

There is a lot of documentation on how to serialize a Model QuerySet but how do you just serialize to JSON the fields of a Model Instance?

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from django.core import serializers

# assuming obj is a model instance
serialized_obj = serializers.serialize('json', [ obj, ])

You can easily use a list to wrap the required object and that’s all what django serializers need to correctly serialize it, eg.:

from django.core import serializers

# assuming obj is a model instance
serialized_obj = serializers.serialize('json', [ obj, ])

回答 1



from django.forms.models import model_to_dict

# assuming obj is your model instance
dict_obj = model_to_dict( obj )


import json
serialized = json.dumps(dict_obj)


If you’re dealing with a list of model instances the best you can do is using serializers.serialize(), it gonna fit your need perfectly.

However, you are to face an issue with trying to serialize a single object, not a list of objects. That way, in order to get rid of different hacks, just use Django’s model_to_dict (if I’m not mistaken, serializers.serialize() relies on it, too):

from django.forms.models import model_to_dict

# assuming obj is your model instance
dict_obj = model_to_dict( obj )

You now just need one straight json.dumps call to serialize it to json:

import json
serialized = json.dumps(dict_obj)

That’s it! :)

回答 2


import json
from django.core import serializers

def getObject(request, id):
    obj = MyModel.objects.get(pk=id)
    data = serializers.serialize('json', [obj,])
    struct = json.loads(data)
    data = json.dumps(struct[0])
    return HttpResponse(data, mimetype='application/json')




To avoid the array wrapper, remove it before you return the response:

import json
from django.core import serializers

def getObject(request, id):
    obj = MyModel.objects.get(pk=id)
    data = serializers.serialize('json', [obj,])
    struct = json.loads(data)
    data = json.dumps(struct[0])
    return HttpResponse(data, mimetype='application/json')

I found this interesting post on the subject too:


It uses django.forms.models.model_to_dict, which looks like the perfect tool for the job.

回答 3



from django.forms import model_to_dict
from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder
from django.db.models import Model

class ExtendedEncoder(DjangoJSONEncoder):

    def default(self, o):

        if isinstance(o, Model):
            return model_to_dict(o)

        return super().default(o)


json.dumps(data, cls=ExtendedEncoder)



from django.http import JsonResponse

JsonResponse(data, encoder=ExtendedEncoder)

There is a good answer for this and I’m surprised it hasn’t been mentioned. With a few lines you can handle dates, models, and everything else.

Make a custom encoder that can handle models:

from django.forms import model_to_dict
from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder
from django.db.models import Model

class ExtendedEncoder(DjangoJSONEncoder):

    def default(self, o):

        if isinstance(o, Model):
            return model_to_dict(o)

        return super().default(o)

Now use it when you use json.dumps

json.dumps(data, cls=ExtendedEncoder)

Now models, dates and everything can be serialized and it doesn’t have to be in an array or serialized and unserialized. Anything you have that is custom can just be added to the default method.

You can even use Django’s native JsonResponse this way:

from django.http import JsonResponse

JsonResponse(data, encoder=ExtendedEncoder)

回答 4

听起来您要问的是涉及序列化Django模型实例的数据结构以实现互操作性。其他张贴者是正确的:如果您希望将序列化表格与可以通过Django api查询数据库的python应用程序一起使用,则需要使用一个对象序列化一个查询集。另一方面,如果您需要的是在不接触数据库或不使用Django的情况下在其他地方重新添加模型实例的方法,则您需要做一些工作。




def json_equivalent(self):
    dictionary = {}
    for field in self._meta.get_all_field_names()
        dictionary[field] = self.__getattribute__(field)
    return dictionary



It sounds like what you’re asking about involves serializing the data structure of a Django model instance for interoperability. The other posters are correct: if you wanted the serialized form to be used with a python application that can query the database via Django’s api, then you would wan to serialize a queryset with one object. If, on the other hand, what you need is a way to re-inflate the model instance somewhere else without touching the database or without using Django, then you have a little bit of work to do.

