




array1 = np.array([0, 1, 2])
array2 = np.array([0, 1, 1])

array1 / array2 # should be np.array([0, 1, 2])



I’m trying to perform an element wise divide in python, but if a zero is encountered, I need the quotient to just be zero.

For example:

array1 = np.array([0, 1, 2])
array2 = np.array([0, 1, 1])

array1 / array2 # should be np.array([0, 1, 2])

I could always just use a for-loop through my data, but to really utilize numpy’s optimizations, I need the divide function to return 0 upon divide by zero errors instead of ignoring the error.

Unless I’m missing something, it doesn’t seem numpy.seterr() can return values upon errors. Does anyone have any other suggestions on how I could get the best out of numpy while setting my own divide by zero error handling?

回答 0

在numpy v1.7 +中,您可以利用ufuncs的“ where”选项。您可以一行完成事情,而不必与错误上下文管理器打交道。

>>> a = np.array([-1, 0, 1, 2, 3], dtype=float)
>>> b = np.array([ 0, 0, 0, 2, 2], dtype=float)

# If you don't pass `out` the indices where (b == 0) will be uninitialized!
>>> c = np.divide(a, b, out=np.zeros_like(a), where=b!=0)
>>> print(c)
[ 0.   0.   0.   1.   1.5]

在这种情况下,它将在“其中” b不等于零的任何地方进行除法计算。当b等于零时,它与您在’out’参数中最初给它的任何值保持不变。

In numpy v1.7+, you can take advantage of the “where” option for ufuncs. You can do things in one line and you don’t have to deal with the errstate context manager.

>>> a = np.array([-1, 0, 1, 2, 3], dtype=float)
>>> b = np.array([ 0, 0, 0, 2, 2], dtype=float)

# If you don't pass `out` the indices where (b == 0) will be uninitialized!
>>> c = np.divide(a, b, out=np.zeros_like(a), where=b!=0)
>>> print(c)
[ 0.   0.   0.   1.   1.5]

In this case, it does the divide calculation anywhere ‘where’ b does not equal zero. When b does equal zero, then it remains unchanged from whatever value you originally gave it in the ‘out’ argument.

回答 1

以@Franck Dernoncourt的答案为基础,修正-1 / 0:

def div0( a, b ):
    """ ignore / 0, div0( [-1, 0, 1], 0 ) -> [0, 0, 0] """
    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
        c = np.true_divide( a, b )
        c[ ~ np.isfinite( c )] = 0  # -inf inf NaN
    return c

div0( [-1, 0, 1], 0 )
array([0, 0, 0])

Building on @Franck Dernoncourt’s answer, fixing -1 / 0:

def div0( a, b ):
    """ ignore / 0, div0( [-1, 0, 1], 0 ) -> [0, 0, 0] """
    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
        c = np.true_divide( a, b )
        c[ ~ np.isfinite( c )] = 0  # -inf inf NaN
    return c

div0( [-1, 0, 1], 0 )
array([0, 0, 0])

回答 2



import numpy as np

a = np.array([0,0,1,1,2], dtype='float')
b = np.array([0,1,0,1,3], dtype='float')

with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
    c = np.true_divide(a,b)
    c[c == np.inf] = 0
    c = np.nan_to_num(c)

print('c: {0}'.format(c))


c: [ 0.          0.          0.          1.          0.66666667]

Building on the other answers, and improving on:


import numpy as np

a = np.array([0,0,1,1,2], dtype='float')
b = np.array([0,1,0,1,3], dtype='float')

with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
    c = np.true_divide(a,b)
    c[c == np.inf] = 0
    c = np.nan_to_num(c)

print('c: {0}'.format(c))


c: [ 0.          0.          0.          1.          0.66666667]

回答 3


np.nan_to_num(array1 / array2)

One-liner (throws warning)

np.nan_to_num(array1 / array2)

回答 4


with numpy.errstate(divide='ignore'):
    result = numerator / denominator
    result[denominator == 0] = 0


Try doing it in two steps. Division first, then replace.

with numpy.errstate(divide='ignore'):
    result = numerator / denominator
    result[denominator == 0] = 0

The numpy.errstate line is optional, and just prevents numpy from telling you about the “error” of dividing by zero, since you’re already intending to do so, and handling that case.

回答 5


>>> a = np.array([1,2,3], dtype='float')
>>> b = np.array([0,1,3], dtype='float')
>>> c = a / b
>>> c
array([ inf,   2.,   1.])
>>> c[c == np.inf] = 0
>>> c
array([ 0.,  2.,  1.])

You can also replace based on inf, only if the array dtypes are floats, as per this answer:

>>> a = np.array([1,2,3], dtype='float')
>>> b = np.array([0,1,3], dtype='float')
>>> c = a / b
>>> c
array([ inf,   2.,   1.])
>>> c[c == np.inf] = 0
>>> c
array([ 0.,  2.,  1.])

回答 6


假设arrayAarrayB已经初始化,但是arrayB有一些零。如果我们要arrayC = arrayA / arrayB安全地进行计算,可以执行以下操作。


myOwnValue = 0
arrayC = np.zeros(arrayA.shape())
indNonZeros = np.where(arrayB != 0)
indZeros = np.where(arrayB = 0)

# division in two steps: first with nonzero cells, and then zero cells
arrayC[indNonZeros] = arrayA[indNonZeros] / arrayB[indNonZeros]
arrayC[indZeros] = myOwnValue # Look at footnote

脚注:回想起来,这条线无论如何都是不必要的,因为它arrayC[i]被实例化为零。但是,如果是这种情况myOwnValue != 0,该操作将有所作为。

One answer I found searching a related question was to manipulate the output based upon whether the denominator was zero or not.

Suppose arrayA and arrayB have been initialized, but arrayB has some zeros. We could do the following if we want to compute arrayC = arrayA / arrayB safely.

In this case, whenever I have a divide by zero in one of the cells, I set the cell to be equal to myOwnValue, which in this case would be zero

myOwnValue = 0
arrayC = np.zeros(arrayA.shape())
indNonZeros = np.where(arrayB != 0)
indZeros = np.where(arrayB = 0)

# division in two steps: first with nonzero cells, and then zero cells
arrayC[indNonZeros] = arrayA[indNonZeros] / arrayB[indNonZeros]
arrayC[indZeros] = myOwnValue # Look at footnote

Footnote: In retrospect, this line is unnecessary anyways, since arrayC[i] is instantiated to zero. But if were the case that myOwnValue != 0, this operation would do something.

回答 7


>>> a = np.array([1,2,3], dtype='float')
>>> b = np.array([0,1,3], dtype='float')
>>> b_inv = np.array([1/i if i!=0 else 0 for i in b])
>>> a*b_inv
array([0., 2., 1.])

An other solution worth mentioning :

>>> a = np.array([1,2,3], dtype='float')
>>> b = np.array([0,1,3], dtype='float')
>>> b_inv = np.array([1/i if i!=0 else 0 for i in b])
>>> a*b_inv
array([0., 2., 1.])




    # How can I log my exception here, complete with its traceback?

How can I log my Python errors?

    # How can I log my exception here, complete with its traceback?

回答 0


import logging
LOG_FILENAME = '/tmp/logging_example.out'
logging.basicConfig(filename=LOG_FILENAME, level=logging.DEBUG)

logging.debug('This message should go to the log file')

    logging.exception('Got exception on main handler')


DEBUG:root:This message should go to the log file
ERROR:root:Got exception on main handler
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/teste.py", line 9, in <module>
NameError: name 'run_my_stuff' is not defined

Use logging.exception from within the except: handler/block to log the current exception along with the trace information, prepended with a message.

import logging
LOG_FILENAME = '/tmp/logging_example.out'
logging.basicConfig(filename=LOG_FILENAME, level=logging.DEBUG)

logging.debug('This message should go to the log file')

    logging.exception('Got exception on main handler')

Now looking at the log file, /tmp/logging_example.out:

DEBUG:root:This message should go to the log file
ERROR:root:Got exception on main handler
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/teste.py", line 9, in <module>
NameError: name 'run_my_stuff' is not defined

回答 1


    # coode in here
except Exception as e:
    logging.error(e, exc_info=True)

Use exc_info options may be better, remains warning or error title:

    # coode in here
except Exception as e:
    logging.error(e, exc_info=True)

回答 2




import traceback
import StringIO
import logging
import os, sys

def my_excepthook(excType, excValue, traceback, logger=logger):
    logger.error("Logging an uncaught exception",
                 exc_info=(excType, excValue, traceback))

sys.excepthook = my_excepthook  




import sys, threading

def log_exception(*args):
    print 'got exception %s' % (args,)
sys.excepthook = log_exception

def foo():
    a = 1 / 0


该Python Issue线程上的消息确实导致了2条建议的hack。可以将子类Thread并将run方法包装在我们自己的tryexcept块中以捕获和记录异常,或者将Monkey补丁threading.Thread.run以您自己的tryexcept块中的方式运行,以阻止和记录异常。


class TracebackLoggingThread(threading.Thread):
    def run(self):
            super(TracebackLoggingThread, self).run()
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception, e:
            logger = logging.getLogger('')
            logger.exception("Logging an uncaught exception")


def installThreadExcepthook():
    Workaround for sys.excepthook thread bug

    Call once from __main__ before creating any threads.
    If using psyco, call psyco.cannotcompile(threading.Thread.run)
    since this replaces a new-style class method.
    init_old = threading.Thread.__init__
    def init(self, *args, **kwargs):
        init_old(self, *args, **kwargs)
        run_old = self.run
        def run_with_except_hook(*args, **kw):
                run_old(*args, **kw)
            except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        self.run = run_with_except_hook
    threading.Thread.__init__ = init



raise Exception("Test")


def add_custom_print_exception():
    old_print_exception = traceback.print_exception
    def custom_print_exception(etype, value, tb, limit=None, file=None):
        tb_output = StringIO.StringIO()
        traceback.print_tb(tb, limit, tb_output)
        logger = logging.getLogger('customLogger')
        old_print_exception(etype, value, tb, limit=None, file=None)
    traceback.print_exception = custom_print_exception


My job recently tasked me with logging all the tracebacks/exceptions from our application. I tried numerous techniques that others had posted online such as the one above but settled on a different approach. Overriding traceback.print_exception.

I have a write up at http://www.bbarrows.com/ That would be much easier to read but Ill paste it in here as well.

When tasked with logging all the exceptions that our software might encounter in the wild I tried a number of different techniques to log our python exception tracebacks. At first I thought that the python system exception hook, sys.excepthook would be the perfect place to insert the logging code. I was trying something similar to:

import traceback
import StringIO
import logging
import os, sys

def my_excepthook(excType, excValue, traceback, logger=logger):
    logger.error("Logging an uncaught exception",
                 exc_info=(excType, excValue, traceback))

sys.excepthook = my_excepthook  

This worked for the main thread but I soon found that the my sys.excepthook would not exist across any new threads my process started. This is a huge issue because most everything happens in threads in this project.

After googling and reading plenty of documentation the most helpful information I found was from the Python Issue tracker.

The first post on the thread shows a working example of the sys.excepthook NOT persisting across threads (as shown below). Apparently this is expected behavior.

import sys, threading

def log_exception(*args):
    print 'got exception %s' % (args,)
sys.excepthook = log_exception

def foo():
    a = 1 / 0


The messages on this Python Issue thread really result in 2 suggested hacks. Either subclass Thread and wrap the run method in our own try except block in order to catch and log exceptions or monkey patch threading.Thread.run to run in your own try except block and log the exceptions.

The first method of subclassing Thread seems to me to be less elegant in your code as you would have to import and use your custom Thread class EVERYWHERE you wanted to have a logging thread. This ended up being a hassle because I had to search our entire code base and replace all normal Threads with this custom Thread. However, it was clear as to what this Thread was doing and would be easier for someone to diagnose and debug if something went wrong with the custom logging code. A custome logging thread might look like this:

class TracebackLoggingThread(threading.Thread):
    def run(self):
            super(TracebackLoggingThread, self).run()
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception, e:
            logger = logging.getLogger('')
            logger.exception("Logging an uncaught exception")

The second method of monkey patching threading.Thread.run is nice because I could just run it once right after __main__ and instrument my logging code in all exceptions. Monkey patching can be annoying to debug though as it changes the expected functionality of something. The suggested patch from the Python Issue tracker was:

def installThreadExcepthook():
    Workaround for sys.excepthook thread bug

    Call once from __main__ before creating any threads.
    If using psyco, call psyco.cannotcompile(threading.Thread.run)
    since this replaces a new-style class method.
    init_old = threading.Thread.__init__
    def init(self, *args, **kwargs):
        init_old(self, *args, **kwargs)
        run_old = self.run
        def run_with_except_hook(*args, **kw):
                run_old(*args, **kw)
            except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        self.run = run_with_except_hook
    threading.Thread.__init__ = init

It was not until I started testing my exception logging I realized that I was going about it all wrong.

