



import time
import strftime from time

print strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f")

…我得到小时,分钟和秒,但%f打印为%f,没有微秒的迹象。我在Ubuntu上运行Python 2.6.5,所以应该没问题,应该支持%f(据我所知,它在2.6及更高版本中受支持。)

I’m trying to use strftime() to microsecond precision, which seems possible using %f (as stated here). However when I try the following code:

import time
import strftime from time

print strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f")

…I get the hour, the minutes and the seconds, but %f prints as %f, with no sign of the microseconds. I’m running Python 2.6.5 on Ubuntu, so it should be fine and %f should be supported (it’s supported for 2.6 and above, as far as I know.)

回答 0


from datetime import datetime


You can use datetime’s strftime function to get this. The problem is that time’s strftime accepts a timetuple that does not carry microsecond information.

from datetime import datetime

Should do the trick!

回答 1



>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> now = datetime.now()
>>> now.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f")

You are looking at the wrong documentation. The time module has different documentation.

You can use the datetime module strftime like this:

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> now = datetime.now()
>>> now.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f")

回答 2



now = time.time()
mlsec = repr(now).split('.')[1][:3]
print time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.{} %Z".format(mlsec), time.localtime(now))

您应该会得到类似2017-01-16 16:42:34.625 EET的信息(是的,我使用毫秒,因为这已经足够了)。


import time

# Get current timestamp
now = time.time()

# Debug now
print now

# Debug strf time
struct_now = time.localtime(now)
print struct_now

# Print nicely formatted date
print time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", struct_now)

# Get miliseconds
mlsec = repr(now).split('.')[1][:3]
print mlsec

# Get your required timestamp string
timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.{} %Z".format(mlsec), struct_now)
print timestamp

为了澄清起见,我还在这里粘贴了Python 2.7.12结果:

>>> import time
>>> # get current timestamp
... now = time.time()
>>> # debug now
... now
>>> print now
>>> type(now)
<type 'float'>
>>> # debug strf time
... struct_now = time.localtime(now)
>>> print struct_now
time.struct_time(tm_year=2017, tm_mon=1, tm_mday=16, tm_hour=16, tm_min=51, tm_sec=33, tm_wday=0, tm_yday=16, tm_isdst=0)
>>> type(struct_now)
<type 'time.struct_time'>
>>> # print nicely formatted date
... print time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", struct_now)
2017-01-16 16:51:33 EET
>>> # get miliseconds
... mlsec = repr(now).split('.')[1][:3]
>>> print mlsec
>>> # get your required timestamp string
... timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.{} %Z".format(mlsec), struct_now)
>>> print timestamp
2017-01-16 16:51:33.519 EET

With Python’s time module you can’t get microseconds with %f.

For those who still want to go with time module only, here is a workaround:

now = time.time()
mlsec = repr(now).split('.')[1][:3]
print time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.{} %Z".format(mlsec), time.localtime(now))

You should get something like 2017-01-16 16:42:34.625 EET (yes, I use milliseconds as it’s fairly enough).

To break the code into details, paste the below code into a Python console:

import time

# Get current timestamp
now = time.time()

# Debug now
print now

# Debug strf time
struct_now = time.localtime(now)
print struct_now

# Print nicely formatted date
print time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", struct_now)

# Get miliseconds
mlsec = repr(now).split('.')[1][:3]
print mlsec

# Get your required timestamp string
timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.{} %Z".format(mlsec), struct_now)
print timestamp

For clarification purposes, I also paste my Python 2.7.12 result here:

>>> import time
>>> # get current timestamp
... now = time.time()
>>> # debug now
... now
>>> print now
>>> type(now)
<type 'float'>
>>> # debug strf time
... struct_now = time.localtime(now)
>>> print struct_now
time.struct_time(tm_year=2017, tm_mon=1, tm_mday=16, tm_hour=16, tm_min=51, tm_sec=33, tm_wday=0, tm_yday=16, tm_isdst=0)
>>> type(struct_now)
<type 'time.struct_time'>
>>> # print nicely formatted date
... print time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", struct_now)
2017-01-16 16:51:33 EET
>>> # get miliseconds
... mlsec = repr(now).split('.')[1][:3]
>>> print mlsec
>>> # get your required timestamp string
... timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.{} %Z".format(mlsec), struct_now)
>>> print timestamp
2017-01-16 16:51:33.519 EET

回答 3


import datetime


HH:MM:SS.microseconds 像这样 14:38:19.425961

This should do the work

import datetime

It will print

HH:MM:SS.microseconds like this e.g 14:38:19.425961

回答 4


>>> from time import time
>>> time()
... 1310554308.287459   # the fractional part is what you want.

