


我正在编写一个需要将timedelta输入作为字符串传递的函数。用户必须输入诸如“ 32m”或“ 2h32m”,甚至是“ 4:13”或“ 5hr34m56s”之类的东西…是否存在已经实现了这种东西的图书馆或东西?

I’m writing a function that needs a timedelta input to be passed in as a string. The user must enter something like “32m” or “2h32m”, or even “4:13” or “5hr34m56s”… Is there a library or something that has this sort of thing already implemented?

回答 0



import re
from datetime import timedelta

regex = re.compile(r'((?P<hours>\d+?)hr)?((?P<minutes>\d+?)m)?((?P<seconds>\d+?)s)?')

def parse_time(time_str):
    parts = regex.match(time_str)
    if not parts:
    parts = parts.groupdict()
    time_params = {}
    for (name, param) in parts.iteritems():
        if param:
            time_params[name] = int(param)
    return timedelta(**time_params)

>>> from parse_time import parse_time
>>> parse_time('12hr')
datetime.timedelta(0, 43200)
>>> parse_time('12hr5m10s')
datetime.timedelta(0, 43510)
>>> parse_time('12hr10s')
datetime.timedelta(0, 43210)
>>> parse_time('10s')
datetime.timedelta(0, 10)

For the first format(5hr34m56s), you should parse using regular expressions

Here is re-based solution:

import re
from datetime import timedelta

regex = re.compile(r'((?P<hours>\d+?)hr)?((?P<minutes>\d+?)m)?((?P<seconds>\d+?)s)?')

def parse_time(time_str):
    parts = regex.match(time_str)
    if not parts:
    parts = parts.groupdict()
    time_params = {}
    for (name, param) in parts.iteritems():
        if param:
            time_params[name] = int(param)
    return timedelta(**time_params)

>>> from parse_time import parse_time
>>> parse_time('12hr')
datetime.timedelta(0, 43200)
>>> parse_time('12hr5m10s')
datetime.timedelta(0, 43510)
>>> parse_time('12hr10s')
datetime.timedelta(0, 43210)
>>> parse_time('10s')
datetime.timedelta(0, 10)

回答 1


from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# we specify the input and the format...
t = datetime.strptime("05:20:25","%H:%M:%S")
# ...and use datetime's hour, min and sec properties to build a timedelta
delta = timedelta(hours=t.hour, minutes=t.minute, seconds=t.second)


assert(5*60*60+20*60+25 == delta.total_seconds())

To me the most elegant solution, without having to resort to external libraries such as dateutil or manually parsing the input, is to use datetime’s powerful strptime string parsing method.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# we specify the input and the format...
t = datetime.strptime("05:20:25","%H:%M:%S")
# ...and use datetime's hour, min and sec properties to build a timedelta
delta = timedelta(hours=t.hour, minutes=t.minute, seconds=t.second)

After this you can use your timedelta object as normally, convert it to seconds to make sure we did the correct thing etc.

assert(5*60*60+20*60+25 == delta.total_seconds())

回答 2



pip install pytimeparse


>>> from pytimeparse.timeparse import timeparse
>>> timeparse('32m')
>>> timeparse('2h32m')
>>> timeparse('4:13')
>>> timeparse('5hr34m56s')
>>> timeparse('1.2 minutes')

I had a bit of time on my hands yesterday, so I developed @virhilo‘s answer into a Python module, adding a few more time expression formats, including all those requested by @priestc.

Source code is on github (MIT License) for anybody that wants it. It’s also on PyPI:

pip install pytimeparse

Returns the time as a number of seconds:

>>> from pytimeparse.timeparse import timeparse
>>> timeparse('32m')
>>> timeparse('2h32m')
>>> timeparse('4:13')
>>> timeparse('5hr34m56s')
>>> timeparse('1.2 minutes')

回答 3


from datetime import datetime as dtt

time_only = dtt.strptime('15:30', "%H:%M") - dtt.strptime("00:00", "%H:%M")

I wanted to input just a time and then add it to various dates so this worked for me:

from datetime import datetime as dtt

time_only = dtt.strptime('15:30', "%H:%M") - dtt.strptime("00:00", "%H:%M")

回答 4


  • 添加断言该字符串是有效的时间字符串
  • 用“ h”代替“ hr”小时指示器
  • 允许使用“ d”-天指示器
  • 允许非整数时间(例如3m0.25s3分钟0.25秒)

import re
from datetime import timedelta

regex = re.compile(r'^((?P<days>[\.\d]+?)d)?((?P<hours>[\.\d]+?)h)?((?P<minutes>[\.\d]+?)m)?((?P<seconds>[\.\d]+?)s)?$')

def parse_time(time_str):
    Parse a time string e.g. (2h13m) into a timedelta object.

    Modified from virhilo's answer at https://stackoverflow.com/a/4628148/851699

    :param time_str: A string identifying a duration.  (eg. 2h13m)
    :return datetime.timedelta: A datetime.timedelta object
    parts = regex.match(time_str)
    assert parts is not None, "Could not parse any time information from '{}'.  Examples of valid strings: '8h', '2d8h5m20s', '2m4s'".format(time_str)
    time_params = {name: float(param) for name, param in parts.groupdict().items() if param}
    return timedelta(**time_params)

I’ve modified virhilo’s nice answer with a few upgrades:

  • added a assertion that the string is a valid time string
  • replace the “hr” hour-indicator with “h”
  • allow for a “d” – days indicator
  • allow non-integer times (e.g. 3m0.25s is 3 minutes, 0.25 seconds)


import re
from datetime import timedelta

regex = re.compile(r'^((?P<days>[\.\d]+?)d)?((?P<hours>[\.\d]+?)h)?((?P<minutes>[\.\d]+?)m)?((?P<seconds>[\.\d]+?)s)?$')

def parse_time(time_str):
    Parse a time string e.g. (2h13m) into a timedelta object.

    Modified from virhilo's answer at https://stackoverflow.com/a/4628148/851699

    :param time_str: A string identifying a duration.  (eg. 2h13m)
    :return datetime.timedelta: A datetime.timedelta object
    parts = regex.match(time_str)
    assert parts is not None, "Could not parse any time information from '{}'.  Examples of valid strings: '8h', '2d8h5m20s', '2m4s'".format(time_str)
    time_params = {name: float(param) for name, param in parts.groupdict().items() if param}
    return timedelta(**time_params)

回答 5

如果您使用Python 3,那么以下是Hari Shankar解决方案的更新版本,我使用了它:

from datetime import timedelta
import re

regex = re.compile(r'(?P<hours>\d+?)/'

def parse_time(time_str):
    parts = regex.match(time_str)
    if not parts:
    parts = parts.groupdict()
    time_params = {}
    for name, param in parts.items():
        if param:
            time_params[name] = int(param)
    return timedelta(**time_params)

If you use Python 3 then here’s updated version for Hari Shankar’s solution, which I used:

from datetime import timedelta
import re

regex = re.compile(r'(?P<hours>\d+?)/'

def parse_time(time_str):
    parts = regex.match(time_str)
    if not parts:
    parts = parts.groupdict()
    time_params = {}
    for name, param in parts.items():
        if param:
            time_params[name] = int(param)
    return timedelta(**time_params)

回答 6



期望数据"DD HH:MM:SS.uuuuuu"采用ISO 8601 格式或指定的格式(例如P4DT1H15M20S,等同于4 1:15:20)或PostgreSQL的白天间隔格式(例如3 days 04:05:06)指定的格式。

Django comes with the utility function parse_duration(). From the documentation:

Parses a string and returns a datetime.timedelta.

