This answer suggests optparse which is appropriate for older Python versions. For Python 2.7 and above, argparse replaces optparse. See this answer for more information.
As other people pointed out, you are better off going with optparse over getopt. getopt is pretty much a one-to-one mapping of the standard getopt(3) C library functions, and not very easy to use.
optparse, while being a bit more verbose, is much better structured and simpler to extend later on.
Here’s a typical line to add an option to your parser:
It pretty much speaks for itself; at processing time, it will accept -q or –query as options, store the argument in an attribute called query and has a default value if you don’t specify it. It is also self-documenting in that you declare the help argument (which will be used when run with -h/–help) right there with the option.
Usually you parse your arguments with:
options, args = parser.parse_args()
This will, by default, parse the standard arguments passed to the script (sys.argv[1:])
options.query will then be set to the value you passed to the script.
You create a parser simply by doing
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
These are all the basics you need. Here’s a complete Python script that shows this:
Beyond that, you will find that optparse is very easy to extend. In one of my projects, I created a Command class which allows you to nest subcommands in a command tree easily. It uses optparse heavily to chain commands together. It’s not something I can easily explain in a few lines, but feel free to browse around in my repository for the main class, as well as a class that uses it and the option parser
So this is it: 2 lines of code plus your doc string which is essential and you get your arguments parsed and available in your arguments object.
Using python-fire
Since 2017 there’s another cool module called python-fire. It can generate a CLI interface for your code with you doing zero argument parsing. Here’s a simple example from the documentation (this small program exposes the function double to the command line):
import fire
class Calculator(object):
def double(self, number):
return 2 * number
if __name__ == '__main__':
import click
@click.command()@click.option('--count', default=1, help='Number of greetings.')@click.option('--name', prompt='Your name',
help='The person to greet.')def hello(count, name):"""Simple program that greets NAME for a total of COUNT times."""for x in range(count):
click.echo('Hello %s!'% name)if __name__ =='__main__':
$ python --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]Simple program that greets NAME for a total of COUNT times.Options:--count INTEGER Number of greetings.--name TEXT The person to greet.--help Show this message and exit.
I prefer Click. It abstracts managing options and allows “(…) creating beautiful command line interfaces in a composable way with as little code as necessary”.
Here’s example usage:
import click
@click.option('--count', default=1, help='Number of greetings.')
@click.option('--name', prompt='Your name',
help='The person to greet.')
def hello(count, name):
"""Simple program that greets NAME for a total of COUNT times."""
for x in range(count):
click.echo('Hello %s!' % name)
if __name__ == '__main__':
It also automatically generates nicely formatted help pages:
$ python --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Simple program that greets NAME for a total of COUNT times.
--count INTEGER Number of greetings.
--name TEXT The person to greet.
--help Show this message and exit.
import getopt, sys
def main():try:
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"ho:v",["help","output="])except getopt.GetoptError:# print help information and exit:
output =None
verbose =Falsefor o, a in opts:if o =="-v":
verbose =Trueif o in("-h","--help"):
sys.exit()if o in("-o","--output"):
output = a
import getopt, sys
def main():
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ho:v", ["help", "output="])
except getopt.GetoptError:
# print help information and exit:
output = None
verbose = False
for o, a in opts:
if o == "-v":
verbose = True
if o in ("-h", "--help"):
if o in ("-o", "--output"):
output = a
So in a word, here is how it works.
You’ve got two types of options. Those who are receiving arguments, and those who are just like switches.
sys.argv is pretty much your char** argv in C. Like in C you skip the first element which is the name of your program and parse only the arguments : sys.argv[1:]
Getopt.getopt will parse it according to the rule you give in argument.
"ho:v" here describes the short arguments : -ONELETTER. The : means that -o accepts one argument.
Finally ["help", "output="] describes long arguments ( --MORETHANONELETTER ).
The = after output once again means that output accepts one arguments.
The result is a list of couple (option,argument)
If an option doesn’t accept any argument (like --help here) the arg part is an empty string.