# comparision with strftime -
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from time import time
>>> datetime.now().strftime("%f"), time()
... ('287389', 1310554310.287459)

You can also get microsecond precision from the time module using its time() function.
(time.time() returns the time in seconds since epoch. Its fractional part is the time in microseconds, which is what you want.)

>>> from time import time
>>> time()
... 1310554308.287459   # the fractional part is what you want.

# comparision with strftime -
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from time import time
>>> datetime.now().strftime("%f"), time()
... ('287389', 1310554310.287459)

回答 5


import datetime

def getTimeStamp():
    dt = datetime.datetime.now()
    return dt.strftime("%Y%j%H%M%S") + str(dt.microsecond)

When the “%f” for micro seconds isn’t working, please use the following method:

import datetime

def getTimeStamp():
    dt = datetime.datetime.now()
    return dt.strftime("%Y%j%H%M%S") + str(dt.microsecond)

回答 6


def _timestamp(prec=0):
    t = time.time()
    s = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(t))
    if prec > 0:
        s += ("%.9f" % (t % 1,))[1:2+prec]
    return s


If you want speed, try this:

def _timestamp(prec=0):
    t = time.time()
    s = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(t))
    if prec > 0:
        s += ("%.9f" % (t % 1,))[1:2+prec]
    return s

Where prec is precision — how many decimal places you want. Please note that the function does not have issues with leading zeros in fractional part like some other solutions presented here.

回答 7


import datetime



If you want an integer, try this code:

import datetime





我有这个时间戳值由Web服务返回 "2014-09-12T19:34:29Z"






I have this timestamp value being return by a web service "2014-09-12T19:34:29Z"

I know that it means timezone, but what exactly does it mean?

And I am trying to mock this web service, so is there a way to generate this timestamp using strftime in python?

Sorry if this is painfully obvious, but Google was not very helpful and neither was the strftime() reference page.

I am currently using this :


回答 0

T并没有真正纳入什么。这仅仅是分隔ISO 8601相结合的日期时间格式要求。您可以将其阅读为Time的缩写。


这两个字符都是格式上的静态字母,这就是为什么该datetime.strftime()方法未记录它们的原因。您可以使用QM或,Monty Python而该方法也可以将它们返回不变;该方法仅查找以开头的模式,%将其替换为来自datetime对象的信息。

The T doesn’t really stand for anything. It is just the separator that the ISO 8601 combined date-time format requires. You can read it as an abbreviation for Time.

The Z stands for the Zero timezone, as it is offset by 0 from the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Both characters are just static letters in the format, which is why they are not documented by the datetime.strftime() method. You could have used Q or M or Monty Python and the method would have returned them unchanged as well; the method only looks for patterns starting with % to replace those with information from the datetime object.



我的数据框有一个DOB列(示例格式1/1/2016),默认情况下该列会转换为dtype’object’熊猫:DOB object

使用将日期转换为日期格式df['DOB'] = pd.to_datetime(df['DOB']),日期将转换为:2016-01-26,日期dtype为:DOB datetime64[ns]



My dataframe has a DOB column (example format 1/1/2016) which by default gets converted to pandas dtype ‘object’: DOB object

Converting this to date format with df['DOB'] = pd.to_datetime(df['DOB']), the date gets converted to: 2016-01-26 and its dtype is: DOB datetime64[ns].

Now I want to convert this date format to 01/26/2016 or in any other general date formats. How do I do it?

Whatever the method I try, it always shows the date in 2016-01-26 format.

回答 0


import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'DOB': {0: '26/1/2016', 1: '26/1/2016'}})
print (df)
0  26/1/2016 
1  26/1/2016

df['DOB'] = pd.to_datetime(df.DOB)
print (df)
0 2016-01-26
1 2016-01-26

df['DOB1'] = df['DOB'].dt.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
print (df)
         DOB        DOB1
0 2016-01-26  01/26/2016
1 2016-01-26  01/26/2016

You can use dt.strftime if you need to convert datetime to other formats (but note that then dtype of column will be object (string)):

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'DOB': {0: '26/1/2016', 1: '26/1/2016'}})
print (df)
0  26/1/2016 
1  26/1/2016

df['DOB'] = pd.to_datetime(df.DOB)
print (df)
0 2016-01-26
1 2016-01-26

df['DOB1'] = df['DOB'].dt.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
print (df)
         DOB        DOB1
0 2016-01-26  01/26/2016
1 2016-01-26  01/26/2016

