

sql = """
       SELECT DISTINCT u.name from user u
        INNER JOIN city c ON u.city_id = c.id
        WHERE c.designation=upper('fantasy') 
        AND c.id IN (select id from ref_geog where short_name LIKE '%opt')

# The last line in the above statement throws the error mentioned in the title. 
# However if the last line is change to:
# AND c.id IN (select id from ref_geog where short_name = 'helloopt')
# the script runs correctly.
# I also tried double escaping the '%' i.e. using '%%' instead - that generated the same error as previously.

res = executeSql(sql)
print res




I am using hand crafted SQL to fetch data from a PG database, using SqlAlchemy. I am trying a query which contains the SQL like operator ‘%’ and that seems to throw SqlAlcjhemy through a loop:

sql = """
       SELECT DISTINCT u.name from user u
        INNER JOIN city c ON u.city_id = c.id
        WHERE c.designation=upper('fantasy') 
        AND c.id IN (select id from ref_geog where short_name LIKE '%opt')

# The last line in the above statement throws the error mentioned in the title. 
# However if the last line is change to:
# AND c.id IN (select id from ref_geog where short_name = 'helloopt')
# the script runs correctly.
# I also tried double escaping the '%' i.e. using '%%' instead - that generated the same error as previously.

res = executeSql(sql)
print res

Any one knows what is causing this misleading error message and how I may fix it?


Before any one asks, there is nothing special or fancy about the functions included above. For example the function executeSql() simply invokes conn.execute(sql) and returns the results. The variable conn is simply the previously established connection to the database.

回答 0


因此,当您要%在查询中始终将string放置为all时,请放置double %

You have to give %% to use it as % because % in python is use as string formatting so when you write single % its assume that you are going to replace some value with this.

So when you want to place single % in string with query allways place double %.

回答 1


res = executeSql(sqlalchemy.text(sql))


SQLAlchemy has a text() function for wrapping text which appears to correctly escape the SQL for you.


res = executeSql(sqlalchemy.text(sql))

should work for you and save you from having to do the manual escaping.

回答 2

我在sqlalchemy 1.2版文档中找不到“ executeSql” ,但以下代码对我有用


I cannot find the “executeSql” in sqlalchemy version 1.2 docs , but the below line worked for me


回答 3



It seems like your problem may be related to this bug.

In which case, you should triple-escape as a workaround.

回答 4


c.execute("SELECT * FROM t WHERE a = %s")


I found one more case when this error shows up:

c.execute("SELECT * FROM t WHERE a = %s")

In other words, if you provide parameter (%s) in query, but you forget to add query params. In this case error message is very misleading.

回答 5


One more note- you must escape (or delete) % characters in comments as well. Unfortunately, sqlalchemy.text(query_string) does not escape the percent signs in the comments.

回答 6



select id from ref_geog where short_name LIKE '%opt'


select id from ref_geog where short_name ~ 'opt$' 


select id from ref_geog where short_name ~* 'opt$'





Another way of solving your problem, if you don’t want to escape % characters or use sqlalchemy.text(), is to use a regular expression.

Instead of:

select id from ref_geog where short_name LIKE '%opt'

Try (for case-sensitive match):

select id from ref_geog where short_name ~ 'opt$' 

or (for case-insensitive):

select id from ref_geog where short_name ~* 'opt$'

Both LIKE and regex are covered in the documentation on pattern matching.

Note that:

Unlike LIKE patterns, a regular expression is allowed to match anywhere within a string, unless the regular expression is explicitly anchored to the beginning or end of the string.

For an anchor, you can use the assertion $ for end of string (or ^ for beginning).

回答 7

这也可能是由于这种情况-如果要在DICT formate中声明要传递到SQL的参数,并在SQL中以LIST或TUPPLE的形式对其进行操作。

This could also result from the case – in case parameters to be passed onto the SQL are declared in DICT formate and are being manipulated in the SQL in the form of LIST or TUPPLE.
