

Model class django.contrib.contenttypes.models.ContentType doesn't declare an explicit app_label 


我正在使用Python 3.4和Django 1.10。




from django.apps import AppConfig

class DeletenoteConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'DeleteNote'

from django.apps import AppConfig

class LibrarysyncConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'LibrarySync'

I’m at wit’s end. After a dozen hours of troubleshooting, probably more, I thought I was finally in business, but then I got:

Model class django.contrib.contenttypes.models.ContentType doesn't declare an explicit app_label 

There is SO LITTLE info on this on the web, and no solution out there has resolved my issue. Any advice would be tremendously appreciated.

I’m using Python 3.4 and Django 1.10.

From my settings.py:


And my apps.py files look like this:

from django.apps import AppConfig

class DeletenoteConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'DeleteNote'


from django.apps import AppConfig

class LibrarysyncConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'LibrarySync'

回答 0

您是否缺少将应用程序名称放入设置文件中的信息?这myAppNameConfig.manage.py createapp myAppName命令在apps.py生成的默认类。其中myAppName是您的应用程序的名称。




myAppName / apps.py

class myAppNameConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'myAppName'
    verbose_name = 'A Much Better Name'

Are you missing putting in your application name into the settings file? The myAppNameConfig is the default class generated at apps.py by the .manage.py createapp myAppName command. Where myAppName is the name of your app.



This way, the settings file finds out what you want to call your application. You can change how it looks later in the apps.py file by adding the following code in


class myAppNameConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'myAppName'
    verbose_name = 'A Much Better Name'

回答 1



|-- myproject
  |-- __init__.py
  |-- manage.py
  |-- myproject
    |-- ...
  |-- app1
    |-- models.py
  |-- app2
    |-- models.py


|-- myproject
  |-- manage.py
  |-- myproject
    |-- ...
  |-- app1
    |-- models.py
  |-- app2
    |-- models.py


I get the same error and I don´t know how to figure out this problem. It took me many hours to notice that I have a init.py at the same direcory as the manage.py from django.


|-- myproject
  |-- __init__.py
  |-- manage.py
  |-- myproject
    |-- ...
  |-- app1
    |-- models.py
  |-- app2
    |-- models.py


|-- myproject
  |-- manage.py
  |-- myproject
    |-- ...
  |-- app1
    |-- models.py
  |-- app2
    |-- models.py

It is quite confused that you get this “doesn’t declare an explicit app_label” error. But deleting this init file solved my problem.

回答 2




I had exactly the same error when running tests with PyCharm. I’ve fixed it by explicitly setting DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable. If you’re using PyCharm, just hit Edit Configurations button and choose Environment Variables.

Set the variable to your_project_name.settings and that should fix the thing.

It seems like this error occurs, because PyCharm runs tests with its own manage.py.

回答 3

我在使用时得到了这个,./manage.py shell 然后我不小心从根项目级别目录中导入了

# don't do this
from project.someapp.someModule import something_using_a_model
# do this
from someapp.someModule import something_using_a_model


I got this one when I used ./manage.py shell then I accidentally imported from the root project level directory

# don't do this
from project.someapp.someModule import something_using_a_model
# do this
from someapp.someModule import something_using_a_model


回答 4



from someModule import someClass


from .someModule import someClass



from django.contrib import admin
from user import User


some lines...
File "/path/to/admin.py" ,line 6
tell you there is an import error
some lines...
Model class django.contrib.contenttypes.models.ContentType doesn't declare an explicit app_label


as a noob using Python3 ,I find it might be an import error instead of a Django error


from someModule import someClass


from .someModule import someClass

this happens a few days ago but I really can’t reproduce it…I think only people new to Django may encounter this.here’s what I remember:

try to register a model in admin.py:

from django.contrib import admin
from user import User

try to run server, error looks like this

some lines...
File "/path/to/admin.py" ,line 6
tell you there is an import error
some lines...
Model class django.contrib.contenttypes.models.ContentType doesn't declare an explicit app_label

change user to .user ,problem solved

回答 5



from django.apps import AppConfig    

class SalesClientConfig(AppConfig):
        name = 'portal.sales_client'
        verbose_name = 'Sales Client'

