


str1 = raw_input("Enter string one:")
str2 = raw_input("Enter string two:")
if logical_xor(str1, str2):
    print "ok"
    print "bad"


>>> 1 ^ 1
>>> 2 ^ 1
>>> "abc" ^ ""
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ^: 'str' and 'str'

How do you get the logical xor of two variables in Python?

For example, I have two variables that I expect to be strings. I want to test that only one of them contains a True value (is not None or the empty string):

str1 = raw_input("Enter string one:")
str2 = raw_input("Enter string two:")
if logical_xor(str1, str2):
    print "ok"
    print "bad"

The ^ operator seems to be bitwise, and not defined on all objects:

>>> 1 ^ 1
>>> 2 ^ 1
>>> "abc" ^ ""
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ^: 'str' and 'str'

回答 0


bool(a) != bool(b)

If you’re already normalizing the inputs to booleans, then != is xor.

bool(a) != bool(b)

回答 1


(a and not b) or (not a and b)


bool(a) ^ bool(b)



def logical_xor(str1, str2):
    return bool(str1) ^ bool(str2)


You can always use the definition of xor to compute it from other logical operations:

(a and not b) or (not a and b)

But this is a little too verbose for me, and isn’t particularly clear at first glance. Another way to do it is:

bool(a) ^ bool(b)

The xor operator on two booleans is logical xor (unlike on ints, where it’s bitwise). Which makes sense, since bool is just a subclass of int, but is implemented to only have the values 0 and 1. And logical xor is equivalent to bitwise xor when the domain is restricted to 0 and 1.

So the logical_xor function would be implemented like:

def logical_xor(str1, str2):
    return bool(str1) ^ bool(str2)

Credit to Nick Coghlan on the Python-3000 mailing list.

回答 2


from operator import xor
xor(bool(a), bool(b))  # Note: converting to bools is essential

Bitwise exclusive-or is already built-in to Python, in the operator module (which is identical to the ^ operator):

from operator import xor
xor(bool(a), bool(b))  # Note: converting to bools is essential

回答 3


xor = bool(a) ^ bool(b)


xor = bool(a) + bool(b) == 1

该方言的灵感来自我在学校学习的一种逻辑图表语言,其中“ OR”由包含≥1(大于或等于1)的框表示,而“ XOR”由包含的框表示=1


  • “ 1 = a ^ b ^ c …”表示真实操作数的数量为奇数。此运算符是“奇偶校验”。
  • “ 1 = a + b + c …”表示恰好一个操作数为真。这是“排他性或”,意思是“一个排除其他”。

As Zach explained, you can use:

xor = bool(a) ^ bool(b)

Personally, I favor a slightly different dialect:

xor = bool(a) + bool(b) == 1

This dialect is inspired from a logical diagramming language I learned in school where “OR” was denoted by a box containing ≥1 (greater than or equal to 1) and “XOR” was denoted by a box containing =1.

This has the advantage of correctly implementing exclusive or on multiple operands.

  • “1 = a ^ b ^ c…” means the number of true operands is odd. This operator is “parity”.
  • “1 = a + b + c…” means exactly one operand is true. This is “exclusive or”, meaning “one to the exclusion of the others”.

回答 4

  • Python的逻辑orA or B:回报A,如果bool(A)True,否则返回B
  • Python的逻辑andA and B:回报A,如果bool(A)False,否则返回B


def logical_xor(a, b):
    if bool(a) == bool(b):
        return False
        return a or b


>>> logical_xor('this', 'that')
>>> logical_xor('', '')
>>> logical_xor('this', '')
>>> logical_xor('', 'that')
  • Python logical or: A or B: returns A if bool(A) is True, otherwise returns B
  • Python logical and: A and B: returns A if bool(A) is False, otherwise returns B

To keep most of that way of thinking, my logical xor definintion would be:

def logical_xor(a, b):
    if bool(a) == bool(b):
        return False
        return a or b

That way it can return a, b, or False:

>>> logical_xor('this', 'that')
>>> logical_xor('', '')
>>> logical_xor('this', '')
>>> logical_xor('', 'that')