To test I had placed a

raise Exception("Test")

somewhere in my code. However, wrapping a a method that called this method was a try except block that printed out the traceback and swallowed the exception. This was very frustrating because I saw the traceback bring printed to STDOUT but not being logged. It was I then decided that a much easier method of logging the tracebacks was just to monkey patch the method that all python code uses to print the tracebacks themselves, traceback.print_exception. I ended up with something similar to the following:

def add_custom_print_exception():
    old_print_exception = traceback.print_exception
    def custom_print_exception(etype, value, tb, limit=None, file=None):
        tb_output = StringIO.StringIO()
        traceback.print_tb(tb, limit, tb_output)
        logger = logging.getLogger('customLogger')
        old_print_exception(etype, value, tb, limit=None, file=None)
    traceback.print_exception = custom_print_exception

This code writes the traceback to a String Buffer and logs it to logging ERROR. I have a custom logging handler set up the ‘customLogger’ logger which takes the ERROR level logs and send them home for analysis.

回答 3


import sys
import logging


def exception_hook(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
        "Uncaught exception",
        exc_info=(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)

sys.excepthook = exception_hook

raise Exception('Boom')

如果你的程序使用的线程,然而,然后记下创建的线程使用threading.Thread不会触发sys.excepthook时未捕获的异常在他们里面发生,在指出问题1230540 Python的问题跟踪器。已经有人提出了一些可以解决此限制的技巧,例如Monkey修补Thread.__init__程序self.run用另run一种方法覆盖,该方法将原始文件包装在一个try块中并sys.excepthook从该except块内部进行调用。或者,您可以手动将每个线程的入口点包装在try/ except自己中。

You can log all uncaught exceptions on the main thread by assigning a handler to sys.excepthook, perhaps using the exc_info parameter of Python’s logging functions:

import sys
import logging


def exception_hook(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
        "Uncaught exception",
        exc_info=(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)

sys.excepthook = exception_hook

raise Exception('Boom')

If your program uses threads, however, then note that threads created using threading.Thread will not trigger sys.excepthook when an uncaught exception occurs inside them, as noted in Issue 1230540 on Python’s issue tracker. Some hacks have been suggested there to work around this limitation, like monkey-patching Thread.__init__ to overwrite self.run with an alternative run method that wraps the original in a try block and calls sys.excepthook from inside the except block. Alternatively, you could just manually wrap the entry point for each of your threads in try/except yourself.

回答 4




./test.py 2>> mylog.log


./test.py &> mylog.log

Uncaught exception messages go to STDERR, so instead of implementing your logging in Python itself you could send STDERR to a file using whatever shell you’re using to run your Python script. In a Bash script, you can do this with output redirection, as described in the BASH guide.


Append errors to file, other output to the terminal:

./test.py 2>> mylog.log

Overwrite file with interleaved STDOUT and STDERR output:

./test.py &> mylog.log

回答 5


import sys
import traceback

exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
traceback_in_var = traceback.format_tb(exc_traceback)


What I was looking for:

import sys
import traceback

exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
traceback_in_var = traceback.format_tb(exc_traceback)


回答 6


# test_app.py
import sys
import logging


def do_something():
    raise ValueError(":(")

except Exception:
    logging.debug("Something went wrong", exc_info=sys.exc_info())
DEBUG:root:Something went wrong
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_app.py", line 10, in <module>
  File "test_app.py", line 7, in do_something
    raise ValueError(":(")
ValueError: :(


这也可以工作(使用python 3.6)

logging.debug("Something went wrong", exc_info=True)

You can get the traceback using a logger, at any level (DEBUG, INFO, …). Note that using logging.exception, the level is ERROR.

# test_app.py
import sys
import logging


def do_something():
    raise ValueError(":(")

except Exception:
    logging.debug("Something went wrong", exc_info=sys.exc_info())
DEBUG:root:Something went wrong
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_app.py", line 10, in <module>
  File "test_app.py", line 7, in do_something
    raise ValueError(":(")
ValueError: :(


This works too (using python 3.6)

logging.debug("Something went wrong", exc_info=True)

回答 7


import traceback
import sys

logger = logging.getLogger()

def handle_excepthook(type, message, stack):
     logger.error(f'An unhandled exception occured: {message}. Traceback: {traceback.format_tb(stack)}')

sys.excepthook = handle_excepthook

Here is a version that uses sys.excepthook

import traceback
import sys

logger = logging.getLogger()

def handle_excepthook(type, message, stack):
     logger.error(f'An unhandled exception occured: {message}. Traceback: {traceback.format_tb(stack)}')

sys.excepthook = handle_excepthook

回答 8


/path/to/your/script.py 2>&1 | (while read; do echo "$REPLY" >> $log; done)

maybe not as stylish, but easier:

/path/to/your/script.py 2>&1 | (while read; do echo "$REPLY" >> $log; done)

回答 9

这是取自python 2.6文档的一个简单示例:

import logging
LOG_FILENAME = '/tmp/logging_example.out'

logging.debug('This message should go to the log file')

Heres a simple example taken from the python 2.6 documentation:

import logging
LOG_FILENAME = '/tmp/logging_example.out'

logging.debug('This message should go to the log file')





catch (Exception ex)
  throw new ApplicationException("Failed to process file " + filePath, ex);


except Exception as e:
  raise Exception('Failed to process file ' + filePath, e)


编辑:我想同时看到异常消息和堆栈跟踪,并将两者关联起来。也就是说,我想在输出中看到异常X在这里发生,然后异常Y在这里发生-与我在C#中一样。这在Python 2.6中可行吗?到目前为止,看来我能做的最好的(根据Glenn Maynard的回答)是:

except Exception as e:
  raise Exception('Failed to process file' + filePath, e), None, sys.exc_info()[2]


My background is in C# and I’ve just recently started programming in Python. When an exception is thrown I typically want to wrap it in another exception that adds more information, while still showing the full stack trace. It’s quite easy in C#, but how do I do it in Python?

Eg. in C# I would do something like this:

catch (Exception ex)
  throw new ApplicationException("Failed to process file " + filePath, ex);

In Python I can do something similar:

except Exception as e:
  raise Exception('Failed to process file ' + filePath, e)

…but this loses the traceback of the inner exception!

Edit: I’d like to see both exception messages and both stack traces and correlate the two. That is, I want to see in the output that exception X occurred here and then exception Y there – same as I would in C#. Is this possible in Python 2.6? Looks like the best I can do so far (based on Glenn Maynard’s answer) is:

except Exception as e:
  raise Exception('Failed to process file' + filePath, e), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

This includes both the messages and both the tracebacks, but it doesn’t show which exception occurred where in the traceback.

回答 0

Python 2

这很简单; 将回溯作为第三个引发的参数。

import sys
class MyException(Exception): pass

    raise TypeError("test")
except TypeError, e:
    raise MyException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]


Python 2

It’s simple; pass the traceback as the third argument to raise.

import sys
class MyException(Exception): pass

    raise TypeError("test")
except TypeError, e:
    raise MyException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

Always do this when catching one exception and re-raising another.

回答 1

Python 3

在python 3中,您可以执行以下操作:

    raise MyExceptionToBeWrapped("I have twisted my ankle")

except MyExceptionToBeWrapped as e:

    raise MyWrapperException("I'm not in a good shape") from e


   Traceback (most recent call last):
   MyExceptionToBeWrapped: ("I have twisted my ankle")

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

   Traceback (most recent call last):
   MyWrapperException: ("I'm not in a good shape")

Python 3

In python 3 you can do the following:

    raise MyExceptionToBeWrapped("I have twisted my ankle")

except MyExceptionToBeWrapped as e:

    raise MyWrapperException("I'm not in a good shape") from e

This will produce something like this:

   Traceback (most recent call last):
   MyExceptionToBeWrapped: ("I have twisted my ankle")

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

   Traceback (most recent call last):
   MyWrapperException: ("I'm not in a good shape")

回答 2

Python 3具有raisefrom子句以链接异常。Glenn的答案对于Python 2.7非常有用,但是它仅使用原始异常的回溯,并丢弃了错误消息和其他详细信息。以下是Python 2.7中的一些示例,这些示例将当前作用域的上下文信息添加到原始异常的错误消息中,而其他细节保持完整。


    sock_common = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(rpc_url+'/common')
    self.user_id = sock_common.login(self.dbname, username, self.pwd)
except IOError:
    _, ex, traceback = sys.exc_info()
    message = "Connecting to '%s': %s." % (config['connection'],
    raise IOError, (ex.errno, message), traceback

这种raise声明风格将异常类型作为第一个表达式,将元组中的异常类构造函数参数作为第二个表达式,并将回溯作为第三个表达式。如果您运行的版本早于Python 2.2,请参阅中的警告sys.exc_info()



except Exception:
    extype, ex, tb = sys.exc_info()
    formatted = traceback.format_exception_only(extype, ex)[-1]
    message = "Importing row %d, %s" % (rownum, formatted)
    raise RuntimeError, message, tb



import subprocess

    final_args = ['lsx', '/home']
    s = subprocess.check_output(final_args)
except OSError as ex:
    ex.strerror += ' for command {}'.format(final_args)


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/mnt/data/don/workspace/scratch/scratch.py", line 5, in <module>
    s = subprocess.check_output(final_args)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 566, in check_output
    process = Popen(stdout=PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 710, in __init__
    errread, errwrite)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 1327, in _execute_child
    raise child_exception
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory for command ['lsx', '/home']


Python 3 has the raisefrom clause to chain exceptions. Glenn’s answer is great for Python 2.7, but it only uses the original exception’s traceback and throws away the error message and other details. Here are some examples in Python 2.7 that add context information from the current scope into the original exception’s error message, but keep other details intact.

Known Exception Type

    sock_common = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(rpc_url+'/common')
    self.user_id = sock_common.login(self.dbname, username, self.pwd)
except IOError:
    _, ex, traceback = sys.exc_info()
    message = "Connecting to '%s': %s." % (config['connection'],
    raise IOError, (ex.errno, message), traceback

That flavour of raise statement takes the exception type as the first expression, the exception class constructor arguments in a tuple as the second expression, and the traceback as the third expression. If you’re running earlier than Python 2.2, see the warnings on sys.exc_info().

Any Exception Type

Here’s another example that’s more general purpose if you don’t know what kind of exceptions your code might have to catch. The downside is that it loses the exception type and just raises a RuntimeError. You have to import the traceback module.

except Exception:
    extype, ex, tb = sys.exc_info()
    formatted = traceback.format_exception_only(extype, ex)[-1]
    message = "Importing row %d, %s" % (rownum, formatted)
    raise RuntimeError, message, tb

Modify the Message

Here’s another option if the exception type will let you add context to it. You can modify the exception’s message and then reraise it.

import subprocess

    final_args = ['lsx', '/home']
    s = subprocess.check_output(final_args)
except OSError as ex:
    ex.strerror += ' for command {}'.format(final_args)

That generates the following stack trace:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/mnt/data/don/workspace/scratch/scratch.py", line 5, in <module>
    s = subprocess.check_output(final_args)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 566, in check_output
    process = Popen(stdout=PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 710, in __init__
    errread, errwrite)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 1327, in _execute_child
    raise child_exception
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory for command ['lsx', '/home']

You can see that it shows the line where check_output() was called, but the exception message now includes the command line.

回答 3

Python 3.x中

raise Exception('Failed to process file ' + filePath).with_traceback(e.__traceback__)


except Exception:
    raise MyException()


Python 2.x中

raise Exception, 'Failed to process file ' + filePath, e


try: # Wrap the whole program into the block that will kill __context__.

    class Catcher(Exception):
        '''This context manager reraises an exception under a different name.'''

        def __init__(self, name):
            super().__init__('Failed to process code in {!r}'.format(name))

        def __enter__(self):
            return self

        def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
            if exc_type is not None:
                self.__traceback__ = exc_tb
                raise self


    with Catcher('class definition'):
        class a:
            def spam(self):
                # not really pass, but you get the idea

            lut = [1,

        assert a().lut[-1] == a.spam


except Catcher as e:
    e.__context__ = None

In Python 3.x:

raise Exception('Failed to process file ' + filePath).with_traceback(e.__traceback__)

or simply

except Exception:
    raise MyException()

which will propagate MyException but print both exceptions if it will not be handled.

