structures so that it is persistent between program runs.


with open("save.p", "wb") as f:    
    pickle.dump(myStuff, f)        


    with open("save.p", "rb") as f:
        myStuff = pickle.load(f)
    myStuff = defaultdict(dict)

Now I don’t have to build myStuff from scratch all over again, and I can just pick(le) up from where I left off.

回答 5

对于初学者(就像我一样),很难理解为什么在阅读官方文档时首先使用泡菜。可能是因为文档暗示您已经知道序列化的全部目的。仅在阅读了序列化的一般说明之后,我才了解该模块的原因及其常见用例。不考虑特定编程语言的序列化的广泛解释也可能会有所帮助:https : //stackoverflow.com/a/14482962/4383472什么是序列化?https://stackoverflow.com/a/3984483/4383472

For the beginner (as is the case with me) it’s really hard to understand why use pickle in the first place when reading the official documentation. It’s maybe because the docs imply that you already know the whole purpose of serialization. Only after reading the general description of serialization have I understood the reason for this module and its common use cases. Also broad explanations of serialization disregarding a particular programming language may help: https://stackoverflow.com/a/14482962/4383472, What is serialization?, https://stackoverflow.com/a/3984483/4383472

回答 6

要添加一个真实的示例:用于Python 的Sphinx文档工具使用pickle来缓存已解析的文档和文档之间的交叉引用,以加快文档的后续构建。

To add a real-world example: The Sphinx documentation tool for Python uses pickle to cache parsed documents and cross-references between documents, to speed up subsequent builds of the documentation.

回答 7


  • 游戏资料保存
  • 游戏数据可以像生命和健康一样保存
  • 以前输入程序的说号的记录


I can tell you the uses I use it for and have seen it used for:

  • Game profile saves
  • Game data saves like lives and health
  • Previous records of say numbers inputed to a program

Those are the ones I use it for at least

回答 8



I use pickling during web scrapping one of website at that time I want to store more than 8000k urls and want to process them as fast as possible so I use pickling because its output quality is very high.

you can easily reach to url and where you stop even job directory key word also fetch url details very fast for resuming the process.