I had the same problem just now. I’ve fixed mine by adding a namespace on the app name. Hope someone find this helpful.


from django.apps import AppConfig    

class SalesClientConfig(AppConfig):
        name = 'portal.sales_client'
        verbose_name = 'Sales Client'

回答 6


|-- myproject
    |-- manage.py
    |-- myproject
    |-- myapp
        |-- models.py  # defines model: MyModel
        |-- tests
            |-- test_models.py


from models import MyModel


from myapp.models import MyModel



I got this error on importing models in tests, i.e. given this Django project structure:

|-- myproject
    |-- manage.py
    |-- myproject
    |-- myapp
        |-- models.py  # defines model: MyModel
        |-- tests
            |-- test_models.py

in file test_models.py I imported MyModel in this way:

from models import MyModel

The problem was fixed if it is imported in this way:

from myapp.models import MyModel

Hope this helps!

PS: Maybe this is a bit late, but I not found in others answers how to solve this problem in my code and I want to share my solution.

回答 7




class AlgoExplainedConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'algo_explained'
    verbose_name = "Explain_Algo"


class AlgoExplainedConfig(AppConfig):
name = '**algorithms_explained**.algo_explained'
verbose_name = "Explain_Algo"


After keep on running into this issue and keep on coming back to this question I thought I’d share what my problem was.

Everything that @Xeberdee is correct so follow that and see if that solves the issue, if not this was my issue:

In my apps.py this is what I had:

class AlgoExplainedConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'algo_explained'
    verbose_name = "Explain_Algo"

And all I did was I added the project name in front of my app name like this:

class AlgoExplainedConfig(AppConfig):
name = '**algorithms_explained**.algo_explained'
verbose_name = "Explain_Algo"

and that solved my problem and I was able to run the makemigrations and migrate command after that! good luck

回答 8

我今天在尝试运行Django测试时遇到此错误,因为我from .models import *在其中一个文件中使用了速记语法。问题是我的文件结构如下:



    from .foo import *
    from .bar import *


    from myapp.models import Foo, Bar

这导致了Django model doesn't declare an explicit app_label运行时./manage.py test


    from myapp.models.foo import *
    from myapp.models.bar import *


H / t https://medium.com/@michal.bock/fix-weird-exceptions-when-running-django-tests-f58def71b59a

I had this error today trying to run Django tests because I was using the shorthand from .models import * syntax in one of my files. The issue was that I had a file structure like so:


and in models/__init__.py I was importing my models using the shorthand syntax:

    from .foo import *
    from .bar import *

In my application I was importing models like so:

    from myapp.models import Foo, Bar

This caused the Django model doesn't declare an explicit app_label when running ./manage.py test.

To fix the problem, I had to explicitly import from the full path in models/__init__.py:

    from myapp.models.foo import *
    from myapp.models.bar import *

That took care of the error.

H/t https://medium.com/@michal.bock/fix-weird-exceptions-when-running-django-tests-f58def71b59a

回答 9

就我而言,这是因为我在项目级urls.py中使用了相对模块路径,INSTALLED_APPSapps.py不是植根于项目根目录中。即,绝对模块路径始终存在,而不是相对模块路径+ hack。



|-- manage.py
|-- config
    |-- settings.py
    |-- urls.py
|-- biz_portal
    |-- apps
        |-- portal
            |-- models.py
            |-- urls.py
            |-- views.py
            |-- apps.py

用下面的,我可以运行manage.py runserver,并与WSGI和使用gunicorn portal应用看法,并没有麻烦,但pytest将与错误ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'apps',尽管DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE被正确配置。

config / settings.py:


biz_portal / apps / portal / apps.py:

class PortalConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'apps.portal'

config / urls.py:

urlpatterns = [
    path('', include('apps.portal.urls')),

改变应用程序的参考配置/ settings.py来biz_portal.apps.portal.apps.PortalConfigPortalConfig.namebiz_portal.apps.portal允许pytest来运行(我没有做检查portal的意见还),但runserver将与错误


最后,我摸索apps.portal着查看仍然在使用相对路径的内容,并发现config / urls.py也应该使用biz_portal.apps.portal.urls

In my case, this was happening because I used a relative module path in project-level urls.py, INSTALLED_APPS and apps.py instead of being rooted in the project root. i.e. absolute module paths throughout, rather than relative modules paths + hacks.