In Python 2.x:

raise Exception, 'Failed to process file ' + filePath, e

You can prevent printing both exceptions by killing the __context__ attribute. Here I write a context manager using that to catch and change your exception on the fly: (see http://docs.python.org/3.1/library/stdtypes.html for expanation of how they work)

try: # Wrap the whole program into the block that will kill __context__.

    class Catcher(Exception):
        '''This context manager reraises an exception under a different name.'''

        def __init__(self, name):
            super().__init__('Failed to process code in {!r}'.format(name))

        def __enter__(self):
            return self

        def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
            if exc_type is not None:
                self.__traceback__ = exc_tb
                raise self


    with Catcher('class definition'):
        class a:
            def spam(self):
                # not really pass, but you get the idea

            lut = [1,

        assert a().lut[-1] == a.spam


except Catcher as e:
    e.__context__ = None

回答 4

我认为您无法在Python 2.x中执行此操作,但是与该功能相似的功能是Python 3的一部分。来自PEP 3134

在当今的Python实现中,异常由三部分组成:类型,值和回溯。’sys’模块以三个并行变量exc_type,exc_value和exc_traceback公开当前异常,sys.exc_info()函数返回这三个部分的元组,并且’raise’语句具有接受三个参数的形式这三个部分。处理异常通常需要并行传递这三件事,这可能是乏味且容易出错的。此外,“ except”语句只能提供对值的访问,而不能提供对追溯的访问。将’ traceback ‘属性添加到异常值可以使所有异常信息都可以从一个位置访问。


C#中的异常包含一个只读的’InnerException’属性,该属性可能指向另一个异常。它的文档[10]说:“当由于先前的异常Y的直接结果而引发异常X时,X的InnerException属性应包含对Y的引用。” VM不会自动设置此属性。相反,所有异常构造函数都使用可选的“ innerException”参数来对其进行显式设置。在“ 事业 ”属性满足同样的目的的InnerException,但这个PEP提出的“提高”,而不是一直延伸异常的构造函数的新形式。C#还提供了一个GetBaseException方法,该方法直接跳转到InnerException链的末尾。

还要注意,Java,Ruby和Perl 5也不支持这种类型的东西。再次报价:

与其他语言一样,当“ catch” /“ rescue”或“ finally” /“ ensure”子句中发生另一个异常时,Java和Ruby都将丢弃原始异常。Perl 5缺少内置的结构化异常处理。对于Perl 6,RFC 88 [9]提出了一种异常机制,该机制隐式地将链式异常保留在名为@@的数组中。

I don’t think you can do this in Python 2.x, but something similar to this functionality is part of Python 3. From PEP 3134:

In today’s Python implementation, exceptions are composed of three parts: the type, the value, and the traceback. The ‘sys’ module, exposes the current exception in three parallel variables, exc_type, exc_value, and exc_traceback, the sys.exc_info() function returns a tuple of these three parts, and the ‘raise’ statement has a three-argument form accepting these three parts. Manipulating exceptions often requires passing these three things in parallel, which can be tedious and error-prone. Additionally, the ‘except’ statement can only provide access to the value, not the traceback. Adding the ‘traceback‘ attribute to exception values makes all the exception information accessible from a single place.

Comparison to C#:

Exceptions in C# contain a read-only ‘InnerException’ property that may point to another exception. Its documentation [10] says that “When an exception X is thrown as a direct result of a previous exception Y, the InnerException property of X should contain a reference to Y.” This property is not set by the VM automatically; rather, all exception constructors take an optional ‘innerException’ argument to set it explicitly. The ‘cause‘ attribute fulfills the same purpose as InnerException, but this PEP proposes a new form of ‘raise’ rather than extending the constructors of all exceptions. C# also provides a GetBaseException method that jumps directly to the end of the InnerException chain; this PEP proposes no analog.

Note also that Java, Ruby and Perl 5 don’t support this type of thing either. Quoting again:

As for other languages, Java and Ruby both discard the original exception when another exception occurs in a ‘catch’/’rescue’ or ‘finally’/’ensure’ clause. Perl 5 lacks built-in structured exception handling. For Perl 6, RFC number 88 [9] proposes an exception mechanism that implicitly retains chained exceptions in an array named @@.

回答 5

为了最大程度地兼容Python 2和3,可以raise_from在该six库中使用。 https://six.readthedocs.io/#six.raise_from。这是您的示例(为清晰起见,对其进行了稍微修改):

import six

except Exception as e:
  six.raise_from(IOError('Failed to process file ' + repr(filePath)), e)

For maximum compatibility between Python 2 and 3, you can use raise_from in the six library. https://six.readthedocs.io/#six.raise_from . Here is your example (slightly modified for clarity):

import six

except Exception as e:
  six.raise_from(IOError('Failed to process file ' + repr(filePath)), e)

回答 6

您可以使用我的CausedException类在Python 2.x中链接异常(甚至在Python 3中,如果要将多个捕获的异常作为新引发的异常的原因,它也可能很有用)。也许可以帮到您。

You could use my CausedException class to chain exceptions in Python 2.x (and even in Python 3 it can be useful in case you want to give more than one caught exception as cause to a newly raised exception). Maybe it can help you.

回答 7


import traceback
import sys
import StringIO

class ApplicationError:
    def __init__(self, value, e):
        s = StringIO.StringIO()
        self.value = (value, s.getvalue())

    def __str__(self):
        return repr(self.value)

        a = 1/0
    except Exception, e:
        raise ApplicationError("Failed to process file", e)
except Exception, e:
    print e

Maybe you could grab the relevant information and pass it up? I’m thinking something like:

import traceback
import sys
import StringIO

class ApplicationError:
    def __init__(self, value, e):
        s = StringIO.StringIO()
        self.value = (value, s.getvalue())

    def __str__(self):
        return repr(self.value)

        a = 1/0
    except Exception, e:
        raise ApplicationError("Failed to process file", e)
except Exception, e:
    print e

回答 8


  • 您需要一个适用于Python 2的解决方案(有关纯Python 3,请参见raise ... from解决方案)
  • 只是想丰富错误消息,例如提供一些其他上下文
  • 需要完整的堆栈跟踪

您可以使用docs https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/errors.html#raising-exceptions中的简单解决方案:

    raise NameError('HiThere')
except NameError:
    print 'An exception flew by!' # print or log, provide details about context
    raise # reraise the original exception, keeping full stack trace


An exception flew by!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in ?
NameError: HiThere

看起来关键是简化的“ raise”关键字,它独立存在。这将重新引发except块中的Exception。


  • you need a solution, which works for Python 2 (for pure Python 3 see raise ... from solution)
  • just want to enrich the error message, e.g. providing some additional context
  • need the full stack trace

you can use a simple solution from the docs https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/errors.html#raising-exceptions:

    raise NameError('HiThere')
except NameError:
    print 'An exception flew by!' # print or log, provide details about context
    raise # reraise the original exception, keeping full stack trace

The output:

An exception flew by!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in ?
NameError: HiThere

It looks like the key piece is the simplified ‘raise’ keyword that stands alone. That will re-raise the Exception in the except block.




我使用以下简单函数检查用户是否向其传递了非零数字。如果是这样,程序应警告它们,但按正常方式继续。它应该像下面的代码一样工作,但是应该使用class Warning()Error()或者Exception()代替手动打印警告。

def is_zero(i):
   if i != 0:
     print "OK"
     print "WARNING: the input is 0!"
   return i


def is_zero(i):
   if i != 0:
     print "OK"
     raise Warning("the input is 0!")
   return i


I am trying to raise a Warning in Python without making the program crash / stop / interrupt.

I use the following simple function to check if the user passed a non-zero number to it. If so, the program should warn them, but continue as per normal. It should work like the code below, but should use class Warning(), Error() or Exception() instead of printing the warning out manually.

def is_zero(i):
   if i != 0:
     print "OK"
     print "WARNING: the input is 0!"
   return i

If I use the code below and pass 0 to the function, the program crashes and the value is never returned. Instead, I want the program to continue normally and just inform the user that he passed 0 to the function.

def is_zero(i):
   if i != 0:
     print "OK"
     raise Warning("the input is 0!")
   return i

I want to be able to test that a warning has been thrown testing it by unittest. If I simply print the message out, I am not able to test it with assertRaises in unittest.

回答 0


You shouldn’t raise the warning, you should be using warnings module. By raising it you’re generating error, rather than warning.

回答 1

import warnings


import warnings

See the python documentation: here

回答 2


在之后import warnings,可以在生成警告时指定警告类。如果未指定,则UserWarning默认为字面值。

>>> warnings.warn('This is a default warning.')
<string>:1: UserWarning: This is a default warning.


>>> warnings.warn('This is a particular warning.', DeprecationWarning)
<string>:1: DeprecationWarning: This is a particular warning.


>>> class MyCustomWarning(UserWarning):
...     pass
... warnings.warn('This is my custom warning.', MyCustomWarning)

<string>:1: MyCustomWarning: This is my custom warning.



By default, unlike an exception, a warning doesn’t interrupt.

After import warnings, it is possible to specify a Warnings class when generating a warning. If one is not specified, it is literally UserWarning by default.

>>> warnings.warn('This is a default warning.')
<string>:1: UserWarning: This is a default warning.

To simply use a preexisting class instead, e.g. DeprecationWarning:

>>> warnings.warn('This is a particular warning.', DeprecationWarning)
<string>:1: DeprecationWarning: This is a particular warning.

Creating a custom warning class is similar to creating a custom exception class:

>>> class MyCustomWarning(UserWarning):
...     pass
... warnings.warn('This is my custom warning.', MyCustomWarning)

<string>:1: MyCustomWarning: This is my custom warning.

For testing, consider assertWarns or assertWarnsRegex.

As an alternative, especially for standalone applications, consider the logging module. It can log messages having a level of debug, info, warning, error, etc. Log messages having a level of warning or higher are by default printed to stderr.






ret_val = subprocess.Popen( run_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True )
output, errors = ret_val.communicate()
print output
if( ret_val.returncode ):
    print "RUN failed\n\n%s\n\n" % (errors)
    success = False

if( errors ): log_file.write("\n\n%s\n\n" % errors)




ret_val = subprocess.Popen( run_command, stdout=log_file, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True )
while not ret_val.poll():

然后,在另一个终端中,运行tail -f log.txt(st log_file = 'log.txt')。

I’m using a python script as a driver for a hydrodynamics code. When it comes time to run the simulation, I use subprocess.Popen to run the code, collect the output from stdout and stderr into a subprocess.PIPE — then I can print (and save to a log-file) the output information, and check for any errors. The problem is, I have no idea how the code is progressing. If I run it directly from the command line, it gives me output about what iteration its at, what time, what the next time-step is, etc.

Is there a way to both store the output (for logging and error checking), and also produce a live-streaming output?

The relevant section of my code:

ret_val = subprocess.Popen( run_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True )
output, errors = ret_val.communicate()
print output
if( ret_val.returncode ):
    print "RUN failed\n\n%s\n\n" % (errors)
    success = False

if( errors ): log_file.write("\n\n%s\n\n" % errors)

Originally I was piping the run_command through tee so that a copy went directly to the log-file, and the stream still output directly to the terminal — but that way I can’t store any errors (to my knowlege).


Temporary solution:

ret_val = subprocess.Popen( run_command, stdout=log_file, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True )
while not ret_val.poll():

then, in another terminal, run tail -f log.txt (s.t. log_file = 'log.txt').

回答 0


import subprocess
import sys
with open('test.log', 'w') as f:  # replace 'w' with 'wb' for Python 3
    process = subprocess.Popen(your_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    for c in iter(lambda: process.stdout.read(1), ''):  # replace '' with b'' for Python 3


import subprocess
import sys
with open('test.log', 'w') as f:  # replace 'w' with 'wb' for Python 3
    process = subprocess.Popen(your_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, ''):  # replace '' with b'' for Python 3


import io
import time
import subprocess
import sys

filename = 'test.log'
with io.open(filename, 'wb') as writer, io.open(filename, 'rb', 1) as reader:
    process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=writer)
    while process.poll() is None:
    # Read the remaining

这样,您就可以将数据写入 test.log在和标准输出中。


You have two ways of doing this, either by creating an iterator from the read or readline functions and do:

import subprocess
import sys
with open('test.log', 'w') as f:  # replace 'w' with 'wb' for Python 3
    process = subprocess.Popen(your_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    for c in iter(lambda: process.stdout.read(1), ''):  # replace '' with b'' for Python 3


import subprocess
import sys
with open('test.log', 'w') as f:  # replace 'w' with 'wb' for Python 3
    process = subprocess.Popen(your_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, ''):  # replace '' with b'' for Python 3

Or you can create a reader and a writer file. Pass the writer to the Popen and read from the reader

import io
import time
import subprocess
import sys

filename = 'test.log'
with io.open(filename, 'wb') as writer, io.open(filename, 'rb', 1) as reader:
    process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=writer)
    while process.poll() is None:
    # Read the remaining

This way you will have the data written in the test.log as well as on the standard output.

The only advantage of the file approach is that your code doesn’t block. So you can do whatever you want in the meantime and read whenever you want from the reader in a non-blocking way. When you use PIPE, read and readline functions will block until either one character is written to the pipe or a line is written to the pipe respectively.