回答 1


df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df["date"].dt.strftime('%Y-%m'))

Changing the format but not changing the type:

df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df["date"].dt.strftime('%Y-%m'))

回答 2


df['DOB']=pd.to_datetime(df['DOB'].astype(str), format='%m/%d/%Y')

The below code worked for me instead of the previous one – try it out !

df['DOB']=pd.to_datetime(df['DOB'].astype(str), format='%m/%d/%Y')

回答 3



import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'DOB': {0: '26/1/2016 ', 1: '26/1/2016 '})

df['DOB1'] = df['DOB'].dt.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')

df['DOB1'] = pd.to_datetime(df['DOB1'])

Compared to the first answer, I will recommend to use dt.strftime() first, then pd.to_datetime(). In this way, it will still result in the datetime data type.

For example,

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'DOB': {0: '26/1/2016 ', 1: '26/1/2016 '})

df['DOB1'] = df['DOB'].dt.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')

df['DOB1'] = pd.to_datetime(df['DOB1'])

回答 4


  • 数据帧单元的内容(二进制值)和
  • 它对我们(人类)的演示(展示)。



  • 如果您使用Jupyter笔记本显示数据,或者
  • 如果您想以HTML文件的形式进行演示(即使准备了许多多余的属性idclass属性来进行进一步的 CSS样式设置,则可以使用也可以不使用它们),



我将假设您的列DOB 已经具有该类型datetime64(您已表明知道如何访问它)。我准备了一个简单的数据框(只有一列),向您展示了一些基本样式:

  • 没有样式:

0  2019-07-03
1  2019-08-03
2  2019-09-03
3  2019-10-03
  • 样式为mm/dd/yyyy

       df.style.format({"DOB": lambda t: t.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")})
0  07/03/2019
1  08/03/2019
2  09/03/2019
3  10/03/2019
  • 样式为dd-mm-yyyy

       df.style.format({"DOB": lambda t: t.strftime("%d-%m-%Y")}) 
0  03-07-2019
1  03-08-2019
2  03-09-2019
3  03-10-2019



df = df.style.format({"DOB": lambda t: t.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")})    # Don´t do this!



  • 问: 为什么在Jupyter笔记本单元格中用作最后一条命令的Styler对象(或返回它的表达式)显示您的(样式化)表,而不显示Styler对象本身?

  • 答:因为每个Styler对象都有一个回调方法._repr_html_(),该方法返回用于呈现数据框的HTML代码(作为漂亮的HTML表)。

    Jupyter Notebook IDE 自动调用此方法以呈现具有此方法的对象。




df_styler = df.style.format({"DOB": lambda t: t.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")})
HTML_string = df_styler.render()

There is a difference between

  • the content of a dataframe cell (a binary value) and
  • its presentation (displaying it) for us, humans.

So the question is: How to reach the appropriate presentation of my datas without changing the data / data types themselves?

Here is the answer:

  • If you use the Jupyter notebook for displaying your dataframe, or
  • if you want to reach a presentation in the form of an HTML file (even with many prepared superfluous id and class attributes for further CSS styling — you may or you may not use them),

use styling. Styling don’t change data / data types of columns of your dataframe.

Now I show you how to reach it in the Jupyter notebook — for a presentation in the form of HTML file see the note near the end of the question.

I will suppose that your column DOB already has the type datetime64 (you shown that you know how to reach it). I prepared a simple dataframe (with only one column) to show you some basic styling:

  • Not styled:

0  2019-07-03
1  2019-08-03
2  2019-09-03
3  2019-10-03
  • Styling it as mm/dd/yyyy:

       df.style.format({"DOB": lambda t: t.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")})
0  07/03/2019
1  08/03/2019
2  09/03/2019
3  10/03/2019
  • Styling it as dd-mm-yyyy:

       df.style.format({"DOB": lambda t: t.strftime("%d-%m-%Y")}) 
0  03-07-2019
1  03-08-2019
2  03-09-2019
3  03-10-2019

Be careful!
The returning object is NOT a dataframe — it is an object of the class Styler, so don’t assign it back to df:

Don´t do this:

df = df.style.format({"DOB": lambda t: t.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")})    # Don´t do this!

(Every dataframe has its Styler object accessible by its .style property, and we changed this df.style object, not the dataframe itself.)

Questions and Answers:

  • Q: Why your Styler object (or an expression returning it) used as the last command in a Jupyter notebook cell displays your (styled) table, and not the Styler object itself?

