问题:“ pip install unroll”:“ python setup.py egg_info”失败,错误代码为1


但是pip install unroll给我

命令“ python setup.py egg_info”在C:\ Users \ MARKAN〜1 \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ pip-build-wa7uco0k \ unroll \中失败,错误代码为1


I’m new to Python and have been trying to install some packages with pip.

But pip install unroll gives me

Command “python setup.py egg_info” failed with error code 1 in C:\Users\MARKAN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-wa7uco0k\unroll\

How can I solve this?

回答 0



该模块提供了可用的标准errno系统符号。每个符号的值是相应的整数值。名称和描述是从linux / include / errno.h借来的,应该十分全面。

错误代码1在errno.h和中定义Operation not permitted


您的setuptools似乎未安装。只需遵循Installation InstructionsPyPI网站上的即可。


pip install --upgrade setuptools


pip install ez_setup


pip install unroll


easy_install -U setuptools


pip install unroll

About the error code

According to the Python documentation:

This module makes available standard errno system symbols. The value of each symbol is the corresponding integer value. The names and descriptions are borrowed from linux/include/errno.h, which should be pretty all-inclusive.

Error code 1 is defined in errno.h and means Operation not permitted.

About your error

Your setuptools do not appear to be installed. Just follow the Installation Instructions from the PyPI website.

If it’s already installed, try

pip install --upgrade setuptools

If it’s already up to date, check that the module ez_setup is not missing. If it is, then

pip install ez_setup

Then try again

pip install unroll

If it’s still not working, maybe pip didn’t install/upgrade setup_tools properly so you might want to try

easy_install -U setuptools

And again

pip install unroll

回答 1

这是一些指南,解释了我通常如何在Python + Windows上安装新软件包。看来您使用的是Windows路径,因此此答案将遵循特定的SO:

  • 我从不使用系统范围的Python安装。我只使用virtualenvs,通常我会尝试使用最新版本的2.x和3.x。
  • 我的第一次尝试总是pip install package_i_want在某些Visual Studio命令提示符下进行。什么Visual Studio命令提示符?好吧,理想情况下是与用来构建Python的Visual Studio相匹配的Visual Studio。例如,假设您的Python安装提示Python 2.7.11 (v2.7.11:6d1b6a68f775, Dec 5 2015, 20:40:30) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32。可以在此处找到用于编译Python的Visual Studio版本,因此v1500表示我将使用vs2008 x64命令提示符
  • 如果上一步由于某种原因而失败,我只是尝试使用 easy_install package_i_want
  • 如果上一步由于某种原因失败,我将转到gohlke网站,并检查我的包裹是否在那儿。如果是这样,我很幸运,我将其下载到virtualenv中,然后使用命令提示符转到该位置,然后执行pip install package_i_want.whl
  • 如果上一步没有成功,我将尝试自己制作轮子,一旦生成,我将尝试使用 pip install package_i_want.whl


  • git clone https://github.com/Zulko/unroll
  • cd unroll && python setup.py bdist_wheel
  • 将创建的dist文件夹中生成的unroll-0.1.0-py2-none-any.whl文件复制到virtualenv中。
  • pip install unroll-0.1.0-py2-none-any.whl

这样,它将安装没有任何问题。要检查它是否确实有效,只需登录Python安装并尝试import unroll,不要抱怨。

最后一点:这种方法几乎在99%的时间内都有效,有时您会发现一些特定于Unix或Mac OS X的pip程序包,在这种情况下,恐怕最好的方法是Windows版本正在向主要开发人员发布一些问题,或者您可以通过自己移植到Windows来获得一些乐趣(如果不走运,通常需要几个小时):)

Here’s a little guide explaining a little bit how I usually install new packages on Python + Windows. It seems you’re using Windows paths, so this answer will stick to that particular SO:

  • I never use a system-wide Python installation. I only use virtualenvs, and usually I try to have the latest version of 2.x & 3.x.
  • My first attempt is always doing pip install package_i_want in some of my Visual Studio command prompts. What Visual Studio command prompt? Well, ideally the Visual Studio which matches the one which was used to build Python. For instance, let’s say your Python installation says Python 2.7.11 (v2.7.11:6d1b6a68f775, Dec 5 2015, 20:40:30) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32. The version of Visual Studio used to compile Python can be found here, so v1500 means I’d be using vs2008 x64 command prompt
  • If the previous step failed for some reason I just try using easy_install package_i_want
  • If the previous step failed for some reason I go to gohlke website and I check whether my package is available over there. If it’s so, I’m lucky, I just download it into my virtualenv and then I just go to that location using a command prompt and I do pip install package_i_want.whl
  • If the previous step didn’t succeed I’ll just try to build the wheel myself and once it’s generated I’ll try to install it with pip install package_i_want.whl

Now, if we focus in your specific problem, where you’re having a hard time installing the unroll package. It seems the fastest way to install it is doing something like this:

  • git clone https://github.com/Zulko/unroll
  • cd unroll && python setup.py bdist_wheel
  • Copy the generated unroll-0.1.0-py2-none-any.whl file from the created dist folder into your virtualenv.
  • pip install unroll-0.1.0-py2-none-any.whl

That way it will install without any problems. To check it really works, just login into the Python installation and try import unroll, it shouldn’t complain.

