




I’ve tried googling the answer but with no luck.

I need to use my works supercomputer server, but for my python script to run, it must be executed via a shell script.

For example I want job.sh to execute python_script.py

How can this be accomplished?

回答 0


python path/to/the/python_script.py


  • 在文件job.sh中,放入
python python_script.py
  • 执行以下命令以使脚本可运行: chmod u+x job.sh
  • 运行 : ./job.sh

Just make sure the python executable is in your PATH environment variable then add in your script

python path/to/the/python_script.py


  • In the file job.sh, put this
python python_script.py
  • Execute this command to make the script runnable for you : chmod u+x job.sh
  • Run it : ./job.sh

回答 1


假设您有一个python文件,请hello.py 创建一个名为的文件job.sh,其中包含

python hello.py


$ chmod +x job.sh


$ ./job.sh



#!/usr/bin/env python


$ chmod +x hello.py


$ ./hello.py

Method 1 – Create a shell script:

Suppose you have a python file hello.py Create a file called job.sh that contains

python hello.py

mark it executable using

$ chmod +x job.sh

then run it

$ ./job.sh

Method 2 (BETTER) – Make the python itself run from shell:

Modify your script hello.py and add this as the first line

#!/usr/bin/env python

mark it executable using

$ chmod +x hello.py

then run it

$ ./hello.py

回答 2


python /path/to/script.py


#!/ usr / bin / env python2 #or python2.6或python3甚至python3.1


#!/ bin / bash


这样,您所需的python版本就只写在一个文件中。如今,大多数系统同时具有python2和python3,并且碰巧symlink python指向python3,而大多数人希望它指向python2

Imho, writing

python /path/to/script.py

Is quite wrong, especially in these days. Which python? python2.6? 2.7? 3.0? 3.1? Most of times you need to specify the python version in shebang tag of python file. I encourage to use

#!/usr/bin/env python2 #or python2.6 or python3 or even python3.1
for compatibility.

In such case, is much better to have the script executable and invoke it directly:



This way the version of python you need is only written in one file. Most of system these days are having python2 and python3 in the meantime, and it happens that the symlink python points to python3, while most people expect it pointing to python2.

回答 3


print('Hello World')


chmod +x print.py

Save the following program as print.py:

print('Hello World')

Then in the terminal type:

chmod +x print.py

回答 4



(C:\ Python27 \ python.exe是我机器上python.exe的路径),然后通过以下命令运行脚本:

chmod +x script-name.py && script-name.py

This works best for me: Add this at the top of the script:


(C:\Python27\python.exe is the path to the python.exe on my machine) Then run the script via:

chmod +x script-name.py && script-name.py

回答 5


  1. 创建一个新的外壳文件作业。这么说吧: touch job.sh并添加命令以运行python脚本(您甚至可以向该python添加命令行参数,我通常会预先定义命令行参数)。

    chmod +x job.sh

  2. 在内部job.sh添加以下py文件,例如:

    python_file.py argument1 argument2 argument3 >> testpy-output.txt && echo "Done with python_file.py"

    python_file1.py argument1 argument2 argument3 >> testpy-output.txt && echo "Done with python_file1.py"


Done with python_file.py

Done with python_file1.py



python_file.py argument1 argument2 argument3 >> testpy-output.txt && echo "completed with python_file.py" . 

  • 在这里,shell脚本将运行python_file.py文件,并在运行时将多个命令行参数添加到python文件。
  • 这不一定意味着,您也必须传递命令行参数。
  • 您可以像这样python python_file.py简单,简单地使用它。接下来,>>将打印此.py文件的输出并将其存储在testpy-output.txt文件中。
  • &&是一个逻辑运算符,仅在成功执行以上操作后才运行,并且作为可选回显 “用python_file.py完成”将在运行时回显到cli / terminal上。

This works for me:

  1. Create a new shell file job. So let’s say: touch job.sh and add command to run python script (you can even add command line arguments to that python, I usually predefine my command line arguments).

    chmod +x job.sh

  2. Inside job.sh add the following py files, let’s say:

    python_file.py argument1 argument2 argument3 >> testpy-output.txt && echo "Done with python_file.py"

    python_file1.py argument1 argument2 argument3 >> testpy-output.txt && echo "Done with python_file1.py"

Output of job.sh should look like this:

Done with python_file.py

Done with python_file1.py

I use this usually when I have to run multiple python files with different arguments, pre defined.

Note: Just a quick heads up on what’s going on here:

python_file.py argument1 argument2 argument3 >> testpy-output.txt && echo "completed with python_file.py" . 

  • Here shell script will run the file python_file.py and add multiple command-line arguments at run time to the python file.
  • This does not necessarily means, you have to pass command line arguments as well.
  • You can just use it like: python python_file.py, plain and simple. Next up, the >> will print and store the output of this .py file in the testpy-output.txt file.
  • && is a logical operator that will run only after the above is executed successfully and as an optional echo “completed with python_file.py” will be echoed on to your cli/terminal at run time.

回答 6

您应该能够像python scriptname.py例如调用它

# !/bin/bash

python /home/user/scriptname.py 


您可以使用来使其可执行chmod u+x scriptname.py

You should be able to invoke it as python scriptname.py e.g.

# !/bin/bash

python /home/user/scriptname.py 

Also make sure the script has permissions to run.

You can make it executable by using chmod u+x scriptname.py.

回答 7


/usr/bin/python python python_script.py

I use this and it works fine

/usr/bin/python python python_script.py

回答 8


Python 2:

execfile("somefile.py", global_vars, local_vars)

Python 3:

with open("somefile.py") as f:
    code = compile(f.read(), "somefile.py", 'exec')
    exec(code, global_vars, local_vars)

您可以通过提供其他一些参数来提供args sys.argv

Since the other posts say everything (and I stumbled upon this post while looking for the following).
Here is a way how to execute a python script from another python script:

Python 2:

execfile("somefile.py", global_vars, local_vars)

Python 3:

with open("somefile.py") as f:
    code = compile(f.read(), "somefile.py", 'exec')
    exec(code, global_vars, local_vars)

and you can supply args by providing some other sys.argv