  • A: Because every Styler object has a callback method ._repr_html_() which returns an HTML code for rendering your dataframe (as a nice HTML table).

    Jupyter Notebook IDE calls this method automatically to render objects which have it.


You don’t need the Jupyter notebook for styling (i.e. for nice outputting a dataframe without changing its data / data types).

A Styler object has a method render(), too, if you want to obtain a string with the HTML code (e.g. for publishing your formatted dataframe to the Web, or simply present your table in the HTML format):

df_styler = df.style.format({"DOB": lambda t: t.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")})
HTML_string = df_styler.render()

回答 5

下面的代码更改为“ datetime”类型,并以给定的格式字符串格式化。效果很好!


Below code changes to ‘datetime’ type and also formats in the given format string. Works well!


回答 6


df['DOB'] = pd.to_datetime(df['DOB'], dayfirst = True)

You can try this it’ll convert the date format to DD-MM-YYYY:

df['DOB'] = pd.to_datetime(df['DOB'], dayfirst = True)

使用strftime将python datetime转换为纪元

问题:使用strftime将python datetime转换为纪元







I have a time in UTC from which I want the number of seconds since epoch.

I am using strftime to convert it to the number of seconds. Taking 1st April 2012 as an example.


1st of April 2012 UTC from epoch is 1333238400 but this above returns 1333234800 which is different by 1 hour.

So it looks like that strftime is taking my system time into account and applies a timezone shift somewhere. I thought datetime was purely naive?

How can I get around that? If possible avoiding to import other libraries unless standard. (I have portability concerns).

回答 0


>>> (datetime.datetime(2012,04,01,0,0) - datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds()

在Python 3.3+中,您可以timestamp()改用:

>>> datetime.datetime(2012,4,1,0,0).timestamp()

为什么不应该使用 datetime.strftime('%s')


>>> datetime.datetime(2012,04,01,0,0).strftime('%s')

If you want to convert a python datetime to seconds since epoch you could do it explicitly:

>>> (datetime.datetime(2012,04,01,0,0) - datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds()

In Python 3.3+ you can use timestamp() instead:

>>> datetime.datetime(2012,4,1,0,0).timestamp()

Why you should not use datetime.strftime('%s')

Python doesn’t actually support %s as an argument to strftime (if you check at http://docs.python.org/library/datetime.html#strftime-and-strptime-behavior it’s not in the list), the only reason it’s working is because Python is passing the information to your system’s strftime, which uses your local timezone.

>>> datetime.datetime(2012,04,01,0,0).strftime('%s')

回答 1


>>> import datetime
>>> import calendar
>>> aprilFirst=datetime.datetime(2012, 04, 01, 0, 0)
>>> calendar.timegm(aprilFirst.timetuple())

I had serious issues with Timezones and such. The way Python handles all that happen to be pretty confusing (to me). Things seem to be working fine using the calendar module (see links 1, 2, 3 and 4).

>>> import datetime
>>> import calendar
>>> aprilFirst=datetime.datetime(2012, 04, 01, 0, 0)
>>> calendar.timegm(aprilFirst.timetuple())

回答 2

import time
from datetime import datetime
now = datetime.now()

import time
from datetime import datetime
now = datetime.now()


回答 3

import time
from datetime import datetime
now = datetime.now()

# same as above except keeps microseconds
time.mktime(now.timetuple()) + now.microsecond * 1e-6


import time
from datetime import datetime
now = datetime.now()

# same as above except keeps microseconds
time.mktime(now.timetuple()) + now.microsecond * 1e-6

(Sorry, it wouldn’t let me comment on existing answer)

回答 4

如果您只需要使用unix / epoch时间的时间戳,则此行可以工作:

created_timestamp = int((datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds())
>>> created_timestamp

并且仅取决于datetime python2和python3中的作品

if you just need a timestamp in unix /epoch time, this one line works:

created_timestamp = int((datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds())
>>> created_timestamp

and depends only on datetime works in python2 and python3

回答 5

这适用于Python 2和3:

>>> import time
>>> import calendar
>>> calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())

仅遵循官方文档… https://docs.python.org/2/library/time.html#module-time

This works in Python 2 and 3:

>>> import time
>>> import calendar
>>> calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())

Just following the official docs… https://docs.python.org/2/library/time.html#module-time

回答 6


import datetime
import pytz

pytz.utc.localize(datetime.datetime(2012,4,1,0,0), is_dst=False).timestamp()