回答 1

执行摘要(或“ tl; dr”版本):最多有一个很容易subprocess.PIPE,否则很难。


(注意:这是针对Python 2.x的,尽管3.x相似;并且我对Windows变体很模糊。我对POSIX的了解要好得多。)

Popen功能需要同时处理零到三个I / O流。分别以stdinstdout和表示stderr


  • None,表示您不想重定向流。它将照常继承这些。请注意,至少在POSIX系统上,这并不意味着它将使用Python的sys.stdout,而仅使用Python的实际标准输出。参见演示示例。
  • 一个int值。这是一个“原始”文件描述符(至少在POSIX中)。(附带说明:PIPESTDOUT实际上int是内部的,但是是“不可能的”描述符-1和-2。)
  • 流-实际上是具有fileno方法的任何对象。 Popen将使用来找到该流的描述符stream.fileno(),然后按照int值进行操作。
  • subprocess.PIPE,指示Python应该创建一个管道。
  • subprocess.STDOUTstderr仅适用):告诉Python使用与相同的描述符stdout。仅当您提供的(非None)值时才有意义stdout,即使如此,也只有在设置时才需要stdout=subprocess.PIPE。(否则,您可以只提供您提供的相同参数stdout,例如Popen(..., stdout=stream, stderr=stream)。)


如果不进行任何重定向(将所有三个都保留为默认None值或提供明确的None),Pipe则非常简单。它只需要剥离子流程并使其运行。或者,如果您重定向到一个非PIPE-an int或流是fileno()-它仍然很容易,因为OS做所有的工作。Python只需要剥离子进程,即可将其stdin,stdout和/或stderr连接到提供的文件描述符。




proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
proc.stdin.write('here, have some data\n') # etc


假设你想捕捉stdout,但休假stdinstderr孤独。同样,这很容易:只需调用proc.stdout.read()(或等效命令),直到没有更多输出为止。由于proc.stdout()是普通的Python I / O流,因此可以在其上使用所有普通的构造,例如:

for line in proc.stdout:




proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

在这种情况下,subprocess“作弊”!好吧,它必须这样做,所以它并不是真正的作弊:它使用其stdout和stderr引导到(单个)管道描述符中的子进程来启动子进程,该子进程描述符反馈给其父进程(Python)。在父端,只有一个管道描述符用于读取输出。所有“ stderr”输出都显示在中proc.stdout,如果调用proc.communicate(),stderr结果(元组中的第二个值)将是None,而不是字符串。



def communicate(self, input=None):
    # Optimization: If we are only using one pipe, or no pipe at
    # all, using select() or threads is unnecessary.
    if [self.stdin, self.stdout, self.stderr].count(None) >= 2:






同时,假设子流程决定打印一个友好的“ Hello!Do n’t Panic!”。问候。在H进入它的标准输出管道,但e导致其暂停,等待其家长阅读H,排空stdout管道。

现在我们陷入困境:Python进程处于睡眠状态,等待说完“ go”,而子进程也处于睡眠状态,等待说完“ Hello!Don Panic!”。




我答应演示未经重定向的python subprocess写入底层标准输出,而不是sys.stdout。因此,这是一些代码:

from cStringIO import StringIO
import os
import subprocess
import sys

def show1():
    print 'start show1'
    save = sys.stdout
    sys.stdout = StringIO()
    print 'sys.stdout being buffered'
    proc = subprocess.Popen(['echo', 'hello'])
    in_stdout = sys.stdout.getvalue()
    sys.stdout = save
    print 'in buffer:', in_stdout

def show2():
    print 'start show2'
    save = sys.stdout
    sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w')
    print 'after redirect sys.stdout'
    proc = subprocess.Popen(['echo', 'hello'])
    sys.stdout = save



$ python out.py
start show1
in buffer: sys.stdout being buffered

start show2


(如果重定向Python的file-descriptor-1,则子进程遵循该重定向。该open(os.devnull, 'w')调用将产生一个fileno()大于2 的流。)

Executive Summary (or “tl;dr” version): it’s easy when there’s at most one subprocess.PIPE, otherwise it’s hard.

It may be time to explain a bit about how subprocess.Popen does its thing.

(Caveat: this is for Python 2.x, although 3.x is similar; and I’m quite fuzzy on the Windows variant. I understand the POSIX stuff much better.)

The Popen function needs to deal with zero-to-three I/O streams, somewhat simultaneously. These are denoted stdin, stdout, and stderr as usual.

You can provide:

  • None, indicating that you don’t want to redirect the stream. It will inherit these as usual instead. Note that on POSIX systems, at least, this does not mean it will use Python’s sys.stdout, just Python’s actual stdout; see demo at end.
  • An int value. This is a “raw” file descriptor (in POSIX at least). (Side note: PIPE and STDOUT are actually ints internally, but are “impossible” descriptors, -1 and -2.)
  • A stream—really, any object with a fileno method. Popen will find the descriptor for that stream, using stream.fileno(), and then proceed as for an int value.
  • subprocess.PIPE, indicating that Python should create a pipe.
  • subprocess.STDOUT (for stderr only): tell Python to use the same descriptor as for stdout. This only makes sense if you provided a (non-None) value for stdout, and even then, it is only needed if you set stdout=subprocess.PIPE. (Otherwise you can just provide the same argument you provided for stdout, e.g., Popen(..., stdout=stream, stderr=stream).)

The easiest cases (no pipes)

If you redirect nothing (leave all three as the default None value or supply explicit None), Pipe has it quite easy. It just needs to spin off the subprocess and let it run. Or, if you redirect to a non-PIPE—an int or a stream’s fileno()—it’s still easy, as the OS does all the work. Python just needs to spin off the subprocess, connecting its stdin, stdout, and/or stderr to the provided file descriptors.

The still-easy case: one pipe

If you redirect only one stream, Pipe still has things pretty easy. Let’s pick one stream at a time and watch.

Suppose you want to supply some stdin, but let stdout and stderr go un-redirected, or go to a file descriptor. As the parent process, your Python program simply needs to use write() to send data down the pipe. You can do this yourself, e.g.:

proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
proc.stdin.write('here, have some data\n') # etc

or you can pass the stdin data to proc.communicate(), which then does the stdin.write shown above. There is no output coming back so communicate() has only one other real job: it also closes the pipe for you. (If you don’t call proc.communicate() you must call proc.stdin.close() to close the pipe, so that the subprocess knows there is no more data coming through.)

Suppose you want to capture stdout but leave stdin and stderr alone. Again, it’s easy: just call proc.stdout.read() (or equivalent) until there is no more output. Since proc.stdout() is a normal Python I/O stream you can use all the normal constructs on it, like:

for line in proc.stdout:

or, again, you can use proc.communicate(), which simply does the read() for you.

If you want to capture only stderr, it works the same as with stdout.

There’s one more trick before things get hard. Suppose you want to capture stdout, and also capture stderr but on the same pipe as stdout:

proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

In this case, subprocess “cheats”! Well, it has to do this, so it’s not really cheating: it starts the subprocess with both its stdout and its stderr directed into the (single) pipe-descriptor that feeds back to its parent (Python) process. On the parent side, there’s again only a single pipe-descriptor for reading the output. All the “stderr” output shows up in proc.stdout, and if you call proc.communicate(), the stderr result (second value in the tuple) will be None, not a string.

The hard cases: two or more pipes

The problems all come about when you want to use at least two pipes. In fact, the subprocess code itself has this bit:

def communicate(self, input=None):
    # Optimization: If we are only using one pipe, or no pipe at
    # all, using select() or threads is unnecessary.
    if [self.stdin, self.stdout, self.stderr].count(None) >= 2:

But, alas, here we’ve made at least two, and maybe three, different pipes, so the count(None) returns either 1 or 0. We must do things the hard way.

On Windows, this uses threading.Thread to accumulate results for self.stdout and self.stderr, and has the parent thread deliver self.stdin input data (and then close the pipe).

On POSIX, this uses poll if available, otherwise select, to accumulate output and deliver stdin input. All this runs in the (single) parent process/thread.

Threads or poll/select are needed here to avoid deadlock. Suppose, for instance, that we’ve redirected all three streams to three separate pipes. Suppose further that there’s a small limit on how much data can be stuffed into to a pipe before the writing process is suspended, waiting for the reading process to “clean out” the pipe from the other end. Let’s set that small limit to a single byte, just for illustration. (This is in fact how things work, except that the limit is much bigger than one byte.)

If the parent (Python) process tries to write several bytes—say, 'go\n'to proc.stdin, the first byte goes in and then the second causes the Python process to suspend, waiting for the subprocess to read the first byte, emptying the pipe.

Meanwhile, suppose the subprocess decides to print a friendly “Hello! Don’t Panic!” greeting. The H goes into its stdout pipe, but the e causes it to suspend, waiting for its parent to read that H, emptying the stdout pipe.

Now we’re stuck: the Python process is asleep, waiting to finish saying “go”, and the subprocess is also asleep, waiting to finish saying “Hello! Don’t Panic!”.

The subprocess.Popen code avoids this problem with threading-or-select/poll. When bytes can go over the pipes, they go. When they can’t, only a thread (not the whole process) has to sleep—or, in the case of select/poll, the Python process waits simultaneously for “can write” or “data available”, writes to the process’s stdin only when there is room, and reads its stdout and/or stderr only when data are ready. The proc.communicate() code (actually _communicate where the hairy cases are handled) returns once all stdin data (if any) have been sent and all stdout and/or stderr data have been accumulated.

If you want to read both stdout and stderr on two different pipes (regardless of any stdin redirection), you will need to avoid deadlock too. The deadlock scenario here is different—it occurs when the subprocess writes something long to stderr while you’re pulling data from stdout, or vice versa—but it’s still there.

The Demo

I promised to demonstrate that, un-redirected, Python subprocesses write to the underlying stdout, not sys.stdout. So, here is some code:

from cStringIO import StringIO
import os
import subprocess
import sys

def show1():
    print 'start show1'
    save = sys.stdout
    sys.stdout = StringIO()
    print 'sys.stdout being buffered'
    proc = subprocess.Popen(['echo', 'hello'])
    in_stdout = sys.stdout.getvalue()
    sys.stdout = save
    print 'in buffer:', in_stdout

def show2():
    print 'start show2'
    save = sys.stdout
    sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w')
    print 'after redirect sys.stdout'
    proc = subprocess.Popen(['echo', 'hello'])
    sys.stdout = save


When run:

$ python out.py
start show1
in buffer: sys.stdout being buffered

start show2

Note that the first routine will fail if you add stdout=sys.stdout, as a StringIO object has no fileno. The second will omit the hello if you add stdout=sys.stdout since sys.stdout has been redirected to os.devnull.

(If you redirect Python’s file-descriptor-1, the subprocess will follow that redirection. The open(os.devnull, 'w') call produces a stream whose fileno() is greater than 2.)

回答 2


import subprocess
import sys
process = subprocess.Popen(your_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for line in process.stdout:

We can also use the default file iterator for reading stdout instead of using iter construct with readline().

import subprocess
import sys
process = subprocess.Popen(your_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for line in process.stdout:

回答 3


If you’re able to use third-party libraries, You might be able to use something like sarge (disclosure: I’m its maintainer). This library allows non-blocking access to output streams from subprocesses – it’s layered over the subprocess module.

回答 4


一个简单的解决方案,可以同时逐行实时地同时将stdout和stderr 记录到日志文件中。

import subprocess as sp
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

def log_popen_pipe(p, stdfile):

    with open("mylog.txt", "w") as f:

        while p.poll() is None:

        # Write the rest from the buffer

with sp.Popen(["ls"], stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE, text=True) as p:

    with ThreadPoolExecutor(2) as pool:
        r1 = pool.submit(log_popen_pipe, p, p.stdout)
        r2 = pool.submit(log_popen_pipe, p, p.stderr)

解决方案2:read_popen_pipes()允许您同时并行访问两个管道(stdout / stderr)的功能

import subprocess as sp
from queue import Queue, Empty
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

def enqueue_output(file, queue):
    for line in iter(file.readline, ''):

def read_popen_pipes(p):

    with ThreadPoolExecutor(2) as pool:
        q_stdout, q_stderr = Queue(), Queue()

        pool.submit(enqueue_output, p.stdout, q_stdout)
        pool.submit(enqueue_output, p.stderr, q_stderr)

        while True:

            if p.poll() is not None and q_stdout.empty() and q_stderr.empty():

            out_line = err_line = ''

                out_line = q_stdout.get_nowait()
                err_line = q_stderr.get_nowait()
            except Empty:

            yield (out_line, err_line)

# The function in use:

with sp.Popen(my_cmd, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE, text=True) as p:

    for out_line, err_line in read_popen_pipes(p):
        print(out_line, end='')
        print(err_line, end='')

    return p.poll()

Solution 1: Log stdout AND stderr concurrently in realtime

A simple solution which logs both stdout AND stderr concurrently, line-by-line in realtime into a log file.

import subprocess as sp
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

def log_popen_pipe(p, stdfile):

    with open("mylog.txt", "w") as f:

        while p.poll() is None:

        # Write the rest from the buffer

with sp.Popen(["ls"], stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE, text=True) as p:

    with ThreadPoolExecutor(2) as pool:
        r1 = pool.submit(log_popen_pipe, p, p.stdout)
        r2 = pool.submit(log_popen_pipe, p, p.stderr)

Solution 2: A function read_popen_pipes() that allows you to iterate over both pipes (stdout/stderr), concurrently in realtime

import subprocess as sp
from queue import Queue, Empty
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

def enqueue_output(file, queue):
    for line in iter(file.readline, ''):

def read_popen_pipes(p):

    with ThreadPoolExecutor(2) as pool:
        q_stdout, q_stderr = Queue(), Queue()

        pool.submit(enqueue_output, p.stdout, q_stdout)
        pool.submit(enqueue_output, p.stderr, q_stderr)

        while True:

            if p.poll() is not None and q_stdout.empty() and q_stderr.empty():

            out_line = err_line = ''

                out_line = q_stdout.get_nowait()
                err_line = q_stderr.get_nowait()
            except Empty:

            yield (out_line, err_line)

# The function in use:

with sp.Popen(["ls"], stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE, text=True) as p:

    for out_line, err_line in read_popen_pipes(p):
        print(out_line, end='')
        print(err_line, end='')


回答 5



import subprocess
import sys
popenobj = subprocess.Popen(["ls", "-Rl"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
while not popenobj.poll():
   stdoutdata = popenobj.stdout.readline()
   if stdoutdata:
print "Return code", popenobj.returncode



import subprocess
import sys
import threading

popenobj = subprocess.Popen("ls", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)

def stdoutprocess(o):
   while True:
      stdoutdata = o.stdout.readline()
      if stdoutdata:

t = threading.Thread(target=stdoutprocess, args=(popenobj,))
print "Return code", popenobj.returncode


但是请注意,子流程文档不建议直接使用这些文件,建议使用communicate()(主要涉及死锁,我认为这不是上面的问题),解决方案有点笨拙,因此看来子流程模块似乎还不够用工作(另请参见:http : //www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3145/),我们需要查看其他内容。

一个更复杂的解决方案是使用Twisted,如下所示:https : //twistedmatrix.com/documents/11.1.0/core/howto/process.html

使用Twisted进行此操作的方法是使用reactor.spawnprocess()并提供ProcessProtocol,然后异步处理输出来创建您的流程。Twisted示例Python代码在这里:https : //twistedmatrix.com/documents/11.1.0/core/howto/listings/process/process.py

A good but “heavyweight” solution is to use Twisted – see the bottom.

