

  • 有没有可靠的文档说首选方法?
  • 还有一种方法更pythonic吗?


if len(my_list) >= 4:
    x = my_list[3]
    x = 'NO_ABC'


    x = my_list[3]
except IndexError:
    x = 'NO_ABC'

PEP 20说:


应该使用a try而不是an if解释为无声传递的错误吗?如果是这样,您是否通过以这种方式使用它来明确使其静音,从而使其正常运行?


    import foo
except ImportError:
    import baz

Should I test if something is valid or just try to do it and catch the exception?

  • Is there any solid documentation saying that one way is preferred?
  • Is one way more pythonic?

For example, should I:

if len(my_list) >= 4:
    x = my_list[3]
    x = 'NO_ABC'


    x = my_list[3]
except IndexError:
    x = 'NO_ABC'

Some thoughts…
PEP 20 says:

Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.

Should using a try instead of an if be interpreted as an error passing silently? And if so, are you explicitly silencing it by using it in this way, therefore making it OK?

I’m not referring to situations where you can only do things 1 way; for example:

    import foo
except ImportError:
    import baz

回答 0


  • 加快速度(例如,通过防止额外的查询)
  • 更清晰的代码(行数更少/更易于阅读)




    x = my_list[index]
except IndexError:
    x = 'NO_ABC'

index可能在列表中并且通常不引发IndexError 时,尝试除外是最好的选择。这样,您就可以避免进行额外的查询if index < len(my_list)

Python鼓励使用异常,可以使用Dive Into Python中的短语来处理异常。您的示例不仅(优美地)处理异常,而不是让其静默通过,而且仅在未找到索引的特殊情况下才发生异常(因此,单词异常!)。


Python的官方文档中提到了EAFP比获得许可更容易获得宽恕Rob Knight指出捕获错误而不是避免错误可以使代码简洁,更易于阅读。他的示例如下所示:


#check whether int conversion will raise an error
if not isinstance(s, str) or not s.isdigit():
    return None
elif len(s) > 10:    #too many digits for int conversion
    return None
    return int(s)


    return int(s)
except (TypeError, ValueError, OverflowError): #int conversion failed
    return None

You should prefer try/except over if/else if that results in

  • speed-ups (for example by preventing extra lookups)
  • cleaner code (fewer lines/easier to read)

Often, these go hand-in-hand.


In the case of trying to find an element in a long list by:

    x = my_list[index]
except IndexError:
    x = 'NO_ABC'

the try, except is the best option when the index is probably in the list and the IndexError is usually not raised. This way you avoid the need for an extra lookup by if index < len(my_list).

Python encourages the use of exceptions, which you handle is a phrase from Dive Into Python. Your example not only handles the exception (gracefully), rather than letting it silently pass, also the exception occurs only in the exceptional case of index not being found (hence the word exception!).

cleaner code

The official Python Documentation mentions EAFP: Easier to ask for forgiveness than permission and Rob Knight notes that catching errors rather than avoiding them, can result in cleaner, easier to read code. His example says it like this:

Worse (LBYL ‘look before you leap’):

#check whether int conversion will raise an error
if not isinstance(s, str) or not s.isdigit():
    return None
elif len(s) > 10:    #too many digits for int conversion
    return None
    return int(s)

Better (EAFP: Easier to ask for forgiveness than permission):

    return int(s)
except (TypeError, ValueError, OverflowError): #int conversion failed
    return None

回答 1


x = myDict.get("ABC", "NO_ABC")


In this particular case, you should use something else entirely:

x = myDict.get("ABC", "NO_ABC")

In general, though: If you expect the test to fail frequently, use if. If the test is expensive relative to just trying the operation and catching the exception if it fails, use try. If neither one of these conditions applies, go with whatever reads easier.

回答 2


import os, sys
if not os.path.isdir('foo'):
  except OSError, e
    print e


import os, sys, errno
except OSError, e
  if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
    print e


Using try and except directly rather than inside an if guard should always be done if there is any possibility of a race condition. For example, if you want to ensure that a directory exists, do not do this:

import os, sys
if not os.path.isdir('foo'):
  except OSError, e
    print e

If another thread or process creates the directory between isdir and mkdir, you’ll exit. Instead, do this:

import os, sys, errno
except OSError, e
  if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
    print e

That will only exit if the ‘foo’ directory can’t be created.

回答 3



  1. 出乎意料的事情,或者…
  2. 您需要跳到不只一个逻辑层次的事情(例如a break不能使您走得太远),或者…
  3. 您不确切知道该如何提前处理异常的事情,或者…
  4. 提前检查故障的成本很高(相对于尝试操作而言)


x = myDict.get('ABC', 'NO_ABC')

If it’s trivial to check whether something will fail before you do it, you should probably favor that. After all, constructing exceptions (including their associated tracebacks) takes time.

Exceptions should be used for:

  1. things that are unexpected, or…
  2. things where you need to jump more than one level of logic (e.g. where a break doesn’t get you far enough), or…
  3. things where you don’t know exactly what is going to be handling the exception ahead of time, or…
  4. things where checking ahead of time for failure is expensive (relative to just attempting the operation)

Note that oftentimes, the real answer is “neither” – for instance, in your first example, what you really should do is just use .get() to provide a default:

x = myDict.get('ABC', 'NO_ABC')

回答 4

正如其他职位所提到的,这取决于情况。使用try / except代替预先检查数据的有效性存在一些危险,尤其是在较大的项目中使用时。

  • 在try块中的代码可能有机会在捕获异常之前进行各种破坏-如果您事先使用if语句主动进行检查,则可以避免这种情况。
  • 如果在try块中调用的代码引发了一个常见的异常类型(如TypeError或ValueError),则您实际上可能没有捕获到您期望捕获的相同异常-可能是其他原因导致甚至在进入之前或之后引发相同的异常类可能引发异常的行。


    x = my_list[index_list[3]]
except IndexError:
    x = 'NO_ABC'


As the other posts mention, it depends on the situation. There are a few dangers with using try/except in place of checking the validity of your data in advance, especially when using it on bigger projects.

