
我正在尝试在Pylint 0.21.1中禁用警告C0321(“在一行上有多个语句” –我经常将if具有短单行结果的语句放在同一行上)(如果重要:astng 0.20)。 1,常见的0.50.3,Python 2.6.6(r266:84292,2010年9月15日,16:22:56)。

我尝试添加disable=C0321Pylint配置文件,但是Pylint坚持要报告它。该行的变化(例如disable=0321disable=C321)被标记为错误,因此Pylint 确实正确识别了该选项,只是忽略了它。


I’m trying to disable warning C0321 (“more than one statement on a single line” — I often put if statements with short single-line results on the same line), in Pylint 0.21.1 (if it matters: astng 0.20.1, common 0.50.3, Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Sep 15 2010, 16:22:56)).

I’ve tried adding disable=C0321 in the Pylint configuration file, but Pylint insists on reporting it anyway. Variations on that line (like disable=0321 or disable=C321) are flagged as errors, so Pylint does recognize the option properly, it’s just ignoring it.

Is this a Pylint bug, or am I doing something wrong? Is there any way around this? I’d really like to get rid of some of this noise.

回答 0

pylint --generate-rcfile 显示如下:


# Enable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You can
# either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option
# multiple time.

# Disable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You
# can either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option
# multiple time (only on the command line, not in the configuration file where
# it should appear only once).

因此,看起来您~/.pylintrc应该disable=在section中有一行[MESSAGES CONTROL]

pylint --generate-rcfile shows it like this:


# Enable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You can
# either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option
# multiple time.

# Disable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You
# can either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option
# multiple time (only on the command line, not in the configuration file where
# it should appear only once).

So it looks like your ~/.pylintrc should have the disable= line/s in it inside a section [MESSAGES CONTROL].

回答 1



lint.py --generate-rcfile > standard.rc

这将创建standard.rc配置文件。在记事本中打开它[MESSAGES CONTROL],取消注释, disable=然后添加要禁用的消息ID,例如:

disable=W0511, C0321

保存文件,然后在Eclipse-> window-> preferences-> PyDev-> pylint的参数框中,键入:




# pylint: disable=C0321


--disable-ids=C0321在参数框中添加例如无效。所有可用的pylint消息都存储在字典中_messages,字典是pylint.utils.MessagesHandlerMixIn该类实例的属性。当使用带有参数--disable-ids=...(至少没有配置文件)运行pylint时,此字典最初为空,从而在pylint(pylint.utils.MessagesHandlerMixIn.check_message_id()。中引发KeyError异常。在Eclipse中,您可以在Pylint 控制台中看到此错误消息(windows-show view-Console ,从控制台图标旁边的控制台选项中选择Pylint控制台。)

I had this problem using Eclipse and solved it as follows:

in the pylint folder (e.g. C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\pylint), hold shift, right-click and choose to open the windows command in that folder. Type:

lint.py --generate-rcfile > standard.rc

This creates the standard.rc configuration file. Open it in notepad and under [MESSAGES CONTROL], uncomment disable= and add the message ID’s you want to disable, e.g.:

disable=W0511, C0321

Save the file, and in Eclipse->window->preferences->PyDev->pylint, in the arguments box, type:


Now it should work …

You can also add a comment at the top of your code that will be interpreted by pylint:

# pylint: disable=C0321

link to all pylint message codes

Adding e.g. --disable-ids=C0321 in the arguments box does not work. All available pylint messages are stored in the dictionary _messages, an attribute of an instance of the pylint.utils.MessagesHandlerMixIn class. When running pylint with the argument --disable-ids=... (at least without a config file), this dictionary is initially empty, raising a KeyError exception within pylint (pylint.utils.MessagesHandlerMixIn.check_message_id(). In Eclipse, you can see this error-message in the Pylint Console (windows – show view – Console, select Pylint console from the console options besides the console icon.)