No matter how much I messed with the paths in INSTALLED_APPS and apps.py in my app, I couldn’t get both runserver and pytest to work til all three of those were rooted in the project root.

Folder structure:

|-- manage.py
|-- config
    |-- settings.py
    |-- urls.py
|-- biz_portal
    |-- apps
        |-- portal
            |-- models.py
            |-- urls.py
            |-- views.py
            |-- apps.py

With the following, I could run manage.py runserver and gunicorn with wsgi and use portal app views without trouble, but pytest would error with ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'apps' despite DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE being configured correctly.




class PortalConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'apps.portal'


urlpatterns = [
    path('', include('apps.portal.urls')),

Changing the app reference in config/settings.py to biz_portal.apps.portal.apps.PortalConfig and PortalConfig.name to biz_portal.apps.portal allowed pytest to run (I don’t have tests for portal views yet) but runserver would error with

RuntimeError: Model class apps.portal.models.Business doesn’t declare an explicit app_label and isn’t in an application in INSTALLED_APPS

Finally I grepped for apps.portal to see what’s still using a relative path, and found that config/urls.py should also use biz_portal.apps.portal.urls.

回答 10


manage.py makemigrations myapp


manage.py makemigrations


I ran into this error when I tried generating migrations for a single app which had existing malformed migrations due to a git merge. e.g.

manage.py makemigrations myapp

When I deleted it’s migrations and then ran:

manage.py makemigrations

the error did not occur and the migrations generated successfully.

回答 11


class Meta:
    app_label  = 'name_of_my_app'

I had a similar issue, but I was able to solve mine by specifying explicitly the app_label using Meta Class in my models class

class Meta:
    app_label  = 'name_of_my_app'

回答 12

尝试将Django Rest Framework应用程序升级到DRF 3.6.3和Django 1.11.1时出现此错误。


# webapp/settings.py

I got this error while trying to upgrade my Django Rest Framework app to DRF 3.6.3 and Django 1.11.1.

For anyone else in this situation, I found my solution in a GitHub issue, which was to unset the UNAUTHENTICATED_USER setting in the DRF settings:

# webapp/settings.py

回答 13


  • 问题出python migrate.py startapp myApp在我的项目根文件夹中,然后将myApp移到一个子文件夹中mv myApp myFolderWithApps/
  • 我写了myApp.models并运行 python migrate.py makemigrations。一切顺利。
  • 然后我对另一个从myApp导入模型的应用做了同样的操作。b!执行迁移时,我遇到了这个错误。那是因为我不得不使用myFolderWithApps.myApp引用我的应用程序,但是我却忘记了更新MyApp / apps.py。因此,我在第二个应用程序中更正了myApp / apps.py,设置/ INSTALLED_APPS和导入路径。
  • 但是随后错误不断发生:原因是我进行了迁移,试图使用错误的路径从myApp导入模型。我试图更正迁移文件,但我发现重置数据库和删除迁移从头开始更容易。



I just ran into this issue and figured out what was going wrong. Since no previous answer described the issue as it happened to me, I though I would post it for others:

  • the issue came from using python migrate.py startapp myApp from my project root folder, then move myApp to a child folder with mv myApp myFolderWithApps/.
  • I wrote myApp.models and ran python migrate.py makemigrations. All went well.
  • then I did the same with another app that was importing models from myApp. Kaboom! I ran into this error, while performing makemigrations. That was because I had to use myFolderWithApps.myApp to reference my app, but I had forgotten to update MyApp/apps.py. So I corrected myApp/apps.py, settings/INSTALLED_APPS and my import path in my second app.
  • but then the error kept happening: the reason was that I had migrations trying to import the models from myApp with the wrong path. I tried to correct the migration file, but I went at the point where it was easier to reset the DB and delete the migrations to start from scratch.

So to make a long story short: – the issue was initially coming from the wrong app name in apps.py of myApp, in settings and in the import path of my second app. – but it was not enough to correct the paths in these three places, as migrations had been created with imports referencing the wrong app name. Therefore, the same error kept happening while migrating (except this time from migrations).

So… check your migrations, and good luck!