You then usually want to loop on this list and test the option name as in the example.
I hope this helped you.
回答 6
#!/usr/bin/env pythonimport optparse
def main():
p = optparse.OptionParser()
p.add_option('--person','-p', default="world")
options, arguments = p.parse_args()print'Hello %s'% options.person
if __name__ =='__main__':
from ctypes import*def wmain(argc, argv):print argc
for i in argv:print i
return0def startup():
size = c_int()
ptr = windll.shell32.CommandLineToArgvW(windll.kernel32.GetCommandLineW(), byref(size))
ref = c_wchar_p * size.value
raw = ref.from_address(ptr)
args =[arg for arg in raw]
exit(wmain(len(args), args))
Although argparse is great and is the right answer for fully documented command line switches and advanced features, you can use function argument defaults to handles straightforward positional arguments very simply.
import sys
def get_args(name='default', first='a', second=2):
return first, int(second)
first, second = get_args(*sys.argv)
print first, second
The ‘name’ argument captures the script name and is not used. Test output looks like this:
> ./
a 2
> ./ A
A 2
> ./ A 20
A 20
For simple scripts where I just want some default values, I find this quite sufficient. You might also want to include some type coercion in the return values or command line values will all be strings.
I prefer optparse to getopt. It’s very declarative: you tell it the names of the options and the effects they should have (e.g., setting a boolean field), and it hands you back a dictionary populated according to your specifications.
from werkzeug import script
# actions go heredef action_foo(name=""):"""action foo does foo"""passdef action_bar(id=0, title="default title"):"""action bar does bar"""passif __name__ =='__main__':
因此,基本上每个函数action_ *都会在命令行中显示,并且会免费生成一个不错的帮助消息。
usage: <action>[<options>] --help
action bar does bar
--id integer 0--title string default title
action foo does foo
--name string
from werkzeug import script
# actions go here
def action_foo(name=""):
"""action foo does foo"""
def action_bar(id=0, title="default title"):
"""action bar does bar"""
if __name__ == '__main__':
So basically every function action_* is exposed to the command line and a nice help message is generated for free.
usage: <action> [<options>] --help
action bar does bar
--id integer 0
--title string default title
action foo does foo
--name string
def main(excel_file_path:"Path to input training file.",
excel_sheet_name:"Name of the excel sheet containing training data including columns 'Label' and 'Description'.",
existing_model_path:"Path to an existing model to refine."=None,
batch_size_start:"The smallest size of any minibatch."=10.,
batch_size_stop:"The largest size of any minibatch."=250.,
batch_size_step:"The step for increase in minibatch size."=1.002,
batch_test_steps:"Flag. If True, show minibatch steps."=False):"Train a Spacy ( text classification model with gold document and label data until the model nears convergence (LOSS < 0.5)."pass# Implementation code goes here!if __name__ =='__main__':import plac;
Argparse code can be longer than actual implementation code!
That’s a problem I find with most popular argument parsing options is that if your parameters are only modest, the code to document them becomes disproportionately large to the benefit they provide.
A relative new-comer to the argument parsing scene (I think) is plac.
It makes some acknowledged trade-offs with argparse, but uses inline documentation and wraps simply around main() type function function:
def main(excel_file_path: "Path to input training file.",
excel_sheet_name:"Name of the excel sheet containing training data including columns 'Label' and 'Description'.",
existing_model_path: "Path to an existing model to refine."=None,
batch_size_start: "The smallest size of any minibatch."=10.,
batch_size_stop: "The largest size of any minibatch."=250.,
batch_size_step: "The step for increase in minibatch size."=1.002,
batch_test_steps: "Flag. If True, show minibatch steps."=False):
"Train a Spacy ( text classification model with gold document and label data until the model nears convergence (LOSS < 0.5)."
pass # Implementation code goes here!
if __name__ == '__main__':
import plac;
Here’s a method, not a library, which seems to work for me.