回答 5

我已经测试了几种方法,并且not a != (not b)似乎是最快的。


%timeit not a != (not b)
10000000 loops, best of 3: 78.5 ns per loop

%timeit bool(a) != bool(b)
1000000 loops, best of 3: 343 ns per loop

%timeit not a ^ (not b)
10000000 loops, best of 3: 131 ns per loop

编辑: 上面的示例1和3缺少括号,因此结果不正确。新结果+ truth()具有ShadowRanger建议的功能。

%timeit  (not a) ^  (not b)   # 47 ns
%timeit  (not a) != (not b)   # 44.7 ns
%timeit truth(a) != truth(b)  # 116 ns
%timeit  bool(a) != bool(b)   # 190 ns

I’ve tested several approaches and not a != (not b) appeared to be the fastest.

Here are some tests

%timeit not a != (not b)
10000000 loops, best of 3: 78.5 ns per loop

%timeit bool(a) != bool(b)
1000000 loops, best of 3: 343 ns per loop

%timeit not a ^ (not b)
10000000 loops, best of 3: 131 ns per loop

Edit: Examples 1 and 3 above are missing parenthes so result is incorrect. New results + truth() function as ShadowRanger suggested.

%timeit  (not a) ^  (not b)   # 47 ns
%timeit  (not a) != (not b)   # 44.7 ns
%timeit truth(a) != truth(b)  # 116 ns
%timeit  bool(a) != bool(b)   # 190 ns

回答 6




>>> True is not True
>>> True is not False
>>> False is not True
>>> False is not False


>>> "abc" is not  ""
>>> 'abc' is not 'abc' 
>>> 'abc' is not '' 
>>> '' is not 'abc' 
>>> '' is not '' 

然而; 正如上面所指出的,这取决于您想对任何几个字符串进行抽出的实际行为,因为字符串不是布尔值……甚至更多:如果您“深入Python”,您会发现“和”和“或”» http://www.diveintopython.net/power_of_introspection/and_or.html



Rewarding thread:

Anoder idea… Just you try the (may be) pythonic expression «is not» in order to get behavior of logical «xor»

The truth table would be:

>>> True is not True
>>> True is not False
>>> False is not True
>>> False is not False

And for your example string:

>>> "abc" is not  ""
>>> 'abc' is not 'abc' 
>>> 'abc' is not '' 
>>> '' is not 'abc' 
>>> '' is not '' 

However; as they indicated above, it depends of the actual behavior you want to pull out about any couple strings, because strings aren’t boleans… and even more: if you «Dive Into Python» you will find «The Peculiar Nature of “and” and “or”» http://www.diveintopython.net/power_of_introspection/and_or.html

Sorry my writed English, it’s not my born language.


回答 7


>>> True ^ False
>>> True ^ True
>>> False ^ True
>>> False ^ False


bool(a) ^ bool(b)


Python has a bitwise exclusive-OR operator, it’s ^:

>>> True ^ False
>>> True ^ True
>>> False ^ True
>>> False ^ False

You can use it by converting the inputs to booleans before applying xor (^):

bool(a) ^ bool(b)

(Edited – thanks Arel)

回答 8


def xor(*vars):
    sum = False
    for v in vars:
        sum = sum ^ bool(v)
    return sum


if xor(False, False, True, False):
    print "Hello World!"



def isOne(*vars):
    sum = False
    for v in vars:
        if sum and v:
            return False
            sum = sum or v
    return sum

As I don’t see the simple variant of xor using variable arguments and only operation on Truth values True or False, I’ll just throw it here for anyone to use. It’s as noted by others, pretty (not to say very) straightforward.

def xor(*vars):
    sum = False
    for v in vars:
        sum = sum ^ bool(v)
    return sum

And usage is straightforward as well:

if xor(False, False, True, False):
    print "Hello World!"

As this is the generalized n-ary logical XOR, it’s truth value will be True whenever the number of True operands is odd (and not only when exactly one is True, this is just one case in which n-ary XOR is True).