回答 14

在Django rest_framework中构建API时遇到类似的错误。

RuntimeError:模型类apps.core.models.University未声明显式> app_label,并且不在INSTALLED_APPS中的应用程序中。

luke_aus的答案通过纠正我的问题帮助了我 urls.py

from project.apps.views import SurgeryView

from apps.views import SurgeryView

I’ve got a similar error while building an API in Django rest_framework.

RuntimeError: Model class apps.core.models.University doesn’t declare an explicit > app_label and isn’t in an application in INSTALLED_APPS.

luke_aus’s answer helped me by correcting my urls.py


from project.apps.views import SurgeryView


from apps.views import SurgeryView

回答 15

就我而言,将代码从Django 1.11.11移植到Django 2.2时出现此错误。我正在定义一个自定义FileSystemStorage派生类。在Django 1.11.11中,我在models.py中包含以下行:

from django.core.files.storage import Storage, DefaultStorage


class MyFileStorage(FileSystemStorage):

但是,在Django 2.2中,我需要FileSystemStorage在导入时显式引用类:

from django.core.files.storage import Storage, DefaultStorage, FileSystemStorage



In my case I got this error when porting code from Django 1.11.11 to Django 2.2. I was defining a custom FileSystemStorage derived class. In Django 1.11.11 I was having the following line in models.py:

from django.core.files.storage import Storage, DefaultStorage

and later in the file I had the class definition:

class MyFileStorage(FileSystemStorage):

However, in Django 2.2 I need to explicitly reference FileSystemStorage class when importing:

from django.core.files.storage import Storage, DefaultStorage, FileSystemStorage

and voilà!, the error dissapears.

Note, that everyone is reporting the last part of the error message spitted by Django server. However, if you scroll up you will find the reason in the middle of that error mambo-jambo.

回答 16



in my case I was able to find a fix and by looking at the everyone else’s code it may be the same issue.. I simply just had to add ‘django.contrib.sites’ to the list of installed apps in the settings.py file.

hope this helps someone. this is my first contribution to the coding community

回答 17

TL; DR:添加空白__init__.py为我解决了此问题。



TL;DR: Adding a blank __init__.py fixed the issue for me.

I got this error in PyCharm and realised that my settings file was not being imported at all. There was no obvious error telling me this, but when I put some nonsense code into the settings.py, it didn’t cause an error.

I had settings.py inside a local_settings folder. However, I’d fogotten to include a __init__.py in the same folder to allow it to be imported. Once I’d added this, the error went away.

回答 18


以下无效from .models import Business。请使用完整的导入路径:from myapp.models import Business

If you have got all the config right, it might just be an import mess. keep an eye on how you are importing the offending model.

The following won’t work from .models import Business. Use full import path instead: from myapp.models import Business

回答 19

如果所有其他方法均失败,并且在尝试导入PyCharm“ Python控制台”(或“ Django控制台”)时遇到此错误:




添加了一个新的应用程序,然后添加了一个最小模型,然后尝试在Python / Django控制台中导入模型(PyCharm pro 2019.2)。这引发了doesn't declare an explicit app_label错误,因为我没有将新应用添加到中INSTALLED_APPS。因此,我将应用添加到了INSTALLED_APPS,再次尝试了导入,但是仍然遇到相同的错误。



注意:在将新对象添加到模块后,无法重新启动PyCharm Python控制台也是一种使人非常困惑的好方法 ImportError: Cannot import name ...

If all else fails, and if you are seeing this error while trying to import in a PyCharm “Python console” (or “Django console”):

Try restarting the console.

This is pretty embarassing, but it took me a while before I realized I had forgotten to do that.

Here’s what happened:

Added a fresh app, then added a minimal model, then tried to import the model in the Python/Django console (PyCharm pro 2019.2). This raised the doesn't declare an explicit app_label error, because I had not added the new app to INSTALLED_APPS. So, I added the app to INSTALLED_APPS, tried the import again, but still got the same error.

Came here, read all the other answers, but nothing seemed to fit.

Finally it hit me that I had not yet restarted the Python console after adding the new app to INSTALLED_APPS.

Note: failing to restart the PyCharm Python console, after adding a new object to a module, is also a great way to get a very confusing ImportError: Cannot import name ...