  • The code in the try block may have a chance to wreak all sorts of havoc before the exception is caught – if you proactively check beforehand with an if statement you can avoid this.
  • If the code called in your try block raises a common exception type, like TypeError or ValueError, you may not actually catch the same exception you were expecting to catch – it may be something else that raise the same exception class before or after even getting to the line where your exception may be raised.

e.g., suppose you had:

    x = my_list[index_list[3]]
except IndexError:
    x = 'NO_ABC'

The IndexError says nothing about whether it occurred when trying to get an element of index_list or my_list.

回答 5



try: except:if: else:逻辑更为复杂的情况下,首选使用。简单胜于复杂。复杂胜于复杂;要求宽恕比允许容易。



x = myDict.get('ABC', 'NO_ABC')


Should using a try instead of an if be interpreted as an error passing silently? And if so, are you explicitly silencing it by using it in this way, therefore making it OK?

Using try is acknowledging that an error may pass, which is the opposite of having it pass silently. Using except is causing it not to pass at all.

Using try: except: is preferred in cases where if: else: logic is more complicated. Simple is better than complex; complex is better than complicated; and it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.

What “errors should never pass silently” is warning about, is the case where code could raise an exception that you know about, and where your design admits the possibility, but you haven’t designed in a way to deal with the exception. Explicitly silencing an error, in my view, would be doing something like pass in an except block, which should only be done with an understanding that “doing nothing” really is the correct error handling in the particular situation. (This is one of the few times where I feel like a comment in well-written code is probably really needed.)

However, in your particular example, neither is appropriate:

x = myDict.get('ABC', 'NO_ABC')

The reason everyone is pointing this out – even though you acknowledge your desire to understand in general, and inability to come up with a better example – is that equivalent side-steps actually exist in quite a lot of cases, and looking for them is the first step in solving the problem.

回答 6


  1. 是否容易看到该try块何时成功以及何时失败?
  2. 您是否知道该区块内的所有副作用try
  3. 您是否知道该块引发异常的所有情况try
  4. 如果该try块的实现发生更改,您的控制流是否仍将按预期运行?



    y = foo(x)
except ProgrammingError:
    y = bar(x)


如果x是整数,则y = foo(x)。

如果x是整数列表,则y = bar(x)。

之所以foo可行,是因为进行了数据库查询,如果x为整数,则查询将成功,如果为列表,ProgrammingError则将抛出if x


  1. 异常的名称ProgrammingError不会给出实际的问题(x不是整数),这使得很难看到发生了什么。
  2. ProgrammingError数据库调用,浪费时间内上升。如果事实证明是foo在引发异常之前将某些内容写入数据库或更改了其他系统的状态,那么事情将变得非常可怕。
  3. 尚不清楚是否ProgrammingError仅在x整数列表时才引发。例如,假设foo的数据库查询中有错字。这可能还会引发一个ProgrammingError。结果是,bar(x)x是整数时,现在也称为。这可能会引发神秘异常或产生不可预见的结果。
  4. try/except块为的所有未来实现增加了要求foo。每当我们进行更改时foo,我们现在都必须考虑它如何处理列表,并确保它引发一个错误,ProgrammingError而不是一个AttributeError或根本不引发一个错误。

Whenever you use try/except for control flow, ask yourself:

  1. Is it easy to see when the try block succeeds and when it fails?
  2. Are you aware of all side effects inside the try block?
  3. Are you aware of all cases in which the try block throws the exception?
  4. If the implementation of the try block changes, will your control flow still behave as expected?

If the answer to one or more of these questions is ‘no’, there might be a lot of forgiveness to ask for; most likely from your future self.

An example. I recently saw code in a larger project that looked like this:

    y = foo(x)
except ProgrammingError:
    y = bar(x)

Talking to the programmer it turned that the intended control flow was:

If x is an integer, do y = foo(x).

If x is a list of integers, do y = bar(x).

This worked because foo made a database query and the query would be successful if x was an integer and throw a ProgrammingError if x was a list.

Using try/except is a bad choice here:

  1. The name of the exception, ProgrammingError, does not give away the actual problem (that x is not an integer), which makes it difficult to see what is going on.
  2. The ProgrammingError is raised during a database call, which wastes time. Things would get truly horrible if it turned out that foo writes something to the database before it throws an exception, or alters the state of some other system.
  3. It is unclear if ProgrammingError is only raised when x is a list of integers. Suppose for instance that there is a typo in foo‘s database query. This might also raise a ProgrammingError. The consequence is that bar(x) is now also called when x is an integer. This might raise cryptic exceptions or produce unforeseeable results.
  4. The try/except block adds a requirement to all future implementations of foo. Whenever we change foo, we must now think about how it handles lists and make sure that it throws a ProgrammingError and not, say, an AttributeError or no error at all.

回答 7



get(key [,默认])


For a general meaning, you may consider reading Idioms and Anti-Idioms in Python: Exceptions.

In your particular case, as others stated, you should use dict.get():

get(key[, default])

Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default. If default is not given, it defaults to None, so that this method never raises a KeyError.