Expects data in the format "DD HH:MM:SS.uuuuuu" or as specified by ISO 8601 (e.g. P4DT1H15M20S which is equivalent to 4 1:15:20) or PostgreSQL’s day-time interval format (e.g. 3 days 04:05:06).

回答 7

使用isodate库解析ISO 8601持续时间字符串。例如:


另请参阅是否有一种简单的方法可以将ISO 8601持续时间转换为timedelta?

Use isodate library to parse ISO 8601 duration string. For example:


Also see Is there an easy way to convert ISO 8601 duration to timedelta?



我想在pandas数据框中创建一个列,该列表示timedelta列中天数的整数。是否可以使用“ datetime.days”,还是我需要做更多手动操作?





I would like to create a column in a pandas data frame that is an integer representation of the number of days in a timedelta column. Is it possible to use ‘datetime.days’ or do I need to do something more manual?

timedelta column

7 days, 23:29:00

day integer column


回答 0




Use the dt.days attribute. Access this attribute via:


You can also get the seconds and microseconds attributes in the same way.

回答 1


import numpy as np

(td / np.timedelta64(1, 'D')).astype(int)

You could do this, where td is your series of timedeltas. The division converts the nanosecond deltas into day deltas, and the conversion to int drops to whole days.

import numpy as np

(td / np.timedelta64(1, 'D')).astype(int)

回答 2


Timedelta objects have read-only instance attributes .days, .seconds, and .microseconds.

回答 3

如果问题不仅仅在于“如何访问timedelta的整数形式?” 但是“如何将数据帧中的timedelta列转换为int?” 答案可能有所不同。除了访问.dt.days器,您还需要df.astype或者pd.to_numeric


df['tdColumn'] = pd.to_numeric(df['tdColumn'].dt.days, downcast='integer')


df['tdColumn'] = df['tdColumn'].dt.days.astype('int16')

If the question isn’t just “how to access an integer form of the timedelta?” but “how to convert the timedelta column in the dataframe to an int?” the answer might be a little different. In addition to the .dt.days accessor you need either df.astype or pd.to_numeric

Either of these options should help:

df['tdColumn'] = pd.to_numeric(df['tdColumn'].dt.days, downcast='integer')


df['tdColumn'] = df['tdColumn'].dt.days.astype('int16')

Python timedelta年

问题:Python timedelta年


I need to check if some number of years have been since some date. Currently I’ve got timedelta from datetime module and I don’t know how to convert it to years.

回答 0


最好的选择是使用dateutil.relativedelta object,但这是一个第三方模块。如果你想知道datetime那是n几年一些日期(默认为现在),你可以做以下::

from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta

def yearsago(years, from_date=None):
    if from_date is None:
        from_date = datetime.now()
    return from_date - relativedelta(years=years)


from datetime import datetime
def yearsago(years, from_date=None):
    if from_date is None:
        from_date = datetime.now()
        return from_date.replace(year=from_date.year - years)
    except ValueError:
        # Must be 2/29!
        assert from_date.month == 2 and from_date.day == 29 # can be removed
        return from_date.replace(month=2, day=28,


    return from_date.replace(month=3, day=1,


def num_years(begin, end=None):
    if end is None:
        end = datetime.now()
    num_years = int((end - begin).days / 365.25)
    if begin > yearsago(num_years, end):
        return num_years - 1
        return num_years

You need more than a timedelta to tell how many years have passed; you also need to know the beginning (or ending) date. (It’s a leap year thing.)

Your best bet is to use the dateutil.relativedelta object, but that’s a 3rd party module. If you want to know the datetime that was n years from some date (defaulting to right now), you can do the following::

from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta

def yearsago(years, from_date=None):
    if from_date is None:
        from_date = datetime.now()
    return from_date - relativedelta(years=years)

If you’d rather stick with the standard library, the answer is a little more complex::

from datetime import datetime
def yearsago(years, from_date=None):
    if from_date is None:
        from_date = datetime.now()
        return from_date.replace(year=from_date.year - years)
    except ValueError:
        # Must be 2/29!
        assert from_date.month == 2 and from_date.day == 29 # can be removed
        return from_date.replace(month=2, day=28,

If it’s 2/29, and 18 years ago there was no 2/29, this function will return 2/28. If you’d rather return 3/1, just change the last return statement to read::

    return from_date.replace(month=3, day=1,

Your question originally said you wanted to know how many years it’s been since some date. Assuming you want an integer number of years, you can guess based on 365.25 days per year and then check using either of the yearsago functions defined above::

def num_years(begin, end=None):
    if end is None:
        end = datetime.now()
    num_years = int((end - begin).days / 365.25)
    if begin > yearsago(num_years, end):
        return num_years - 1
        return num_years

回答 1

如果您要检查某人是否18岁,请使用 timedelta在某些极端情况下将无法正常工作。例如,某人出生于2000年1月1日,将在2018年1月1日(恰好包括5个leap年)之后的16575天整整18岁,但某人在2001年1月1日出生的人,将在1月1日在整整6574天之后整整18岁。 2019(包括4个leap年)。因此,如果某人的年龄恰好是6574天,则在不了解有关其出生日期的更多信息的情况下就无法确定他们是17岁还是18岁。


If you’re trying to check if someone is 18 years of age, using timedelta will not work correctly on some edge cases because of leap years. For example, someone born on January 1, 2000, will turn 18 exactly 6575 days later on January 1, 2018 (5 leap years included), but someone born on January 1, 2001, will turn 18 exactly 6574 days later on January 1, 2019 (4 leap years included). Thus, you if someone is exactly 6574 days old, you can’t determine if they are 17 or 18 without knowing a little more information about their birthdate.

The correct way to do this is to calculate the age directly from the dates, by subtracting the two years, and then subtracting one if the current month/day precedes the birth month/day.

回答 2



delta_in_days / (365.25)
delta_in_seconds / (365.25*24*60*60)


First off, at the most detailed level, the problem can’t be solved exactly. Years vary in length, and there isn’t a clear “right choice” for year length.

That said, get the difference in whatever units are “natural” (probably seconds) and divide by the ratio between that and years. E.g.

delta_in_days / (365.25)
delta_in_seconds / (365.25*24*60*60)

…or whatever. Stay away from months, since they are even less well defined than years.

回答 3


import datetime
import locale

# Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/February_29
PRE = [
POST = [

def get_country():
    code, _ = locale.getlocale()
        return code.split('_')[1]
    except IndexError:
        raise Exception('Country cannot be ascertained from locale.')

def get_leap_birthday(year):
    country = get_country()
    if country in PRE:
        return datetime.date(year, 2, 28)
    elif country in POST:
        return datetime.date(year, 3, 1)
        raise Exception('It is unknown whether your country treats leap year '
                      + 'birthdays as being on the 28th of February or '
                      + 'the 1st of March. Please consult your country\'s '
                      + 'legal code for in order to ascertain an answer.')
def age(dob):
    today = datetime.date.today()
    years = today.year - dob.year

        birthday = datetime.date(today.year, dob.month, dob.day)
    except ValueError as e:
        if dob.month == 2 and dob.day == 29:
            birthday = get_leap_birthday(today.year)
            raise e

    if today < birthday:
        years -= 1
    return years

print(age(datetime.date(1988, 2, 29)))

Here’s a updated DOB function, which calculates birthdays the same way humans do:

import datetime
import locale

# Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/February_29
PRE = [
POST = [

def get_country():
    code, _ = locale.getlocale()
        return code.split('_')[1]
    except IndexError:
        raise Exception('Country cannot be ascertained from locale.')

def get_leap_birthday(year):
    country = get_country()
    if country in PRE:
        return datetime.date(year, 2, 28)
    elif country in POST:
        return datetime.date(year, 3, 1)
        raise Exception('It is unknown whether your country treats leap year '
                      + 'birthdays as being on the 28th of February or '
                      + 'the 1st of March. Please consult your country\'s '
                      + 'legal code for in order to ascertain an answer.')
def age(dob):
    today = datetime.date.today()
    years = today.year - dob.year

        birthday = datetime.date(today.year, dob.month, dob.day)
    except ValueError as e:
        if dob.month == 2 and dob.day == 29:
            birthday = get_leap_birthday(today.year)
            raise e

    if today < birthday:
        years -= 1
    return years

print(age(datetime.date(1988, 2, 29)))

回答 4


Get the number of days, then divide by 365.2425 (the mean Gregorian year) for years. Divide by 30.436875 (the mean Gregorian month) for months.

