


I have a string. How do I remove all text after a certain character? (In this case ...)
The text after will ... change so I that’s why I want to remove all characters after a certain one.

回答 0


sep = '...'
rest = text.split(sep, 1)[0]


Split on your separator at most once, and take the first piece:

sep = '...'
stripped = text.split(sep, 1)[0]

You didn’t say what should happen if the separator isn’t present. Both this and Alex’s solution will return the entire string in that case.

回答 1

假设分隔符为“ …”,但它可以是任何字符串。

text = 'some string... this part will be removed.'
head, sep, tail = text.partition('...')

>>> print head
some string


分区功能是在Python 2.5中添加的。


Searches for the separator sep in S, and returns the part before it,
the separator itself, and the part after it.  If the separator is not
found, returns S and two empty strings.

Assuming your separator is ‘…’, but it can be any string.

text = 'some string... this part will be removed.'
head, sep, tail = text.partition('...')

>>> print head
some string

If the separator is not found, head will contain all of the original string.

The partition function was added in Python 2.5.

partition(…) S.partition(sep) -> (head, sep, tail)

Searches for the separator sep in S, and returns the part before it,
the separator itself, and the part after it.  If the separator is not
found, returns S and two empty strings.

回答 2



例如,如果 string_to_split是像一个路径root/location/child/too_far.exe,你只需要在文件夹路径,您可以通过拆分"/".join(string_to_split.split("/")[:-1]),你会得到 root/location/child

If you want to remove everything after the last occurrence of separator in a string I find this works well:


For example, if string_to_split is a path like root/location/child/too_far.exe and you only want the folder path, you can split by "/".join(string_to_split.split("/")[:-1]) and you’ll get root/location/child

回答 3


def remafterellipsis(text):
  where_ellipsis = text.find('...')
  if where_ellipsis == -1:
    return text
  return text[:where_ellipsis + 3]


import re

def remwithre(text, there=re.compile(re.escape('...')+'.*')):
  return there.sub('', text)

Without a RE (which I assume is what you want):

def remafterellipsis(text):
  where_ellipsis = text.find('...')
  if where_ellipsis == -1:
    return text
  return text[:where_ellipsis + 3]

or, with a RE:

import re

def remwithre(text, there=re.compile(re.escape('...')+'.*')):
  return there.sub('', text)

回答 4


mystring = "123⋯567"
mystring[ 0 : mystring.index("⋯")]

>> '123'


The method find will return the character position in a string. Then, if you want remove every thing from the character, do this:

mystring = "123⋯567"
mystring[ 0 : mystring.index("⋯")]

>> '123'

If you want to keep the character, add 1 to the character position.

回答 5

import re
test = "This is a test...we should not be able to see this"
res = re.sub(r'\.\.\..*',"",test)


import re
test = "This is a test...we should not be able to see this"
res = re.sub(r'\.\.\..*',"",test)

Output: “This is a test”

回答 6


import re
sep = '...'

with open("requirements.txt") as file_in:
    lines = []
    for line in file_in:
        res = line.split(sep, 1)[0]

From a file:

import re
sep = '...'

with open("requirements.txt") as file_in:
    lines = []
    for line in file_in:
        res = line.split(sep, 1)[0]

回答 7


import re, clr

text = 'some string... this part will be removed.'

text= re.search(r'(\A.*)\.\.\..+',url,re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE).group(1)

// text = some string

another easy way using re will be

import re, clr

text = 'some string... this part will be removed.'

text= re.search(r'(\A.*)\.\.\..+',url,re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE).group(1)

// text = some string