问题:是什么阻碍了Ruby,Python获得Javascript V8速度?[关闭]

V8引擎是否有任何阻止优化实现(例如内联缓存)的Ruby / Python功能?



Are there any Ruby / Python features that are blocking implementation of optimizations (e.g. inline caching) V8 engine has?

Python is co-developed by Google guys so it shouldn’t be blocked by software patents.

Or this is rather matter of resources put into the V8 project by Google.

回答 0

是什么阻碍了Ruby,Python获得Javascript V8速度?



V8拥有一支由精明,高度专业,经验丰富(因此薪资很高)的工程师组成的团队,他们在创建高性能执行方面拥有数十年的经验(我个人是在讲话,而集体而言更像是几个世纪)动态OO语言的引擎。他们基本上都是创建Sun HotSpot JVM的人(还有许多其他人)。

首席开发人员Lars Bak实际上从事VM已有25年的历史(并且所有这些VM都达到了V8版本),这基本上就是他的整个(职业)生涯。有些编写Ruby VM的人甚至不到25岁。

是否有任何Ruby / Python功能阻止V8引擎执行优化(例如,内联缓存)?





是。不只是谷歌。V8的源代码沿袭至今已有25年的历史了。使用V8的人还创建了Self VM(迄今为止,这是迄今为止创建的最快的动态OO语言执行引擎之一),Animorphic Smalltalk VM(迄今为止,是迄今为止创建的最快的Smalltalk执行引擎之一),HotSpot JVM(有史以来最快的JVM,可能是最快的VM周期)和OOVM(有史以来最高效的Smalltalk VM之一)。

实际上,V8的首席开发人员Lars Bak致力于其中每一个,以及其他一些人。

What blocks Ruby, Python to get Javascript V8 speed?


Well, okay: money. (And time, people, resources, but if you have money, you can buy those.)

V8 has a team of brilliant, highly-specialized, highly-experienced (and thus highly-paid) engineers working on it, that have decades of experience (I’m talking individually – collectively it’s more like centuries) in creating high-performance execution engines for dynamic OO languages. They are basically the same people who also created the Sun HotSpot JVM (among many others).

Lars Bak, the lead developer, has been literally working on VMs for 25 years (and all of those VMs have lead up to V8), which is basically his entire (professional) life. Some of the people writing Ruby VMs aren’t even 25 years old.

Are there any Ruby / Python features that are blocking implementation of optimizations (e.g. inline caching) V8 engine has?

Given that at least IronRuby, JRuby, MagLev, MacRuby and Rubinius have either monomorphic (IronRuby) or polymorphic inline caching, the answer is obviously no.

Modern Ruby implementations already do a great deal of optimizations. For example, for certain operations, Rubinius’s Hash class is faster than YARV’s. Now, this doesn’t sound terribly exciting until you realize that Rubinius’s Hash class is implemented in 100% pure Ruby, while YARV’s is implemented in 100% hand-optimized C.

So, at least in some cases, Rubinius can generate better code than GCC!

Or this is rather matter of resources put into the V8 project by Google.

Yes. Not just Google. The lineage of V8’s source code is 25 years old now. The people who are working on V8 also created the Self VM (to this day one of the fastest dynamic OO language execution engines ever created), the Animorphic Smalltalk VM (to this day one of the fastest Smalltalk execution engines ever created), the HotSpot JVM (the fastest JVM ever created, probably the fastest VM period) and OOVM (one of the most efficient Smalltalk VMs ever created).

In fact, Lars Bak, the lead developer of V8, worked on every single one of those, plus a few others.

回答 1


Python和Ruby在开发人员/部署者控制的环境中运行。通常,功能强大的服务器或台式机系统的限制因素将是诸如内存或磁盘I / O之类的因素,而不是执行时间。或者在可以利用非引擎优化(例如缓存)的地方。对于这些语言,将重点放在语言和库功能集而不是速度优化上可能更有意义。


There’s a lot more impetus to highly optimize JavaScript interpretors which is why we see so many resources being put into them between Mozilla, Google, and Microsoft. JavaScript has to be downloaded, parsed, compiled, and run in real time while a (usually impatient) human being is waiting for it, it has to run WHILE a person is interacting with it, and it’s doing this in an uncontrolled client-end environment that could be a computer, a phone, or a toaster. It HAS to be efficient in order to run under these conditions effectively.