回答 5

def age(dob):
    import datetime
    today = datetime.date.today()

    if today.month < dob.month or \
      (today.month == dob.month and today.day < dob.day):
        return today.year - dob.year - 1
        return today.year - dob.year

>>> import datetime
>>> datetime.date.today()
datetime.date(2009, 12, 1)
>>> age(datetime.date(2008, 11, 30))
>>> age(datetime.date(2008, 12, 1))
>>> age(datetime.date(2008, 12, 2))
def age(dob):
    import datetime
    today = datetime.date.today()

    if today.month < dob.month or \
      (today.month == dob.month and today.day < dob.day):
        return today.year - dob.year - 1
        return today.year - dob.year

>>> import datetime
>>> datetime.date.today()
datetime.date(2009, 12, 1)
>>> age(datetime.date(2008, 11, 30))
>>> age(datetime.date(2008, 12, 1))
>>> age(datetime.date(2008, 12, 2))

回答 6

您需要多精确? td.days / 365.25如果您担心leap年,它将使您更加接近。

How exact do you need it to be? td.days / 365.25 will get you pretty close, if you’re worried about leap years.

回答 7

此处未提及的另一个第三方库lib是mxDateTime(python datetime和3rd party的前身timeutil)可用于此任务。


from mx.DateTime import now, RelativeDateTime

def years_ago(years, from_date=None):
    if from_date == None:
        from_date = now()
    return from_date-RelativeDateTime(years=years)



def DT_from_dt_s(t):
    return DT.DateTimeFromTicks(time.mktime(t.timetuple()))


def DT_from_dt_u(t):
    return DT.DateTime(t.year, t.month, t.day, t.hour,
  t.minute, t.second + t.microsecond * 1e-6)

是的,即使与使用timeutil(由Rick Copeland建议)相比,为有问题的单个任务添加依赖绝对是一个过大的杀伤力。

Yet another 3rd party lib not mentioned here is mxDateTime (predecessor of both python datetime and 3rd party timeutil) could be used for this task.

The aforementioned yearsago would be:

from mx.DateTime import now, RelativeDateTime

def years_ago(years, from_date=None):
    if from_date == None:
        from_date = now()
    return from_date-RelativeDateTime(years=years)

First parameter is expected to be a DateTime instance.

To convert ordinary datetime to DateTime you could use this for 1 second precision):

def DT_from_dt_s(t):
    return DT.DateTimeFromTicks(time.mktime(t.timetuple()))

or this for 1 microsecond precision:

def DT_from_dt_u(t):
    return DT.DateTime(t.year, t.month, t.day, t.hour,
  t.minute, t.second + t.microsecond * 1e-6)

And yes, adding the dependency for this single task in question would definitely be an overkill compared even with using timeutil (suggested by Rick Copeland).

回答 8

最后,您遇到的是数学问题。如果每隔4年我们有额外的一天,那么可以在几天之内(而不是365天,而是365 * 4 +1)潜水timedelta,那么您的时间就是4年。然后再将其除以4。timedelta /((365 * 4)+1)/ 4 = timedelta * 4 /(365 * 4 +1)

In the end what you have is a maths issue. If every 4 years we have an extra day lets then dived the timedelta in days, not by 365 but 365*4 + 1, that would give you the amount of 4 years. Then divide it again by 4. timedelta / ((365*4) +1) / 4 = timedelta * 4 / (365*4 +1)

回答 9


def menor_edad_legal(birthday):
    """ returns true if aged<18 in days """ 

        today = time.localtime()                        

        fa_divuit_anys=date(year=today.tm_year-18, month=today.tm_mon, day=today.tm_mday)

        if birthday>fa_divuit_anys:
            return True
            return False            

    except Exception, ex_edad:
        logging.error('Error menor de edad: %s' % ex_edad)
        return True

This is the solution I worked out, I hope can help ;-)

def menor_edad_legal(birthday):
    """ returns true if aged<18 in days """ 

        today = time.localtime()                        

        fa_divuit_anys=date(year=today.tm_year-18, month=today.tm_mon, day=today.tm_mday)

        if birthday>fa_divuit_anys:
            return True
            return False            

    except Exception, ex_edad:
        logging.error('Error menor de edad: %s' % ex_edad)
        return True

回答 10


def validatedate(date):
    parts = date.strip().split('-')

    if len(parts) == 3 and False not in [x.isdigit() for x in parts]: 
        birth = datetime.date(int(parts[2]), int(parts[1]), int(parts[0]))
        today = datetime.date.today()

        b = (birth.year * 10000) + (birth.month * 100) + (birth.day)
        t = (today.year * 10000) + (today.month * 100) + (today.day)

        if (t - 18 * 10000) >= b:
            return True

    return False

Even though this thread is already dead, might i suggest a working solution for this very same problem i was facing. Here it is (date is a string in the format dd-mm-yyyy):

def validatedate(date):
    parts = date.strip().split('-')

    if len(parts) == 3 and False not in [x.isdigit() for x in parts]: 
        birth = datetime.date(int(parts[2]), int(parts[1]), int(parts[0]))
        today = datetime.date.today()

        b = (birth.year * 10000) + (birth.month * 100) + (birth.day)
        t = (today.year * 10000) + (today.month * 100) + (today.day)

        if (t - 18 * 10000) >= b:
            return True

    return False

回答 11


import time
def years(earlydateiso,  laterdateiso):
    """difference in years between two dates in ISO format"""

    ed =  time.strptime(earlydateiso, "%Y-%m-%d")
    ld =  time.strptime(laterdateiso, "%Y-%m-%d")
    #switch dates if needed
    if  ld < ed:
        ld,  ed = ed,  ld            

    res = ld[0] - ed [0]
    if res > 0:
        if ld[1]< ed[1]:
            res -= 1
        elif  ld[1] == ed[1]:
            if ld[2]< ed[2]:
                res -= 1
    return res

this function returns the difference in years between two dates (taken as strings in ISO format, but it can easily modified to take in any format)

import time
def years(earlydateiso,  laterdateiso):
    """difference in years between two dates in ISO format"""

    ed =  time.strptime(earlydateiso, "%Y-%m-%d")
    ld =  time.strptime(laterdateiso, "%Y-%m-%d")
    #switch dates if needed
    if  ld < ed:
        ld,  ed = ed,  ld            

    res = ld[0] - ed [0]
    if res > 0:
        if ld[1]< ed[1]:
            res -= 1
        elif  ld[1] == ed[1]:
            if ld[2]< ed[2]:
                res -= 1
    return res

回答 12





I’ll suggest Pyfdate

What is pyfdate?