For an explicit timezone-independent solution, use the pytz library.

import datetime
import pytz

pytz.utc.localize(datetime.datetime(2012,4,1,0,0), is_dst=False).timestamp()

Output (float): 1333238400.0

回答 7

在Python 3.7中

以date.isoformat()和datetime.isoformat()发出的格式之一返回与date_string对应的datetime。具体来说,此函数支持格式为YYYY-MM-DD [* HH [:MM [:SS [.fff [fff]]]] [+ HH:MM [:SS [.ffffff]]]]的字符串,其中*可以匹配任何单个字符。


In Python 3.7

Return a datetime corresponding to a date_string in one of the formats emitted by date.isoformat() and datetime.isoformat(). Specifically, this function supports strings in the format(s) YYYY-MM-DD[*HH[:MM[:SS[.fff[fff]]]][+HH:MM[:SS[.ffffff]]]], where * can match any single character.


Python strftime-日期前无0?

问题:Python strftime-日期前无0?



When using Python strftime, is there a way to remove the first 0 of the date if it’s before the 10th, ie. so 01 is 1? Can’t find a %thingy for that?


回答 0



这仅适用于Unix(Linux,OS X),而不适用于Windows(包括Cygwin)。在Windows上,您可以使用#,例如%Y/%#m/%#d

Actually I had the same problem and I realized that, if you add a hyphen between the % and the letter, you can remove the leading zero.

For example %Y/%-m/%-d.

This only works on Unix (Linux, OS X), not Windows (including Cygwin). On Windows, you would use #, e.g. %Y/%#m/%#d.

回答 1


>>> import datetime
>>> '{dt.year}/{dt.month}/{dt.day}'.format(dt = datetime.datetime.now())


>>> '{dt:%A} {dt:%B} {dt.day}, {dt.year}'.format(dt=datetime.datetime.now())
'Wednesday December 3, 2014'


Python 3.6.0a2 (v3.6.0a2:378893423552, Jun 13 2016, 14:44:21) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import datetime
>>> dt = datetime.datetime.now()
>>> f'{dt:%A} {dt:%B} {dt.day}, {dt.year}'
'Monday August 29, 2016'

We can do this sort of thing with the advent of the format method since python2.6:

>>> import datetime
>>> '{dt.year}/{dt.month}/{dt.day}'.format(dt = datetime.datetime.now())

Though perhaps beyond the scope of the original question, for more interesting formats, you can do stuff like:

>>> '{dt:%A} {dt:%B} {dt.day}, {dt.year}'.format(dt=datetime.datetime.now())
'Wednesday December 3, 2014'

And as of python3.6, this can be expressed as an inline formatted string:

Python 3.6.0a2 (v3.6.0a2:378893423552, Jun 13 2016, 14:44:21) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import datetime
>>> dt = datetime.datetime.now()
>>> f'{dt:%A} {dt:%B} {dt.day}, {dt.year}'
'Monday August 29, 2016'

回答 2

%根据http://docs.python.org/library/time.html的介绍,某些平台可能支持字母之间的宽度和精度规范(例如月份中的“ d”),但这绝对是不可移植的解决方案(例如,在我的Mac上不起作用;-)。也许您可以在之后使用字符串替换(或RE,对于真正讨厌的格式)strftime进行补救?例如:

>>> y
(2009, 5, 7, 17, 17, 17, 3, 127, 1)
>>> time.strftime('%Y %m %d', y)
'2009 05 07'
>>> time.strftime('%Y %m %d', y).replace(' 0', ' ')
'2009 5 7'

Some platforms may support width and precision specification between % and the letter (such as ‘d’ for day of month), according to http://docs.python.org/library/time.html — but it’s definitely a non-portable solution (e.g. doesn’t work on my Mac;-). Maybe you can use a string replace (or RE, for really nasty format) after the strftime to remedy that? e.g.:

>>> y
(2009, 5, 7, 17, 17, 17, 3, 127, 1)
>>> time.strftime('%Y %m %d', y)
'2009 05 07'
>>> time.strftime('%Y %m %d', y).replace(' 0', ' ')
'2009 5 7'

回答 3

strftime()GNU C库支持的修饰符的文档。(就像之前说过的那样,它可能不是便携式的。)您可能感兴趣的是:

  • %e而不是%d将月份中的前导零替换为空格


Here is the documentation of the modifiers supported by strftime() in the GNU C library. (Like people said before, it might not be portable.) Of interest to you might be:

  • %e instead of %d will replace leading zero in day of month with a space

It works on my Python (on Linux). I don’t know if it will work on yours.