Python and Ruby are run in an environment controlled by the developer/deployer. A beefy server or desktop system generally where the limiting factor will be things like memory or disk I/O and not execution time. Or where non-engine optimizations like caching can be utilized. For these languages it probably does make more sense to focus on language and library feature set over speed optimization.

The side benefit of this is that we have two great high performance open source JavaScript engines that can and are being re-purposed for all manner of applications such as Node.js.

回答 2




Python 3的另一个障碍是Python3。它的采用似乎是语言开发人员的主要关注点,以至于他们冻结了新语言功能的开发,直到其他实现赶上来。

关于技术细节,我对Ruby不太了解,但是Python在很多地方都可以使用优化功能(Google项目Unladen Swallow在开始努力之前就开始实现这些功能)。这是他们计划的一些优化。如果为CPython实现JIT la PyPy,我可以看到Python在将来获得V8的速度,但这在未来几年似乎不太可能(目前的重点是采用Python 3,而不是JIT)。



A good part of it has to do with community. Python and Ruby for the most part have no corporate backing. No one gets paid to work on Python and Ruby full-time (and they especially don’t get paid to work on CPython or MRI the whole time). V8, on the other hand, is backed by the most powerful IT company in the world.

Furthermore, V8 can be faster because the only thing that matters to the V8 people is the interpreter — they have no standard library to work on, no concerns about language design. They just write the interpreter. That’s it.

It has nothing to do with intellectual property law. Nor is Python co-developed by Google guys (its creator works there along with a few other committers, but they don’t get paid to work on Python).

Another obstacle to Python speed is Python 3. Its adoption seems to be the main concern of the language developers — to the point that they have frozen development of new language features until other implementations catch up.

On to the technical details, I don’t know much about Ruby, but Python has a number of places where optimizations could be used (and Unladen Swallow, a Google project, started to implement these before biting the dust). Here are some of the optimizations that they planned. I could see Python gaining V8 speed in the future if a JIT a la PyPy gets implemented for CPython, but that does not seem likely for the coming years (the focus right now is Python 3 adoption, not a JIT).

Many also feel that Ruby and Python could benefit immensely from removing their respective global interpreter locks.

You also have to understand that Python and Ruby are both much heavier languages than JS — they provide far more in the way of standard library, language features, and structure. The class system of object-orientation alone adds a great deal of weight (in a good way, I think). I almost think of Javascript as a language designed to be embedded, like Lua (and in many ways, they are similar). Ruby and Python have a much richer set of features, and that expressiveness is usually going to come at the cost of speed.

回答 3



Performance doesn’t seem to be a major focus of the core Python developers, who seem to feel that “fast enough” is good enough, and that features that help programmers be more productive are more important than features that help computers run code faster.

Indeed, however, there was a (now abandoned) Google project, unladen-swallow, to produce a faster Python interpreter compatible with the standard interpreter. PyPy is another project that intends to produce a faster Python. There is also Psyco, the forerunner of PyPy, which can provide performance boosts to many Python scripts without changing out the whole interpreter, and Cython, which lets you write high-performance C libraries for Python using something very much like Python syntax.

回答 4

误导性的问题。V8是JavaScript的JIT(即时编译器)实现,在其最流行的非浏览器实现Node.js中,它是围绕事件循环构建的。CPython不是JIT,也不是事件。但是这些在PyPy项目中最普遍地存在于Python中-一个兼容CPython 2.7(不久将成为3.0+)的JIT。并且有大量事件服务器库,例如Tornado。在运行Tornado与Node.js的PyPy之间存在真实的测试,并且性能差异很小。

Misleading question. V8 is a JIT (a just in time compiler) implementation of JavaScript and in its most popular non-browser implementation Node.js it is constructed around an event loop. CPython is not a JIT & not evented. But these exist in Python most commonly in the PyPy project – a CPython 2.7 (and soon to be 3.0+) compatible JIT. And there are loads of evented server libraries like Tornado for example. Real world tests exist between PyPy running Tornado vs Node.js and the performance differences are slight.