Given Python’s goal to be a powerful and easy-to-use scripting language, its features for working with dates and times are not as user-friendly as they should be. The purpose of pyfdate is to remedy that situation by providing features for working with dates and times that are as powerful and easy-to-use as the rest of Python.

the tutorial

回答 13

import datetime

def check_if_old_enough(years_needed, old_date):

    limit_date = datetime.date(old_date.year + years_needed,  old_date.month, old_date.day)

    today = datetime.datetime.now().date()

    old_enough = False

    if limit_date <= today:
        old_enough = True

    return old_enough

def test_ages():

    years_needed = 30

    born_date_Logan = datetime.datetime(1988, 3, 5)

    if check_if_old_enough(years_needed, born_date_Logan):
        print("Logan is old enough")
        print("Logan is not old enough")

    born_date_Jessica = datetime.datetime(1997, 3, 6)

    if check_if_old_enough(years_needed, born_date_Jessica):
        print("Jessica is old enough")
        print("Jessica is not old enough")




import datetime

def check_if_old_enough(years_needed, old_date):

    limit_date = datetime.date(old_date.year + years_needed,  old_date.month, old_date.day)

    today = datetime.datetime.now().date()

    old_enough = False

    if limit_date <= today:
        old_enough = True

    return old_enough

def test_ages():

    years_needed = 30

    born_date_Logan = datetime.datetime(1988, 3, 5)

    if check_if_old_enough(years_needed, born_date_Logan):
        print("Logan is old enough")
        print("Logan is not old enough")

    born_date_Jessica = datetime.datetime(1997, 3, 6)

    if check_if_old_enough(years_needed, born_date_Jessica):
        print("Jessica is old enough")
        print("Jessica is not old enough")


This is the code that the Carrousel operator was running in Logan’s Run film ;)


回答 14





def age(birthday):
    birthday = birthday.date()
    today = date.today()

    years = today.year - birthday.year

    if (today.month < birthday.month or
       (today.month == birthday.month and today.day < birthday.day)):

        years = years - 1

    return years

I came across this question and found Adams answer the most helpful https://stackoverflow.com/a/765862/2964689

But there was no python example of his method but here’s what I ended up using.

input: datetime object

output: integer age in whole years

def age(birthday):
    birthday = birthday.date()
    today = date.today()

    years = today.year - birthday.year

    if (today.month < birthday.month or
       (today.month == birthday.month and today.day < birthday.day)):

        years = years - 1

    return years

回答 15

我喜欢John Mee的解决方案,因为它简单易用,我也不担心在2月28日或3月1日(不是a年)如何确定2月29日出生的人的年龄。但这是他的代码的一些调整我认为可以解决这些投诉:

def age(dob):
    import datetime
    today = datetime.date.today()
    age = today.year - dob.year
    if ( today.month == dob.month == 2 and
         today.day == 28 and dob.day == 29 ):
    elif today.month < dob.month or \
      (today.month == dob.month and today.day < dob.day):
        age -= 1
    return age

I liked John Mee’s solution for its simplicity, and I am not that concerned about how, on Feb 28 or March 1 when it is not a leap year, to determine age of people born on Feb 29. But here is a tweak of his code which I think addresses the complaints:

def age(dob):
    import datetime
    today = datetime.date.today()
    age = today.year - dob.year
    if ( today.month == dob.month == 2 and
         today.day == 28 and dob.day == 29 ):
    elif today.month < dob.month or \
      (today.month == dob.month and today.day < dob.day):
        age -= 1
    return age






我正在处理“列表”(有点像ebay列表),每个列表都有持续时间。我试图通过做找到剩余的时间when_added + duration - now


I’ve got a timedelta. I want the days, hours and minutes from that – either as a tuple or a dictionary… I’m not fussed.

I must have done this a dozen times in a dozen languages over the years but Python usually has a simple answer to everything so I thought I’d ask here before busting out some nauseatingly simple (yet verbose) mathematics.

Mr Fooz raises a good point.

I’m dealing with “listings” (a bit like ebay listings) where each one has a duration. I’m trying to find the time left by doing when_added + duration - now

Am I right in saying that wouldn’t account for DST? If not, what’s the simplest way to add/subtract an hour?

回答 0


def days_hours_minutes(td):
    return td.days, td.seconds//3600, (td.seconds//60)%60

If you have a datetime.timedelta value td, td.days already gives you the “days” you want. timedelta values keep fraction-of-day as seconds (not directly hours or minutes) so you’ll indeed have to perform “nauseatingly simple mathematics”, e.g.:

def days_hours_minutes(td):
    return td.days, td.seconds//3600, (td.seconds//60)%60

回答 1


days = td.days
hours, remainder = divmod(td.seconds, 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
# If you want to take into account fractions of a second
seconds += td.microseconds / 1e6

This is a bit more compact, you get the hours, minutes and seconds in two lines.

days = td.days
hours, remainder = divmod(td.seconds, 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
# If you want to take into account fractions of a second
seconds += td.microseconds / 1e6

回答 2

days, hours, minutes = td.days, td.seconds // 3600, td.seconds // 60 % 60


>>> m13 = datetime(2010, 3, 13, 8, 0, 0)  # 2010 March 13 8:00 AM
>>> m14 = datetime(2010, 3, 14, 8, 0, 0)  # DST starts on this day, in my time zone
>>> mktime(m14.timetuple()) - mktime(m13.timetuple())     # difference in seconds
>>> _/3600                                                # convert to hours
days, hours, minutes = td.days, td.seconds // 3600, td.seconds // 60 % 60

As for DST, I think the best thing is to convert both datetime objects to seconds. This way the system calculates DST for you.

>>> m13 = datetime(2010, 3, 13, 8, 0, 0)  # 2010 March 13 8:00 AM
>>> m14 = datetime(2010, 3, 14, 8, 0, 0)  # DST starts on this day, in my time zone
>>> mktime(m14.timetuple()) - mktime(m13.timetuple())     # difference in seconds
>>> _/3600                                                # convert to hours

回答 3


days, hours, minutes = td.days, td.seconds // 3600, td.seconds // 60 % 60


days, hours, minutes = td.days, td.seconds // 3600, td.seconds % 3600 / 60.0


I don’t understand

days, hours, minutes = td.days, td.seconds // 3600, td.seconds // 60 % 60

how about this

days, hours, minutes = td.days, td.seconds // 3600, td.seconds % 3600 / 60.0

You get minutes and seconds of a minute as a float.

回答 4


delta = timedelta()
totalMinute, second = divmod(delta.seconds, 60)
hour, minute = divmod(totalMinute, 60)

I used the following:

delta = timedelta()
totalMinute, second = divmod(delta.seconds, 60)
hour, minute = divmod(totalMinute, 60)

回答 5

timedeltas具有daysand seconds属性..您可以轻松地自己转换它们。

timedeltas have a days and seconds attribute .. you can convert them yourself with ease.






顺便说一句,我将Google AppEngine与Django模板结合使用进行演示。

I’m having trouble formatting a datetime.timedelta object.

Here’s what I’m trying to do: I have a list of objects and one of the members of the class of the object is a timedelta object that shows the duration of an event. I would like to display that duration in the format of hours:minutes.

I have tried a variety of methods for doing this and I’m having difficulty. My current approach is to add methods to the class for my objects that return hours and minutes. I can get the hours by dividing the timedelta.seconds by 3600 and rounding it. I’m having trouble with getting the remainder seconds and converting that to minutes.

By the way, I’m using Google AppEngine with Django Templates for presentation.