One last note: This method works almost 99% of the time, and sometimes you’ll find some pip packages which are specific to Unix or Mac OS X, in that case, when that happens I’m afraid the best way to get a Windows version is either posting some issues to the main developers or having some fun by yourself porting to Windows (typically a few hours if you’re not lucky) :)

回答 2


python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install "package-name"

It was resolved after upgrading pip:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install "package-name"

回答 3


  1. sudo apt-get install python-dev libpq-dev
  2. 转到您的虚拟环境
  3. pip install psycopg2



I got stuck exactly with the same error with psycopg2. It looks like I skipped a few steps while installing Python and related packages.

  1. sudo apt-get install python-dev libpq-dev
  2. Go to your virtual env
  3. pip install psycopg2

(In your case you need to replace psycopg2 with the package you have an issue with.)

It worked seamlessly.

回答 4


pip3 install --upgrade setuptools

I got this same error while installing mitmproxy using pip3. The below command fixed this:

pip3 install --upgrade setuptools

回答 5

  • Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7https://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/download/details.aspx?id=44266下载并安装-此程序包包含为Python 2.7程序包生成二进制文件所需的编译器和系统标头集。
  • 在提升模式下打开命令提示符(以管理员身份运行)
  • 首先要做 pip install ez_setup
  • 然后做pip install unroll(它将开始安装numpy, music21, decorator, imageio, tqdm, moviepy, unroll)#请耐心等待music21安装

使用python 2.7.11 64位

  • Download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7 from https://www.microsoft.com/en-in/download/details.aspx?id=44266 – this package contains the compiler and set of system headers necessary for producing binary wheels for Python 2.7 packages.
  • Open a command prompt in elevated mode (run as administrator)
  • Firstly do pip install ez_setup
  • Then do pip install unroll (It will start installing numpy, music21, decorator, imageio, tqdm, moviepy, unroll) # Please be patient for music21 installation

Python 2.7.11 64 bit used

回答 6


sudo apt-get install python-psycopg2 python-mysqldb

Other way:

sudo apt-get install python-psycopg2 python-mysqldb

回答 7



pyparsing 2.2已经安装好了,我requirements.txt正在尝试安装pyparsing 2.0.1,抛出此错误

上下文:我使用的是virtualenv,似乎2.2来自我的全局操作系统Python site-packages,但是即使带有--no-site-packages标志(默认为上一个virtualenv中的默认标志),2.2仍然存在。肯定是因为我从他们的网站安装了Python,并将Python库添加到了我的$PATH

也许一个pip install --ignore-installed会工作。


I had the same problem.

The problem was:

pyparsing 2.2 was already installed and my requirements.txt was trying to install pyparsing 2.0.1 which throw this error

Context: I was using virtualenv, and it seems the 2.2 came from my global OS Python site-packages, but even with --no-site-packages flag (now by default in last virtualenv) the 2.2 was still present. Surely because I installed Python from their website and it added Python libraries to my $PATH.

Maybe a pip install --ignore-installed would have worked.

Solution: as I needed to move forwards, I just removed the pyparsing==2.0.1 from my requirements.txt.

回答 8


基于该答案,我的问题通过运行带有sudo前缀的pip install命令得以解决:

sudo pip install python-mpd2

I ran into the same error code when trying to install a Python module with pip. @Hackndo noted that the documentation indicate a security issue.

Based on that answer, my problem was solved by running the pip install command with sudo prefixed:

sudo pip install python-mpd2

回答 9

在安装“ Twisted”库时遇到了相同的问题,并通过在Ubuntu 16.04(Xenial Xerus)上运行以下命令解决了该问题:

sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev build-essential

I had the same issue when installing the “Twisted” library and solved it by running the following command on Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus):

sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev build-essential

回答 10


I tried all of the above with no success. I then updated my Python version from 2.7.10 to 2.7.13, and it resolved the problems that I was experiencing.

回答 11


  1. 尝试检查版本,然后升级pip。如果可行,请使用自动删除。

  2. 如果pip命令始终对任何命令显示错误或冻结,等等。

  3. 最好的解决方案是将其卸载或完全删除。

  4. 安装一个新的点,然后更新和升级您的系统。

  5. 我给出了在此处新鲜安装pip的解决方案-python:无法打开文件get-pip.py错误2]没有此类文件或目录

That means some packages in pip are old or not correctly installed.