If you’re willing to live with only stdout something along those lines should work:

import subprocess
import sys
popenobj = subprocess.Popen(["ls", "-Rl"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
while not popenobj.poll():
   stdoutdata = popenobj.stdout.readline()
   if stdoutdata:
print "Return code", popenobj.returncode

(If you use read() it tries to read the entire “file” which isn’t useful, what we really could use here is something that reads all the data that’s in the pipe right now)

One might also try to approach this with threading, e.g.:

import subprocess
import sys
import threading

popenobj = subprocess.Popen("ls", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)

def stdoutprocess(o):
   while True:
      stdoutdata = o.stdout.readline()
      if stdoutdata:

t = threading.Thread(target=stdoutprocess, args=(popenobj,))
print "Return code", popenobj.returncode

Now we could potentially add stderr as well by having two threads.

Note however the subprocess docs discourage using these files directly and recommends to use communicate() (mostly concerned with deadlocks which I think isn’t an issue above) and the solutions are a little klunky so it really seems like the subprocess module isn’t quite up to the job (also see: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3145/ ) and we need to look at something else.

A more involved solution is to use Twisted as shown here: https://twistedmatrix.com/documents/11.1.0/core/howto/process.html

The way you do this with Twisted is to create your process using reactor.spawnprocess() and providing a ProcessProtocol that then processes output asynchronously. The Twisted sample Python code is here: https://twistedmatrix.com/documents/11.1.0/core/howto/listings/process/process.py

回答 6


process = subprocess.Popen(your_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

while process.stdout.readable():
    line = process.stdout.readline()

    if not line:





In addition to all these answer, one simple approach could also be as follows:

process = subprocess.Popen(your_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

while process.stdout.readable():
    line = process.stdout.readline()

    if not line:


Loop through the readable stream as long as it’s readable and if it gets an empty result, stop.

The key here is that readline() returns a line (with \n at the end) as long as there’s an output and empty if it’s really at the end.

Hope this helps someone.

回答 7


  • while循环调用readline(建议的iter解决方案似乎对我而言永远受阻-Python 3,Windows 7)
  • 经过结构化处理,因此在轮询返回后,不需要重复处理读数据-None
  • 将stderr传递到stdout,以便读取两个输出
  • 添加了代码以获取cmd的退出值。


import subprocess
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
                        stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True)
while True:
    rd = proc.stdout.readline()
    print(rd, end='')  # and whatever you want to do...
    if not rd:  # EOF
        returncode = proc.poll()
        if returncode is not None:
        time.sleep(0.1)  # cmd closed stdout, but not exited yet

# You may want to check on ReturnCode here

Based on all the above I suggest a slightly modified version (python3):

  • while loop calling readline (The iter solution suggested seemed to block forever for me – Python 3, Windows 7)
  • structered so handling of read data does not need to be duplicated after poll returns not-None
  • stderr piped into stdout so both output outputs are read
  • Added code to get exit value of cmd.


import subprocess
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
                        stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True)
while True:
    rd = proc.stdout.readline()
    print(rd, end='')  # and whatever you want to do...
    if not rd:  # EOF
        returncode = proc.poll()
        if returncode is not None:
        time.sleep(0.1)  # cmd closed stdout, but not exited yet

# You may want to check on ReturnCode here

回答 8


proc = subprocess.Popen(run_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
while proc.poll() is None:
    line = proc.stdout.readline()
    print line
    log_file.write(line + '\n')
# Might still be data on stdout at this point.  Grab any
# remainder.
for line in proc.stdout.read().split('\n'):
    print line
    log_file.write(line + '\n')
# Do whatever you want with proc.stderr here...

It looks like line-buffered output will work for you, in which case something like the following might suit. (Caveat: it’s untested.) This will only give the subprocess’s stdout in real time. If you want to have both stderr and stdout in real time, you’ll have to do something more complex with select.

proc = subprocess.Popen(run_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
while proc.poll() is None:
    line = proc.stdout.readline()
    print line
    log_file.write(line + '\n')
# Might still be data on stdout at this point.  Grab any
# remainder.
for line in proc.stdout.read().split('\n'):
    print line
    log_file.write(line + '\n')
# Do whatever you want with proc.stderr here...

回答 9


import sys
import subprocess

class SuperFile(open.__class__):

    def write(self, data):
        super(SuperFile, self).write(data)

f = SuperFile("log.txt","w+")       
process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=f, stderr=f)

Why not set stdout directly to sys.stdout? And if you need to output to a log as well, then you can simply override the write method of f.

import sys
import subprocess

class SuperFile(open.__class__):

    def write(self, data):
        super(SuperFile, self).write(data)

f = SuperFile("log.txt","w+")       
process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=f, stderr=f)

回答 10


import subprocess
import sys
import os
import select
# returns command exit status, stdout text, stderr text
# rtoutput: show realtime output while running
def run_script(cmd,rtoutput=0):
    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    poller = select.poll()
    poller.register(p.stdout, select.POLLIN)
    poller.register(p.stderr, select.POLLIN)

    while sum(fdhup.values()) < len(fdhup):
            r = poller.poll(1)
        except select.error, err:
            if err.args[0] != EINTR:
        for fd, flags in r:
            if flags & (select.POLLIN | select.POLLPRI):
                c = os.read(fd, 1024)
                if rtoutput:
                if fd == p.stderr.fileno():
    return p.poll(), coutput.strip(), cerror.strip()

All of the above solutions I tried failed either to separate stderr and stdout output, (multiple pipes) or blocked forever when the OS pipe buffer was full which happens when the command you are running outputs too fast (there is a warning for this on python poll() manual of subprocess). The only reliable way I found was through select, but this is a posix-only solution:

import subprocess
import sys
import os
import select
# returns command exit status, stdout text, stderr text
# rtoutput: show realtime output while running
def run_script(cmd,rtoutput=0):
    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    poller = select.poll()
    poller.register(p.stdout, select.POLLIN)
    poller.register(p.stderr, select.POLLIN)

    while sum(fdhup.values()) < len(fdhup):
            r = poller.poll(1)
        except select.error, err:
            if err.args[0] != EINTR:
        for fd, flags in r:
            if flags & (select.POLLIN | select.POLLPRI):
                c = os.read(fd, 1024)
                if rtoutput:
                if fd == p.stderr.fileno():
    return p.poll(), coutput.strip(), cerror.strip()

回答 11


def print_and_log(command, logFile):
    with open(logFile, 'wb') as f:
        command = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)

        while True:
            output = command.stdout.readline()
            if not output and command.poll() is not None:
            if output:
                print(str(output.strip(), 'utf-8'), flush=True)
        return command.poll()

Similar to previous answers but the following solution worked for for me on windows using Python3 to provide a common method to print and log in realtime (getting-realtime-output-using-python):

def print_and_log(command, logFile):
    with open(logFile, 'wb') as f:
        command = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)

        while True:
            output = command.stdout.readline()
            if not output and command.poll() is not None:
            if output:
                print(str(output.strip(), 'utf-8'), flush=True)
        return command.poll()

回答 12





            with ProcessRunner(('python', 'task.py'), env=os.environ.copy(), seconds_to_wait=0.01) as process_runner:
                for out in process_runner:
        catch ProcessError as e:


如果您使用的是python 2,请确保首先从pypi 安装最新版本的subprocess32软件包。

import os
import sys
import threading
import time
import tempfile
import logging

if os.name == 'posix' and sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    # Support python 2
    import subprocess32 as subprocess
    # Get latest and greatest from python 3
    import subprocess

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ProcessError(Exception):
    """Base exception for errors related to running the process"""

class ProcessTimeout(ProcessError):
    """Error that will be raised when the process execution will exceed a timeout"""

class ProcessRunner(object):
    def __init__(self, args, env=None, timeout=None, bufsize=-1, seconds_to_wait=0.25, **kwargs):
        Constructor facade to subprocess.Popen that receives parameters which are more specifically required for the
        Process Runner. This is a class that should be used as a context manager - and that provides an iterator
        for reading captured output from subprocess.communicate in near realtime.

        Example usage:

            with ProcessRunner(('python', task_file_path), env=os.environ.copy(), seconds_to_wait=0.01) as process_runner:
                for out in process_runner:
        catch ProcessError as e:

        :param args: same as subprocess.Popen
        :param env: same as subprocess.Popen
        :param timeout: same as subprocess.communicate
        :param bufsize: same as subprocess.Popen
        :param seconds_to_wait: time to wait between each readline from the temporary file
        :param kwargs: same as subprocess.Popen
        self._seconds_to_wait = seconds_to_wait
        self._process_has_timed_out = False
        self._timeout = timeout
        self._process_done = False
        self._std_file_handle = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
        self._process = subprocess.Popen(args, env=env, bufsize=bufsize,
                                         stdout=self._std_file_handle, stderr=self._std_file_handle, **kwargs)
        self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run_process)
        self._thread.daemon = True

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

    def __iter__(self):
        # read all output from stdout file that subprocess.communicate fills
        with open(self._std_file_handle.name, 'r') as stdout:
            # while process is alive, keep reading data
            while not self._process_done:
                out = stdout.readline()
                out_without_trailing_whitespaces = out.rstrip()
                if out_without_trailing_whitespaces:
                    # yield stdout data without trailing \n
                    yield out_without_trailing_whitespaces
                    # if there is nothing to read, then please wait a tiny little bit

            # this is a hack: terraform seems to write to buffer after process has finished
            out = stdout.read()
            if out:
                yield out

        if self._process_has_timed_out:
            raise ProcessTimeout('Process has timed out')

        if self._process.returncode != 0:
            raise ProcessError('Process has failed')

    def _run_process(self):
            # Start gathering information (stdout and stderr) from the opened process
            # Graceful termination of the opened process
        except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
            self._process_has_timed_out = True
            # Force termination of the opened process

        self._process_done = True

    def return_code(self):
        return self._process.returncode

I think that the subprocess.communicate method is a bit misleading: it actually fills the stdout and stderr that you specify in the subprocess.Popen.

Yet, reading from the subprocess.PIPE that you can provide to the subprocess.Popen‘s stdout and stderr parameters will eventually fill up OS pipe buffers and deadlock your app (especially if you’ve multiple processes/threads that must use subprocess).

My proposed solution is to provide the stdout and stderr with files – and read the files’ content instead of reading from the deadlocking PIPE. These files can be tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() – which can also be accessed for reading while they’re being written into by subprocess.communicate.

Below is a sample usage:

            with ProcessRunner(('python', 'task.py'), env=os.environ.copy(), seconds_to_wait=0.01) as process_runner:
                for out in process_runner:
        catch ProcessError as e:

And this is the source code which is ready to be used with as many comments as I could provide to explain what it does:

If you’re using python 2, please make sure to first install the latest version of the subprocess32 package from pypi.

import os
import sys
import threading
import time
import tempfile
import logging

if os.name == 'posix' and sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    # Support python 2
    import subprocess32 as subprocess
    # Get latest and greatest from python 3
    import subprocess

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ProcessError(Exception):
    """Base exception for errors related to running the process"""

class ProcessTimeout(ProcessError):
    """Error that will be raised when the process execution will exceed a timeout"""

class ProcessRunner(object):
    def __init__(self, args, env=None, timeout=None, bufsize=-1, seconds_to_wait=0.25, **kwargs):
        Constructor facade to subprocess.Popen that receives parameters which are more specifically required for the
        Process Runner. This is a class that should be used as a context manager - and that provides an iterator
        for reading captured output from subprocess.communicate in near realtime.