回答 2

从Pylint v。0.25.3开始,您可以使用符号名来禁用警告,而不必记住所有这些代码号。例如:

# pylint: disable=locally-disabled, multiple-statements, fixme, line-too-long




如果pylint输出“ Locally disabling”消息,您可以通过在上面的示例中locally-disabled 首先包含disable来摆脱它们。

Starting from Pylint v. 0.25.3, you can use the symbolic names for disabling warnings instead of having to remember all those code numbers. E.g.:

# pylint: disable=locally-disabled, multiple-statements, fixme, line-too-long

This style is more instructive than cryptic error codes, and also more practical since newer versions of Pylint only output the symbolic name, not the error code.

The correspondence between symbolic names and codes can be found here.

A disable comment can be inserted on its own line, applying the disable to everything that comes after in the same block. Alternatively, it can be inserted at the end of the line for which it is meant to apply.

If pylint outputs “Locally disabling” messages, you can get rid of them by including the disable locally-disabled first as in the example above.

回答 3


# pylint: disable=C0321


To disable a warning locally in a block, add

# pylint: disable=C0321

to that block.

回答 4



  1. 在一个或多个pylintrc文件中。

这涉及的不只是~/.pylintrcChris Morgan描述的文件(在$ HOME目录中)。Pylint将搜索rc文件,其优先级是对“ closer”文件的重视程度更高:

  • 一个pylintrc在当前工作目录下的文件; 要么

  • 如果当前工作目录在Python模块中(即它包含一个__init__.py文件),则搜索Python模块的层次结构,直到pylintrc找到一个文件;要么

  • 该文件由环境变量PYLINTRC命名;要么

  • 如果您的主目录不是/root

    • ~/.pylintrc; 要么

    • ~/.config/pylintrc; 要么

    • /etc/pylintrc



  1. pylint如Aboo和Cairnarvon所述,从命令行进一步禁用。看起来像pylint --disable=bad-builtin。重复--disable以取消显示其他项目。

  2. 如Imolit所述,从各个Python代码行进一步禁用。它们看起来像some statement # pylint: disable=broad-except(在原始源代码行的末尾加了注释),仅适用于当前行。我的方法是始终将它们放在其他代码行的末尾,以免它们与块样式混淆,请参见下文。

  3. 为更大的Python代码块定义的进一步禁用功能,直至完整的源文件。

    • 这些看起来像# pragma pylint: disable=bad-whitespace(请注意pragma关键字)。

    • 这些适用于编译指示每一行。在文件的顶部放置一个这样的块可以使抑制作用适用于整个文件。将同一块放在文件的较低位置,使它们仅适用于该块之后的行。我的方法是始终将它们放在自己的一行上,这样它们就不会与单行样式混淆,请参见上文。

    • 当抑制仅在代码范围内适用时,请使用# pragma pylint: enable=bad-whitespace(现在使用enablenot disable)停止抑制。

请注意,禁用单行将使用# pylint语法,而禁用此行以后将使用# pragma pylint语法。这些很容易混淆,尤其是在复制和粘贴时。



  • 我使用~/.pylintrc绝对的全球标准-其中很少。

  • pylintrc当存在特定于项目的标准时,我在Python模块中的不同级别使用项目级。特别是当您从另一个人或团队那里获取代码时,您可能会发现他们使用了您不希望使用的约定,但是您不想重做代码。将设置保持在此级别不会有助于将这些做法传播到其他项目。

  • 我在单个源文件的顶部使用块样式实用程序。即使对于我不同意的Pylint标准,我也喜欢在开发热时关闭编译指示(停止抑制消息)(例如“公共方法太少-我总是在自定义Exception类上得到警告”),但是在开发过程中查看更多(也许所有Pylint消息)很有帮助。这样,您可以找到要使用单行编译指示解决的情况(请参见下文),或仅为下一个开发人员添加注释,以解释为什么在这种情况下可以接受该警告。

  • 即使在代码准备好检入的情况下,我仍然启用了一些块样式的编译指示。我尝试使用其中的一些,但是当对模块有意义时,可以作为文档来使用。但是,我尝试保留尽可能少的内容,最好不保留任何内容。

  • 我使用单行注释样式来解决特别是潜在的错误。例如,如果有实际可行的地方,那么except Exception as exc我将其# pylint: disable=broad-except放在这行上,而不是采用更全局的方法,因为这是一个奇怪的exceptions,需要以基本上是一种文档形式的形式予以提及。


There are several ways to disable warnings & errors from Pylint. Which one to use has to do with how globally or locally you want to apply the disablement — an important design decision.

