

>>> a = ['a1']
>>> b = ['b1', 'b2', 'b3']
>>> c = ['c1', 'c2']

>>> zip(a, b, c)
[('a1', 'b1', 'c1')]

>>> What command goes here?
[('a1', 'b1', 'c1'), (None, 'b2', 'c2'), (None, 'b3', None)]

Is there a built-in function that works like zip() but that will pad the results so that the length of the resultant list is the length of the longest input rather than the shortest input?

>>> a = ['a1']
>>> b = ['b1', 'b2', 'b3']
>>> c = ['c1', 'c2']

>>> zip(a, b, c)
[('a1', 'b1', 'c1')]

>>> What command goes here?
[('a1', 'b1', 'c1'), (None, 'b2', 'c2'), (None, 'b3', None)]

回答 0

在Python 3中,您可以使用 itertools.zip_longest

>>> list(itertools.zip_longest(a, b, c))
[('a1', 'b1', 'c1'), (None, 'b2', 'c2'), (None, 'b3', None)]


>>> list(itertools.zip_longest(a, b, c, fillvalue='foo'))
[('a1', 'b1', 'c1'), ('foo', 'b2', 'c2'), ('foo', 'b3', 'foo')]

使用Python 2,你既可以使用(Python的2.6+),也可以使用mapNone。这是的鲜为人知的功能map(但map在Python 3.x中有所更改,因此仅在Python 2.x中有效)。

>>> map(None, a, b, c)
[('a1', 'b1', 'c1'), (None, 'b2', 'c2'), (None, 'b3', None)]

In Python 3 you can use itertools.zip_longest

>>> list(itertools.zip_longest(a, b, c))
[('a1', 'b1', 'c1'), (None, 'b2', 'c2'), (None, 'b3', None)]

You can pad with a different value than None by using the fillvalue parameter:

>>> list(itertools.zip_longest(a, b, c, fillvalue='foo'))
[('a1', 'b1', 'c1'), ('foo', 'b2', 'c2'), ('foo', 'b3', 'foo')]

With Python 2 you can either use (Python 2.6+), or you can use map with None. It is a little known feature of map (but map changed in Python 3.x, so this only works in Python 2.x).

>>> map(None, a, b, c)
[('a1', 'b1', 'c1'), (None, 'b2', 'c2'), (None, 'b3', None)]

回答 1

对于Python 2.6x,请使用itertools模块的izip_longest

对于Python 3,请改用(不加i)。

>>> list(itertools.izip_longest(a, b, c))
[('a1', 'b1', 'c1'), (None, 'b2', 'c2'), (None, 'b3', None)]

For Python 2.6x use itertools module’s izip_longest.

For Python 3 use instead (no leading i).

>>> list(itertools.izip_longest(a, b, c))
[('a1', 'b1', 'c1'), (None, 'b2', 'c2'), (None, 'b3', None)]

回答 2

非itertools Python 3解决方案:

def zip_longest(*lists):
    def g(l):
        for item in l:
            yield item
        while True:
            yield None
    gens = [g(l) for l in lists]    
    for _ in range(max(map(len, lists))):
        yield tuple(next(g) for g in gens)

non itertools Python 3 solution:

def zip_longest(*lists):
    def g(l):
        for item in l:
            yield item
        while True:
            yield None
    gens = [g(l) for l in lists]    
    for _ in range(max(map(len, lists))):
        yield tuple(next(g) for g in gens)

回答 3

non itertools我的Python 2解决方案:

if len(list1) < len(list2):
    list1.extend([None] * (len(list2) - len(list1)))
    list2.extend([None] * (len(list1) - len(list2)))

non itertools My Python 2 solution:

if len(list1) < len(list2):
    list1.extend([None] * (len(list2) - len(list1)))
    list2.extend([None] * (len(list1) - len(list2)))

回答 4

我使用2d数组,但是使用python 2.x的概念相似:

if len(set([len(p) for p in printer])) > 1:
    printer = [column+['']*(max([len(p) for p in printer])-len(column)) for column in printer]

Im using a 2d array but the concept is the similar using python 2.x:

if len(set([len(p) for p in printer])) > 1:
    printer = [column+['']*(max([len(p) for p in printer])-len(column)) for column in printer]