回答 4

>>> import datetime
>>> d = datetime.datetime.now()
>>> d.strftime('X%d/X%m/%Y').replace('X0','X').replace('X','')
>>> import datetime
>>> d = datetime.datetime.now()
>>> d.strftime('X%d/X%m/%Y').replace('X0','X').replace('X','')

回答 5

在Windows上,添加一个’#’,例如’%#m /%#d /%Y%#I:%M:%S%p’

供参考:https : //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/fe06s4ak.aspx

On Windows, add a ‘#’, as in ‘%#m/%#d/%Y %#I:%M:%S %p’

For reference: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/fe06s4ak.aspx

回答 6


datetime.now().strftime('%B %-d, %Y')产生类似“ 2014年11月5日”的内容


quite late to the party but %-d works on my end.

datetime.now().strftime('%B %-d, %Y') produces something like “November 5, 2014”

cheers :)

回答 7



from django.template.defaultfilters import date as django_date_filter
print django_date_filter(mydate, 'P, D M j, Y')    

I find the Django template date formatting filter to be quick and easy. It strips out leading zeros. If you don’t mind importing the Django module, check it out.


from django.template.defaultfilters import date as django_date_filter
print django_date_filter(mydate, 'P, D M j, Y')    

回答 8


>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> datetime.now().strftime('%d-%b-%Y')
>>> '08-Oct-2011'
>>> datetime.now().strftime('%-d-%b-%Y')
>>> '8-Oct-2011'
>>> today = datetime.date.today()
>>> today.strftime('%d-%b-%Y')
>>> print(today)

Take a look at - bellow:

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> datetime.now().strftime('%d-%b-%Y')
>>> '08-Oct-2011'
>>> datetime.now().strftime('%-d-%b-%Y')
>>> '8-Oct-2011'
>>> today = datetime.date.today()
>>> today.strftime('%d-%b-%Y')
>>> print(today)

回答 9


(datetime.date.now()).strftime("%Y/%m/%d").replace("/0", "/")



simply use replace like this:

(datetime.date.now()).strftime("%Y/%m/%d").replace("/0", "/")

it will output:


回答 10


For %d you can convert to integer using int() then it’ll automatically remove leading 0 and becomes integer. You can then convert back to string using str().

回答 11


e = datetime.date(2014, 1, 6)
"{date:%A} {date.day} {date:%B}{date.year}".format(date=e)

using, for example, “%-d” is not portable even between different versions of the same OS. A better solution would be to extract the date components individually, and choose between date specific formatting operators and date attribute access for each component.

e = datetime.date(2014, 1, 6)
"{date:%A} {date.day} {date:%B}{date.year}".format(date=e)

回答 12

因为Python实际上只是strftime(3)在您的平台上调用C语言函数,所以可能是有些格式字符可用于控制前导零;尝试man strftime看看。但是,当然,结果不会是可移植的,因为Python手册会提醒您。:-)

我会尝试使用一种新样式的datetime对象,该对象具有诸如t.yeart.month和的属性t.day,并通过%运算符的正常高效能格式来设置这些对象,该格式确实支持对前导零的控制。有关详细信息,请参见http://docs.python.org/library/datetime.html。更好的是,"".format()如果您的Python拥有运算符,并且更现代,请使用运算符。它也有许多数字格式选项。请参阅:http : //docs.python.org/library/string.html#string-formatting

Because Python really just calls the C language strftime(3) function on your platform, it might be that there are format characters you could use to control the leading zero; try man strftime and take a look. But, of course, the result will not be portable, as the Python manual will remind you. :-)

I would try using a new-style datetime object instead, which has attributes like t.year and t.month and t.day, and put those through the normal, high-powered formatting of the % operator, which does support control of leading zeros. See http://docs.python.org/library/datetime.html for details. Better yet, use the "".format() operator if your Python has it and be even more modern; it has lots of format options for numbers as well. See: http://docs.python.org/library/string.html#string-formatting.

回答 13


re.sub('^0|(?<= )0', '', "01 January 2000 08:00am")

我喜欢它比.format或%-d好,因为它是跨平台的,可以让我继续使用strftime(获取“ 11月”和“星期一”之类的信息)。

Based on Alex’s method, this will work for both the start-of-string and after-spaces cases:

re.sub('^0|(?<= )0', '', "01 January 2000 08:00am")

I like this better than .format or %-d because this is cross-platform and allows me to keep using strftime (to get things like “November” and “Monday”).

