问题:pip等同于`npm install package –save-dev`吗?

在nodejs中,我可以npm install package --save-dev将已安装的软件包保存到软件包中。

如何在Python包管理器中实现同一目的pip?我想将软件包名称及其版本保存到,例如,requirements.pip使用来安装软件包之后pip install package --save-dev requirements.pip

In nodejs, I can do npm install package --save-dev to save the installed package into the package.

How do I achieve the same thing in Python package manager pip? I would like to save the package name and its version into, say, requirements.pip just after installing the package using something like pip install package --save-dev requirements.pip.

回答 0


最好的方法是 pip install package && pip freeze > requirements.txt




自编写此书以来,提供--save-dev类似于NPM 的自动选项没有任何变化,但是Kenneth Reitz(requests及更多作者)发布了一些有关更好的点子工作流程以更好地处理pip更新的信息。




brew install pipenv


pipenv --three install


pipenv shell


pipenv install <package>


pipenv update


There isn’t an equivalent with pip.

Best way is to pip install package && pip freeze > requirements.txt

You can see all the available options on their documentation page.

If it really bothers you, it wouldn’t be too difficult to write a custom bash script (pips) that takes a -s argument and freezes to your requirements.txt file automatically.

Edit 1

Since writing this there has been no change in providing an auto --save-dev option similar to NPM however Kenneth Reitz (author of requests and many more) has released some more info about a better pip workflow to better handle pip updates.

Edit 2

Linked from the “better pip workflow” article above it is now recommended to use pipenv to manage requirements and virtual environments. Having used this a lot recently I would like to summarise how simple the transition is:

Install pipenv (on Mac)

brew install pipenv

pipenv creates and manages it’s own virtual environments so in a project with an existing requirements.txt, installing all requirements (I use Python3.7 but you can remove the --three if you do not) is as simple as:

pipenv --three install

Activating the virtualenv to run commands is also easy

pipenv shell

Installing requirements will automatically update the Pipfile and Pipfile.lock

pipenv install <package>

It’s also possible to update out-of-date packages

pipenv update

I highly recommend checking it out especially if coming from a npm background as it has a similar feel to package.json and package-lock.json

回答 1


pip install PACKAGE && pip freeze | grep PACKAGE >> requirements.txt


function pip-install-save { 
    pip install $1 && pip freeze | grep $1 >> requirements.txt


pip-install-save some-package

This simple line is a starting point. You can easily built a bash command to reuse the PACKAGE in the line.

pip install PACKAGE && pip freeze | grep PACKAGE >> requirements.txt

Thanks to @devsnd for the simple bash function example:

function pip-install-save { 
    pip install $1 && pip freeze | grep $1 >> requirements.txt

To use it, just run:

pip-install-save some-package

回答 2



pipm install pkg-name


pipm install pkg-name --dev


pipm install pkg-name --test


pipm uninstall pkg-name


pipm update


pipm install


pipm install --dev

I’ve created python package that wraps around the actual pip called pipm. All pip commands will work as it is, plus they will be reflected in the requirements file. Unlike pip-save(similar tool I found and wasn’t able to use) it can handle many files and environments(test, dev, production, etc. ). It also has command to upgrade all/any of your dependencies.


pipm install pkg-name

installation as development dependency

pipm install pkg-name --dev

installation as testing dependency

pipm install pkg-name --test


pipm uninstall pkg-name

update all your dependencies

pipm update

install all your dependencies from the requirements file

pipm install

including development dependencies

pipm install --dev

回答 3




$ pipenv install <package>


A Pipfile直接等于package.json,而Pipfile.lock对应于package-lock.json

Update: apparently, pipenv is not officially endorsed by Python maintainers, and the previously-linked page is owned by a different organization. The tool has its pros and cons, but the below solution still achieves the result that the OP is seeking.

pipenv is a dependency management tool that wraps pip and, among other things, provides what you’re asking:


$ pipenv install <package>

This will create a Pipfile if one doesn’t exist. If one does exist, it will automatically be edited with the new package your provided.

A Pipfile is a direct equivalent of package.json, while Pipfile.lock corresponds to package-lock.json.

回答 4


请查看我的博客以获取有关此黑客的更多信息:http : //blog.abhiomkar.in/2015/11/12/pip-save-npm-like-behaviour-to-pip/

安装(GitHub):https : //github.com/abhiomkar/pip-save


I made a quick hack on pip to add --save option to install/uninstall commands.

Please have a look at my blog for more information about this hack: http://blog.abhiomkar.in/2015/11/12/pip-save-npm-like-behaviour-to-pip/

Installation (GitHub): https://github.com/abhiomkar/pip-save

Hope this helps.

回答 5


PYTHON=.venv/bin/python # path to pyphon
PIP=.venv/bin/pip # path to pip
SOURCE_VENV=. .venv/bin/activate

    virtualenv .venv
    $(SOURCE_VENV) && $(PIP) install -e PACKAGE
    $(SOURCE_VENV) && $(PIP) install -r requirements.txt # other required packages

然后运行 make install

you can manually save it in a Makefile (or a text file and then imported in your Makefile):

PYTHON=.venv/bin/python # path to pyphon
PIP=.venv/bin/pip # path to pip
SOURCE_VENV=. .venv/bin/activate

    virtualenv .venv
    $(SOURCE_VENV) && $(PIP) install -e PACKAGE
    $(SOURCE_VENV) && $(PIP) install -r requirements.txt # other required packages

and then just run make install

回答 6

我正在使用此小命令行来安装软件包并将其版本保存在requirements.txtpkg=package && pip install $pkg && echo $(pip freeze | grep -i $pkg) >> requirements.txt

I am using this small command line to install a package and save its version in requirements.txt : pkg=package && pip install $pkg && echo $(pip freeze | grep -i $pkg) >> requirements.txt

回答 7


pips() {
    local pkg=$1

    if [ -z "$1" ]; then
        echo "usage: pips <pkg name>"
        return 1

    local _ins="pip install $pkg"
    eval $_ins
    pip freeze | grep $pkg -i >> requirements.txt

然后运行source ~/.profilesource ~/.bashrc将其导入到当前终端

例如,当您要安装&&保存软件包时,只需运行即可pips requests。安装软件包后,其版本将保存到requirements.txt您的当前目录中。

How about make a shell function to do this ? Add below code to your ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc

pips() {
    local pkg=$1

    if [ -z "$1" ]; then
        echo "usage: pips <pkg name>"
        return 1

    local _ins="pip install $pkg"
    eval $_ins
    pip freeze | grep $pkg -i >> requirements.txt

then run source ~/.profile or source ~/.bashrc to import it to your current terminal

when you want to install && save a package, just run, for example pips requests. after package was installed, its version will be save into requirements.txt in your current directory.