Thus if you are in search of a n-ary predicate that is only True when exactly one of it’s operands is, you might want to use:

def isOne(*vars):
    sum = False
    for v in vars:
        if sum and v:
            return False
            sum = sum or v
    return sum

回答 9


def xor( a, b ):
    return (a or b) and not (a and b)

Exclusive Or is defined as follows

def xor( a, b ):
    return (a or b) and not (a and b)

回答 10


z = (x + y) % 2


y -+-+-+

Sometimes I find myself working with 1 and 0 instead of boolean True and False values. In this case xor can be defined as

z = (x + y) % 2

which has the following truth table:

y -+-+-+

回答 11


  1. 如果x = True = 1且y = False = 0,则结​​果为| 1-0 | = 1 = True
  2. 如果x = False = 0和y = False = 0,那么结果将是| 0-0 | = 0 = False
  3. 如果x = True = 1和y = True = 1,则结果为| 1-1 | = 0 = False
  4. 如果x = False = 0和y = True = 1,那么结果将是| 0-1 | = 1 = True

I know this is late, but I had a thought and it might be worth, just for documentation. Perhaps this would work:np.abs(x-y) The idea is that

  1. if x=True=1 and y=False=0 then the result would be |1-0|=1=True
  2. if x=False=0 and y=False=0 then the result would be |0-0|=0=False
  3. if x=True=1 and y=True=1 then the result would be |1-1|=0=False
  4. if x=False=0 and y=True=1 then the result would be |0-1|=1=True

回答 12


sum( (bool(a), bool(b) ) == 1


sum( bool(x) for x in y ) % 2 == 1

Simple, easy to understand:

sum( (bool(a), bool(b) ) == 1

If an exclusive choice is what you’re after, it can be expanded to multiple arguments:

sum( bool(x) for x in y ) % 2 == 1

回答 13


(not b and a) or (not a and b)


或使用Python 2.5+三元表达式:

(False if a else b) if b else a

How about this?

(not b and a) or (not a and b)

will give a if b is false
will give b if a is false
will give False otherwise

Or with the Python 2.5+ ternary expression:

(False if a else b) if b else a

回答 14


这就是说,一个xor实现,无论是收益True还是False相当简单; 如果可能的话,返回一个操作数之一的技巧非常棘手,因为对于选择哪个操作数没有共识,尤其是当有两个以上的操作数时。例如,应该xor(None, -1, [], True)返回None[]还是False?我敢打赌,对于某些人来说,每个答案都是最直观的答案。

对于True或False结果,有多达五个可能的选择:返回第一个操作数(如果它与值中的最终结果匹配,否则为布尔值),返回第一个匹配项(如果至少存在一个,否则为布尔值),返回最后一个操作数(如果… else …),返回最后一个匹配项(如果… else …),或始终返回布尔值。总共有5 ** 2 = 25种口味xor

def xor(*operands, falsechoice = -2, truechoice = -2):
  """A single-evaluation, multi-operand, full-choice xor implementation
  falsechoice, truechoice: 0 = always bool, +/-1 = first/last operand, +/-2 = first/last match"""
  if not operands:
    raise TypeError('at least one operand expected')
  choices = [falsechoice, truechoice]
  matches = {}
  result = False
  first = True
  value = choice = None
  # avoid using index or slice since operands may be an infinite iterator
  for operand in operands:
    # evaluate each operand once only so as to avoid unintended side effects
    value = bool(operand)
    # the actual xor operation
    result ^= value
    # choice for the current operand, which may or may not match end result
    choice = choices[value]
    # if choice is last match;
    # or last operand and the current operand, in case it is last, matches result;
    # or first operand and the current operand is indeed first;
    # or first match and there hasn't been a match so far
    if choice < -1 or (choice == -1 and value == result) or (choice == 1 and first) or (choice > 1 and value not in matches):
      # store the current operand
      matches[value] = operand
    # next operand will no longer be first
    first = False
  # if choice for result is last operand, but they mismatch
  if (choices[result] == -1) and (result != value):
    return result
    # return the stored matching operand, if existing, else result as bool
    return matches.get(result, result)