        Example usage:

            with ProcessRunner(('python', task_file_path), env=os.environ.copy(), seconds_to_wait=0.01) as process_runner:
                for out in process_runner:
        catch ProcessError as e:

        :param args: same as subprocess.Popen
        :param env: same as subprocess.Popen
        :param timeout: same as subprocess.communicate
        :param bufsize: same as subprocess.Popen
        :param seconds_to_wait: time to wait between each readline from the temporary file
        :param kwargs: same as subprocess.Popen
        self._seconds_to_wait = seconds_to_wait
        self._process_has_timed_out = False
        self._timeout = timeout
        self._process_done = False
        self._std_file_handle = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
        self._process = subprocess.Popen(args, env=env, bufsize=bufsize,
                                         stdout=self._std_file_handle, stderr=self._std_file_handle, **kwargs)
        self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run_process)
        self._thread.daemon = True

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

    def __iter__(self):
        # read all output from stdout file that subprocess.communicate fills
        with open(self._std_file_handle.name, 'r') as stdout:
            # while process is alive, keep reading data
            while not self._process_done:
                out = stdout.readline()
                out_without_trailing_whitespaces = out.rstrip()
                if out_without_trailing_whitespaces:
                    # yield stdout data without trailing \n
                    yield out_without_trailing_whitespaces
                    # if there is nothing to read, then please wait a tiny little bit

            # this is a hack: terraform seems to write to buffer after process has finished
            out = stdout.read()
            if out:
                yield out

        if self._process_has_timed_out:
            raise ProcessTimeout('Process has timed out')

        if self._process.returncode != 0:
            raise ProcessError('Process has failed')

    def _run_process(self):
            # Start gathering information (stdout and stderr) from the opened process
            # Graceful termination of the opened process
        except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
            self._process_has_timed_out = True
            # Force termination of the opened process

        self._process_done = True

    def return_code(self):
        return self._process.returncode

回答 13

这是我在一个项目中使用的类。它将子流程的输出重定向到日志。刚开始,我尝试简单地重写写方法,但是由于子进程将永远不会调用它而无法工作(重定向发生在文件描述符级别)。因此,我使用自己的管道,类似于subprocess-module中的管道。这具有将所有日志记录/打印逻辑封装在适配器中的优点,并且您只需将记录器的实例传递给Popensubprocess.Popen("/path/to/binary", stderr = LogAdapter("foo"))

class LogAdapter(threading.Thread):

    def __init__(self, logname, level = logging.INFO):
        self.log = logging.getLogger(logname)
        self.readpipe, self.writepipe = os.pipe()

        logFunctions = {
            logging.DEBUG: self.log.debug,
            logging.INFO: self.log.info,
            logging.WARN: self.log.warn,
            logging.ERROR: self.log.warn,

            self.logFunction = logFunctions[level]
        except KeyError:
            self.logFunction = self.log.info

    def fileno(self):
        #when fileno is called this indicates the subprocess is about to fork => start thread
        return self.writepipe

    def finished(self):
       """If the write-filedescriptor is not closed this thread will
       prevent the whole program from exiting. You can use this method
       to clean up after the subprocess has terminated."""

    def run(self):
        inputFile = os.fdopen(self.readpipe)

        while True:
            line = inputFile.readline()

            if len(line) == 0:
                #no new data was added


如果您不需要日志记录而只想使用print()它,则可以明显地删除大部分代码并使该类更短。您还可以通过__enter__and __exit__方法将其展开并调用finished__exit__以便可以轻松地将其用作上下文。

Here is a class which I’m using in one of my projects. It redirects output of a subprocess to the log. At first I tried simply overwriting the write-method but that doesn’t work as the subprocess will never call it (redirection happens on filedescriptor level). So I’m using my own pipe, similar to how it’s done in the subprocess-module. This has the advantage of encapsulating all logging/printing logic in the adapter and you can simply pass instances of the logger to Popen: subprocess.Popen("/path/to/binary", stderr = LogAdapter("foo"))

class LogAdapter(threading.Thread):

    def __init__(self, logname, level = logging.INFO):
        self.log = logging.getLogger(logname)
        self.readpipe, self.writepipe = os.pipe()

        logFunctions = {
            logging.DEBUG: self.log.debug,
            logging.INFO: self.log.info,
            logging.WARN: self.log.warn,
            logging.ERROR: self.log.warn,

            self.logFunction = logFunctions[level]
        except KeyError:
            self.logFunction = self.log.info

    def fileno(self):
        #when fileno is called this indicates the subprocess is about to fork => start thread
        return self.writepipe

    def finished(self):
       """If the write-filedescriptor is not closed this thread will
       prevent the whole program from exiting. You can use this method
       to clean up after the subprocess has terminated."""

    def run(self):
        inputFile = os.fdopen(self.readpipe)

        while True:
            line = inputFile.readline()

            if len(line) == 0:
                #no new data was added


If you don’t need logging but simply want to use print() you can obviously remove large portions of the code and keep the class shorter. You could also expand it by an __enter__ and __exit__ method and call finished in __exit__ so that you could easily use it as context.

回答 14



subprocess.run('./my_long_running_binary 2>&1 | tee -a my_log_file.txt && exit ${PIPESTATUS}', shell=True, check=True, executable='/bin/bash')


${PIPESTATUS}捕获整个命令链的成功状态(仅在Bash中可用)。如果我省略&& exit ${PIPESTATUS},则它将始终返回零,因为tee从不失败。

unbuffer可能需要立即将每行打印到终端中,而不是等待太久直到“管道缓冲区”填满。但是,unbuffer吞没了assert(SIG Abort)的退出状态。

2>&1 还将stderror记录到文件中。

None of the Pythonic solutions worked for me. It turned out that proc.stdout.read() or similar may block forever.

Therefore, I use tee like this:

subprocess.run('./my_long_running_binary 2>&1 | tee -a my_log_file.txt && exit ${PIPESTATUS}', shell=True, check=True, executable='/bin/bash')

This solution is convenient if you are already using shell=True.

${PIPESTATUS} captures the success status of the entire command chain (only available in Bash). If I omitted the && exit ${PIPESTATUS}, then this would always return zero since tee never fails.

unbuffer might be necessary for printing each line immediately into the terminal, instead of waiting way too long until the “pipe buffer” gets filled. However, unbuffer swallows the exit status of assert (SIG Abort)…

2>&1 also logs stderror to the file.

为什么“ except:pass”是不好的编程习惯?

问题:为什么“ except:pass”是不好的编程习惯?

我经常看到有关except: pass不鼓励使用的其他Stack Overflow问题的评论。为什么这样不好?有时我只是不在乎错误是什么,我只想继续编写代码。


为什么使用except: pass积木不好?是什么让它不好?是我pass出错还是我except出错了?

I often see comments on other Stack Overflow questions about how the use of except: pass is discouraged. Why is this bad? Sometimes I just don’t care what the errors, are and I want to just continue with the code.


Why is using an except: pass block bad? What makes it bad? Is it the fact that I pass on an error or that I except any error?

回答 0


我的解释是“更长”的时间,所以tl; dr可以细分为:

  1. 不要发现任何错误。始终指定您准备从中恢复的异常,并且仅捕获这些异常。
  2. 尽量避免传入除了blocks。除非明确要求,否则通常不是一个好兆头。




例如,当您要求用户输入数字时,您可以使用int()可能引起的转换输入ValueError。您可以简单地要求用户再试一次,从而轻松地恢复它,因此捕获ValueError并再次提示用户将是一个适当的计划。一个不同的例子是,如果您想从文件中读取某些配置,而该文件恰好不存在。因为它是一个配置文件,所以您可能具有一些默认配置作为后备,因此该文件并非完全必要。因此,FileNotFoundError在此处捕获并简单地应用默认配置将是一个不错的计划。现在,在这两种情况下,我们都期望有一个非常具体的exceptions,并且有一个同样具体的计划可以从中恢复。因此,在每种情况下,我们只明确except 某些 exceptions。



Python 2习惯用法文档中还提到了另一个简单的示例。在这里,代码中存在一个简单的错字,导致它中断。因为我们正在捕获每个异常,所以我们也捕获了NameErrorsSyntaxErrors。两者都是编程时我们所有人都会遇到的错误。两者都是我们在交付代码时绝对不希望包含的错误。但是,因为我们也抓住了它们,所以我们甚至都不知道它们在那里发生,并且失去了正确调试它的任何帮助。




当显式地捕获少量特定异常时,在许多情况下,只要不执行任何操作就可以了。在这种情况下,拥有except SomeSpecificException: pass就好。不过,在大多数情况下,情况并非如此,因为我们可能需要一些与恢复过程相关的代码(如上所述)。例如,这可以是重试该操作的内容,也可以是设置默认值的内容。


def askForNumber ():
    while True:
            return int(input('Please enter a number: '))
        except ValueError:



except: pass



As you correctly guessed, there are two sides to it: Catching any error by specifying no exception type after except, and simply passing it without taking any action.

My explanation is “a bit” longer—so tl;dr it breaks down to this:

  1. Don’t catch any error. Always specify which exceptions you are prepared to recover from and only catch those.
  2. Try to avoid passing in except blocks. Unless explicitly desired, this is usually not a good sign.

But let’s go into detail:

Don’t catch any error

When using a try block, you usually do this because you know that there is a chance of an exception being thrown. As such, you also already have an approximate idea of what can break and what exception can be thrown. In such cases, you catch an exception because you can positively recover from it. That means that you are prepared for the exception and have some alternative plan which you will follow in case of that exception.

For example, when you ask for the user to input a number, you can convert the input using int() which might raise a ValueError. You can easily recover that by simply asking the user to try it again, so catching the ValueError and prompting the user again would be an appropriate plan. A different example would be if you want to read some configuration from a file, and that file happens to not exist. Because it is a configuration file, you might have some default configuration as a fallback, so the file is not exactly necessary. So catching a FileNotFoundError and simply applying the default configuration would be a good plan here. Now in both these cases, we have a very specific exception we expect and have an equally specific plan to recover from it. As such, in each case, we explicitly only except that certain exception.

However, if we were to catch everything, then—in addition to those exceptions we are prepared to recover from—there is also a chance that we get exceptions that we didn’t expect, and which we indeed cannot recover from; or shouldn’t recover from.

Let’s take the configuration file example from above. In case of a missing file, we just applied our default configuration, and might decided at a later point to automatically save the configuration (so next time, the file exists). Now imagine we get a IsADirectoryError, or a PermissionError instead. In such cases, we probably do not want to continue; we could still apply our default configuration, but we later won’t be able to save the file. And it’s likely that the user meant to have a custom configuration too, so using the default values is likely not desired. So we would want to tell the user about it immediately, and probably abort the program execution too. But that’s not something we want to do somewhere deep within some small code part; this is something of application-level importance, so it should be handled at the top—so let the exception bubble up.

Another simple example is also mentioned in the Python 2 idioms document. Here, a simple typo exists in the code which causes it to break. Because we are catching every exception, we also catch NameErrors and SyntaxErrors. Both are mistakes that happen to us all while programming; and both are mistakes we absolutely don’t want to include when shipping the code. But because we also caught those, we won’t even know that they occurred there and lose any help to debug it correctly.

But there are also more dangerous exceptions which we are unlikely prepared for. For example SystemError is usually something that happens rarely and which we cannot really plan for; it means there is something more complicated going on, something that likely prevents us from continuing the current task.

In any case, it’s very unlikely that you are prepared for everything in a small scale part of the code, so that’s really where you should only catch those exceptions you are prepared for. Some people suggest to at least catch Exception as it won’t include things like SystemExit and KeyboardInterrupt which by design are to terminate your application, but I would argue that this is still far too unspecific. There is only one place where I personally accept catching Exception or just any exception, and that is in a single global application-level exception handler which has the single purpose to log any exception we were not prepared for. That way, we can still retain as much information about unexpected exceptions, which we then can use to extend our code to handle those explicitly (if we can recover from them) or—in case of a bug—to create test cases to make sure it won’t happen again. But of course, that only works if we only ever caught those exceptions we were already expecting, so the ones we didn’t expect will naturally bubble up.

Try to avoid passing in except blocks

When explicitly catching a small selection of specific exceptions, there are many situations in which we will be fine by simply doing nothing. In such cases, just having except SomeSpecificException: pass is just fine. Most of the time though, this is not the case as we likely need some code related to the recovery process (as mentioned above). This can be for example something that retries the action again, or to set up a default value instead.

If that’s not the case though, for example because our code is already structured to repeat until it succeeds, then just passing is good enough. Taking our example from above, we might want to ask the user to enter a number. Because we know that users like to not do what we ask them for, we might just put it into a loop in the first place, so it could look like this:

def askForNumber ():
    while True:
            return int(input('Please enter a number: '))
        except ValueError:

Because we keep trying until no exception is thrown, we don’t need to do anything special in the except block, so this is fine. But of course, one might argue that we at least want to show the user some error message to tell him why he has to repeat the input.

