

  c_os_family_ss c_os_major_is l_customer_id_i
0      Windows 7                         90418
1      Windows 7                         90418
2      Windows 7                         90418


print df
for name, group in df.groupby('l_customer_id_i').agg(lambda x: ','.join(x)):
    print name
    print group




                                                    c_os_family_ss  \
131572           Windows 7,Windows 7,Windows 7,Windows 7,Window...
135467           Windows 7,Windows 7,Windows 7,Windows 7,Window...

131572           ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...
135467           ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...



  c_os_family_ss c_os_major_is l_customer_id_i
0      Windows 7                         90418
1      Windows 7                         90418
2      Windows 7                         90418


print df
for name, group in df.groupby('l_customer_id_i').agg(lambda x: ','.join(x)):
    print name
    print group

I’m trying to just loop over the aggregated data, but I get the error:

ValueError: too many values to unpack

@EdChum, here’s the expected output:

                                                    c_os_family_ss  \
131572           Windows 7,Windows 7,Windows 7,Windows 7,Window...
135467           Windows 7,Windows 7,Windows 7,Windows 7,Window...

131572           ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...
135467           ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...

The output is not the problem, I wish to loop over every group.

回答 0

df.groupby('l_customer_id_i').agg(lambda x: ','.join(x)) 确实已经返回了数据帧,因此您无法再遍历这些组。


  • df.groupby(...)返回一个GroupBy对象(DataFrameGroupBy或SeriesGroupBy),以及与此,您可以迭代通过组(如文档解释这里)。您可以执行以下操作:

    grouped = df.groupby('A')
    for name, group in grouped:
  • 当您应用在GROUPBY,在你的榜样的功能df.groupby(...).agg(...)(但是这也可以是transformapplymean,…),你结合的结果应用的功能,不同的群体集中在一个数据框(在适用和结合的步骤groupby的“ split-apply-combine”范式。因此,其结果将始终是DataFrame(或Series,具体取决于所应用的功能)。

df.groupby('l_customer_id_i').agg(lambda x: ','.join(x)) does already return a dataframe, so you cannot loop over the groups anymore.

In general:

  • df.groupby(...) returns a GroupBy object (a DataFrameGroupBy or SeriesGroupBy), and with this, you can iterate through the groups (as explained in the docs here). You can do something like:

    grouped = df.groupby('A')
    for name, group in grouped:
  • When you apply a function on the groupby, in your example df.groupby(...).agg(...) (but this can also be transform, apply, mean, …), you combine the result of applying the function to the different groups together in one dataframe (the apply and combine step of the ‘split-apply-combine’ paradigm of groupby). So the result of this will always be again a DataFrame (or a Series depending on the applied function).

回答 1


import pandas as pd

df1 = pd.DataFrame({
    'atable':     ['Users', 'Users', 'Domains', 'Domains', 'Locks'],
    'column':     ['col_1', 'col_2', 'col_a', 'col_b', 'col'],
    'column_type':['varchar', 'varchar', 'int', 'varchar', 'varchar'],
    'is_null':    ['No', 'No', 'Yes', 'No', 'Yes'],

df1_grouped = df1.groupby('atable')

# iterate over each group
for group_name, df_group in df1_grouped:
    print('\nCREATE TABLE {}('.format(group_name))

    for row_index, row in df_group.iterrows():
        col = row['column']
        column_type = row['column_type']
        is_null = 'NOT NULL' if row['is_null'] == 'NO' else ''
        print('\t{} {} {},'.format(col, column_type, is_null))


Here is an example of iterating over a pd.DataFrame grouped by the column atable. For an sample usecase, “create” statements for an SQL database are generated within the for loop:

import pandas as pd

df1 = pd.DataFrame({
    'atable':     ['Users', 'Users', 'Domains', 'Domains', 'Locks'],
    'column':     ['col_1', 'col_2', 'col_a', 'col_b', 'col'],
    'column_type':['varchar', 'varchar', 'int', 'varchar', 'varchar'],
    'is_null':    ['No', 'No', 'Yes', 'No', 'Yes'],

df1_grouped = df1.groupby('atable')

# iterate over each group
for group_name, df_group in df1_grouped:
    print('\nCREATE TABLE {}('.format(group_name))

    for row_index, row in df_group.iterrows():
        col = row['column']
        column_type = row['column_type']
        is_null = 'NOT NULL' if row['is_null'] == 'NO' else ''
        print('\t{} {} {},'.format(col, column_type, is_null))


回答 2


df = df.groupby('l_customer_id_i').agg(lambda x: ','.join(x))
for name in df.index:
    print name
    print df.loc[name]

You can iterate over the index values if your dataframe has already been created.

df = df.groupby('l_customer_id_i').agg(lambda x: ','.join(x))
for name in df.index:
    print name
    print df.loc[name]