  1. Try checking version and then upgrading pip.Use auto remove if that works.

  2. If the pip command shows an error all the time for any command or it freezes, etc.

  3. The best solution is to uninstall it or remove it completely.

  4. Install a fresh pip and then update and upgrade your system.

  5. I have given a solution to installing pip fresh here – python: can’t open file get-pip.py error 2] no such file or directory

回答 12


pip2 install Name



This was the easier way for me:

pip2 install Name

So if you was using pip, try to use pip3 or pip2

It should solve the problem.

回答 13

pip3 install –upgrade setuptools警告:pip正在由旧的脚本包装程序调用。这将在以后的pip版本中失败。请参阅https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/5599,以获取有关解决基本问题的建议。

******为了避免此问题,您可以使用-m pip调用Python,而不是直接运行pip。******

使用python3 -m pip“命令”例如:python3 -m pip install –user pyqt5

pip3 install –upgrade setuptools WARNING: pip is being invoked by an old script wrapper. This will fail in a future version of pip. Please see https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/5599 for advice on fixing the underlying issue.

******To avoid this problem you can invoke Python with ‘-m pip’ instead of running pip directly.******

use python3 -m pip “command” eg: python3 -m pip install –user pyqt5

回答 14


sudo xcodebuild -license

This worked for me:

sudo xcodebuild -license

回答 15


Upgrading Python to version 3 fixed my problem. Nothing else did.

回答 16


pip install scipy-0.19.1-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl

请注意,您需要使用的版本(win32 / win_amd-64)取决于Python的版本,而不取决于Windows的版本。

I downloaded the .whl file from http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/ and then did:

pip install scipy-0.19.1-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl

Note that the version you need to use (win32/win_amd-64) depends on the version of Python and not that of Windows.

回答 17



I had this problem using virtualenvs (with pipenv) on my new development setup.

I could only solve it by upgrading the psycopg2 version from 2.6.2 to 2.7.3. More information is at https://github.com/psycopg/psycopg2/issues/594

回答 18

我在使用相同的错误消息时遇到了同样的问题,但是在Ubuntu 16.04 LTS(Xenial Xerus)上却相反:

命令“ python setup.py egg_info”在/ tmp / pip-install-w71uo1rg / poster /中失败,错误代码为1

我测试了上面提供的所有解决方案,但没有一个对我有用。我阅读了完整的TraceBack,发现我必须使用python版本2.7创建虚拟环境(默认情况下使用Python 3.5):

virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python2.7 my_venv

激活它后,我将pip install unirest成功运行。

I faced the same problem with the same error message but on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) instead:

Command “python setup.py egg_info” failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-install-w71uo1rg/poster/

I tested all the solutions provided above and none of them worked for me. I read the full TraceBack and found out I had to create the virtual environment with Python version 2.7 instead (the default one uses Python 3.5 instead):

virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python2.7 my_venv

Once I activated it, I run pip install unirest successfully.

回答 19


sudo apt install python-pip python-bluez libbluetooth-dev libboost-python-dev libboost-thread-dev libglib2.0-dev bluez bluez-hcidump

try on linux:

sudo apt install python-pip python-bluez libbluetooth-dev libboost-python-dev libboost-thread-dev libglib2.0-dev bluez bluez-hcidump

回答 20

我使用以下方法在Centos 7上解决了该问题:

sudo yum install libcurl-devel

I solved it on Centos 7 by using:

sudo yum install libcurl-devel

回答 21

我的Win10 PC上使用不同的软件包时遇到了相同的问题,并尝试了到目前为止提到的所有内容。

最后通过禁用Comodo Auto-Containment解决了该问题。


Had the same problem on my Win10 PC with different packages and tried everything mentioned so far.

Finally solved it by disabling Comodo Auto-Containment.

Since nobody has mentioned it yet, I hope it helps someone.

回答 22


Windows Python需要通过SDK安装的Visual C ++库来构建代码,例如通过setuptools.extension.Extension或numpy.distutils.core.Extension。例如,在Windows中使用Python构建f2py模块需要安装上述Visual C ++ SDK。在Linux和Mac上,C ++库随编译器一起安装。


I had the same problem and was able to fix by doing the following.

Windows Python needs Visual C++ libraries installed via the SDK to build code, such as via setuptools.extension.Extension or numpy.distutils.core.Extension. For example, building f2py modules in Windows with Python requires Visual C++ SDK as installed above. On Linux and Mac, the C++ libraries are installed with the compiler.


回答 23


[root@sandbox ~]# pip install google-api-python-client==1.6.4

Following below command worked for me

[root@sandbox ~]# pip install google-api-python-client==1.6.4

回答 24

更新setuptools时解决setup.pu egg_info问题的方法或其他方法不起作用。

  1. 如果CONDA可以安装版本的库,请使用conda而不是pip。
  2. 克隆库回购,然后尝试通过pip install -e .或通过进行安装python setup.py install

Methods to solve setup.pu egg_info issue when updating setuptools or not other methods doesnot works.

  1. If CONDA version of the library is available to install use conda instead of pip.
  2. Clone the library repo and then try installation by pip install -e . or by python setup.py install