In many other cases though, just passing in an except is a sign that we weren’t really prepared for the exception we are catching. Unless those exceptions are simple (like ValueError or TypeError), and the reason why we can pass is obvious, try to avoid just passing. If there’s really nothing to do (and you are absolutely sure about it), then consider adding a comment why that’s the case; otherwise, expand the except block to actually include some recovery code.

except: pass

The worst offender though is the combination of both. This means that we are willingly catching any error although we are absolutely not prepared for it and we also don’t do anything about it. You at least want to log the error and also likely reraise it to still terminate the application (it’s unlikely you can continue like normal after a MemoryError). Just passing though will not only keep the application somewhat alive (depending where you catch of course), but also throw away all the information, making it impossible to discover the error—which is especially true if you are not the one discovering it.

So the bottom line is: Catch only exceptions you really expect and are prepared to recover from; all others are likely either mistakes you should fix, or something you are not prepared for anyway. Passing specific exceptions is fine if you really don’t need to do something about them. In all other cases, it’s just a sign of presumption and being lazy. And you definitely want to fix that.

回答 1




The main problem here is that it ignores all and any error: Out of memory, CPU is burning, user wants to stop, program wants to exit, Jabberwocky is killing users.

This is way too much. In your head, you’re thinking “I want to ignore this network error”. If something unexpected goes wrong, then your code silently continues and breaks in completely unpredictable ways that no one can debug.

That’s why you should limit yourself to ignoring specifically only some errors and let the rest pass.

回答 2




Executing your pseudo code literally does not even give any error:


as if it is a perfectly valid piece of code, instead of throwing a NameError. I hope this is not what you want.

回答 3

为什么“ except:pass”是不好的编程习惯?




except BaseException:





这是Python 3 异常层次结构 -您是否真的想抓住一切?:

 +-- SystemExit
 +-- KeyboardInterrupt
 +-- GeneratorExit
 +-- Exception
      +-- StopIteration
      +-- StopAsyncIteration
      +-- ArithmeticError
      |    +-- FloatingPointError
      |    +-- OverflowError
      |    +-- ZeroDivisionError
      +-- AssertionError
      +-- AttributeError
      +-- BufferError
      +-- EOFError
      +-- ImportError
           +-- ModuleNotFoundError
      +-- LookupError
      |    +-- IndexError
      |    +-- KeyError
      +-- MemoryError
      +-- NameError
      |    +-- UnboundLocalError
      +-- OSError
      |    +-- BlockingIOError
      |    +-- ChildProcessError
      |    +-- ConnectionError
      |    |    +-- BrokenPipeError
      |    |    +-- ConnectionAbortedError
      |    |    +-- ConnectionRefusedError
      |    |    +-- ConnectionResetError
      |    +-- FileExistsError
      |    +-- FileNotFoundError
      |    +-- InterruptedError
      |    +-- IsADirectoryError
      |    +-- NotADirectoryError
      |    +-- PermissionError
      |    +-- ProcessLookupError
      |    +-- TimeoutError
      +-- ReferenceError
      +-- RuntimeError
      |    +-- NotImplementedError
      |    +-- RecursionError
      +-- SyntaxError
      |    +-- IndentationError
      |         +-- TabError
      +-- SystemError
      +-- TypeError
      +-- ValueError
      |    +-- UnicodeError
      |         +-- UnicodeDecodeError
      |         +-- UnicodeEncodeError
      |         +-- UnicodeTranslateError
      +-- Warning
           +-- DeprecationWarning
           +-- PendingDeprecationWarning
           +-- RuntimeWarning
           +-- SyntaxWarning
           +-- UserWarning
           +-- FutureWarning
           +-- ImportWarning
           +-- UnicodeWarning
           +-- BytesWarning
           +-- ResourceWarning



except: # don't just do a bare except!

这样,您将无法something使用Ctrl-C 中断您的代码块。您的程序将忽略try代码块内的所有可能的Exception 。


except BaseException as e: # don't do this either - same as bare!


    foo = operation_that_includes_int(foo)
except ValueError as e:
    if fatal_condition(): # You can raise the exception if it's bad,
        logging.info(e)   # but if it's fatal every time,
        raise             # you probably should just not catch it.
    else:                 # Only catch exceptions you are prepared to handle.
        foo = 0           # Here we simply assign foo to 0 and continue. 


您之所以这样做,是因为您一直在爬网并说a UnicodeError,但是由于使用了最广泛的Exception catch,您的代码(可能有其他基本缺陷)将尝试运行至完成,浪费带宽,处理时间,设备的磨损,内存不足,收集垃圾数据等。



Why is “except: pass” a bad programming practice?

Why is this bad?


This catches every possible exception, including GeneratorExit, KeyboardInterrupt, and SystemExit – which are exceptions you probably don’t intend to catch. It’s the same as catching BaseException.

except BaseException:

Older versions of the documentation say:

Since every error in Python raises an exception, using except: can make many programming errors look like runtime problems, which hinders the debugging process.

Python Exception Hierarchy

If you catch a parent exception class, you also catch all of their child classes. It is much more elegant to only catch the exceptions you are prepared to handle.

Here’s the Python 3 exception hierarchy – do you really want to catch ’em all?:

 +-- SystemExit
 +-- KeyboardInterrupt
 +-- GeneratorExit
 +-- Exception
      +-- StopIteration
      +-- StopAsyncIteration
      +-- ArithmeticError
      |    +-- FloatingPointError
      |    +-- OverflowError
      |    +-- ZeroDivisionError
      +-- AssertionError
      +-- AttributeError
      +-- BufferError
      +-- EOFError
      +-- ImportError
           +-- ModuleNotFoundError
      +-- LookupError
      |    +-- IndexError
      |    +-- KeyError
      +-- MemoryError
      +-- NameError
      |    +-- UnboundLocalError
      +-- OSError
      |    +-- BlockingIOError
      |    +-- ChildProcessError
      |    +-- ConnectionError
      |    |    +-- BrokenPipeError
      |    |    +-- ConnectionAbortedError
      |    |    +-- ConnectionRefusedError
      |    |    +-- ConnectionResetError
      |    +-- FileExistsError
      |    +-- FileNotFoundError
      |    +-- InterruptedError
      |    +-- IsADirectoryError
      |    +-- NotADirectoryError
      |    +-- PermissionError
      |    +-- ProcessLookupError
      |    +-- TimeoutError
      +-- ReferenceError
      +-- RuntimeError
      |    +-- NotImplementedError
      |    +-- RecursionError
      +-- SyntaxError
      |    +-- IndentationError
      |         +-- TabError
      +-- SystemError
      +-- TypeError
      +-- ValueError
      |    +-- UnicodeError
      |         +-- UnicodeDecodeError
      |         +-- UnicodeEncodeError
      |         +-- UnicodeTranslateError
      +-- Warning
           +-- DeprecationWarning
           +-- PendingDeprecationWarning
           +-- RuntimeWarning
           +-- SyntaxWarning
           +-- UserWarning
           +-- FutureWarning
           +-- ImportWarning
           +-- UnicodeWarning
           +-- BytesWarning
           +-- ResourceWarning

Don’t Do this

If you’re using this form of exception handling:

except: # don't just do a bare except!

Then you won’t be able to interrupt your something block with Ctrl-C. Your program will overlook every possible Exception inside the try code block.

Here’s another example that will have the same undesirable behavior:

except BaseException as e: # don't do this either - same as bare!

Instead, try to only catch the specific exception you know you’re looking for. For example, if you know you might get a value-error on a conversion:

    foo = operation_that_includes_int(foo)
except ValueError as e:
    if fatal_condition(): # You can raise the exception if it's bad,
        logging.info(e)   # but if it's fatal every time,
        raise             # you probably should just not catch it.
    else:                 # Only catch exceptions you are prepared to handle.
        foo = 0           # Here we simply assign foo to 0 and continue. 

Further Explanation with another example

You might be doing it because you’ve been web-scraping and been getting say, a UnicodeError, but because you’ve used the broadest Exception catching, your code, which may have other fundamental flaws, will attempt to run to completion, wasting bandwidth, processing time, wear and tear on your equipment, running out of memory, collecting garbage data, etc.

If other people are asking you to complete so that they can rely on your code, I understand feeling compelled to just handle everything. But if you’re willing to fail noisily as you develop, you will have the opportunity to correct problems that might only pop up intermittently, but that would be long term costly bugs.

With more precise error handling, you code can be more robust.

回答 4

>>> import this

提姆·彼得斯(Tim Peters)撰写的《 Python之禅》



>>> import this

The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren’t special enough to break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
There should be one– and preferably only one –obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you’re Dutch.
Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than right now.
If the implementation is hard to explain, it’s a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
Namespaces are one honking great idea — let’s do more of those!

So, here is my opinion. Whenever you find an error, you should do something to handle it, i.e. write it in logfile or something else. At least, it informs you that there used to be a error.

回答 5

您至少except Exception:应避免捕获诸如SystemExit或的系统异常KeyboardInterrupt。这里是文档链接


You should use at least except Exception: to avoid catching system exceptions like SystemExit or KeyboardInterrupt. Here’s link to docs.

In general you should define explicitly exceptions you want to catch, to avoid catching unwanted exceptions. You should know what exceptions you ignore.

回答 6

首先,它违反了Python Zen的两个原则:

  • 显式胜于隐式
  • 错误绝不能默默传递

这意味着您故意使错误静默地通过。而且,您不知道确切发生了哪个错误,因为except: pass它将捕获任何异常。


    logger.exception('Something happened')


First, it violates two principles of Zen of Python:

  • Explicit is better than implicit
  • Errors should never pass silently

What it means, is that you intentionally make your error pass silently. Moreover, you don’t event know, which error exactly occurred, because except: pass will catch any exception.

Second, if we try to abstract away from the Zen of Python, and speak in term of just sanity, you should know, that using except:pass leaves you with no knowledge and control in your system. The rule of thumb is to raise an exception, if error happens, and take appropriate actions. If you don’t know in advance, what actions these should be, at least log the error somewhere (and better re-raise the exception):

    logger.exception('Something happened')

But, usually, if you try to catch any exception, you are probably doing something wrong!

回答 7




The except:pass construct essentially silences any and all exceptional conditions that come up while the code covered in the try: block is being run.

What makes this bad practice is that it usually isn’t what you really want. More often, some specific condition is coming up that you want to silence, and except:pass is too much of a blunt instrument. It will get the job done, but it will also mask other error conditions that you likely haven’t anticipated, but may very well want to deal with in some other way.

What makes this particularly important in Python is that by the idioms of this language, exceptions are not necessarily errors. They’re often used this way, of course, just as in most languages. But Python in particular has occasionally used them to implement an alternative exit path from some code tasks which isn’t really part of the normal running case, but is still known to come up from time to time and may even be expected in most cases. SystemExit has already been mentioned as an old example, but the most common example nowadays may be StopIteration. Using exceptions this way caused a lot of controversy, especially when iterators and generators were first introduced to Python, but eventually the idea prevailed.

回答 8


(#2)- 它使您的代码难以被他人阅读和理解。如果在尝试读取文件时捕获到FileNotFoundException,那么对于另一个开发人员而言,“ catch”块应具有的功能非常明显。如果未指定异常,则需要附加注释以说明该块应执行的操作。

(#3)- 演示了惰性编程。如果使用通用的try / catch,则表明您不了解程序中可能出现的运行时错误,或者您不知道Python中可能出现的异常。捕获特定错误表明您既了解程序又了解Python引发的错误范围。这更有可能使其他开发人员和代码审阅者信任您的工作。

The #1 reason has already been stated – it hides errors that you did not expect.

(#2) – It makes your code difficult for others to read and understand. If you catch a FileNotFoundException when you are trying to read a file, then it is pretty obvious to another developer what functionality the ‘catch’ block should have. If you do not specify an exception, then you need additional commenting to explain what the block should do.

(#3) – It demonstrates lazy programming. If you use the generic try/catch, it indicates either that you do not understand the possible run-time errors in your program, or that you do not know what exceptions are possible in Python. Catching a specific error shows that you understand both your program and the range of errors that Python throws. This is more likely to make other developers and code-reviewers trust your work.

回答 9


fruits = [ 'apple', 'pear', 'carrot', 'banana' ]

found = False
     for i in range(len(fruit)):
         if fruits[i] == 'apple':
             found = true

if found:
    print "Found an apple"
    print "No apples in list"


So, what output does this code produce?

fruits = [ 'apple', 'pear', 'carrot', 'banana' ]

found = False
     for i in range(len(fruit)):
         if fruits[i] == 'apple':
             found = true

if found:
    print "Found an apple"
    print "No apples in list"

Now imagine the tryexcept block is hundreds of lines of calls to a complex object hierarchy, and is itself called in the middle of large program’s call tree. When the program goes wrong, where do you start looking?

回答 10


  • 致命的:不是您的错,您无法阻止它们,也无法从中恢复。您当然不应该忽略它们并继续运行,并使程序保持未知状态。只要让错误终止您的程序,您就无能为力了。

  • 骨头:您自己的错误,很可能是由于疏忽,错误或编程错误所致。您应该修复该错误。同样,您当然应该不忽略并继续。

  • 外生的:在特殊情况下(例如找不到文件连接终止),您可能会遇到这些错误。您应该明确地处理这些错误,并且仅处理这些错误。

在任何情况下,except: pass都只会使程序处于未知状态,在这种状态下可能会造成更大的破坏。

In general, you can classify any error/exception in one of three categories:

  • Fatal: Not your fault, you cannot prevent them, you cannot recover from them. You should certainly not ignore them and continue, and leave your program in an unknown state. Just let the error terminate your program, there is nothing you can do.