回答 0


import datetime
start = datetime.datetime(2009,2,10,14,00)
end   = datetime.datetime(2009,2,10,16,00)
delta = end-start
# prints 2:00:00

You can just convert the timedelta to a string with str(). Here’s an example:

import datetime
start = datetime.datetime(2009,2,10,14,00)
end   = datetime.datetime(2009,2,10,16,00)
delta = end-start
# prints 2:00:00

回答 1

如您所知,您可以通过访问.seconds属性从timedelta对象获取total_seconds 。


s = 13420
hours, remainder = divmod(s, 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
print '{:02}:{:02}:{:02}'.format(int(hours), int(minutes), int(seconds))
# result: 03:43:40


# arbitrary number of seconds
s = 13420
# hours
hours = s // 3600 
# remaining seconds
s = s - (hours * 3600)
# minutes
minutes = s // 60
# remaining seconds
seconds = s - (minutes * 60)
# total time
print '{:02}:{:02}:{:02}'.format(int(hours), int(minutes), int(seconds))
# result: 03:43:40

As you know, you can get the total_seconds from a timedelta object by accessing the .seconds attribute.

Python provides the builtin function divmod() which allows for:

s = 13420
hours, remainder = divmod(s, 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
print '{:02}:{:02}:{:02}'.format(int(hours), int(minutes), int(seconds))
# result: 03:43:40

or you can convert to hours and remainder by using a combination of modulo and subtraction:

# arbitrary number of seconds
s = 13420
# hours
hours = s // 3600 
# remaining seconds
s = s - (hours * 3600)
# minutes
minutes = s // 60
# remaining seconds
seconds = s - (minutes * 60)
# total time
print '{:02}:{:02}:{:02}'.format(int(hours), int(minutes), int(seconds))
# result: 03:43:40

回答 2

>>> str(datetime.timedelta(hours=10.56))

>>> td = datetime.timedelta(hours=10.505) # any timedelta object
>>> ':'.join(str(td).split(':')[:2])

如果我们简单地输入,将timedelta对象传递给str()函数将调用相同的格式代码print td。由于您不需要秒数,因此我们可以用冒号(3个部分)分割字符串,然后仅将前2个部分放回去。

>>> str(datetime.timedelta(hours=10.56))

>>> td = datetime.timedelta(hours=10.505) # any timedelta object
>>> ':'.join(str(td).split(':')[:2])

Passing the timedelta object to the str() function calls the same formatting code used if we simply type print td. Since you don’t want the seconds, we can split the string by colons (3 parts) and put it back together with only the first 2 parts.

回答 3

def td_format(td_object):
    seconds = int(td_object.total_seconds())
    periods = [
        ('year',        60*60*24*365),
        ('month',       60*60*24*30),
        ('day',         60*60*24),
        ('hour',        60*60),
        ('minute',      60),
        ('second',      1)

    for period_name, period_seconds in periods:
        if seconds > period_seconds:
            period_value , seconds = divmod(seconds, period_seconds)
            has_s = 's' if period_value > 1 else ''
            strings.append("%s %s%s" % (period_value, period_name, has_s))

    return ", ".join(strings)
def td_format(td_object):
    seconds = int(td_object.total_seconds())
    periods = [
        ('year',        60*60*24*365),
        ('month',       60*60*24*30),
        ('day',         60*60*24),
        ('hour',        60*60),
        ('minute',      60),
        ('second',      1)

    for period_name, period_seconds in periods:
        if seconds > period_seconds:
            period_value , seconds = divmod(seconds, period_seconds)
            has_s = 's' if period_value > 1 else ''
            strings.append("%s %s%s" % (period_value, period_name, has_s))

    return ", ".join(strings)

回答 4


>>> import datetime
>>> humanize.naturalday(datetime.datetime.now())
>>> humanize.naturalday(datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=1))
>>> humanize.naturalday(datetime.date(2007, 6, 5))
'Jun 05'
>>> humanize.naturaldate(datetime.date(2007, 6, 5))
'Jun 05 2007'
>>> humanize.naturaltime(datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=1))
'a second ago'
>>> humanize.naturaltime(datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600))
'an hour ago'

当然,它并不能完全给您为您的答案(的确是,str(timeA - timeB)但是我发现,一旦您超过几个小时,显示就会迅速变得不可读。humanize它支持更大的值易于阅读,并且位置很好。

contrib.humanize显然,它是受Django 模块启发的,因此,由于您使用的是Django,您应该使用它。

I personally use the humanize library for this:

>>> import datetime
>>> humanize.naturalday(datetime.datetime.now())
>>> humanize.naturalday(datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=1))
>>> humanize.naturalday(datetime.date(2007, 6, 5))
'Jun 05'
>>> humanize.naturaldate(datetime.date(2007, 6, 5))
'Jun 05 2007'
>>> humanize.naturaltime(datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=1))
'a second ago'
>>> humanize.naturaltime(datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600))
'an hour ago'

Of course, it doesn’t give you exactly the answer you were looking for (which is, indeed, str(timeA - timeB), but I have found that once you go beyond a few hours, the display becomes quickly unreadable. humanize has support for much larger values that are human-readable, and is also well localized.

It’s inspired by Django’s contrib.humanize module, apparently, so since you are using Django, you should probably use that.

回答 5


hours, remainder = divmod(myTimeDelta.total_seconds(), 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)

# Formatted only for hours and minutes as requested
print '%s:%s' % (hours, minutes)


He already has a timedelta object so why not use its built-in method total_seconds() to convert it to seconds, then use divmod() to get hours and minutes?

hours, remainder = divmod(myTimeDelta.total_seconds(), 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)

# Formatted only for hours and minutes as requested
print '%s:%s' % (hours, minutes)

This works regardless if the time delta has even days or years.

回答 6



  1. 即时自定义字符串格式,而不是对其进行硬编码。
  2. 留出一定的时间间隔没有问题(请参见下面的示例)。


from string import Formatter
from datetime import timedelta

def strfdelta(tdelta, fmt='{D:02}d {H:02}h {M:02}m {S:02}s', inputtype='timedelta'):
    """Convert a datetime.timedelta object or a regular number to a custom-
    formatted string, just like the stftime() method does for datetime.datetime

    The fmt argument allows custom formatting to be specified.  Fields can 
    include seconds, minutes, hours, days, and weeks.  Each field is optional.

    Some examples:
        '{D:02}d {H:02}h {M:02}m {S:02}s' --> '05d 08h 04m 02s' (default)
        '{W}w {D}d {H}:{M:02}:{S:02}'     --> '4w 5d 8:04:02'
        '{D:2}d {H:2}:{M:02}:{S:02}'      --> ' 5d  8:04:02'
        '{H}h {S}s'                       --> '72h 800s'

    The inputtype argument allows tdelta to be a regular number instead of the  
    default, which is a datetime.timedelta object.  Valid inputtype strings: 
        's', 'seconds', 
        'm', 'minutes', 
        'h', 'hours', 
        'd', 'days', 
        'w', 'weeks'

    # Convert tdelta to integer seconds.
    if inputtype == 'timedelta':
        remainder = int(tdelta.total_seconds())
    elif inputtype in ['s', 'seconds']:
        remainder = int(tdelta)
    elif inputtype in ['m', 'minutes']:
        remainder = int(tdelta)*60
    elif inputtype in ['h', 'hours']:
        remainder = int(tdelta)*3600
    elif inputtype in ['d', 'days']:
        remainder = int(tdelta)*86400
    elif inputtype in ['w', 'weeks']:
        remainder = int(tdelta)*604800

    f = Formatter()
    desired_fields = [field_tuple[1] for field_tuple in f.parse(fmt)]
    possible_fields = ('W', 'D', 'H', 'M', 'S')
    constants = {'W': 604800, 'D': 86400, 'H': 3600, 'M': 60, 'S': 1}
    values = {}
    for field in possible_fields:
        if field in desired_fields and field in constants:
            values[field], remainder = divmod(remainder, constants[field])
    return f.format(fmt, **values)