Here’s what I do:

First, I use demjson for the conversion. It happened to be what I found first, but it might not be the best. My implementation depends on one of its features, but there should be similar ways with other converters.

Second, implement a json_equivalent method on all models that you might need serialized. This is a magic method for demjson, but it’s probably something you’re going to want to think about no matter what implementation you choose. The idea is that you return an object that is directly convertible to json (i.e. an array or dictionary). If you really want to do this automatically:

def json_equivalent(self):
    dictionary = {}
    for field in self._meta.get_all_field_names()
        dictionary[field] = self.__getattribute__(field)
    return dictionary

This will not be helpful to you unless you have a completely flat data structure (no ForeignKeys, only numbers and strings in the database, etc.). Otherwise, you should seriously think about the right way to implement this method.

Third, call demjson.JSON.encode(instance) and you have what you want.

回答 5


import django.core.serializers
import django.http
import models

def jsonExample(request,poll_id):
    s = django.core.serializers.serialize('json',[models.Poll.objects.get(id=poll_id)])
    # s is a string with [] around it, so strip them off
    return django.http.HttpResponse(o, mimetype="application/json")


{"pk": 1, "model": "polls.poll", "fields": {"pub_date": "2013-06-27T02:29:38.284Z", "question": "What's up?"}}

If you’re asking how to serialize a single object from a model and you know you’re only going to get one object in the queryset (for instance, using objects.get), then use something like:

import django.core.serializers
import django.http
import models

def jsonExample(request,poll_id):
    s = django.core.serializers.serialize('json',[models.Poll.objects.get(id=poll_id)])
    # s is a string with [] around it, so strip them off
    return django.http.HttpResponse(o, mimetype="application/json")

which would get you something of the form:

{"pk": 1, "model": "polls.poll", "fields": {"pub_date": "2013-06-27T02:29:38.284Z", "question": "What's up?"}}

回答 6


def toJSON(self):
    import simplejson
    return simplejson.dumps(dict([(attr, getattr(self, attr)) for attr in [f.name for f in self._meta.fields]]))


def toJSON(self):
    fields = []
    for field in self._meta.fields:

    d = {}
    for attr in fields:
        d[attr] = getattr(self, attr)

    import simplejson
    return simplejson.dumps(d)

_meta.fields 是模型字段的有序列表,可以从实例和模型本身进行访问。

I solved this problem by adding a serialization method to my model:

def toJSON(self):
    import simplejson
    return simplejson.dumps(dict([(attr, getattr(self, attr)) for attr in [f.name for f in self._meta.fields]]))

Here’s the verbose equivalent for those averse to one-liners:

def toJSON(self):
    fields = []
    for field in self._meta.fields:

    d = {}
    for attr in fields:
        d[attr] = getattr(self, attr)

    import simplejson
    return simplejson.dumps(d)

_meta.fields is an ordered list of model fields which can be accessed from instances and from the model itself.

回答 7



class Car(Model):
    def json(self):
        return {
            'manufacturer': self.manufacturer.name,
            'model': self.model,
            'colors': [color.json for color in self.colors.all()],


data = [car.json for car in Car.objects.all()]
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), content_type='application/json; charset=UTF-8', status=status)

Here’s my solution for this, which allows you to easily customize the JSON as well as organize related records

Firstly implement a method on the model. I call is json but you can call it whatever you like, e.g.:

class Car(Model):
    def json(self):
        return {
            'manufacturer': self.manufacturer.name,
            'model': self.model,
            'colors': [color.json for color in self.colors.all()],

Then in the view I do:

data = [car.json for car in Car.objects.all()]
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), content_type='application/json; charset=UTF-8', status=status)

回答 8





 result=list(result)  #after getting data from model convert result to list


 return HttpResponse(json.dumps(result), content_type = "application/json")

Use list, it will solve problem




 result=list(result)  #after getting data from model convert result to list


 return HttpResponse(json.dumps(result), content_type = "application/json")