回答 5

我只是遇到了这个问题,而性能差异也有一个未提及的重大技术原因。Python拥有功能强大的软件扩展的庞大生态系统,但是其中大多数扩展都是用C或其他低级语言编写的,以提高性能,并且与CPython API紧密相关。


I just ran across this question and there is also a big technical reason for the performance difference that wasn’t mentioned. Python has a very large ecosystem of powerful software extensions, but most of these extensions are written in C or other low-level languages for performance and are heavily tied to the CPython API.

There are lots of well-known techniques (JIT, modern garbage collector, etc) that could be used to speed up the CPython implementation but all would require substantial changes to the API, breaking most of the extensions in the process. CPython would be faster, but a lot of what makes Python so attractive (the extensive software stack) would be lost. Case in point, there are several faster Python implementations out there but they have little traction compared to CPython.

回答 6



这是一个示例: 导致iOS Safari冻结jQuery排序冻结是由于过度使用了按选择器调用而引起的。如果按选择器获取将以本机代码实现并且有效,那么根本就不会出现这样的问题。



Sciter中,我通过本地实现几乎完整的jQurey核心进行了测试。在诸如ScIDE(由HTML / CSS / Script制成的IDE)之类的实际任务上,我相信这种解决方案比任何VM优化都有效。

Because of different design priorities and use case goals I believe.

In general main purpose of scripting (a.k.a. dynamic) languages is to be a “glue” between calls of native functions. And these native functions shall a) cover most critical/frequently used areas and b) be as effective as possible.

Here is an example: jQuery sort causing iOS Safari to freeze The freeze there is caused by excessive use of get-by-selector calls. If get-by-selector would be implemented in native code and effectively it will be no such problem at all.

Consider ray-tracer demo that is frequently used demo for V8 demonstration. In Python world it can be implemented in native code as Python provides all facilities for native extensions. But in V8 realm (client side sandbox) you have no other options rather than making VM to be [sub]effective as possible. And so the only option see ray-tracer implementation there is by using script code.

So different priorities and motivations.

In Sciter I’ve made a test by implementing pretty much full jQurey core natively. On practical tasks like ScIDE (IDE made of HTML/CSS/Script) I believe such solution works significantly better then any VM optimizations.

回答 7




As other people have mentioned, Python has a performant JIT compiler in the form of PyPy.

Making meaningful benchmarks is always subtle, but I happen to have a simple benchmark of K-means written in different languages – you can find it here. One of the constraints was that the various languages should all implement the same algorithm and should strive to be simple and idiomatic (as opposed to optimized for speed). I have written all the implementations, so I know I have not cheated, although I cannot claim for all languages that what I have written is idiomatic (I only have a passing knowledge of some of those).

I do not claim any definitive conclusion, but PyPy was among the fastest implementations I got, far better than Node. CPython, instead, was at the slowest end of the ranking.

回答 8



此外,还存在可感知的性能问题:由于V8本质上是非阻塞的,因此Web开发人员可以节省更多的IO等待,从而导致性能更高的项目。V8主要用于以IO为关键的dev Web,因此他们将其与类似项目进行了比较。但是您可以在Web开发人员之外的许多其他领域中使用Python。您甚至可以使用C扩展来完成许多任务,例如科学计算或加密,并以出色的性能处理数据。





就像JörgW Mittag指出的那样,从事V8工作的人都是VM天才。Python是一群热情的开发人员,在很多领域都非常擅长,但并不擅长VM调优。










The statement is not exactly true

Just like V8 is just an implementation for JS, CPython is just one implementation for Python. Pypy has performances matching V8’s.

Also, there the problem of perceived performance : since V8 is natively non blocking, Web dev leads to more performant projects because you save the IO wait. And V8 is mainly used for dev Web where IO is key, so they compare it to similar projects. But you can use Python in many, many other areas than web dev. And you can even use C extensions for a lot of tasks, such as scientific computations or encryption, and crunch data with blazing perfs.