  • Boneheaded: Your own fault, most likely due to an oversight, bug or programming error. You should fix the bug. Again, you should most certainly not ignore and continue.

  • Exogenous: You can expect these errors in exceptional situations, such as file not found or connection terminated. You should explicitly handle these errors, and only these.

In all cases except: pass will only leave your program in an unknown state, where it can cause more damage.

回答 11




在极少数情况下,问题是如此的微小,琐碎,并且-除了需要try … catch块之外- 自包含的,以至于事后确实没有任何需要清理的地方。在这些情况下,这些最佳做法不一定适用。以我的经验,这通常意味着代码所做的任何事情基本上都是小巧的和可忽略的,而重试尝试或特殊消息之类的东西既不值得其复杂性也不值得其坚持下去。


Simply put, if an exception or error is thrown, something’s wrong. It may not be something very wrong, but creating, throwing, and catching errors and exceptions just for the sake of using goto statements is not a good idea, and it’s rarely done. 99% of the time, there was a problem somewhere.

Problems need to be dealt with. Just like how it is in life, in programming, if you just leave problems alone and try to ignore them, they don’t just go away on their own a lot of times; instead they get bigger and multiply. To prevent a problem from growing on you and striking again further down the road, you either 1) eliminate it and clean up the mess afterwards, or 2) contain it and clean up the mess afterwards.

Just ignoring exceptions and errors and leaving them be like that is a good way to experience memory leaks, outstanding database connections, needless locks on file permissions, etc.

On rare occasions, the problem is so miniscule, trivial, and – aside from needing a try…catch block – self-contained, that there really is just no mess to be cleaned up afterwards. These are the only occasions when this best practice doesn’t necessarily apply. In my experience, this has generally meant that whatever the code is doing is basically petty and forgoable, and something like retry attempts or special messages are worth neither the complexity nor holding the thread up on.

At my company, the rule is to almost always do something in a catch block, and if you don’t do anything, then you must always place a comment with a very good reason why not. You must never pass or leave an empty catch block when there is anything to be done.

回答 12

在我看来,错误是有原因出现的,我的声音很愚蠢,但这就是事实。良好的编程仅在必须处理错误时才会引发错误。另外,正如我前段时间所读到的,“ pass-Statement是一个显示代码的语句将在以后插入”,因此,如果您想拥有一个空的except-statement,可以随意这样做,但是对于一个好的程序,成为一部分。因为你不处理你应该拥有的东西。出现的异常使您有机会更正输入数据或更改数据结构,因此这些异常不会再次发生(但是在大多数情况下(网络异常,常规输入异常),异常表明程序的下一部分将无法正常执行。例如,NetworkException可能指示网络连接断开,并且该程序无法在接下来的程序步骤中发送/接收数据。


    #code here
except Error1:
    #exception handle1

except Error2:
    #exception handle2
#and so on


    #code here
except BaseException as e:
    if isinstance(e, Error1):
        #exception handle1

    elif isinstance(e, Error2):
        #exception handle2




In my opinion errors have a reason to appear, that my sound stupid, but thats the way it is. Good programming only raises errors when you have to handle them. Also, as i read some time ago, “the pass-Statement is a Statement that Shows code will be inserted later”, so if you want to have an empty except-statement feel free to do so, but for a good program there will be a part missing. because you dont handle the things you should have. Appearing exceptions give you the chance to correct input data or to change your data structure so these exceptions dont occur again (but in most cases (Network-exceptions, General input-exceptions) exceptions indicate that the next parts of the program wont execute well. For example a NetworkException can indicate a broken network-connection and the program cant send/recieve data in the next program steps.

But using a pass block for only one execption-block is valid, because you still differenciate beetween the types of exceptions, so if you put all exception-blocks in one, it is not empty:

    #code here
except Error1:
    #exception handle1

except Error2:
    #exception handle2
#and so on

can be rewritten that way:

    #code here
except BaseException as e:
    if isinstance(e, Error1):
        #exception handle1

    elif isinstance(e, Error2):
        #exception handle2



So even multiple except-blocks with pass-statements can result in code, whose structure handles special types of exceptions.

回答 13


综上所述,不要以任何编程实践为重。真傻 总是有时间和地点进行忽略所有exceptions的阻止。


All comments brought up so far are valid. Where possible you need to specify what exactly exception you want to ignore. Where possible you need to analyze what caused exception, and only ignore what you meant to ignore, and not the rest. If exception causes application to “crash spectacularly”, then be it, because it’s much more important to know the unexpected happened when it happened, than concealing that the problem ever occurred.

With all that said, do not take any programming practice as a paramount. This is stupid. There always is the time and place to do ignore-all-exceptions block.

Another example of idiotic paramount is usage of goto operator. When I was in school, our professor taught us goto operator just to mention that thou shalt not use it, EVER. Don’t believe people telling you that xyz should never be used and there cannot be a scenario when it is useful. There always is.

回答 14


​Handling errors is very important in programming. You do need to show the user what went wrong. In very few cases you can ignore the errors. This is it is very bad programming practice.

回答 15


with suppress(FileNotFoundError):

请注意,在提供的示例中, ,无论是否发生异常程序状态均保持不变。也就是说,somefile.tmp总是不存在。

Since it hasn’t been mentioned yet, it’s better style to use contextlib.suppress:

with suppress(FileNotFoundError):

Notice that in the example provided, the program state remains the same, whether or not the exception occurs. That is to say, somefile.tmp always becomes non-existent.



    something here
    print('the whatever error occurred.')


    something here
    print('the whatever error occurred.')

How can I print the error/exception in my except: block?

回答 0

对于Python 2.6和更高版本以及Python 3.x:

except Exception as e: print(e)

对于Python 2.5及更早版本,请使用:

except Exception,e: print str(e)

For Python 2.6 and later and Python 3.x:

except Exception as e: print(e)

For Python 2.5 and earlier, use:

except Exception,e: print str(e)

回答 1


import traceback

except Exception:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\scripts\divide_by_zero.py", line 4, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

The traceback module provides methods for formatting and printing exceptions and their tracebacks, e.g. this would print exception like the default handler does:

import traceback

except Exception:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\scripts\divide_by_zero.py", line 4, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

回答 2

Python 2.6或更高版本中,它更干净一些:

except Exception as e: print(e)


except Exception, e: print e

In Python 2.6 or greater it’s a bit cleaner:

except Exception as e: print(e)

In older versions it’s still quite readable:

except Exception, e: print e

回答 3

如果您想传递错误字符串,这是错误和异常(Python 2.6)中的示例

>>> try:
...    raise Exception('spam', 'eggs')
... except Exception as inst:
...    print type(inst)     # the exception instance
...    print inst.args      # arguments stored in .args
...    print inst           # __str__ allows args to printed directly
...    x, y = inst          # __getitem__ allows args to be unpacked directly
...    print 'x =', x
...    print 'y =', y
<type 'exceptions.Exception'>
('spam', 'eggs')
('spam', 'eggs')
x = spam
y = eggs

In case you want to pass error strings, here is an example from Errors and Exceptions (Python 2.6)

>>> try:
...    raise Exception('spam', 'eggs')
... except Exception as inst:
...    print type(inst)     # the exception instance
...    print inst.args      # arguments stored in .args
...    print inst           # __str__ allows args to printed directly
...    x, y = inst          # __getitem__ allows args to be unpacked directly
...    print 'x =', x
...    print 'y =', y
<type 'exceptions.Exception'>
('spam', 'eggs')
('spam', 'eggs')
x = spam
y = eggs

回答 4



except Exception as e:


except Exception as e:
    print(e, file=sys.stderr)

(请注意,您必须import sys执行此操作。)这样,将错误打印到STDERR而不是STDOUT,从而可以进行正确的输出解析/重定向/等。我知道问题完全是关于“打印错误”的,但是在此处指出最佳实践而不是忽略可能导致最终学习不到的标准代码的细节似乎很重要。

我没有traceback在Cat Plus Plus的答案中使用该模块,也许这是最好的方法,但是我想我应该把它扔在那里。

(I was going to leave this as a comment on @jldupont’s answer, but I don’t have enough reputation.)

I’ve seen answers like @jldupont’s answer in other places as well. FWIW, I think it’s important to note that this:

except Exception as e:

will print the error output to sys.stdout by default. A more appropriate approach to error handling in general would be:

except Exception as e:
    print(e, file=sys.stderr)

(Note that you have to import sys for this to work.) This way, the error is printed to STDERR instead of STDOUT, which allows for the proper output parsing/redirection/etc. I understand that the question was strictly about ‘printing an error’, but it seems important to point out the best practice here rather than leave out this detail that could lead to non-standard code for anyone who doesn’t eventually learn better.

I haven’t used the traceback module as in Cat Plus Plus’s answer, and maybe that’s the best way, but I thought I’d throw this out there.

回答 5

Python 3: logging



import logging

except BaseException:
    logging.exception("An exception was thrown!")


ERROR:root:An exception was thrown!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".../Desktop/test.py", line 4, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero 


  • 该功能logging.exception()只能从异常处理程序中调用

  • logging模块不应在日志记录处理程序中使用,以免出现RecursionError(感谢@PrakharPandey)



logging.debug("An exception was thrown!", exc_info=True)
logging.info("An exception was thrown!", exc_info=True)
logging.warning("An exception was thrown!", exc_info=True)

Python 3: logging

Instead of using the basic print() function, the more flexible logging module can be used to log the exception. The logging module offers a lot extra functionality, e.g. logging messages into a given log file, logging messages with timestamps and additional information about where the logging happened. (For more information check out the official documentation.)

Logging an exception can be done with the module-level function logging.exception() like so:

import logging

except BaseException:
    logging.exception("An exception was thrown!")


ERROR:root:An exception was thrown!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".../Desktop/test.py", line 4, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero 


  • the function logging.exception() should only be called from an exception handler

  • the logging module should not be used inside a logging handler to avoid a RecursionError (thanks @PrakharPandey)

Alternative log-levels

It’s also possible to log the exception with another log-level by using the keyword argument exc_info=True like so:

logging.debug("An exception was thrown!", exc_info=True)
logging.info("An exception was thrown!", exc_info=True)
logging.warning("An exception was thrown!", exc_info=True)

回答 6


assert type(A) is type(""), "requires a string"

One liner error raising can be done with assert statements if that’s what you want to do. This will help you write statically fixable code and check errors early.

assert type(A) is type(""), "requires a string"

回答 7



with open("not_existing_file.txt", 'r') as text:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "exception_checks.py", line 19, in <module>
    with open("not_existing_file.txt", 'r') as text:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'not_existing_file.txt'



import traceback
    with open("not_existing_file.txt", 'r') as text:
except Exception as exception:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "exception_checks.py", line 19, in <module>
    with open("not_existing_file.txt", 'r') as text:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'not_existing_file.txt'


    with open("not_existing_file.txt", 'r') as text:
except Exception as exception:
    logger.error(exception, exc_info=True)


__main__: 2020-05-27 12:10:47-ERROR- [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'not_existing_file.txt'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "exception_checks.py", line 27, in <module>
    with open("not_existing_file.txt", 'r') as text:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'not_existing_file.txt'



    with open("not_existing_file.txt", 'r') as text:
except Exception as exception:
    print("Exception: {}".format(type(exception).__name__))
    print("Exception message: {}".format(exception))


Exception: FileNotFoundError
Exception message: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'not_existing_file.txt'

One has pretty much control on which information from the traceback to be displayed/logged when catching exceptions.

The code

with open("not_existing_file.txt", 'r') as text:

would produce the following traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "exception_checks.py", line 19, in <module>
    with open("not_existing_file.txt", 'r') as text:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'not_existing_file.txt'

Print/Log the full traceback

As others already mentioned, you can catch the whole traceback by using the traceback module:

import traceback
    with open("not_existing_file.txt", 'r') as text:
except Exception as exception:

This will produce the following output:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "exception_checks.py", line 19, in <module>
    with open("not_existing_file.txt", 'r') as text:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'not_existing_file.txt'

You can achieve the same by using logging:

    with open("not_existing_file.txt", 'r') as text:
except Exception as exception:
    logger.error(exception, exc_info=True)


__main__: 2020-05-27 12:10:47-ERROR- [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'not_existing_file.txt'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "exception_checks.py", line 27, in <module>
    with open("not_existing_file.txt", 'r') as text:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'not_existing_file.txt'

Print/log error name/message only

You might not be interested in the whole traceback, but only in the most important information, such as Exception name and Exception message, use:

    with open("not_existing_file.txt", 'r') as text:
except Exception as exception:
    print("Exception: {}".format(type(exception).__name__))
    print("Exception message: {}".format(exception))


Exception: FileNotFoundError
Exception message: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'not_existing_file.txt'