回答 14


Old question, but %l (lower-case L) worked for me in strftime: this may not work for everyone, though, as it’s not listed in the Python documentation I found

回答 15

import datetime
now = datetime.datetime.now()
print now.strftime("%b %_d")
import datetime
now = datetime.datetime.now()
print now.strftime("%b %_d")



我有一个表示Python中的unix时间戳的字符串(即“ 1284101485”),我想将其转换为可读的日期。使用时time.strftime,我得到TypeError

>>>import time
>>>print time.strftime("%B %d %Y", "1284101485")

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: argument must be 9-item sequence, not str

I have a string representing a unix timestamp (i.e. “1284101485”) in Python, and I’d like to convert it to a readable date. When I use time.strftime, I get a TypeError:

>>>import time
>>>print time.strftime("%B %d %Y", "1284101485")

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: argument must be 9-item sequence, not str

回答 0


from datetime import datetime
ts = int("1284101485")

# if you encounter a "year is out of range" error the timestamp
# may be in milliseconds, try `ts /= 1000` in that case
print(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))

Use datetime module:

from datetime import datetime
ts = int("1284101485")

# if you encounter a "year is out of range" error the timestamp
# may be in milliseconds, try `ts /= 1000` in that case
print(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))

回答 1

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> datetime.fromtimestamp(1172969203.1)
datetime.datetime(2007, 3, 4, 0, 46, 43, 100000)


>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> datetime.fromtimestamp(1172969203.1)
datetime.datetime(2007, 3, 4, 0, 46, 43, 100000)

Taken from http://seehuhn.de/pages/pdate

回答 2




The most voted answer suggests using fromtimestamp which is error prone since it uses the local timezone. To avoid issues a better approach is to use UTC:


Where posix_time is the Posix epoch time you want to convert

回答 3

>>> import time
>>> time.ctime(int("1284101485"))
'Fri Sep 10 16:51:25 2010'
>>> time.strftime("%D %H:%M", time.localtime(int("1284101485")))
'09/10/10 16:51'
>>> import time
>>> time.ctime(int("1284101485"))
'Fri Sep 10 16:51:25 2010'
>>> time.strftime("%D %H:%M", time.localtime(int("1284101485")))
'09/10/10 16:51'

回答 4


  1. 将Unix时间戳(“自纪元以来的秒数”)转换为本地时间
  2. 以所需格式显示当地时间。


#!/usr/bin/env python
from datetime import datetime
import tzlocal  # $ pip install tzlocal

unix_timestamp = float("1284101485")
local_timezone = tzlocal.get_localzone() # get pytz timezone
local_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(unix_timestamp, local_timezone)


print(local_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f%z (%Z)"))
print(local_time.strftime("%B %d %Y"))  # print date in your format


utc_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(unix_timestamp)
print(utc_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f+00:00 (UTC)"))


local_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(unix_timestamp)
print(local_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"))

在Python 3上,您可以仅使用stdlib获得时区感知日期时间(如果python无法访问系统上的tz数据库,例如Windows上的UTC偏移量可能是错误的):

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from datetime import datetime, timezone

utc_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(unix_timestamp, timezone.utc)
local_time = utc_time.astimezone()
print(local_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f%z (%Z)"))

time模块中的函数是对应C API的薄包装,因此它们可能比对应datetime方法的可移植性差,否则您也可以使用它们:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import time

unix_timestamp  = int("1284101485")
utc_time = time.gmtime(unix_timestamp)
local_time = time.localtime(unix_timestamp)
print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", local_time)) 
print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S+00:00 (UTC)", utc_time))  

There are two parts:

  1. Convert the unix timestamp (“seconds since epoch”) to the local time
  2. Display the local time in the desired format.

A portable way to get the local time that works even if the local time zone had a different utc offset in the past and python has no access to the tz database is to use a pytz timezone:

#!/usr/bin/env python
from datetime import datetime
import tzlocal  # $ pip install tzlocal

unix_timestamp = float("1284101485")
local_timezone = tzlocal.get_localzone() # get pytz timezone
local_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(unix_timestamp, local_timezone)

To display it, you could use any time format that is supported by your system e.g.:

print(local_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f%z (%Z)"))
print(local_time.strftime("%B %d %Y"))  # print date in your format

If you do not need a local time, to get a readable UTC time instead:

utc_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(unix_timestamp)
print(utc_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f+00:00 (UTC)"))