testcases = [
  (-1, None, True, {None: None}, [], 'a'),
  (None, -1, {None: None}, 'a', []),
  (None, -1, True, {None: None}, 'a', []),
  (-1, None, {None: None}, [], 'a')]
choices = {-2: 'last match', -1: 'last operand', 0: 'always bool', 1: 'first operand', 2: 'first match'}
for c in testcases:
  for f in sorted(choices.keys()):
    for t in sorted(choices.keys()):
      x = xor(*c, falsechoice = f, truechoice = t)
      print('f: %d (%s)\tt: %d (%s)\tx: %s' % (f, choices[f], t, choices[t], x))

Some of the implementations suggested here will cause repeated evaluation of the operands in some cases, which may lead to unintended side effects and therefore must be avoided.

That said, a xor implementation that returns either True or False is fairly simple; one that returns one of the operands, if possible, is much trickier, because no consensus exists as to which operand should be the chosen one, especially when there are more than two operands. For instance, should xor(None, -1, [], True) return None, [] or False? I bet each answer appears to some people as the most intuitive one.

For either the True- or the False-result, there are as many as five possible choices: return first operand (if it matches end result in value, else boolean), return first match (if at least one exists, else boolean), return last operand (if … else …), return last match (if … else …), or always return boolean. Altogether, that’s 5 ** 2 = 25 flavors of xor.

def xor(*operands, falsechoice = -2, truechoice = -2):
  """A single-evaluation, multi-operand, full-choice xor implementation
  falsechoice, truechoice: 0 = always bool, +/-1 = first/last operand, +/-2 = first/last match"""
  if not operands:
    raise TypeError('at least one operand expected')
  choices = [falsechoice, truechoice]
  matches = {}
  result = False
  first = True
  value = choice = None
  # avoid using index or slice since operands may be an infinite iterator
  for operand in operands:
    # evaluate each operand once only so as to avoid unintended side effects
    value = bool(operand)
    # the actual xor operation
    result ^= value
    # choice for the current operand, which may or may not match end result
    choice = choices[value]
    # if choice is last match;
    # or last operand and the current operand, in case it is last, matches result;
    # or first operand and the current operand is indeed first;
    # or first match and there hasn't been a match so far
    if choice < -1 or (choice == -1 and value == result) or (choice == 1 and first) or (choice > 1 and value not in matches):
      # store the current operand
      matches[value] = operand
    # next operand will no longer be first
    first = False
  # if choice for result is last operand, but they mismatch
  if (choices[result] == -1) and (result != value):
    return result
    # return the stored matching operand, if existing, else result as bool
    return matches.get(result, result)

testcases = [
  (-1, None, True, {None: None}, [], 'a'),
  (None, -1, {None: None}, 'a', []),
  (None, -1, True, {None: None}, 'a', []),
  (-1, None, {None: None}, [], 'a')]
choices = {-2: 'last match', -1: 'last operand', 0: 'always bool', 1: 'first operand', 2: 'first match'}
for c in testcases:
  for f in sorted(choices.keys()):
    for t in sorted(choices.keys()):
      x = xor(*c, falsechoice = f, truechoice = t)
      print('f: %d (%s)\tt: %d (%s)\tx: %s' % (f, choices[f], t, choices[t], x))

回答 15


def xor(*args):
   This function accepts an arbitrary number of input arguments, returning True
   if and only if bool() evaluates to True for an odd number of the input arguments.

   return bool(sum(map(bool,args)) % 2)

I / O示例如下:

In [1]: xor(False, True)
Out[1]: True

In [2]: xor(True, True)
Out[2]: False

In [3]: xor(True, True, True)
Out[3]: True

Many folks, including myself, need an xor function that behaves like an n-input xor circuit, where n is variable. (See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XOR_gate). The following simple function implements this.

def xor(*args):
   This function accepts an arbitrary number of input arguments, returning True
   if and only if bool() evaluates to True for an odd number of the input arguments.

   return bool(sum(map(bool,args)) % 2)

Sample I/O follows:

In [1]: xor(False, True)
Out[1]: True

In [2]: xor(True, True)
Out[2]: False

In [3]: xor(True, True, True)
Out[3]: True

回答 16


  1. 将输入转换为布尔值
  2. 使用按位异^或运算符(或operator.xor


bool(a) ^ bool(b)


请注意,可接受的答案是错误的: !=由于运算符链接的微妙之处,它与Python中的xor不同


True ^  False ^  False  # True, as expected of XOR
True != False != False  # False! Equivalent to `(True != False) and (False != False)`


To get the logical xor of two or more variables in Python:

  1. Convert inputs to booleans
  2. Use the bitwise xor operator (^ or operator.xor)

For example,

bool(a) ^ bool(b)

When you convert the inputs to booleans, bitwise xor becomes logical xor.

Note that the accepted answer is wrong: != is not the same as xor in Python because of the subtlety of operator chaining.

For instance, the xor of the three values below is wrong when using !=:

True ^  False ^  False  # True, as expected of XOR
True != False != False  # False! Equivalent to `(True != False) and (False != False)`

(P.S. I tried editing the accepted answer to include this warning, but my change was rejected.)

回答 17


def logical_xor(a, b):
    return (a and not b) or (not a and b)

test_data = [
  [False, False],
  [False, True],
  [True, False],
  [True, True],

for a, b in test_data:
    print '%r xor %s = %r' % (a, b, logical_xor(a, b))

It’s easy when you know what XOR does:

def logical_xor(a, b):
    return (a and not b) or (not a and b)

test_data = [
  [False, False],
  [False, True],
  [True, False],
  [True, True],

for a, b in test_data:
    print '%r xor %s = %r' % (a, b, logical_xor(a, b))

回答 18


str1 = raw_input("Enter string one:")
str2 = raw_input("Enter string two:")

any([str1, str2]) and not all([str1, str2])



This gets the logical exclusive XOR for two (or more) variables

str1 = raw_input("Enter string one:")
str2 = raw_input("Enter string two:")

any([str1, str2]) and not all([str1, str2])

The first problem with this setup is that it most likely traverses the whole list twice and, at a minimum, will check at least one of the elements twice. So it may increase code comprehension, but it doesn’t lend to speed (which may differ negligibly depending on your use case).

The second problem with this setup is that it checks for exclusivity regardless of the number of variables. This is may at first be regarded as a feature, but the first problem becomes a lot more significant as the number of variables increases (if they ever do).

回答 19

Xor ^在Python中。它返回:

  • 整数的按位异或
  • 布尔逻辑异或
  • 集的独家联盟
  • 实现的类的用户定义结果__xor__
  • 未定义类型的TypeError,例如字符串或字典。

如果您打算在字符串上使用它们,则将它们强制转换可以bool使您的操作变得明确(您也可能表示set(str1) ^ set(str2))。

Xor is ^ in Python. It returns :

  • A bitwise xor for ints
  • Logical xor for bools
  • An exclusive union for sets
  • User-defined results for classes that implements __xor__.
  • TypeError for undefined types, such as strings or dictionaries.

If you intend to use them on strings anyway, casting them in bool makes your operation unambiguous (you could also mean set(str1) ^ set(str2)).

回答 20


XOR is implemented in operator.xor.

回答 21


| a | b  | xor   |             |
| T | T  | F     |             |
| T | F  | T     | a and not b |
| F | T  | T     | not a and b |
| F | F  | F     |             |


xor = lambda a, b: (a and not b) or (not a and b)

This is how I would code up any truth table. For xor in particular we have:

| a | b  | xor   |             |
| T | T  | F     |             |
| T | F  | T     | a and not b |
| F | T  | T     | not a and b |
| F | F  | F     |             |

Just look at the T values in the answer column and string together all true cases with logical or. So, this truth table may be produced in case 2 or 3. Hence,

xor = lambda a, b: (a and not b) or (not a and b)

回答 22


def xor(a,b):
    return a !=b



We can easily find xor of two variables by the using:

def xor(a,b):
    return a !=b


xor(True,False) >>> True