回答 20

O … M … G我也遇到了这个错误,我花了将近2天的时间,现在终于设法解决了。老实说…错误与问题无关。就我而言,这只是语法问题。我试图独立运行一个在django上下文中使用某些django模型的python模块,但该模块本身不是django模型。但是我宣布全班不对


class Scrapper:
    name = ""
    main_link= ""


class Scrapper(Website):
    name = ""
    main_link= ""



O…M…G I was getting this error too and I spent almost 2 days on it and now I finally managed to solve it. Honestly…the error had nothing to do with what the problem was. In my case it was a simple matter of syntax. I was trying to run a python module standalone that used some django models in a django context, but the module itself wasn’t a django model. But I was declaring the class wrong

instead of having

class Scrapper:
    name = ""
    main_link= ""

I was doing

class Scrapper(Website):
    name = ""
    main_link= ""

which is obviously wrong. The message is so misleading that I couldn’t help myself but think it was some issue with configuration or just using django in a wrong way since I’m very new to it.

I’ll share this here for someone newbie as me going through the same silliness can hopefully solve their issue.

回答 21


SECRET_KEY = os.getenv('SECRET_KEY')


I received this error after I moved the SECRET_KEY to pull from an environment variable and forgot to set it when running the application. If you have something like this in your settings.py

SECRET_KEY = os.getenv('SECRET_KEY')

then make sure you are actually setting the environment variable.

回答 22


在我的情况下,我在模型中使用了序列化程序类作为参数,而序列化程序类则在使用以下模型:serializer_class = AccountSerializer

from ..api.serializers import AccountSerializer

class Account(AbstractBaseUser):
    serializer_class = AccountSerializer


from ..models import Account

class AccountSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = Account
        fields = (
            'id', 'email', 'date_created', 'date_modified',
            'firstname', 'lastname', 'password', 'confirm_password')

Most probably you have dependent imports.

In my case I used a serializer class as a parameter in my model, and the serializer class was using this model: serializer_class = AccountSerializer

from ..api.serializers import AccountSerializer

class Account(AbstractBaseUser):
    serializer_class = AccountSerializer

And in the “serializers” file:

from ..models import Account

class AccountSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = Account
        fields = (
            'id', 'email', 'date_created', 'date_modified',
            'firstname', 'lastname', 'password', 'confirm_password')

回答 23



I got this error today and ended up here after googling. None of the existing answers seem relevant to my situation. The only thing I needed to do was to import a model from my __init__.py file in the top level of an app. I had to move my imports into the functions using the model.

Django seems to have some weird code that can fail like this in so many different scenarios!

回答 24


I got this error also today. The Message referenced to some specific app of my apps in INSTALLED_APPS. But in fact it had nothing to do with this specific App. I used a new virtual Environment and forgot to install some Libraries, that i used in this project. After i installed the additional Libraries, it worked.

回答 25



└── src
    ├── chat
       ├── migrations
       └── templates
    ├── django_channels
    └── templates


├── chat
   ├── migrations
   └── templates
       └── chat
├── django_channels
└── templates

这里有很多好的解决方案,但是我认为,首先,您应该在设置之前清理项目结构或调整PyCharm Django设置 DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE变量等。


For PyCharm users: I had an error using not “clean” project structure.


└── src
    ├── chat
    │   ├── migrations
    │   └── templates
    ├── django_channels
    └── templates


├── chat
│   ├── migrations
│   └── templates
│       └── chat
├── django_channels
└── templates

Here is a lot of good solutions, but I think, first of all, you should clean your project structure or tune PyCharm Django settings before setting DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE variables and so on.

Hope it’ll help someone. Cheers.

回答 26


  1. 您已经对模型文件进行了修改,但尚未将其添加到数据库中,但是您正在尝试运行Python manage.py runserver。

  2. 运行Python manage.py makemigrations

  3. Python manage.py迁移

  4. 现在,Python manage.py runserver和一切都应该没问题。

The issue is that:

  1. You have made modifications to your models file, but not addedd them yet to the DB, but you are trying to run Python manage.py runserver.

  2. Run Python manage.py makemigrations

  3. Python manage.py migrate

  4. Now Python manage.py runserver and all should be fine.
