


I have read the official Flask documentation on Blueprints and even one or two blog posts on using them.

I’ve even used them in my web app, but I don’t completely understand what they are or how they fit into my app as a whole. How is it similar to an instance of my app but not quite? The documentation is comprehensive but I seek a layman explanation or an enlightening analogy to spark it for me. I was sufficiently perplexed when a colleague asked me to explain a Flask blueprint to them that I elected to ask here.

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# An example
from flask import Blueprint

tree_mold = Blueprint("mold", __name__)

def leaves():
    return "This tree has leaves"

def roots():
    return "And roots as well"

def rings(year=None):
    return "Looking at the rings for {year}".format(year=year)


from tree_workshop import tree_mold

app.register_blueprint(tree_mold, url_prefix="/oak")
app.register_blueprint(tree_mold, url_prefix="/fir")
app.register_blueprint(tree_mold, url_prefix="/ash")


A blueprint is a template for generating a “section” of a web application. You can think of it as a mold:

A medallion mold with a gold medallion freshly removed from it

You can take the blueprint and apply it to your application in several places. Each time you apply it the blueprint will create a new version of its structure in the plaster of your application.

# An example
from flask import Blueprint

tree_mold = Blueprint("mold", __name__)

def leaves():
    return "This tree has leaves"

def roots():
    return "And roots as well"

def rings(year=None):
    return "Looking at the rings for {year}".format(year=year)

This is a simple mold for working with trees – it says that any application that deals with trees should provide access to its leaves, its roots, and its rings (by year). By itself, it is a hollow shell – it cannot route, it cannot respond, until it is impressed upon an application:

from tree_workshop import tree_mold

app.register_blueprint(tree_mold, url_prefix="/oak")
app.register_blueprint(tree_mold, url_prefix="/fir")
app.register_blueprint(tree_mold, url_prefix="/ash")

Once it is created it may be “impressed” on the application by using the register_blueprint function – this “impresses” the mold of the blueprint on the application at the locations specified by url_prefix.

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一个例子就是Facebook。如果Facebook使用Flask,它可能具有静态页面(即,登出的首页,注册,关于等),仪表板(即新闻提要),个人资料(/ robert / about和/ robert / photos)的蓝图,设置(/ settings /安全性和/ settings / privacy)等等。这些组件都具有通用的布局和样式,但是每个组件也都有自己的布局


As pointed out in a comment by @Devasish, this article provides a good answer:


Quoting from the article:

An example of this would be Facebook. If Facebook used Flask, it might have blueprints for the static pages (i.e. signed-out home, register, about, etc.), the dashboard (i.e. the news feed), profiles (/robert/about and /robert/photos), settings (/settings/security and /settings/privacy) and many more. These components all share a general layout and styles, but each has its own layout as well

This is a very good interpretation, especially the part “if Facebook used Flask”. It gives us a concrete situation to visualize how Blueprint actually works.

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我自己也偶然发现了这个问题,在阅读了一些文档资料后感到困惑。起初,我认为它就像C#/ Java实现风格,您可以定义一些东西,而不必担心以后定义它。但是,我偶然发现了该页面,将其置于非常普通的外行(以及当下颇为热闹的当下事件)术语。https://hackersandslackers.com/flask-blueprints/



I too just stumbled up this myself and was confused after reading a few of the documentation sources. At first I thought it was like C#/Java Implementation style where you define some stuff but dont have to worry about it defining it til later. However, I stumbled up this page which puts it in very very laymens (and quite hilarious current day events) terms. https://hackersandslackers.com/flask-blueprints/

Essentially one benefit that is mentioned in the link and provides me a clear idea of it’s real world usage is that I can effectively logically organize/divide the app into several parts that only need to be concerned with it’s own affairs. So it provides some designed encapsulation.

Edit: I’m currently using it to segment out my webapps code. It was good decision too because I found the lead designer wants to make the frontend in Vue.js. Which I havent used yet but looking at it’s project files would look far more messy and probably provide many naming collision prone.

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For bigger projects, all your code shouldn’t be in the same file. Instead you can segment or split bigger codes into separate file, mostly based on functionality. Like bricks forming a wall.

Hope this helped. Since this is a theoretical question, posting no codes.