回答 9


from django.core import serializers

serial = serializers.serialize("json", [obj])
# .next() pulls the first object out of the generator
# .object retrieves django object the object from the DeserializedObject
obj = next(serializers.deserialize("json", serial)).object

To serialize and deserialze, use the following:

from django.core import serializers

serial = serializers.serialize("json", [obj])
# .next() pulls the first object out of the generator
# .object retrieves django object the object from the DeserializedObject
obj = next(serializers.deserialize("json", serial)).object

回答 10

.values() 我需要将模型实例转换为JSON。

.values()文档:https ://docs.djangoproject.com/zh/3.0/ref/models/querysets/#values


注意:我正在使用Django Rest Framework

    def get_project(request):
        id = request.query_params['id']
        data = Project.objects.filter(id=id).values()
        if len(data) == 0:
            return JsonResponse(status=404, data={'message': 'Project with id {} not found.'.format(id)})
        return JsonResponse(data[0])


    "id": 47,
    "title": "Project Name",
    "description": "",
    "created_at": "2020-01-21T18:13:49.693Z",

.values() is what I needed to convert a model instance to JSON.

.values() documentation: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/ref/models/querysets/#values

Example usage with a model called Project.

Note: I’m using Django Rest Framework

    def get_project(request):
        id = request.query_params['id']
        data = Project.objects.filter(id=id).values()
        if len(data) == 0:
            return JsonResponse(status=404, data={'message': 'Project with id {} not found.'.format(id)})
        return JsonResponse(data[0])

Result from a valid id:

    "id": 47,
    "title": "Project Name",
    "description": "",
    "created_at": "2020-01-21T18:13:49.693Z",

回答 11


from django.forms.models import model_to_dict
from django.http import JsonResponse

movie = Movie.objects.get(pk=1)
return JsonResponse(model_to_dict(movie))

If you want to return the single model object as a json response to a client, you can do this simple solution:

from django.forms.models import model_to_dict
from django.http import JsonResponse

movie = Movie.objects.get(pk=1)
return JsonResponse(model_to_dict(movie))

回答 12


from django.core import serializers

qs = SomeModel.objects.all()
serialized_obj = serializers.serialize('python', qs)



Use Django Serializer with python format,

from django.core import serializers

qs = SomeModel.objects.all()
serialized_obj = serializers.serialize('python', qs)

What’s difference between json and python format?

The json format will return the result as str whereas python will return the result in either list or OrderedDict

回答 13


from django.core import serializers
from models import *

def getUser(request):
    return HttpResponse(json(Users.objects.filter(id=88)))


It doesn’t seem you can serialize an instance, you’d have to serialize a QuerySet of one object.

from django.core import serializers
from models import *

def getUser(request):
    return HttpResponse(json(Users.objects.filter(id=88)))

I run out of the svn release of django, so this may not be in earlier versions.

回答 14

ville = UneVille.objects.get(nom='lihlihlihlih')

return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(ville.__dict__))


因此它返回的内容类似于{‘field1’:value,“ field2”:value,….}

ville = UneVille.objects.get(nom='lihlihlihlih')

return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(ville.__dict__))

I return the dict of my instance

so it return something like {‘field1’:value,”field2″:value,….}

回答 15


def ins2dic(obj):
    SubDic = obj.__dict__
    del SubDic['id']
    del SubDic['_state']
return SubDic


how about this way:

def ins2dic(obj):
    SubDic = obj.__dict__
    del SubDic['id']
    del SubDic['_state']
return SubDic

or exclude anything you don’t want.

回答 16


rep = YourSerializerClass().to_representation(your_instance)


All of these answers were a little hacky compared to what I would expect from a framework, the simplest method, I think by far, if you are using the rest framework:

rep = YourSerializerClass().to_representation(your_instance)

This uses the Serializer directly, respecting the fields you’ve defined on it, as well as any associations, etc.