>>> td = timedelta(days=2, hours=3, minutes=5, seconds=8, microseconds=340)

>>> print strfdelta(td)
02d 03h 05m 08s

>>> print strfdelta(td, '{D}d {H}:{M:02}:{S:02}')
2d 3:05:08

>>> print strfdelta(td, '{D:2}d {H:2}:{M:02}:{S:02}')
 2d  3:05:08

>>> print strfdelta(td, '{H}h {S}s')
51h 308s

>>> print strfdelta(12304, inputtype='s')
00d 03h 25m 04s

>>> print strfdelta(620, '{H}:{M:02}', 'm')

>>> print strfdelta(49, '{D}d {H}h', 'h')
2d 1h

Here is a general purpose function for converting either a timedelta object or a regular number (in the form of seconds or minutes, etc.) to a nicely formatted string. I took mpounsett’s fantastic answer on a duplicate question, made it a bit more flexible, improved readibility, and added documentation.

You will find that it is the most flexible answer here so far since it allows you to:

  1. Customize the string format on the fly instead of it being hard-coded.
  2. Leave out certain time intervals without a problem (see examples below).


from string import Formatter
from datetime import timedelta

def strfdelta(tdelta, fmt='{D:02}d {H:02}h {M:02}m {S:02}s', inputtype='timedelta'):
    """Convert a datetime.timedelta object or a regular number to a custom-
    formatted string, just like the stftime() method does for datetime.datetime

    The fmt argument allows custom formatting to be specified.  Fields can 
    include seconds, minutes, hours, days, and weeks.  Each field is optional.

    Some examples:
        '{D:02}d {H:02}h {M:02}m {S:02}s' --> '05d 08h 04m 02s' (default)
        '{W}w {D}d {H}:{M:02}:{S:02}'     --> '4w 5d 8:04:02'
        '{D:2}d {H:2}:{M:02}:{S:02}'      --> ' 5d  8:04:02'
        '{H}h {S}s'                       --> '72h 800s'

    The inputtype argument allows tdelta to be a regular number instead of the  
    default, which is a datetime.timedelta object.  Valid inputtype strings: 
        's', 'seconds', 
        'm', 'minutes', 
        'h', 'hours', 
        'd', 'days', 
        'w', 'weeks'

    # Convert tdelta to integer seconds.
    if inputtype == 'timedelta':
        remainder = int(tdelta.total_seconds())
    elif inputtype in ['s', 'seconds']:
        remainder = int(tdelta)
    elif inputtype in ['m', 'minutes']:
        remainder = int(tdelta)*60
    elif inputtype in ['h', 'hours']:
        remainder = int(tdelta)*3600
    elif inputtype in ['d', 'days']:
        remainder = int(tdelta)*86400
    elif inputtype in ['w', 'weeks']:
        remainder = int(tdelta)*604800

    f = Formatter()
    desired_fields = [field_tuple[1] for field_tuple in f.parse(fmt)]
    possible_fields = ('W', 'D', 'H', 'M', 'S')
    constants = {'W': 604800, 'D': 86400, 'H': 3600, 'M': 60, 'S': 1}
    values = {}
    for field in possible_fields:
        if field in desired_fields and field in constants:
            values[field], remainder = divmod(remainder, constants[field])
    return f.format(fmt, **values)


>>> td = timedelta(days=2, hours=3, minutes=5, seconds=8, microseconds=340)

>>> print strfdelta(td)
02d 03h 05m 08s

>>> print strfdelta(td, '{D}d {H}:{M:02}:{S:02}')
2d 3:05:08

>>> print strfdelta(td, '{D:2}d {H:2}:{M:02}:{S:02}')
 2d  3:05:08

>>> print strfdelta(td, '{H}h {S}s')
51h 308s

>>> print strfdelta(12304, inputtype='s')
00d 03h 25m 04s

>>> print strfdelta(620, '{H}:{M:02}', 'm')

>>> print strfdelta(49, '{D}d {H}h', 'h')
2d 1h

回答 7


duration = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(end - begin)
print duration.strftime('%H:%M')


I know that this is an old answered question, but I use datetime.utcfromtimestamp() for this. It takes the number of seconds and returns a datetime that can be formatted like any other datetime.

duration = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(end - begin)
print duration.strftime('%H:%M')

As long as you stay in the legal ranges for the time parts this should work, i.e. it doesn’t return 1234:35 as hours are <= 23.

回答 8


  >>> import datetime
  >>> datetime.timedelta(seconds=41000)
  datetime.timedelta(0, 41000)
  >>> str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=41000))
  >>> str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=4102.33))
  >>> str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=413302.33))
  '4 days, 18:48:22.330000'

因此,实际上有两种格式,一种格式的天数为0,而被忽略,另一种格式的文本为“ n days,h:m:s”。但是,秒可能会有分数,并且打印输出中没有前导零,所以列很乱。


def printNiceTimeDelta(stime, etime):
    delay = datetime.timedelta(seconds=(etime - stime))
    if (delay.days > 0):
        out = str(delay).replace(" days, ", ":")
        out = "0:" + str(delay)
    outAr = out.split(':')
    outAr = ["%02d" % (int(float(x))) for x in outAr]
    out   = ":".join(outAr)
    return out




>>> str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=99999999))
'1157 days, 9:46:39'

Questioner wants a nicer format than the typical:

  >>> import datetime
  >>> datetime.timedelta(seconds=41000)
  datetime.timedelta(0, 41000)
  >>> str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=41000))
  >>> str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=4102.33))
  >>> str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=413302.33))
  '4 days, 18:48:22.330000'

So, really there’s two formats, one where days are 0 and it’s left out, and another where there’s text “n days, h:m:s”. But, the seconds may have fractions, and there’s no leading zeroes in the printouts, so columns are messy.

Here’s my routine, if you like it:

def printNiceTimeDelta(stime, etime):
    delay = datetime.timedelta(seconds=(etime - stime))
    if (delay.days > 0):
        out = str(delay).replace(" days, ", ":")
        out = "0:" + str(delay)
    outAr = out.split(':')
    outAr = ["%02d" % (int(float(x))) for x in outAr]
    out   = ":".join(outAr)
    return out

this returns output as dd:hh:mm:ss format:


I did think about adding years to this, but this is left as an exercise for the reader, since the output is safe at over 1 year:

>>> str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=99999999))
'1157 days, 9:46:39'

回答 9


td = str(timedelta).split('.')[0]



h,m,s = re.split(':', td)
new_delta = datetime.timedelta(hours=int(h),minutes=int(m),seconds=int(s))


I would seriously consider the Occam’s Razor approach here:

td = str(timedelta).split('.')[0]

This returns a string without the microseconds

If you want to regenerate the datetime.timedelta object, just do this:

h,m,s = re.split(':', td)
new_delta = datetime.timedelta(hours=int(h),minutes=int(m),seconds=int(s))

2 years in, I love this language!

回答 10

我的datetime.timedelta物品超过一天。因此,这是另一个问题。以上所有讨论都假设不到一天。A timedelta实际上是天,秒和微秒的元组。上面的讨论应该使用td.seconds像joe一样,但是如果您有工作日,则它不包括在seconds值中。


span = currentdt - previousdt
print '%d,%d\n' % (span.days,span.seconds/3600)

My datetime.timedelta objects went greater than a day. So here is a further problem. All the discussion above assumes less than a day. A timedelta is actually a tuple of days, seconds and microseconds. The above discussion should use td.seconds as joe did, but if you have days it is NOT included in the seconds value.