Multiple Approaches

  1. In one or more pylintrc files.

This involves more than the ~/.pylintrc file (in your $HOME directory) as described by Chris Morgan. Pylint will search for rc files, with a precedence that values “closer” files more highly:

  • A pylintrc file in the current working directory; or

  • If the current working directory is in a Python module (i.e. it contains an __init__.py file), searching up the hierarchy of Python modules until a pylintrc file is found; or

  • The file named by the environment variable PYLINTRC; or

  • If you have a home directory that isn’t /root:

    • ~/.pylintrc; or

    • ~/.config/pylintrc; or

    • /etc/pylintrc

Note that most of these files are named pylintrc — only the file in ~ has a leading dot.

To your pylintrc file, add lines to disable specific pylint messages. For example:

  1. Further disables from the pylint command line, as described by Aboo and Cairnarvon. This looks like pylint --disable=bad-builtin. Repeat --disable to suppress additional items.

  2. Further disables from individual Python code lines, as described by Imolit. These look like some statement # pylint: disable=broad-except (extra comment on the end of the original source line) and apply only to the current line. My approach is to always put these on the end of other lines of code so they won’t be confused with the block style, see below.

  3. Further disables defined for larger blocks of Python code, up to complete source files.

    • These look like # pragma pylint: disable=bad-whitespace (note the pragma key word).

    • These apply to every line after the pragma. Putting a block of these at the top of a file makes the suppressions apply to the whole file. Putting the same block lower in the file makes them apply only to lines following the block. My approach is to always put these on a line of their own so they won’t be confused with the single-line style, see above.

    • When a suppression should only apply within a span of code, use # pragma pylint: enable=bad-whitespace (now using enable not disable) to stop suppressing.

Note that disabling for a single line uses the # pylint syntax while disabling for this line onward uses the # pragma pylint syntax. These are easy to confuse especially when copying & pasting.

Putting It All Together

I usually use a mix of these approaches.

  • I use ~/.pylintrc for absolutely global standards — very few of these.

  • I use project-level pylintrc at different levels within Python modules when there are project-specific standards. Especially when you’re taking in code from another person or team, you may find they use conventions that you don’t prefer, but you don’t want to rework the code. Keeping the settings at this level helps not spread those practices to other projects.

  • I use the block style pragmas at the top of single source files. I like to turn the pragmas off (stop suppressing messages) in the heat of development even for Pylint standards I don’t agree with (like “too few public methods” — I always get that warning on custom Exception classes) — but it’s helpful to see more / maybe all Pylint messages while you’re developing. That way you can find the cases you want to address with single-line pragmas (see below), or just add comments for the next developer to explain why that warning is OK in this case.

  • I leave some of the block-style pragmas enabled even when the code is ready to check in. I try to use few of those, but when it makes sense for the module, it’s OK to do as documentation. However I try to leave as few on as possible, preferably none.

  • I use the single-line-comment style to address especially potent errors. For example, if there’s a place where it actually makes sense to do except Exception as exc, I put the # pylint: disable=broad-except on that line instead of a more global approach because this is a strange exception and needs to be called out, basically as a form of documentation.

Like everything else in Python, you can act at different levels of indirection. My advice is to think about what belongs at what level so you don’t end up with a too-lenient approach to Pylint.

回答 5


pylint --disable=C0321  test.py


You can also use the following command:

pylint --disable=C0321  test.py

My pylint version is 0.25.1.

