
我试图运行pip install mitmproxy在Windows,但我不断收到拒绝访问,甚至cmdPowerShell使用Run as Administrator选项。

WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied: 'c:\\users\\bruno\\appdata\\local\\temp\\easy_install-0fme6u\\cryptography-0.9.1\\.eggs\\cffi-1.1.2-py2.7-win-amd64.egg\\_cffi_backend.pyd'


I am trying to run pip install mitmproxy on Windows, but I keep getting access denied, even with cmd and PowerShell using the Run as Administrator option.

WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied: 'c:\\users\\bruno\\appdata\\local\\temp\\easy_install-0fme6u\\cryptography-0.9.1\\.eggs\\cffi-1.1.2-py2.7-win-amd64.egg\\_cffi_backend.pyd'

How can I make this work?

回答 0

如果是Windows,请在cmd中尝试使用python可执行文件运行pip install


python -m pip install mitmproxy


In case of windows, in cmd try to run pip install using python executable


python -m pip install mitmproxy

this should work, at least it worked for me for other package installation.

回答 1


  1. 打开一个Python shell
  2. 转到任务管理器
  3. 查找python进程
  4. 右键单击并打开位置
  5. 该文件夹将在资源管理器中打开,进入目录
  6. 右键单击该文件夹,然后选择属性
  7. 点击安全标签,然后点击“编辑”
  8. 添加所有人,并授予他们读取和写入的权限。
  9. 保存更改


如果您的中设置了Python PATH,则:

python -m pip install mitmproxy

Change your Python installation folder’s security permissions by:

  1. Open a Python shell
  2. Go to task manager
  3. Find the python process
  4. Right-click and open location
  5. The folder will open in explorer, go up a directory
  6. Right-click the folder and select properties
  7. Click the security tab and hit ‘edit’
  8. Add everyone and give them permission to Read and Write.
  9. Save your changes

If you open cmd as admin; then you can do the following:

If Python is set in your PATH, then:

python -m pip install mitmproxy

回答 2

我个人发现,以管理员cmd身份打开然后运行 似乎可以解决我的问题。 python -m pip install mitproxy


Personally, I found that by opening cmd as admin then run python -m pip install mitproxy seems to fix my problem.

Note:- I installed python through chocolatey

回答 3

以前的答案中未涉及的另一件事,尽管以admin身份运行,但通常会在Windows上引起问题,并且使我无法安装某些软件包,如果有另一个程序使用了某些文件,则会得到相同的权限被拒绝错误。 (要么pip install)尝试访问。这是Windows真正愚蠢的“功能”,它会多次弹出,例如在尝试移动某些文件时。


One additional thing that has not been covered in previous answers and that often cause issues on Windows and stopped me from installing some package despite running as admin is that you get the same permission denied error if there is another program that use some of the files you (or pip install) try to access. This is a really stupid “feature” of Windows that pops up many times, e.g. when trying to move some files.

In addition I have no clue how to figure out which program locks a particular file, so the easiest ting to do is to reboot and do the installation before starting anything, in particular before running e.g. Spyder or any other Python-based software. You can also try to close all programs, but it can be tricky to know which one actually holds a file. For a directory for example, it is enough that you have an Explorer window open at that directory.

回答 4

使用“以管理员身份运行”打开cmd并执行命令pip install mitmproxy。它将安装它。

Open cmd with “Run as administrator” and execute the command pip install mitmproxy. It will install it.

回答 5

因为,我是通过anaconda Prompt安装的。在我的情况下,它甚至都无法使用python -m pip install然后,我添加了这个

python -m pip install <package_name> --user


喜欢: python -m pip install "numpy-1.15.4+mkl-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl" --user



As, i am installing through anaconda Prompt .In my case, it didn’t even work with python -m pip install Then, i add this

python -m pip install <package_name> --user

It works for me.

Like: python -m pip install mitmproxy --user

Another you should try that run the Command Prompt as Run as Administrator and then try pip install. It should work either.

回答 6




Try to give permission to full control the python folder.

Find the python root directory–>right button click–>properties–>security–>edit–>give users Full Control–>yes and wait the process finished.

It works for me.

回答 7


Try to delete the folder c:\\users\\bruno\\appdata\\local\\temp\\easy_install-0fme6u manually and then retry the pip command.

回答 8


pip install Django

Opening command prompt As Administrator just worked for me without using Python executable. Right click on command prompt shortcut and choose “Run as Administrator”. Then run the following command.

pip install Django

回答 9




The cause in my case was having a jupyter notebook open, which was importing the relevant library; the root cause seems to be windows error due to the file being open / in use (see also @Robert’s answer, and the recommendation to reboot).

So another thing to verify is that no other python processes are running.

For me, shutting down the notebook server solved the issue.

回答 10

  1. 以管理员身份打开命令提示符。

  2. 要安装任何Python软件包,请使用包括以下命令--user

pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade --user <packagename>

  1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator.

  2. To Install any Python Package use this command including --user.

pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade --user <packagename>

回答 11


When all else fails, try quitting your IDE. I had many cases in which PyCharm was causing this. As soon as I quit PyCharm, I was able to finally install my packages from the command line. Alternatively, you can also install through PyCharm itself in Settings -> Project: xxx -> Project Interpreter -> +.

回答 12


python -m pip install

Run cmd.exe as an administrator then type:

python -m pip install

回答 13


[SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_ACCESS_DENIED] tlsv1 alert access denied (_ssl.c:777)


其次,如果您在商用计算机上工作,通常它可能存在一个Web内容过滤器(但是我可以直接通过浏览器访问 https://pypi.python.org)。并通过添加代理服务器来解决此问题。

对于Windows,请Internet properties通过IE或Chrome或其他方式打开,然后设置有效的代理地址和端口,这样就可以解决我的问题

或者只是添加该选项pip --proxy [proxy-address]:port install mitmproxy。但是在通过pypi安装时,您始终需要添加此选项。


I met a similar problem.But the error report is about

[SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_ACCESS_DENIED] tlsv1 alert access denied (_ssl.c:777)

First I tried this https://python-forum.io/Thread-All-pip-install-attempts-are-met-with-SSL-error#pid_28035 ,but seems it couldn’t solve my problems,and still repeat the same issue.

And Second if you are working on a business computer,generally it may exist a web content filter(but I can access https://pypi.python.org through browser directly).And solve this issue by adding a proxy server.

For windows,open the Internet properties through IE or Chrome or whatsoever ,then set valid proxy address and port,and this way solve my problems

Or just adding the option pip --proxy [proxy-address]:port install mitmproxy.But you always need to add this option while installing by pypi

The above two solution is alternative for you demand.

回答 14

就我而言,它甚至无法与 python -m pip install


PsExec.exe -i -s -d cmd.exe

为了产生SYSTEM cmd,然后 pip install mitmproxy


In my case, it didn’t even work with python -m pip install

What I have done is, from a cmd as administrator:

PsExec.exe -i -s -d cmd.exe

In order to spawn a SYSTEM cmd, then pip install mitmproxy


回答 15



pip install numpy

Just close all the python files opened. And try to run as administrator. It will work.


pip install numpy