The goals here are to be terse, each argument parsed by a single line, the args line up for readability, the code is simple and doesn’t depend on any special modules (only os + sys), warns about missing or unknown arguments gracefully, use a simple for/range() loop, and works across python 2.x and 3.x
Shown are two toggle flags (-d, -v), and two values controlled by arguments (-i xxx and -o xxx).
import os,sys
def HelpAndExit():
print("<<your help output goes here>>")
def Fatal(msg):
sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), msg))
def NextArg(i):
'''Return the next command line argument (if there is one)'''
if ((i+1) >= len(sys.argv)):
Fatal("'%s' expected an argument" % sys.argv[i])
return(1, sys.argv[i+1])
### MAIN
if __name__=='__main__':
verbose = 0
debug = 0
infile = "infile"
outfile = "outfile"
# Parse command line
skip = 0
for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)):
if not skip:
if sys.argv[i][:2] == "-d": debug ^= 1
elif sys.argv[i][:2] == "-v": verbose ^= 1
elif sys.argv[i][:2] == "-i": (skip,infile) = NextArg(i)
elif sys.argv[i][:2] == "-o": (skip,outfile) = NextArg(i)
elif sys.argv[i][:2] == "-h": HelpAndExit()
elif sys.argv[i][:1] == "-": Fatal("'%s' unknown argument" % sys.argv[i])
else: Fatal("'%s' unexpected" % sys.argv[i])
else: skip = 0
print("%d,%d,%s,%s" % (debug,verbose,infile,outfile))
The goal of NextArg() is to return the next argument while checking for missing data, and ‘skip’ skips the loop when NextArg() is used, keeping the flag parsing down to one liners.
I extended Erco’s approach to allow for required positional arguments and for optional arguments. These should precede the -d, -v etc. arguments.
Positional and optional arguments can be retrieved with PosArg(i) and OptArg(i, default) respectively. When an optional argument is found the start position of searching for options (e.g. -i) is moved 1 ahead to avoid causing an ‘unexpected’ fatal.
import os,sys
def HelpAndExit():
print("<<your help output goes here>>")
def Fatal(msg):
sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), msg))
def NextArg(i):
'''Return the next command line argument (if there is one)'''
if ((i+1) >= len(sys.argv)):
Fatal("'%s' expected an argument" % sys.argv[i])
return(1, sys.argv[i+1])
def PosArg(i):
'''Return positional argument'''
if i >= len(sys.argv):
Fatal("'%s' expected an argument" % sys.argv[i])
return sys.argv[i]
def OptArg(i, default):
'''Return optional argument (if there is one)'''
if i >= len(sys.argv):
Fatal("'%s' expected an argument" % sys.argv[i])
if sys.argv[i][:1] != '-':
return True, sys.argv[i]
return False, default
### MAIN
if __name__=='__main__':
verbose = 0
debug = 0
infile = "infile"
outfile = "outfile"
options_start = 3
# --- Parse two positional parameters ---
n1 = int(PosArg(1))
n2 = int(PosArg(2))
# --- Parse an optional parameters ---
present, a3 = OptArg(3,50)
n3 = int(a3)
options_start += int(present)
# --- Parse rest of command line ---
skip = 0
for i in range(options_start, len(sys.argv)):
if not skip:
if sys.argv[i][:2] == "-d": debug ^= 1
elif sys.argv[i][:2] == "-v": verbose ^= 1
elif sys.argv[i][:2] == "-i": (skip,infile) = NextArg(i)
elif sys.argv[i][:2] == "-o": (skip,outfile) = NextArg(i)
elif sys.argv[i][:2] == "-h": HelpAndExit()
elif sys.argv[i][:1] == "-": Fatal("'%s' unknown argument" % sys.argv[i])
else: Fatal("'%s' unexpected" % sys.argv[i])
else: skip = 0
print("Number 1 = %d" % n1)
print("Number 2 = %d" % n2)
print("Number 3 = %d" % n3)
print("Debug = %d" % debug)
print("verbose = %d" % verbose)
print("infile = %s" % infile)
print("outfile = %s" % outfile)