回答 6



是的,此功能已在Pylint 0.11中添加。这可以通过
# pylint: disable=some-message,another-one在所需的块级别或所需的代码行的末尾添加来完成。



# pylint: disable=wildcard-import, method-hidden
# pylint: enable=too-many-lines


  • 数字ID: E1101E1102
  • 象征性讯息:no-memberundefined-variable等等。
  • 一组支票的名称。您可以使用抓住这些pylint --list-groups
  • 检查类别:CRW,等。
  • 用的所有支票all

请参阅文档(或pylint --list-msgs在终端中运行)以获取pylint消息的完整列表。该文档还提供了有关如何使用此功能的好示例

This is a FAQ:

4.1 Is it possible to locally disable a particular message?

Yes, this feature has been added in Pylint 0.11. This may be done by adding
# pylint: disable=some-message,another-one at the desired block level or at the end of the desired line of code.

4.2 Is there a way to disable a message for a particular module only?

Yes, you can disable or enable (globally disabled) messages at the module level by adding the corresponding option in a comment at the top of the file:

# pylint: disable=wildcard-import, method-hidden
# pylint: enable=too-many-lines

You can disable messages by:

  • numerical ID: E1101, E1102 etc.
  • symbolic message: no-member, undefined-variable etc.
  • the name of a group of checks. You can grab those with pylint --list-groups.
  • category of checks: C, R, W, etc.
  • all the checks with all.

See the docs (or run pylint --list-msgs in the terminal) for the full list of pylint‘s messages. The docs also provide a nice example of how to use this feature.

回答 7


#pylint: disable = line-too-long, too-many-lines, no-name-in-module, import-error, multiple-imports, pointless-string-statement, wrong-import-order


You just have to add one line to disable what you want to disable. E.g.

#pylint: disable = line-too-long, too-many-lines, no-name-in-module, import-error, multiple-imports, pointless-string-statement, wrong-import-order

Add this at #1 in your module

回答 8

如果这对某人有帮助,则如果您使用的是Visual Studio Code,则希望该文件采用UTF8编码。为了生成文件,我pylint --generate-rcfile | out-file -encoding utf8 .pylintrc在PowerShell中运行。

In case this helps someone, if you’re using Visual Studio Code, it expects the file to be in UTF8 encoding. To generate the file, I ran pylint --generate-rcfile | out-file -encoding utf8 .pylintrc in PowerShell.

回答 9


  • C约定相关检查
  • R重构相关检查
  • W各种警告
  • E错误,用于代码中可能的错误
  • 如果发生错误而导致pylint无法进行进一步处理,则将导致严重后果。


pylint -j 0 --disable=I,E,R,W,C,F YOUR_FILES_LOC

As per pylint documentation, the easiest is to use this chart:

  • C convention related checks
  • R refactoring related checks
  • W various warnings
  • E errors, for probable bugs in the code
  • F fatal, if an error occurred which prevented pylint from doing further processing.

So one can use:

pylint -j 0 --disable=I,E,R,W,C,F YOUR_FILES_LOC

回答 10




Python syntax does permit more than one statement on a line, separated by semicolon (;). However, limiting each line to one statement makes it easier for a human to follow a program’s logic when reading through it.

So, another way of solving this issue, is to understand why the lint message is there and not put more than one statement on a line.

Yes, you may find it easier to write multiple statements per line, however, pylint is for every other reader of your code not just you.

回答 11


编辑“ C:\ Users \您的User \ AppData \ Roaming \ Code \ User \ settings.json”,并python.linting.pylintArgs在末尾添加以下行:

    "team.showWelcomeMessage": false,
    "python.dataScience.sendSelectionToInteractiveWindow": true,
    "git.enableSmartCommit": true,
    "powershell.codeFormatting.useCorrectCasing": true,
    "files.autoSave": "onWindowChange",
    "python.linting.pylintArgs": [

Edit “C:\Users\Your User\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\settings.json” and add ‘python.linting.pylintArgs’ with its lines at the end as shown below:

    "team.showWelcomeMessage": false,
    "python.dataScience.sendSelectionToInteractiveWindow": true,
    "git.enableSmartCommit": true,
    "powershell.codeFormatting.useCorrectCasing": true,
    "files.autoSave": "onWindowChange",
    "python.linting.pylintArgs": [