I am getting a span of time between 2 datetimes and printing days and hours.

span = currentdt - previousdt
print '%d,%d\n' % (span.days,span.seconds/3600)

回答 11


import humanfriendly
from datetime import timedelta
delta = timedelta(seconds = 321)

'5 minutes and 21 seconds'


I used the humanfriendly python library to do this, it works very well.

import humanfriendly
from datetime import timedelta
delta = timedelta(seconds = 321)

'5 minutes and 21 seconds'

Available at https://pypi.org/project/humanfriendly/

回答 12


td = datetime.timedelta(hours=10.56)
td_str = "%d:%d" % (td.seconds/3600, td.seconds%3600/60)


Following Joe’s example value above, I’d use the modulus arithmetic operator, thusly:

td = datetime.timedelta(hours=10.56)
td_str = "%d:%d" % (td.seconds/3600, td.seconds%3600/60)

Note that integer division in Python rounds down by default; if you want to be more explicit, use math.floor() or math.ceil() as appropriate.

回答 13

def seconds_to_time_left_string(total_seconds):
    s = int(total_seconds)
    years = s // 31104000
    if years > 1:
        return '%d years' % years
    s = s - (years * 31104000)
    months = s // 2592000
    if years == 1:
        r = 'one year'
        if months > 0:
            r += ' and %d months' % months
        return r
    if months > 1:
        return '%d months' % months
    s = s - (months * 2592000)
    days = s // 86400
    if months == 1:
        r = 'one month'
        if days > 0:
            r += ' and %d days' % days
        return r
    if days > 1:
        return '%d days' % days
    s = s - (days * 86400)
    hours = s // 3600
    if days == 1:
        r = 'one day'
        if hours > 0:
            r += ' and %d hours' % hours
        return r 
    s = s - (hours * 3600)
    minutes = s // 60
    seconds = s - (minutes * 60)
    if hours >= 6:
        return '%d hours' % hours
    if hours >= 1:
        r = '%d hours' % hours
        if hours == 1:
            r = 'one hour'
        if minutes > 0:
            r += ' and %d minutes' % minutes
        return r
    if minutes == 1:
        r = 'one minute'
        if seconds > 0:
            r += ' and %d seconds' % seconds
        return r
    if minutes == 0:
        return '%d seconds' % seconds
    if seconds == 0:
        return '%d minutes' % minutes
    return '%d minutes and %d seconds' % (minutes, seconds)

for i in range(10):
    print pow(8, i), seconds_to_time_left_string(pow(8, i))

1 1 seconds
8 8 seconds
64 one minute and 4 seconds
512 8 minutes and 32 seconds
4096 one hour and 8 minutes
32768 9 hours
262144 3 days
2097152 24 days
16777216 6 months
134217728 4 years
def seconds_to_time_left_string(total_seconds):
    s = int(total_seconds)
    years = s // 31104000
    if years > 1:
        return '%d years' % years
    s = s - (years * 31104000)
    months = s // 2592000
    if years == 1:
        r = 'one year'
        if months > 0:
            r += ' and %d months' % months
        return r
    if months > 1:
        return '%d months' % months
    s = s - (months * 2592000)
    days = s // 86400
    if months == 1:
        r = 'one month'
        if days > 0:
            r += ' and %d days' % days
        return r
    if days > 1:
        return '%d days' % days
    s = s - (days * 86400)
    hours = s // 3600
    if days == 1:
        r = 'one day'
        if hours > 0:
            r += ' and %d hours' % hours
        return r 
    s = s - (hours * 3600)
    minutes = s // 60
    seconds = s - (minutes * 60)
    if hours >= 6:
        return '%d hours' % hours
    if hours >= 1:
        r = '%d hours' % hours
        if hours == 1:
            r = 'one hour'
        if minutes > 0:
            r += ' and %d minutes' % minutes
        return r
    if minutes == 1:
        r = 'one minute'
        if seconds > 0:
            r += ' and %d seconds' % seconds
        return r
    if minutes == 0:
        return '%d seconds' % seconds
    if seconds == 0:
        return '%d minutes' % minutes
    return '%d minutes and %d seconds' % (minutes, seconds)

for i in range(10):
    print pow(8, i), seconds_to_time_left_string(pow(8, i))

1 1 seconds
8 8 seconds
64 one minute and 4 seconds
512 8 minutes and 32 seconds
4096 one hour and 8 minutes
32768 9 hours
262144 3 days
2097152 24 days
16777216 6 months
134217728 4 years

回答 14


def td2HHMMstr(td):
  '''Convert timedelta objects to a HH:MM string with (+/-) sign'''
  if td < datetime.timedelta(seconds=0):
    td = -td
    sign = ''
  tdhours, rem = divmod(td.total_seconds(), 3600)
  tdminutes, rem = divmod(rem, 60)
  tdstr = '{}{:}:{:02d}'.format(sign, int(tdhours), int(tdminutes))
  return tdstr


td2HHMMstr(datetime.timedelta(hours=1, minutes=45))

td2HHMMstr(datetime.timedelta(days=2, hours=3, minutes=2))

td2HHMMstr(datetime.timedelta(hours=-3, minutes=-2))

td2HHMMstr(datetime.timedelta(days=-35, hours=-3, minutes=-2))

I had a similar problem with the output of overtime calculation at work. The value should always show up in HH:MM, even when it is greater than one day and the value can get negative. I combined some of the shown solutions and maybe someone else find this solution useful. I realized that if the timedelta value is negative most of the shown solutions with the divmod method doesn’t work out of the box:

def td2HHMMstr(td):
  '''Convert timedelta objects to a HH:MM string with (+/-) sign'''
  if td < datetime.timedelta(seconds=0):
    td = -td
    sign = ''
  tdhours, rem = divmod(td.total_seconds(), 3600)
  tdminutes, rem = divmod(rem, 60)
  tdstr = '{}{:}:{:02d}'.format(sign, int(tdhours), int(tdminutes))
  return tdstr

timedelta to HH:MM string:

td2HHMMstr(datetime.timedelta(hours=1, minutes=45))

td2HHMMstr(datetime.timedelta(days=2, hours=3, minutes=2))

td2HHMMstr(datetime.timedelta(hours=-3, minutes=-2))

td2HHMMstr(datetime.timedelta(days=-35, hours=-3, minutes=-2))

回答 15

import datetime
hours = datetime.timedelta(hours=16, minutes=30)
print((datetime.datetime(1,1,1) + hours).strftime('%H:%M'))
import datetime
hours = datetime.timedelta(hours=16, minutes=30)
print((datetime.datetime(1,1,1) + hours).strftime('%H:%M'))

回答 16

直接解决此问题的模板过滤器。内置函数int()从不舍入。F字符串(即f”)需要python 3.6。

def diffTime(end, start):
    diff = (end - start).total_seconds()
    d = int(diff / 86400)
    h = int((diff - (d * 86400)) / 3600)
    m = int((diff - (d * 86400 + h * 3600)) / 60)
    s = int((diff - (d * 86400 + h * 3600 + m *60)))
    if d > 0:
        fdiff = f'{d}d {h}h {m}m {s}s'
    elif h > 0:
        fdiff = f'{h}h {m}m {s}s'
    elif m > 0:
        fdiff = f'{m}m {s}s'
        fdiff = f'{s}s'
    return fdiff

A straight forward template filter for this problem. The built-in function int() never rounds up. F-Strings (i.e. f”) require python 3.6.

