

TypeError: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType'


I’ve got an Nonetype value x, it’s generally a number, but could be None. I want to divide it by a number, but Python raises:

TypeError: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType'

How can I solve this?

回答 0





result = could_return_none(x)

if result is None:
    result = DEFAULT_VALUE


    result = DEFAULT_VALUE
    result = could_return_none(x) # But it won't return None, because we've restricted the domain.


In one of the comments, you say:

Somehow I got an Nonetype value, it supposed to be an int, but it’s now a Nonetype object

If it’s your code, figure out how you’re getting None when you expect a number and stop that from happening.

If it’s someone else’s code, find out the conditions under which it gives None and determine a sensible value to use for that, with the usual conditional code:

result = could_return_none(x)

if result is None:
    result = DEFAULT_VALUE

…or even…

    result = DEFAULT_VALUE
    result = could_return_none(x) # But it won't return None, because we've restricted the domain.

There’s no reason to automatically use 0 here — solutions that depend on the “false”-ness of None assume you will want this. The DEFAULT_VALUE (if it even exists) completely depends on your code’s purpose.

回答 1

int(value or 0)


int(0 if value is None else value)


int(value or 0)

This will use 0 in the case when you provide any value that Python considers False, such as None, 0, [], “”, etc. Since 0 is False, you should only use 0 as the alternative value (otherwise you will find your 0s turning into that value).

int(0 if value is None else value)

This replaces only None with 0. Since we are testing for None specifically, you can use some other value as the replacement.

回答 2

一种常见的处理此类情况的“ Python式”方法称为EAFP表示“ 请求宽恕比允许容易 ”。这通常意味着编写假定一切都很好的代码,然后将其包装在try..except块中,以防万一。


    my_value = int(my_value)
except TypeError:
    my_value = 0  # or whatever you want to do

answer = my_value / divisor


    answer = int(my_value) / divisor
except TypeError:
    answer = 0

相反的和更传统的方法称为LBYL,它代表@Soviut和其他一些建议的“跳前先看 ”。有关此主题的更多信息,请参见我的回答和对该问题的相关注释。确定此站点上其他地方的词典中是否存在键


A common “Pythonic” way to handle this kind of situation is known as EAFP for “It’s easier to ask forgiveness than permission“. Which usually means writing code that assumes everything is fine, but then wrapping it with a try...except block to handle things—just in case—it’s not.

Here’s that coding style applied to your problem:

    my_value = int(my_value)
except TypeError:
    my_value = 0  # or whatever you want to do

answer = my_value / divisor

Or perhaps the even simpler and slightly faster:

    answer = int(my_value) / divisor
except TypeError:
    answer = 0

The inverse and more traditional approach is known as LBYL which stands for “Look before you leap” is what @Soviut and some of the others have suggested. For additional coverage of this topic see my answer and associated comments to the question Determine whether a key is present in a dictionary elsewhere on this site.

One potential problem with EAFP is that it can hide the fact that something is wrong with some other part of your code or third-party module you’re using, especially when the exceptions frequently occur (and therefore aren’t really “exceptional” cases at all).

回答 3

TypeError仅当您尝试通过出现int() None(这是唯一的NoneType价值,因为据我所知)。我要说的是,您的真正目标不应该是转换NoneTypeintstr,而是要弄清楚您要从何处/为什么获得None该数字,而不是按预期的数字,然后对其进行修复或None正确处理。

That TypeError only appears when you try to pass int() None (which is the only NoneType value, as far as I know). I would say that your real goal should not be to convert NoneType to int or str, but to figure out where/why you’re getting None instead of a number as expected, and either fix it or handle the None properly.

回答 4

在Python 3中,您也可以使用“或”关键字。这条路:

foo = bar or 0
foo2 = bar or ""

In Python 3 you can use the “or” keyword too. This way:

foo = bar or 0
foo2 = bar or ""

回答 5


I’ve successfully used int(x or 0) for this type of error, so long as None should equate to 0 in the logic. Note that this will also resolve to 0 in other cases where testing x returns False. e.g. empty list, set, dictionary or zero length string. Sorry, Kindall already gave this answer.

回答 6


This can happen if you forget to return a value from a function: it then returns None. Look at all places where you are assigning to that variable, and see if one of them is a function call where the function lacks a return statement.

回答 7

在尝试对其进行任何计算之前,应检查并确保该值不为 None:

my_value = None
if my_value is not None:
    print int(my_value) / 2

注意: my_value故意将其设置为“无”以证明代码有效并且正在执行检查。

You should check to make sure the value is not None before trying to perform any calculations on it:

my_value = None
if my_value is not None:
    print int(my_value) / 2

Note: my_value was intentionally set to None to prove the code works and that the check is being performed.

回答 8

我在使用python电子邮件功能时遇到了同样的问题。下面是我试图将电子邮件主题检索到变量中的代码。这对于大多数电子邮件都可以正常工作,并且会填充变量。如果您收到来自Yahoo等的电子邮件,但发件人没有填写主题行,Yahoo不会在电子邮件中创建主题行,并且您会从函数中返回NoneType。Martineau和Soviut都提供了正确的答案。从编程的角度来看,IMO Soviut的答案更为简洁。不一定来自Python。这是一些代码来显示该技术:

import sys, email, email.Utils 

afile = open(sys.argv[1], 'r')    
m = email.message_from_file(afile)    
subject = m["subject"]

# Soviut's Concise test for unset variable.

if subject is None:    
     subject = "[NO SUBJECT]"

# Alternative way to test for No Subject created in email (Thanks for NoneThing Yahoo!)

    if len(subject) == 0:    
        subject = "[NO SUBJECT]"

except TypeError:    
    subject = "[NO SUBJECT]"

print subject


I was having the same problem using the python email functions. Below is the code I was trying to retrieve email subject into a variable. This works fine for most emails and the variable populates. If you receive an email from Yahoo or the like and the sender did no fill out the subject line Yahoo does not create a subject line in the email and you get a NoneType returned from the function. Martineau provided a correct answer as well as Soviut. IMO Soviut’s answer is more concise from a programming stand point; not necessarily from a Python one. Here is some code to show the technique:

import sys, email, email.Utils 

afile = open(sys.argv[1], 'r')    
m = email.message_from_file(afile)    
subject = m["subject"]

# Soviut's Concise test for unset variable.

if subject is None:    
     subject = "[NO SUBJECT]"

# Alternative way to test for No Subject created in email (Thanks for NoneThing Yahoo!)

    if len(subject) == 0:    
        subject = "[NO SUBJECT]"

except TypeError:    
    subject = "[NO SUBJECT]"

print subject


回答 9


def nz(value):

    Convert None to int zero else return value.

    if value == None:
        return 0
    return value

In some situations it is helpful to have a function to convert None to int zero:

def nz(value):

    Convert None to int zero else return value.

    if value == None:
        return 0
    return value