If you don’t care about the timezone issues that might affect what date is returned or if python has access to the tz database on your system:

local_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(unix_timestamp)
print(local_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"))

On Python 3, you could get a timezone-aware datetime using only stdlib (the UTC offset may be wrong if python has no access to the tz database on your system e.g., on Windows):

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from datetime import datetime, timezone

utc_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(unix_timestamp, timezone.utc)
local_time = utc_time.astimezone()
print(local_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f%z (%Z)"))

Functions from the time module are thin wrappers around the corresponding C API and therefore they may be less portable than the corresponding datetime methods otherwise you could use them too:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import time

unix_timestamp  = int("1284101485")
utc_time = time.gmtime(unix_timestamp)
local_time = time.localtime(unix_timestamp)
print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", local_time)) 
print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S+00:00 (UTC)", utc_time))  

回答 5


import os, datetime

datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(os.path.getmtime("FILE"))).strftime("%B %d, %Y")



For a human readable timestamp from a UNIX timestamp, I have used this in scripts before:

import os, datetime

datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(os.path.getmtime("FILE"))).strftime("%B %d, %Y")


‘December 26, 2012’

回答 6




import datetime,time

def createDateObject(str_date,strFormat="%Y-%m-%d"):    
    timeStamp = time.mktime(time.strptime(str_date,strFormat))
    return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timeStamp)

def FormatDate(objectDate,strFormat="%Y-%m-%d"):
    return objectDate.strftime(strFormat)

print FormatDate(o,'%d-%m-%Y')

Output 03-03-2013

You can convert the current time like this


To convert a date in string to different formats.

import datetime,time

def createDateObject(str_date,strFormat="%Y-%m-%d"):    
    timeStamp = time.mktime(time.strptime(str_date,strFormat))
    return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timeStamp)

def FormatDate(objectDate,strFormat="%Y-%m-%d"):
    return objectDate.strftime(strFormat)

print FormatDate(o,'%d-%m-%Y')

Output 03-03-2013

回答 7

除了使用time / datetime包之外,pandas还可以用于解决相同的问题。这是我们可以使用pandas时间戳转换为可读日期的方法


  1. 13位数字(毫秒)-要将毫秒转换日期,请使用:

    import pandas
    Output: '2017-04-30 05:31:01'
  2. 10位(秒)-要将转换为日期,请使用:

    import pandas
    Output: '2017-04-30 05:31:01'

Other than using time/datetime package, pandas can also be used to solve the same problem.Here is how we can use pandas to convert timestamp to readable date:

Timestamps can be in two formats:

  1. 13 digits(milliseconds) – To convert milliseconds to date, use:

    import pandas
    Output: '2017-04-30 05:31:01'
  2. 10 digits(seconds) – To convert seconds to date, use:

    import pandas
    Output: '2017-04-30 05:31:01'

回答 8

timestamp ="124542124"
value = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
exct_time = value.strftime('%d %B %Y %H:%M:%S')


timestamp ="124542124"
value = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
exct_time = value.strftime('%d %B %Y %H:%M:%S')

Get the readable date from timestamp with time also, also you can change the format of the date.

回答 9

在Python 3.6+中:

import datetime

timestamp = 1579117901
value = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
print(f"{value:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}")


2020-01-15 19:51:41


In Python 3.6+:

import datetime

timestamp = 1579117901
value = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
print(f"{value:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}")


2020-01-15 19:51:41


回答 10

import datetime
temp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(1386181800).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
print temp
import datetime
temp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(1386181800).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
print temp

回答 11


from time import gmtime
print('{}-{}-{} {}:{}:{}'.format(*gmtime(1538654264.703337)))

输出: 2018-10-4 11:57:44

Another way that this can be done using gmtime and format function;

from time import gmtime
print('{}-{}-{} {}:{}:{}'.format(*gmtime(1538654264.703337)))

Output: 2018-10-4 11:57:44

回答 12


>>> type(tstamp)
>>> newDt = tstamp.date()
>>> type(newDt)

i just successfully used:

>>> type(tstamp)
>>> newDt = tstamp.date()
>>> type(newDt)

回答 13


'-'.join(str(x) for x in list(tuple(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple())[:6]))


quick and dirty one liner:

'-'.join(str(x) for x in list(tuple(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple())[:6]))


回答 14


import date_converter
my_date_string = date_converter.timestamp_to_string(1284101485, "%B %d, %Y")

You can use easy_date to make it easy:

import date_converter
my_date_string = date_converter.timestamp_to_string(1284101485, "%B %d, %Y")