But on the web, most popular Python and Ruby projects are blocking. Python, especially, has the legacy of the synchronous WSGI standard, and frameworks like the famous Django are based on it.

You can write asynchronous Python (like with Twisted, Tornado, gevent or asyncio) or Ruby. But it’s not done often. The best tools are still blocking.

However, they are some reasons for why the default implementations in Ruby and Python are not as speedy as V8.


Like Jörg W Mittag pointed out, the guys working on V8 are VM geniuses. Python is dev by a bunch a passionate people, very good in a lot of domains, but are not as specialized in VM tuning.


The Python Software foundation has very little money : less than 40k in a year to invest in Python. This is kinda crazy when you think big players such as Google, Facebook or Apple are all using Python, but it’s the ugly truth : most work is done for free. The language that powers Youtube and existed before Java has been handcrafted by volunteers.

They are smart and dedicated volunteers, but when they identify they need more juice in a field, they can’t ask for 300k to hire a top notch specialist for this area of expertise. They have to look around for somebody who would do it for free.

While this works, it means you have to be very a careful about your priorities. Hence, now we need to look at :


Even with the latest modern features, writing Javascript is terrible. You have scoping issues, very few collections, terrible string and array manipulation, almost no stdlist apart from date, maths and regexes, and no syntactic sugar even for very common operations.

But in V8, you’ve got speed.

This is because, speed was the main objective for Google, since it’s a bottleneck for page rendering in Chrome.

In Python, usability is the main objective. Because it’s almost never the bottleneck on the project. The scarce resource here is developer time. It’s optimized for the developer.

回答 9


直到最近,JavaScript实现的唯一用户还是Web浏览器。由于安全性要求,仅Web浏览器供应商有权通过向运行时编写绑定来扩展功能。因此,无需保持绑定的C API向后兼容,可以允许Web浏览器开发人员随着JavaScript运行时的发展来更新其源代码。他们反正一起工作。甚至是V8,它是游戏的后来者,也是由一个非常有经验的开发人员领导的,随着它变得越来越好,它也改变了API。

OTOH Ruby(主要)用于服务器端。许多流行的ruby扩展都被编写为C绑定(考虑RDBMS驱动程序)。换句话说,如果不保持兼容性,Ruby永远不会成功。


Because JavaScript implementations need not care about backwards compatibility of their bindings.

Until recently the only users of the JavaScript implementations have been web browsers. Due to security requirements, only the web browser vendors had the privilege to extend the functionality by writing bindings to the runtimes. Thus there was no need keep the C API of the bindings backwards compatible, it was permissible to request the web browser developers update their source code as the JavaScript runtimes evolved; they were working together anyways. Even V8, which was a latecomer to the game, and also lead by a very very experienced developer, have changed the API as it became better.

OTOH Ruby is used (mainly) on the server-side. Many popular ruby extensions are written as C bindings (consider an RDBMS driver). In other words, Ruby would have never succeeded without maintaining the compatibility.

Today, the difference still exist to some extent. Developers using node.js are complaining that it is hard to keep their native extensions backwards compatible, as V8 changes the API over time (and that is one of the reasons node.js has been forked). IIRC ruby is still taking a much more conservative approach in this respect.

回答 10





V8 is fast due to the JIT, Crankshaft, the type inferencer and data-optimized code. Tagged pointers, NaN-tagging of doubles. And of course it does normal compiler optimizations in the middle.

The plain ruby, python and perl engines don’t do neither of the those, just minor basic optimizations.

The only major vm which comes close is luajit, which doesn’t even do type inference, constant folding, NaN-tagging nor integers, but uses similar small code and data structures, not as fat as the bad languages. And my prototype dynamic languages, potion and p2 have similar features as luajit, and outperform v8. With an optional type system, “gradual typing”, you could easily outperform v8, as you can bypass crankshaft. See dart.

The known optimized backends, like pypy or jruby still suffer from various over-engineering techniques.