def diffTime(end, start):
    diff = (end - start).total_seconds()
    d = int(diff / 86400)
    h = int((diff - (d * 86400)) / 3600)
    m = int((diff - (d * 86400 + h * 3600)) / 60)
    s = int((diff - (d * 86400 + h * 3600 + m *60)))
    if d > 0:
        fdiff = f'{d}d {h}h {m}m {s}s'
    elif h > 0:
        fdiff = f'{h}h {m}m {s}s'
    elif m > 0:
        fdiff = f'{m}m {s}s'
        fdiff = f'{s}s'
    return fdiff

回答 17

from django.utils.translation import ngettext

def localize_timedelta(delta):
    ret = []
    num_years = int(delta.days / 365)
    if num_years > 0:
        delta -= timedelta(days=num_years * 365)
        ret.append(ngettext('%d year', '%d years', num_years) % num_years)

    if delta.days > 0:
        ret.append(ngettext('%d day', '%d days', delta.days) % delta.days)

    num_hours = int(delta.seconds / 3600)
    if num_hours > 0:
        delta -= timedelta(hours=num_hours)
        ret.append(ngettext('%d hour', '%d hours', num_hours) % num_hours)

    num_minutes = int(delta.seconds / 60)
    if num_minutes > 0:
        ret.append(ngettext('%d minute', '%d minutes', num_minutes) % num_minutes)

    return ' '.join(ret)


>>> from datetime import timedelta
>>> localize_timedelta(timedelta(days=3660, minutes=500))
'10 years 10 days 8 hours 20 minutes'
from django.utils.translation import ngettext

def localize_timedelta(delta):
    ret = []
    num_years = int(delta.days / 365)
    if num_years > 0:
        delta -= timedelta(days=num_years * 365)
        ret.append(ngettext('%d year', '%d years', num_years) % num_years)

    if delta.days > 0:
        ret.append(ngettext('%d day', '%d days', delta.days) % delta.days)

    num_hours = int(delta.seconds / 3600)
    if num_hours > 0:
        delta -= timedelta(hours=num_hours)
        ret.append(ngettext('%d hour', '%d hours', num_hours) % num_hours)

    num_minutes = int(delta.seconds / 60)
    if num_minutes > 0:
        ret.append(ngettext('%d minute', '%d minutes', num_minutes) % num_minutes)

    return ' '.join(ret)

This will produce:

>>> from datetime import timedelta
>>> localize_timedelta(timedelta(days=3660, minutes=500))
'10 years 10 days 8 hours 20 minutes'

回答 18


def format_timedelta(td):
    hours, remainder = divmod(td.total_seconds(), 3600)
    minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
    hours, minutes, seconds = int(hours), int(minutes), int(seconds)
    if hours < 10:
        hours = '0%s' % int(hours)
    if minutes < 10:
        minutes = '0%s' % minutes
    if seconds < 10:
        seconds = '0%s' % seconds
    return '%s:%s:%s' % (hours, minutes, seconds)

Please check this function – it converts timedelta object into string ‘HH:MM:SS’

def format_timedelta(td):
    hours, remainder = divmod(td.total_seconds(), 3600)
    minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
    hours, minutes, seconds = int(hours), int(minutes), int(seconds)
    if hours < 10:
        hours = '0%s' % int(hours)
    if minutes < 10:
        minutes = '0%s' % minutes
    if seconds < 10:
        seconds = '0%s' % seconds
    return '%s:%s:%s' % (hours, minutes, seconds)

回答 19



import datetime
td = datetime.timedelta(hours=2, minutes=10, seconds=5)
print(datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.strptime(str(td), "%H:%M:%S"), "%H:%M"))



One liner. Since timedeltas do not offer datetime’s strftime, bring the timedelta back to a datetime, and use stftime.

This can not only achieve the OP’s requested format Hours:Minutes, now you can leverage the full formatting power of datetime’s strftime, should your requirements change to another representation.

import datetime
td = datetime.timedelta(hours=2, minutes=10, seconds=5)
print(datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.strptime(str(td), "%H:%M:%S"), "%H:%M"))


This also solves the annoyance that timedeltas are formatted into strings as H:MM:SS rather than HH:MM:SS, which lead me to this problem, and the solution I’ve shared.

回答 20

如果您已经有一个timedelta obj,则只需将该obj转换为字符串即可。删除字符串的最后3个字符并打印。这将截断秒数部分,并以小时:分钟的格式打印其余部分。

t = str(timedeltaobj) 

print t[:-3]

If you already have a timedelta obj then just convert that obj into string. Remove the last 3 characters of the string and print. This will truncate the seconds part and print the rest of it in the format Hours:Minutes.

t = str(timedeltaobj) 

print t[:-3]

回答 21


>>> from IPython.core.magics.execution import _format_time
>>> for v in range(-9, 10, 2):
...     dt = 1.25 * 10**v
...     print(_format_time(dt))

1.25 ns
125 ns
12.5 µs
1.25 ms
125 ms
12.5 s
20min 50s
1d 10h 43min 20s
144d 16h 13min 20s
14467d 14h 13min 20s

If you happen to have IPython in your packages (you should), it has (up to now, anyway) a very nice formatter for durations (in float seconds). That is used in various places, for example by the %%time cell magic. I like the format it produces for short durations:

>>> from IPython.core.magics.execution import _format_time
>>> for v in range(-9, 10, 2):
...     dt = 1.25 * 10**v
...     print(_format_time(dt))

1.25 ns
125 ns
12.5 µs
1.25 ms
125 ms
12.5 s
20min 50s
1d 10h 43min 20s
144d 16h 13min 20s
14467d 14h 13min 20s

回答 22

t1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(StartTime, "%H:%M:%S %d-%m-%y")

t2 = datetime.datetime.strptime(EndTime, "%H:%M:%S %d-%m-%y")

return str(t2-t1)


StartTime = '15:28:53 21-07-13'
EndTime = '15:32:40 21-07-13'


t1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(StartTime, "%H:%M:%S %d-%m-%y")

t2 = datetime.datetime.strptime(EndTime, "%H:%M:%S %d-%m-%y")

return str(t2-t1)

So for:

StartTime = '15:28:53 21-07-13'
EndTime = '15:32:40 21-07-13'



回答 23



def hours(self):
    retval = ""
    if self.totalTime:
        hoursfloat = self.totalTime.seconds / 3600
        retval = round(hoursfloat)
    return retval

def minutes(self):
    retval = ""
    if self.totalTime:
        minutesfloat = self.totalTime.seconds / 60
        hoursAsMinutes = self.hours() * 60
        retval = round(minutesfloat - hoursAsMinutes)
    return retval


<td>{{ sum.0 }}</td>    
<td>{{ sum.1.hours|stringformat:"d" }}:{{ sum.1.minutes|stringformat:"#02.0d" }}</td>

Thanks everyone for your help. I took many of your ideas and put them together, let me know what you think.

I added two methods to the class like this:

def hours(self):
    retval = ""
    if self.totalTime:
        hoursfloat = self.totalTime.seconds / 3600
        retval = round(hoursfloat)
    return retval

def minutes(self):
    retval = ""
    if self.totalTime:
        minutesfloat = self.totalTime.seconds / 60
        hoursAsMinutes = self.hours() * 60
        retval = round(minutesfloat - hoursAsMinutes)
    return retval

In my django I used this (sum is the object and it is in a dictionary):

<td>{{ sum.0 }}</td>    
<td>{{ sum.1.hours|stringformat:"d" }}:{{ sum.1.minutes|stringformat:"#02.0d" }}</td>